Crown of Chaos

Chapter 216, The Fire of Susar (Part 2)

Clark, a guard of the city defense army, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands. He loaded the crossbow with his feet and aimed it at the devil ocean in front of him. The number of the devil army was so large that he did not need to aim at all. .

For two hours, these Susar city defense troops guarded the city defense post, a wall made of sandbags, stones, and wooden boards, with iron will and crazy hatred. Wave after wave of demons attacked them. Only responsibility and training can keep Clark fighting.

They can't retreat. No matter how big Susar is, there is a residential area behind them, where hundreds of innocent citizens live!

Years of instructors yelling in his face and standing guard for hours on rain-soaked nights had molded him into one of the most disciplined soldiers in the city defense force, but even so, Clark felt like he was about to collapsed.

Sousal is burning.

The city defense troops didn't know what happened. They didn't understand why the devil suddenly appeared on the streets of the mortal world. He didn't know why the purple dragon knights and battle mages hadn't responded yet. He only knew that as a soldier, he had to protect the family. The country is a duty, and he firmly believes that the regent princess will not ignore them.

I habitually reached for the quiver, but it was empty.

"Matt, I'm out of arrows!"

"Phew!" What answered him was not the words of his comrades, but a sharp bone spur, which penetrated the skull and took the life of his comrade. The flying head and the scattered brains all told that he was about to The coming ending.

Fear gripped the city guard, his lips trembled, and without taking his eyes off his enemy, he quickly knelt down and groped among the corpses at his feet. Even if his training didn't force him to permanently take his eyes off his enemy, he wouldn't want to look down at the dead faces of his comrades.

He found it, a half-full quiver, and his crossbow was loaded again, ready to fire.

He knew very well that the few crossbow bolts here were not enough to help him eliminate the devil in front of him. After a while, the devil would run over this outpost. Behind the outpost, there was a residential area trembling in fear.

Clark was ready. When the devil broke through the wall, he drew his sword and prepared for his final battle. What came to him was a devil with wings on its back like a goat, with hellfire burning in its eyes.

Just as the city defense guards were preparing to fight, collective prayers rang out from behind him. The brilliance of divine magic overwhelmed the flames and the devil's chorus, as well as the screams of the civilians. A man in silver armor and purple The golden-haired paladin suddenly fell to the ground from the air. He knelt on one knee to absorb the impact of the fall.

The paladin stood up smoothly, strode forward, and charged.

The first demon that reached him was torn in half by a vicious blow from the Holy Light Sword and evaporated on the spot.

The head of the next one exploded into pieces after being pierced by a close-range divine spell, and then a flying devil covered in thorns was kicked to the ground, and its throat turned into a A ball of mud.

In a matter of seconds, six bloody devil corpses piled up at the paladin's feet, and he had barely begun fighting.

"Which section are you from?" The paladin stood alone in front of the broken wall. It was like a god coming to the world and shrouded in holy light, scaring the entire group of well-trained devils into retreating!

"The 9th City Defense Battalion! Private, Clark!" Clark shouted subconsciously.

"Reynard, the champion knight of Oberszil." The paladin said loudly: "Well done, Clark. On behalf of the residents, I thank you for your contribution."

"What I can do is not as good as your Excellency." Clark turned out to be Mr. Leonard, one of the Five Heroes of Arabelle. Clark couldn't help but be excited. This ordinary guard already had tears in his eyes: "I know you will Come, I know you will definitely come!"

"You do your best, and I do my best. What I do is never more noble than you, the glorious guard." Leonard smiled, and he recited a magical spell to bless Clark's body: “Remember, you never walk alone.”

At this moment, Clark realized that he was not alone. Behind him, groups of paladins and priests shouted the names of the three gods of justice and stepped into the battlefield. On the entire front, the paladins quickly defeated The devil was defeated. A bulky devil commander was knocked down by the heat wave of magic while struggling to retreat. The large devil was torn into pieces by the spiraling light of magic. The smaller devil warriors were at a cruel close range. Defeat under attack.

In the sky above, the flying mage and the winged devil were engaged in a magical contest, and purple-black blood poured down like raindrops.

However, Clark's surprise only lasted for a short while, and then the blessing from the paladin's divine magic began to take effect. He grabbed a new quiver, gritted his teeth, and returned to the fight.

On the other side of the city, the same thing was happening.

The difference is that this time the Church of Salem encountered an entire organized legion of demons.

"Sisters!" Bathed in the moonlight, Eleanor raised her war hammer and pointed it straight at the sky: "For justice, for kindness, for revenge, for the Silver Virgin!"

"For the Silver Virgin!" Su Lun's priests responded one after another. They chanted magical spells together and prayed for Su Lun's power.

"I will become the Dark Moon, and my wrath will never end! Die, devil!"

Eleanor took the lead in praying and smashed a devil into pulp with a hammer. The priests of Sullun prayed together. Visibly, the light from Sullun became stronger and stronger until a deafening chorus echoed in the church army. White-hot light was constantly bursting out from their bodies, surging like a tide.

Finally, like a bomb detonating, a gap opened in the dark clouds above the sky. A meteor fell down and exploded in the demon army formation. The shock wave instantly tore apart the entire army formation composed of demons. In an instant, the nearby defenders saw the enemy's body being evaporated, and the legion demon's invincible military formation was shattered. The devils in a large area were blown away and melted in place.

Aaron carefully taught heaven-based magic to the Suellen priests headed by Eleanor, and the day finally came when it came to fruition.

The Seven-ring Magic - Meteor Explosion from Heaven!

The power of the stars cleared a large open space in front of Eleanor, and even the ground was burned white.

With a war cry, the pastor lady rushed into the frightened enemy group, followed closely by the army of Sullun Church, with swords drawn out, and the Silver Holy Mother Church chased the collapsed devil. For a moment, the hammer light shone, and the moonlight burst into bursts. .

Throughout the city, encounters continued one after another. The devil's army from Baator Hell and the church's army in Susar City started a fierce battle.

At this time, both the Queen's faction and the Duke's faction were telling civilians not to go out. These people even faced each other in some neighborhoods and strongholds. Both sides looked very embarrassed. They said hello and passed by pretending not to notice. .

The church army seemed to have no intention of intervening in the civil strife between the Princess Faction and the Duke Faction.

Sousal is burning.

On Long Lake, a transport fleet from the east was also preparing to dock, filled with troops from Zambia.

Aaron, Fiorena, and Gordon were also heading towards the dock area.

"Fiolena, Gordon, we have to get to the dock area before the fleet docks!" Aaron ran in the darkness.

Fiolena and Gordon were both well-armed warriors, and her speed was not fast. Aaron could almost smell the unique military smell of sweat on Fiolena and Gordon.

"A whole foreign army? Embry is on top, Caspar is really crazy! The internal affairs of Cormyr will be solved by foreign troops?" Gordon followed Aaron in the dark, and the Duke's eldest grandson was excited Sweat continued to break out on his forehead, and he suddenly realized that he was fighting side by side with Aaron: "But if it were an entire foreign army, wouldn't that be too many people? There are only three of us, even if we include General Powell at the dock. My old acquaintance only has a few dozen guards."

"I have a way." Aaron said in a deep voice, "Just do as I say..."

Aaron's voice suddenly stopped, and the divine sparks were beating in his sea-blue eyes. The Viscount immediately made two gestures towards Fiolena and Gordon.

There are enemies!

"Behind the low wall, in the shadow of the second statue on the left hand side of the road!" Aaron said.

Fiolena immediately turned around. The knight of the guard shouted angrily and climbed up to the statue. He kicked his legs on top of the statue and flew across the corridor with a big jump. With a flash of sword light, the head of the first assassin was neatly chopped off. Down.

Gordon rushed towards another attacker. The Duke's eldest grandson was no worse than Fiolena in martial arts. He directly used his shoulder to push over the low wall on the side of the road, causing the assassin to reveal his true identity—— Their heads are hidden under skull helmets with numerous eye sockets carved out of them, and the weapons they hold look like bones.

The assassin, apparently unprepared for Gordon's attack, rolled out of the way and attempted to use smoke grenades to cover his retreat.

"Drink!" Gordon suddenly roared, the sound was like thunder, which made the assassin's scalp numb. He had no time to retreat, so he barely blocked it with his double daggers. The confrontation between the two sides only lasted one round, and Gordon's sword pierced through him. chest.

Assassins cannot face warriors.

"When you are in the navy, you have to have a loud voice, hahahaha~" Gordon proudly showed off his skills.

Aaron showed no reaction. He just stood there with the Dark Moon Sword unsheathed. In the lightning and flint, he blocked the fatal blow that stabbed his vest from behind!

"?" The assassin's breathing suddenly became much faster. He flew back and tore open the scroll with his hands. Three tentacles came from three directions, and there was a twisted and bloody mouth.

"The same assassination techniques are useless against me, believer of the Dark Sun." Aaron said coldly.

The fire of Tzeentch enveloped the whole body, and the tentacles and bloody mouth mutated in the air, turning into a pile of mud and a group of poisonous insects flapping their wings.

"..." The assassin was silent. He didn't know how Aaron knew that he was a subordinate of Cyric the Dark Sun.

"Hate, and the joy of murder," Aaron explained with a sneer.

As Slaanesh's power continued to develop, Aaron could feel Cyric's hatred deep in his bones. The Dark Sun hated everything.

"!" Sure enough, as Aaron called out Cyric's name, the assassin changed. A howl was heard outside the hearing range. Some kind of terrifying power was released and gradually strengthened. Black flames emerged from the end of the corridor, and darkness filled the place. A pale spike pierced the assassin's chest from behind. With this movement, the assassin's whole body suddenly exploded, and blood rushed to Aaron, covering the body. All his sight!

Thick fog rose at the same time, blocking all Aaron's senses!

This is the real assassination!

Aaron's sight was obscured and he could not see anything, but his soul and his power clearly saw the enemy.

That was a shadow thief, a powerful shadow thief. He shrouded his body in a phantom. His skinny body was engraved with Cyric's marks everywhere, and his body was full of torture. The scars left behind, and the wounds on his body flowed out with pale blood.

Dark fire spurted out from his hands, obviously getting power from Cyric. While Aaron was enveloped in the trap, the shadow thief came quickly, pointing his daggers directly at Aaron's heart.

However, Aaron unreasonably released the magic on the spot, losing all his senses through the heavy fog, blood, and broken flesh.

Five Rings of Magic - Torment of Slaanesh!

The phantom of the pink Slaanesh demon appeared behind Aaron, singing and swaying on the spot.

The moment the magic was released, the Shadow Thief's dagger was already attached to Aaron's breastplate.

Just a little bit, just a little bit!

The Shadow Thief yelled in his heart like crazy, but he couldn't control himself and danced with the Slaanesh demon.

Fiolena arrived, and a white sword light pierced the shadow thief's chest. She knocked off the shadow thief's weapon and stepped on the shadow thief's belly: "Your Excellency? What should I do?"

"How many people came from Dark Sun?" Aaron asked coldly.

"Sorry, my lord, I failed." Shadow Thief said before he died. He smiled ferociously at Aaron, his eyes full of hunger and resentment: "But this is just the beginning, Salian, guess what, you How are your family members in Sanguan District doing now? Hahahaha..."

Before he finished speaking, Aaron tapped his finger, and the shadow thief's head exploded.

"Sir? Oh no, they are heading towards your house!" Gordon panicked: "What should I do? It's too late to rush back now!"

"Let's continue to the dock area." Aaron said calmly: "Otherwise the Zambian army will land."

He has long known Cyric's shamelessness.

How could you not be prepared?


Susal, Sanguan District, the entrance to Salian's house, ten meters in diameter, a hemispherical flow of "qi" light exploded a shallow hole on the ground, countless qi rotated according to mysterious laws, dominating The fierce force shocked the whole audience.

The air vortex dispersed, and the three assassins with broken body bones fell to the ground one after another and died on the spot.

[Warrior Monk——Vajra Soul]

[Master level combat skill—Echo Strike]

[Master level combat skill - Blazing Fist]

[Master level combat skill - swinging the golden bell! 】

"Unjust is doomed to destruction!"

The quasi-legendary monk, Venerable Kong of Guangze Monastery, stood proudly at the door of Aaron's house. He moved his palm forward and then retracted it. His domineering aura shattered all the floor tiles within five meters of him.

"Keep your mind steady, take reason as your balance, and fight with a pair of clean hands and a pure heart. Mark, remember my words." Seeing that all the enemies were defeated by him, Kong clasped his hands and headed towards Maximian said not far away.

"The way of the monk is destined to be extremely difficult."

"But we have a clear conscience."

Updated, second update please vote!

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