Crown of Chaos

Chapter 231, Moradin’s gift

Aaron's recuperation lasted for more than a month. During this period of more than a month, he did almost nothing. He basically ate and slept at home every day. After sleeping, he ate. From time to time, he and the pastor did some exercises to keep fit. Relaxing and comfortable.

During this time, Aaron also read all the books that Elminster brought to him. With Elminster's explanations and annotations, Aaron had a deeper understanding of the kingdom, especially about the kingdom. Avernus and the understanding of the Abyss.

This period lasted for more than a month. When July 1361 came, and the golden summer came to Susar, it was clear that the vacation given to Aaron by Alice Searle was still one and a half months away, but he had no choice but to come out. Active.

The reason is simple. The dwarf engineering team promised by the dwarf god-king Moradin has arrived.

In the previous deal with serpentine steel, the dwarf god king Moradin had agreed with Aaron to send a dwarf engineering team and two rune blacksmiths. However, there is still a difference between the dwarves' time concept and that of humans. After the two parties agreed, It took Moradin's dwarven engineering team nearly a year to reach Su'sar.

The leader of the dwarf engineering team is a white-bearded dwarf who is a high-ranking priest of Moradin and works part-time as a rune blacksmith. His name is Jinmugong-Fireweave. He is a master of strength. He wears a standard dwarf pointed hat and has hands. Holding an iron hammer blessed by Moradin, Li led more than a hundred dwarves to Suzar and received a warm welcome from Alice Ser.

Humans know their stuff. The two decorative teeth on this white-bearded dwarf’s pointed hat are made of dragon teeth! And the continuously glowing runes on his hammer are definitely not the light spell.

It's a pity that Jin Mugong didn't seem to appreciate this. The old dwarf didn't even bother to say a single extra word. He directly asked Aaron by name.

But first Kimgun found Foujar Wilham.

When the master blacksmith from Neverwinter came up, he was scolded by Kim Gong. Forjar was scolded so much that the proud dwarf craftsman didn't even dare to reply. He was like a little kid. child.

He deserves it! This is what the dwarves think.

Because of Foggal, the dwarf god-king Moradin personally bowed to a mortal. If Foggal hadn't realized his shame and bravely finally completed the serpentine steel technology before the dwarf engineering team came to Susar, then The consequences could be disastrous.

Foggal might be expelled from the dwarf family, and even his given name might no longer be used, let alone his surname.

According to tradition, dwarves must be named by the clan elders and reuse names passed down from generation to generation. The dwarf's name does not belong to himself, but to the clan. If a dwarf brings shame on his name, his name will be taken away from him by the clan. According to dwarven law, a dwarf who has been deprived of his name is prohibited from using the dwarf's name again.

This is the greatest humiliation and symbolizes one of the cruelest punishments for a dwarf.

After Jin Mugong scolded him severely, he finally let Foujar go and asked about Aaron's location.

In this way, the two parties had their first meeting. After more than a month of rest, Aaron's physical attributes slowly returned to the level of a normal person. Although there was still a gap between him and his peak, it had no impact on his appearance. Big.

Aaron and the dwarf rune craftsman Jin Mugong made an appointment at the Dragon Knight Club. According to the eating habits of the dwarves, Aaron asked the club to provide a meal of crispy pork knuckle + sauerkraut + alkaline water bread + charcoal grilled black sausage. He specifically ordered the cook to "make it more flavorful" and "make it taste like country people."

Sure enough, after eating this meal, the dwarves secretly praised the food arranged by Aaron.

The person introduced by Father God is indeed reliable!

Although they didn't say it, many dwarves thought so in their hearts.

The culture of dwarves is so awkward. For a dwarf, he has been bound to the concept of "clan" since his birth. Whether it is living, working, eating, sleeping or even bathing, dwarves will always have to get used to living in groups. In life, for many dwarves, clan means everything, and the social structure of individuals-parents-chief-kings formed through clan culture makes it difficult for dwarves to have their own privacy, so they like to be silent and not interested in the outside world. He refuses to express his opinions on matters and pays special attention to protecting the privacy of his soul.

This makes dwarves often have great tolerance for outside life. Dwarves can adapt to almost any life in the outside world. Dwarves can get along with chaotic humans, lax elves, halflings who migrate all day long, and optimistic dwarves.

But this does not mean that the dwarves have accepted their culture. In fact, a dwarf's efforts to integrate into other communities may continue throughout the dwarf's life.

They were just silent.

Realm dwarves are not as rigid as Warhammer dwarves, but they are also harder to get along with.

"If a dwarf is willing to share joy and sorrow with you, then congratulations, in his heart, you are already a brother he can trust~"

——Elminster Omar

After having a feast and drinking Aaron's twenty barrels of ale unceremoniously, Jin Mugong nodded while holding the wine rack. This master white-bearded dwarf was still silent and unsmiling, but His beard stained with hops and pork knuckle grease still meant that Kim Gong was satisfied with Aaron's hospitality.

"Very well, let's talk about the project." Jinmugong said to Aaron: "Now, tell me, friend of Father God, what kind of building do you want to build? What is the expected effect? ​​Can you do this? How much budget do you have?"

Aaron took out the information he had prepared and handed it to Kim Gong. The dwarf craftsman took the information and frowned almost subconsciously, and began to browse Aaron's requirements carefully.

"Well, there are waterways nearby, a castle by the forest, and flat land."

"A four-story fortress with at least thirty-five rooms, an attached military camp that can accommodate 100 people, a kitchen and dining room that can feed 30 people, a magic workshop? An independent office? Well, friends of Father God, this price is not cheap .”

"A large garden covering an area of ​​​​1 hectare? A standard magic tower? Large bathroom and small bathroom, two turrets, a basic library, a magic training room, an armory, a forge, oh, you also know that a storage room ?This is really a crumbling rock.”

"Well, there is a lot of wood to be obtained in the forest. I can reduce the cost for you by 15%, but the stone has to be transported from other places, and you specifically mentioned the 'Round Table Palace' part. This part must be Add money!"

"There is also a temple to the Silver Virgin? Why should the temple be built in the castle?"

At the dinner table, Kim Gong counted at an extremely fast speed, while the other dwarves discussed what was wrong with Aaron's architectural design, where it was not useful enough, and where it was too fancy.

The muscles on Aaron's face twitched slightly. He watched the dwarf calculate the construction costs and felt his heart bleeding.

This is also for Eleanor, for Su Lun Mama and for my own happy life in the future!

Just give out some blood. Isn't money just for spending?

And with Moradin's introduction, these dwarves are definitely giving themselves a preferential price. Furthermore, the Slaanesh Grand Theater will still need these dwarves to build it.

Aaron waited for a while and heard Kim Gong-Fire Pattern calculate a number.

"For the time being, the total cost of all construction is 54,000 gold coins. Friends of Father God, you must prepare at least 30% of the start-up capital." Jin Mugong played with the ink bottle in his hand and raised his white eyebrows: "Oh, yes The project will take about two years to complete. We need at least 20% of the labor fee, which is 10,800 gold coins. I am Father God’s pastor, and Father God paid our wages, but the young men who followed me cannot work in vain. You at least Their basic living needs and salary requirements must be met.”

"Okay." Aaron calculated his savings in his mind.

After the Guangze incident and the elimination of the Dragon Witch Cult, Aaron's savings were approximately 50,000 gold lion coins.

In the Battle of Arabelle, Aaron did not gain anything in terms of money. His most important gains were fame, honor and title.

The Silver Chamber of Commerce is now in operation and can provide Aaron with a dividend of at least 5,000 gold lion coins every month. He can receive a monthly salary of 1,500 gold lion coins for his title and position in the royal family.

In addition, the assets received from Anaheim Military Industry totaled almost 80,000 gold lion coins, but part of it was real estate.

Duke Caspar's property was confiscated by Alice Searle. The Queen Regent calculated that Caspar, as the husband of the Crown Princess, owned a total of 5,600 hectares of land property rights and many wealthy manors.

Many nobles wanted these lands, but they were rejected by Alice Ser. These lands were taken back by the princess, and all the farmland on them was returned by Alice Ser to the serfs who farmed for Duke Caspar, allowing them to become Home farmer.

"The matters between our nobles should not involve these common people. This civil strife has brought too much pain to the common people. These fields will be used as rewards, allowing them to farm and produce with peace of mind."

——The original words of the Princess Regent

After Aaron calculated carefully and felt that there was no problem, he said seriously: "Then it's settled. I'm going to say something ugly first. Once the contract is signed, you can't go back on it. Your next project will be very hard. of."

"Hard work? Why hard work?" Jin Mugong blew his beard and thought, is this human being reliable?

"You will have to work a full eight hours a day from now on. You will only be provided with two meals and one midnight snack a day. You will only have milk in the morning and only have a one-hour lunch break!" Aaron said sternly.

"..." The dwarves were silent.

"You only get twice the salary for overtime work. 20% of the salary will be regarded as full attendance performance and will not be paid until the end of the month. You can only have two days off a week!"

"!!!!!!" Dwarves, look at me and I look at you.

"And the most important thing is that I only pay bonuses twice a year. I only have holidays on Cormyr's legal holidays. I only get three times the salary for overtime work on holidays, and I only give 20 days of annual leave every year. What about the holy days of your gods? Yes, make your own arrangements!"

"??????" The dwarves looked at Aaron blankly, seeming to ask him with their eyes, are you serious?

Aaron had no reaction. He turned to ask Jin Mugong with his eyes: "How is it? Master Dwarf, do you accept it?"

Kim Gong breathed a long sigh of relief, and the dwarf master looked at Aaron with strange eyes.

He muttered: No wonder this little rock like Fojar is willing to be this guy's subordinate. This treatment is better than Moradin's. He really made the giant stumble (referring to a successful trick).

Likewise, a bunch of unexplained cries came from the crowd of dwarves.

Is the treatment so good? Two meals a day and late night snacks?

This guy said it, I don’t even want to go back.

How about we build a new settlement here?

As expected of a friend introduced by Father God, with this kind of treatment, I really made a profit this time.

Father God is so reliable.

"Okay, I accept your terms on behalf of our Fire Emblem Clan." Jin Mugong confirmed that Aaron was not joking, and then nodded slowly: "I think this will definitely be a happy cooperation."

Aaron reached out and shook hands with the dwarf master: "I think this will not be the last time we cooperate. In addition to my castle, I still have many things that I need your help with."

"It doesn't sound like a bad stone." Kim Gong, like normal dwarves, doesn't like to explicitly agree or refuse, but from Elminster's book, Aaron knows that these dwarves are willing to cooperate further. .

very good.

Aaron nodded silently in his heart. Having a good relationship with these dwarves would be beneficial to his next two tasks.

How to monetize Khorne War Rune technology.

And... create a Well of Chaos!

To create the Well of Chaos, Moradin's help is probably indispensable, because this racial god and powerful divine power created the dwarves through the Eternal Forge.

The Well of Chaos is something similar.

With it, Aaron can accumulate his own pool of chaotic energy to create various miracles. With it, Aaron can create or mutate chaotic creatures!


After explaining all the matters to the dwarf, Aaron wrote a note asking them to go to Eleanor to collect the start-up capital, and immediately prepared to do the second thing - he needed a magic consultant.

This is actually a very ridiculous thing. As a warlock of the Chaos God, a powerful spellcaster, and personally chosen by Tzeentch, why does Aaron need a magic consultant?

But Aaron really needs a magic consultant. He is a warlock, a proud warlock, and a powerful warlock. His understanding of many magics is really limited to "let me play!" "let me change!" ".

After meeting Elminster, Aaron started to think about finding a magic consultant. He entrusted his cousin Robert to post a notice, and also searched for a suitable partner through the channels of the eldest lady and the Obeszil royal family. .

However, it is still difficult to find the magic consultant that Aaron needs. He needs an academic mage. This mage must not only be strong, but also have excellent book knowledge, and must be well-informed. Moreover, Aaron cannot afford too much money. Much salary.

However, it had only been a little over a month before someone applied for the job, and according to Robert, it was a Sun Elf, a Sun Elf from Evermeet Island! Master Mage Advanced Arcane High Priest!

Isn't this elf here to entertain me?

Aaron thought after hearing the news.

In any case, he decided to see the other party before talking.

The meeting place was still in the Dragon Knight Club. This elf was not very punctual. After the appointed time, Aaron waited for more than five minutes before the knock on the door rang.

"Please come in!"

Seeing the figure coming in, Aaron was stunned.

He saw a fat man gasping and squeezing in through the crack in the door.

So short!

This was Aaron's first impression. This sun elf might not even be 165cm tall.

so fat! At least 200 pounds!

This is Aaron's second impression.

Is this a sun elf?

The visitor's eyes lit up after seeing Aaron. The sun elf scratched his head a little embarrassed and said with an awkward smile: "Corellon, I'm sorry, I'm late, Lord Salian~"

"Introduce myself, my name is Barrel, Barrel-Moonflower, from Evermeet Island, and I'm here to apply to be your magic consultant."

"Don't think so much, just me, I guarantee your satisfaction."

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