Crown of Chaos

Chapter 232,

Aaron carefully looked at the sun elf who came to apply for a job, and he always felt that it was strange.

Normally, as the orthodox descendants of the high elves, the sun elves have always regarded themselves as the orthodox heirs of Corellon-Rathrian. The sun elves should be arrogant and withdrawn. They do things in a typical elitist style and they don't care that much. I don't care much about other people's feelings, nor what others think, nor do I like to explain my own reasons.

Most of the sun elves are handsome men and beautiful women. Their average height is slightly shorter than that of humans, but the very obvious difference can be seen from their appearance.

But the Sun Elf who came to apply for the job was fundamentally different from the traditional Sun Elf.

Barrel-Moonflower is not even 165cm tall. He has bronze skin and long black hair. Normally, among the sun elves who mostly have handsome men and beautiful women, at least in human society, he would have an average appearance. But this sun elf is short and fat, and his long black hair not only does not look elegant, but looks a little bloated and greasy.

Underneath his plump face is a big nose, double chin, and a ring of fat around his neck. At first glance, he has a very typical fat nerd figure. But if there is anything special about this sun elf guy, it is his smart eyes. , shrouded in water-like pure green light.

This makes the chubby Barrel look unexpectedly cute.

"I'm surprised that an elf from Evermeet Island will come to the country, and I'm even more surprised that you would choose to apply for a job here."

Unlike normal sun elves, Barrel-Moonflower was very familiar with himself. He didn't ask for Aaron's opinion, and didn't pay much attention to Aaron's words. He strode to Aaron and sat down, grabbing the table. He blew the wine he was served directly into his mouth: "I'm so thirsty. Summer is really hot for you humans. I hate summer."

"Hiccup, it doesn't feel as good as the Evermeet Island... fine wine."

"Let's make do with it. The history of human winemaking is less than a fraction of that of elves." Aaron opened another bottle of wine and handed it to Barrel.

The pudgy sun elf took it naturally, paying no attention to the sarcasm in Aaron's tone: "So, can we sign the contract?"

The elf's attitude was very urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent.

"Wait, buddy, I still don't know where you are from and why you are applying?" Aaron quickly refused: "Also, are you sure you have seen my recruitment message?"

"Have you read it? Didn't I already fill out the form for you?" Barrel emphasized: "I come from Everlasting Island. My name is Barrel-Moonflower. I am a master... you humans are Is this a metaphor? Master mage advanced arcane high priest, I heard that 'Kingmaker' Aaron Salian needs a magic consultant, I will come right away."

"I'm asking about the reason. Have you really read my recruitment requirements carefully?" Aaron complained: "Also, what's the matter with Kingmaker? When did I get a nickname like this?"

"You haven't heard of the Arcane High Priest, have you? This is a special profession that mixes druids and mages. We believe that nature and the arcane path ultimately lead to the same goal. On Evermeet Island, we always work with nature. Together in harmony."

"If you don't believe me, look, I'm not only a spell caster, but I can also transform!"

After saying that, Barrel turned into a huge hound, but because he was very fat, the hound he turned into was also very fat, with his belly almost touching the ground, and his head and paws looked very fat.

Aaron's evaluation of this is: like a dog and like a pig.

"How about it? Don't think about it, just me. I only have a salary of 500 gold coins a month. If you have any magic questions, you can come to me." Barrel shook his head and immediately changed back to his human form. He wiped his forehead. Khan: "Besides me, can you find someone better than me? It's impossible."

"Do you never listen to what others say?" Aaron said lightly: "I'm looking for a consultant, not a big butler!"

As Aaron's voice rose, the Sun Elf's rhythm was interrupted. He scratched his head: "Okay, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Three questions. First, why do you want to apply to be my magic consultant? Second, where does the nickname Kingmaker come from? Third, why can you be sure that no one better will come? Woolen cloth?"

Aaron gestured with three fingers.

"Oh, this is what you are asking about." Barrel thought for a moment and gestured with three fingers.

"First, I'm here to learn magic. The Eternal Meeting Island has learned about your astral magic through the 'Zenar' Kelben-Blackstaff-Orosan. The queen and her mistress The council and our navy were very interested in your astral magic, so they sent me to learn magic."

"Second, Kingmaker is the nickname given to you by the outside world recently. Didn't you defeat the Son of Tyranny and successfully support Princess Obeszil to the throne? So everyone calls you Kingmaker."

"Third, except for the Saruk witches and spellweavers, oh, maybe counting the mind flayers, the magic of our elves is the most powerful magic in the universe. Haven't you learned about the Great Schism in the history books? What? Wouldn’t you make a profit from having me as your magic consultant? What reason do you have to refuse?”

Barrier-Moonflower said naturally that he was extremely determined on this issue.

In short, he couldn't think of a reason for Aaron to say no.

Seeing Aaron's silence, Barrel thought for a moment and continued: "Oh, in addition, if there is anything else, it is that the Queen and the Matron Council are planning to regain Myth Drannor, your new territory. Isn't it very close to Cormanthor? Our Sun Elf base may be located in your territory by then. I'll collect information first and be a guide."

Aaron was a little dumbfounded: "Your Excellency is much more honest than I thought. If you tell me this news when you come up, aren't you afraid that I will use it to control you?"

"When facing an honest person, we don't need to test all day long like the High Elf Council." Barrel smiled, with a trace of cunning flashing in his green eyes: "I have to say, Your Excellency, you are right The treatment of those dwarves is a bit too good, so I don’t think there is any need to engage in such nonsense with you, otherwise, why do you think I, as a moon flower, would come here?”

Aaron narrowed his eyes slightly.

Now he confirmed that Barrel was definitely a sun elf.

Compared with the traditional elves who tend to be good-natured, the character of the sun elves is different. The sun elves have a certain tradition of lawfulness. They like to arrange their lives in an orderly manner, unlike the elves who are loose in nature and do things according to their feelings. Their styles are different. Sun elves like to make decisions before taking action. They prefer to carry out a plan after careful consideration and preparation.

"Sun elves will not easily come into contact with other races, but if they take the initiative to contact you, these arrogant people will always make an offer that you cannot refuse."

——Note by Elminster Omar

"We at Al-Ty Quesser have always paid attention to your character and credibility, and we have repeatedly confirmed your ability, so I think you have no reason to refuse." Barrel patted himself. Belly: "Don't think about it. In other places, you can't find a master spell caster from the Yuehua family to be your consultant for 500 or 5,000 gold coins a month! It's just me! It's a win-win situation!" "

After speaking, Barrier signaled that Aaron could sign the contract.

Aaron thought for a while and felt that he had no reason to refuse.

"Before signing the contract, I have two more questions to ask you."

"Ask, Kingmaker."

"What is magic to you?" Aaron asked.

"Magic? In my opinion, whether it is magic, magic, or other mysteries, it is just a means." Barrel said naturally.

"Then why do you want to come to me to learn magic?"

"To be simple, whether it's arcane magic, divine magic, Druid's nature or your astral magic, if it can be used by me, it is good magic." Barrier said nonchalantly: "It depends on how you understand it. It, how to use it.”

"Magic is just a means. We can use magic to split the continent, and we can use magic to create mysterious locks, but we can also use magic to destroy our homes and take away lives from magic. We must respect it, but we don't need to worship it."

"Very good." Aaron stood up and said, "You are hired, Lord Barrel Moonflower."

"It should be so." Chubby's hand shook hands with Aaron, and Barrel's attention quickly shifted to other places: "By the way, as a local noble, you must know where in the city is suitable for socializing and games. The bar, right?”

"What do you locals like to play? I can't wait to join in."


Aaron and Barrel-Moonflower soon signed an employment contract. Aaron hired Barrel-Moonflower for 500 gold coins a month and six hours of work a day (the rest should be treated as a dwarf). A magic consultant, he will try his best to answer Aaron's questions about magic and provide certain magic assistance.

In exchange, Barrel was free to learn all the magic in Salian's nine volumes from Aaron.

The contract term signed by both parties is 50 years.

The sun elf took the contract and left with satisfaction.

By the time he left, Aaron hadn't even asked him how he got so fat.

But Aaron couldn't rest. Just when he was about to leave the club, he saw a highly charming man in the lobby playing his tambura and singing a happy ditty.

It’s the bald singer, the merchant of hell!

He appears again.

The bald singer saw Aaron. He winked at him and signaled you not to run away. I haven't finished playing this song yet. I can't break the contract~

The devil's cunning and extreme lawfulness are vividly reflected in the bald singer.

He played the entire song until his fingers played the last note on the tambura. Then he walked off the stage amidst the cheers of the crowd and found a corner with Aaron to sit in the club. .

"I'm surprised you were able to get a ticket to come in." Aaron stared at the bald singer: "Not everyone can come in here."

"Someone gave me her ticket." The bald singer forced a smile: "As a price, I took away 80% of her soul."

"Then you are really good at business." Aaron asked curiously: "She sold the ticket to you? You also took away her soul?"

"There was no way, the situation was urgent." The bald singer was also very proud of his business: "If she doesn't agree to my conditions, she will die. As the saying goes, it is better to live than to die."

Aaron understood that what the bald singer was talking about was the night of the Susar Fire. Some nobles must have sold their souls to him in order to save their lives and seek refuge.

"So, the cunning villain from the third level, what else do you want to say to me?" Aaron sighed.

The devil is a very dangerous creature.

The bald singer glanced around a few times and saw that no one paid much attention to the two of them, so he whispered: "Do you still remember that I once told you that the Son of Tyranny had a deal with Bayer?"

"Remember, Bayer, the lord of the first level of hell." Aaron nodded: "Isn't that night part of the deal?"

"What kind of lord of the first level of hell? Bayer lost his position as lord a few years ago. The current lord of Avernus is called Zariel, the daughter of destruction Zariel!" The bald singer took out a Thick document bag: "Hey, the document you asked for, the information on the nine levels of hell, I accidentally lost it, and you picked it up."

"Yeah, this is really an unexpected surprise." Aaron put away the thick document bag.

It seems that some parts of the information provided by Elminster are out of date. Has the lord of the first level of hell been replaced? Switched from Bair to Zariel, the Daughter of Destruction?

Who is Zariel? He seemed to have heard of this name.

He was about to ask the bald singer about the things between the two, but the bald singer interrupted him: "No, it's not just that. Bayer also provided Anaheim Military Industry with a hellish production line and a legendary super large aircraft." Hell-constructed war machines—Hellfire war machines, I want these things.”

"The legendary super-large hell-constructed war machine? Since Bayer gave Manakorn this thing, why didn't he use it?" Aaron remembered that the list did mention that there was a super-large scrap piled in the warehouse.

The bald singer smiled: "Bayer just provided it. He didn't say that the Son of Tyranny could use this thing. For this thing, the Son of Tyranny was absorbed by Bayer. A lot of divine power, but after getting it, he couldn't move it. In the end, he could only Stacked in a warehouse.”

Okay, this is devilish.

"These things are of no use to you, but they are useful to me. Grand Duke Maman has wanted one for a long time." The bald singer said meaningfully: "Remember to read the information I gave you. Avernus once worked in Bayer. It was prosperous and prosperous under his rule, but things are different now... Archduke Mammon is willing to pay a high price to get this super large war construct 'Hellfire War Machine'."

Aaron and the bald singer discussed it and finally settled the deal for 60,000 gold lion coins. The bald singer said that it would take some time to raise funds. After all, converting hell soul coins into gold coins requires some free port channels for such a large amount.

Later, the bald singer proposed to build a trading station, and he planned to establish a long-term trade relationship.

"I have prepared the place in advance." The bald singer said confidently: "It's in the city and has property rights. You don't have to worry, I've made all the arrangements."

"Oh, we have the summoning props and the place is ready. Can you betray me and summon the devil's army next?" Aaron decisively rejected this idea and asked the devil to build a trading station. Are you kidding me? !

The bald singer was not surprised by Aaron's decisive refusal. He continued to laugh and asked the bartender to order a glass of the strongest whiskey. His amber eyes flashed with lava fire: "Do you know why I keep looking for you to trade? ?Dude?”

The bald singer sighed, poured down the liquor, and smashed it into his mouth: "Who would want to be a devil if he hadn't been tricked by Maman's maggot? But the Nine Hells is a place like this. If you fall in, It’s hard to leave.”

"I've always thought so."

"And you, Lord Aaron Salian, you gave me hope!"

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