Crown of Chaos

Chapter 242, Githyanki

The Githyanki are a race of pirates who live in the Astral Plane. In the monster manual given by Elminster, the Githyanki are labeled as marauders by the Archsage, and it is not recommended to deal with them alone.

The Githyanki come from a very ancient race that was once enslaved by the space mind flayer empire. It is unknown when exactly they were enslaved. This race has tried to overthrow the space mind flayer empire time and time again, but failed every time. He was suppressed again and again and endured endless suffering and torture.

No one knows what this race looked like before being enslaved and transformed by the mind flayers. Were they tall or thin? Is it kind or selfish? Is it elegant or barbaric?

These ancient histories have been completely submerged in the dust of history with the long enslavement of the mind flayers.

Until a leader named Gith emerged.

After a series of resistance wars, Gith led his race to finally win freedom for themselves in bloody battles one after another, and escaped from the control of the mind flayers, just as Elminster despised. , once again, the dragon slayer finally became a dragon. In order to resist the mind flayers, the "powerful organization" established by Gith used military management and the oppression of each individual. After the final victory, it began to deteriorate, and the evil of the organization gradually overcame With the kindness of their organization, they turned from just rebels into cruel conquerors.

Gith went to see Tiamat and never returned, and any attempts to contact him failed, causing the Gith to become divided, with some of the Gith continuing to follow the Lich, the second-in-command of their great leader Gith. Queen Vlaakis, some of the people gradually turned into the cruel and violent "Githyanki" (meaning followers of Gith), while the other part of the people broke away from the brutal life of raiding and sought inner peace. And, these people became "Ghisolai people".

What do these astral pirates do when they come to the main material plane?

Aaron stared at the place where the red dragon landed from a distance, recalling his knowledge.

Could it be that there is a Githyanki nursery nearby?

It is well known that the Githyanki spend their time working as pirates in the Astral Plane, and there is no concept of time in the Astral Plane. The Githyanki neither age nor grow due to this, so the Githyanki have some established systems in the material world. Nursery, raise your own children to grow up.

As for the adult red dragon... There is a strange alliance between the Githyanki and the red dragons. It is said that when Gith sought allies to resist the enslavement of the mind flayers, they received a response from Tiamat, the five-color evil dragon queen. Gith personally went to the first level of the Nine Hells to meet with Tiamat. The specifics of what happened are unknown, but since then Tiamat’s red dragon companion announced that his people have a permanent alliance with the Gith people, so Gith The Yankees have some red dragon knights, and they can also recruit red dragons to help when needed.

Just like the "Advanced Dragon Covenant" on Aaron.

Over the mountains and across the hills, Aaron watched the Githyanki land by the dense creek bushes. An adult red dragon raised its head proudly and stared at the scene.

Adult red dragon.

Every adult dragon (except the white dragon) is a relatively standard "legendary combat unit".

What is a standard legendary unit?

For example, legend is a threshold, a vague realm. The ways to enter this threshold are all kinds of strange and ever-changing, so the combat effectiveness displayed by legendary warriors also has huge differences.

Some legendary strong men have pushed themselves into this threshold simply by working hard. For example, Aaron knows that there is a scholar in the Ogma Church who named Susar, who has legendary strength, but he is because he published One paper found favor with Ogma, a scholar who had never been involved in a direct battle in his decades of life.

Some legendary powerhouses...such as Elminster, the red-robed Chief Sazastan in the east, Queen Ximbu of the Seven Sisters, or the former great arcanists Iolum, Karsus, and Saluk in the north. The empire's well-known wizards and ordinary legendary powerhouses are just their toys.

Adult metal dragons and five-color dragons have such "standard legendary combat power". They have everything they should have, and they don't have what they shouldn't have. They are not like the big dragon Egil, who is a young dragon who can put eight rings. Magic, unlike some parallel legends who have never fought and lack combat experience and combat ability.

It should be emphasized here that the above description does not include the white dragon.

Adult white dragons are not only unable to reach the threshold of legend, but are also very stupid intellectually. Their fighting is the standard three-axe approach - breathing, flapping wings and biting. If the enemy is not defeated after one set, the white dragon will be defeated. My brain is not enough.

"Roar~" The roar of the adult red dragon was resounding in the mountain forest, and the shock wave of the legendary dragon's power caused the bushes where Aaron was lurking to sway.

It was an indescribable feeling. Aaron's body immediately trembled slightly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and all the cold hairs on his arms stood up. A feeling of weakness and powerlessness as if a big stone was pressing on his chest. Aaron's breathing became faster, and then there was a sense of weightlessness that was falling rapidly, making his arms and legs unable to lift the strength.

Legendary Longwei!

This sense of intimidation penetrated Aaron's body and mind for less than a second, and soon faded away from Aaron's body. The power returned to Aaron's body, and he obviously passed the exemption.

Aaron gritted his teeth and tried to keep his body as low as possible.

Three months have passed, and his body has still not fully recovered to its best condition. The transformation of the Golden Rule has taken too much of a toll on him, and he cannot use this ability at will.

With so many enemies, it's better not to fight head-on.

A dozen or so Githyanki, under the protection of the red dragon Mighty, are negotiating with a group of dozens of Zhentarim who are as large as an army, both sides at war with each other, hands on weapons.

The Zhentarim soldiers are very well-equipped, and there is even a master-level professional among them. The presence of adult red dragons puts a lot of pressure on them.

"This is our first and last warning. You inferior races are not allowed to come near!"

A female Githyanki holds the sword at her waist arrogantly. Compared to human women, she is slender and has waxy skin, burnt yellow spots on her face, pointed ears, and Wearing extremely gorgeous armor decorated with feathers, gems, gold, silver and pearls.

What is special is that the Githyanki do not have a nose on their facial features, instead they have a slight bulge and two slender slits in the place of the nose.

The Zhentarim were a little flustered by the power of the legendary dragon. Many soldiers couldn't help but look frightened when they saw the adult red dragon. The master professional was also a little unconfident, which could be felt from his words. : "This is our territory. Visitors from the star realm, of course we have the right to pass here. Your territory is not here. Get out of the way now, otherwise don't blame us for being unkind."

"Shut up, you lowly mortals, do you know who you are talking to?" The Githyanki captain's face was already very impatient: "If it weren't for my compassion, you would all have been burned to ashes by the dragon's fire. ”

"Get out of here now, otherwise we will send you into the belly of the dragon. This is the Queen's will."

The dialogue between the two sides was very explosive.

Aaron listened for a while and understood the origin of the matter - there was probably a Githyanki nursing home nearby. The Zhentarim found some clues when they passed by and brought people there, and the nursing home A signal was also sent for help, and a small group of Githyanki arrived with a guardian red dragon, and the two sides faced off.

The Zhentarim didn't expect that there was an adult red dragon here, which was difficult to dismount from, and the Githyanki were a little wary because the nursing home was nearby. They wanted to drive the Zhentarim away and then attack the nursing home. Make the migration.

Land bandits versus astral pirates.

Aaron showed a weird smile in the bushes, and he noticed a female Githyanki ambushing in the nearby woodland.

A magic took shape in Aaron's hands.

Exile of Tzeentch!

The female Githyanki Marauder's attention was entirely focused on the scene of the conflict. She suddenly felt an irresistible force sucking her in. She finally wanted to scream to alert her companions that there was an enemy, but she appeared in In front of her was a human male with a distant look and a beautiful face. He made a "shh" gesture towards the Githyanki.

The Githyanki Raider tried to speak again, only to find that his mouth was gone!

It's really gone. The lips where the mouth used to be are gone, and only the waxy skin is left in place. No matter how hard the mouth pulls, it can't make a sound.

Tzeentch's new spell is so useful.

Aaron picked up the Githyanki bow from the ground, pointed it at the Zhentarim below, and began to enchant it.

The two sides were still arguing at this time, each having their own concerns, and the Githyanki captain was already impatient, and he made a secret gesture to his subordinates.

The same goes for the Zhentarim. As a soldier glanced at the leader, the leader was also giving secret signals to his subordinates.


At the moment when the negotiation was about to break down, a crossbow bolt with magical power shot through the air and hit a Zhentarim soldier in the chest. He looked at his pierced breastplate in disbelief and turned to look at his companions. At a glance, he fell straight down.

The leader of the Zhentarim was stunned for a second, then immediately drew his weapon and charged towards the Githyanki.

The Githyanki captain subconsciously turned his head to look at where the ambush was.

He saw nothing.

No, he saw it, a red light flying towards him.

"Fireball!" the captain yelled subconsciously.


A large crater exploded in the ground, wounding two Githyanki raiders in the fire.

"There's an ambush!"

"The enemy has a spellcaster!"

From then on, there was no possibility of negotiation between the two sides. They took up arms and fought together, with screams and war cries mixed in. The Zhentarim and the Githyanki officially started war.

In just one encounter, three Githyanki were killed, while the Zhentarim lost a dozen lives.

Behind the big tree, Aaron put down the exquisite enchanted long bow, and he quickly focused his attention on the adult red dragon.

With this red dragon around, the Zhentarim should have no chance of victory.

Sure enough, the adult red dragon suddenly opened his huge eyes, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Damn it! Do these humans think that I am a fake? !

I have appeared here in person, how dare these people?


An angry dragon roar sounded.

The adult red dragon spread its wings and actually uttered a common language: "Face Tanaris of Gur, mortals, you are provoking the leader of dragons appointed by the Five-Colored Dragon Queen!"

After saying that, the adult red dragon took a deep breath and yelled at the Githyanki captain, "The price will be doubled this time, I said so."

He didn’t care if the Githyanki agreed or not, as the huge body more than ten meters long rushed up and opened its mouth.

Breath of Fire!

A scorching dragon's breath spurted out from the red dragon's mouth. Under the burning dragon's breath, the ground melted at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, a new piece of magma emerged in place. The red dragon's flame breath was pure blood. The most powerful among the dragon species, its lethality is more than twice that of the white dragon.

The dragon's breath of an adult red dragon can melt an adult human male into a ball of ashes. Under his breath, even the most heat-resistant dwarves are unable to resist, and will often drink hatred under the extremely high temperature.

The nine-meter-long flame breath engulfed the Zhentarim people. After the breath ended, only a few swaying figures were left, turning into ashes and falling to the ground.

However, the leader of the Zhentarim did not feel intimidated. On the contrary, he shouted to his rear: "Do it!"

The muffled sound of heavy objects being thrown was immediately heard from behind the Zhentarim. Just as the adult red dragon was about to spread its wings and fly into the sky, two blue crossbow bolts came through the air and penetrated its dragon wings respectively!

"Roar!" The adult red dragon screamed and landed on the ground. The barb carried on the bed crossbow immediately pierced the dragon's wings and hung under the dragon's wings, causing the adult dragon to lose the ability to fly and causing smoke and dust to splash.

This was not over yet, another crossbow shot came through the air, this time the crossbow bolt directly pierced the dragon's shoulder, the adult red dragon whined in pain, the crossbow bolt pierced its shoulder, the dragon's scales shattered, and the dragon Blood spilled onto the ground in patches along the crossbow arrow's wounds, making a hissing sound.

Broken Dragon Crossbow? !

Aaron looked at the Zhentarim's secret weapon with solemnity and confusion in his eyes.

Dragon-breaking giant crossbow, specializing in killing giant dragons!

This large war machine is a dragon-type special attack weapon specially manufactured by a dragon killer after his retirement. Didn't expect to see it here today?

The arrows of the Dragon-Breaking Crossbow are smeared with a special poison that specializes in dragons. This poison will numb the dragon's body and make it unable to use its strength. Its arrows are specially made to penetrate the protection of dragon scales, and the arrow at the end of the crossbow is The chain is especially aimed at the dragon. It will hang on the dragon's fragile wings, making it difficult for him to take off.

It is known that if a dragon cannot fly, its combat effectiveness will be reduced by at least half.

"The fighting power of the dragon on the ground is much weaker than that of the dragon in the sky."

——Antoine the Dragon Slayer

This is obviously a temporary encounter. Why is the Zhentarim equipped with such a powerful weapon as the Dragon Breaking Crossbow?

Aaron watched the battle closely, thinking about the origin of the Dragon-breaking Crossbow.

Appearing on the northern border of Cormyr, the Zhentarim specializes in dragons.

An answer emerged from Aaron's mind. He stared at the adult red dragon struggling painfully on the ground and thought, "You are so unlucky."

These three dragon-breaking crossbows were most likely brought here specifically to deal with the big dragon!

It's just that this red dragon "Tanalis of Gur" was unlucky and was the first to enjoy the power of the dragon-breaking crossbow.

Aaron stared at the three brand-new Dragon-breaking Crossbows with deep interest in his eyes.

No wonder a Zhentarim wouldn’t dare challenge a Githyanki, not even a full-grown red dragon.

I want this thing!


At the same time, not far from here, wearing a shadow gothic fantasy black night dress, with purple hair and purple eyes, a graceful figure, a slender figure with perfect curves, and a pair of black patent leather high heels. Ji stood on the cliff and looked into the distance.

"Keke~ It seems like something big happened~"

"The little guy has become more handsome and stronger."

"Keke, sister, I am very excited and happy!"

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