Crown of Chaos

Chapter 243, Dragon Slaying Battle

As the adult red dragon landed, three dragon-breaking crossbows penetrated the dragon's shoulders and wings respectively, and the battlefield situation reversed at an extremely fast speed.

The Githyanki clearly weren't expecting this.

How could these lowly mortals possess such powerful war machines?

The adult red dragon himself had not thought of this situation. It spread its wings hard and wanted to fly, but how could the Zhentarim allow it to do so?

"Pull!" the captain of the Zhentarim immediately ordered. Several soldiers turned the winch behind the dragon-breaking crossbow hard. The barb of the dragon-breaking crossbow that penetrated the dragon's wings tightened. The adult red dragon was unable to get up and was dragged to the ground again. Amid the dragon's painful and angry screams, the Zhentarim soldiers already smiled.

Normally, it would be impossible for two dragon-breaking crossbows, the combined efforts of several soldiers, and the winch of the bed crossbow to trap the dragon, especially an adult red dragon. However, the poison on the dragon-breaking crossbow has begun to take effect. Touching the gap on the dragon's shoulder, the venom penetrated the body of the giant dragon, paralyzing it. The tyrannical power could no longer be exerted. The red dragon twisted a few times, but found that it could not break free, so it fell deep again. Take a deep breath.


The Zhentarim captain immediately gave the order and the soldiers quickly dispersed.

Sure enough, just as he had judged, the adult red dragon once again breathed out a flame breath of destruction. Although the Zhentarim soldiers faithfully carried out the order, this life-threatening breath still hit a person who could not dodge. The soldier covered her entire arm and half of her shoulder in his breath.

"Ahhhh~" The female soldier had already fallen down, but her arms bathed in flames remained in the air for nearly a second before turning into semi-liquid ashes and dripping on the ground.

After this breath ended, the adult red dragon finally lowered his head tiredly. He was injured, the dragon wings were penetrated and restrained, the shoulder was pierced by the one-meter-long dragon-breaking crossbow, and the body was paralyzed by toxins. It seemed that the red dragon had lost its combat effectiveness. .

When the Zhentarim soldiers saw this scene, they were eager to try. Some of them had already drawn out the weapons they had prepared in advance. They wanted to go up and cut off the dragon's head, or at least let their weapons drink the dragon's blood.

Dragon Slayer, what a great and glorious title?

"Idiot, don't be impulsive, get out of the way!" The leader of the Zhentarim had obviously carefully studied the dragon's movements in advance. When he saw the soldiers trying to go up and kill them, he ordered in a hurry: "It's not that easy!"

But his reaction was still too late. At least five soldiers went up and aimed their weapons at the wounds on the dragon's body.

At this moment, the adult red dragon opened his eyes, his eyes full of cunning and malice.

He pretended.

The moment several soldiers approached, the adult red dragon showed a cruel and bloodthirsty expression. He suddenly turned around and launched a counterattack with lightning-fast movements.

Legendary move - tail strike!

The muscles on the five-meter-long dragon tail were tense. The dragon tail, which was thicker than an adult's waist, swept forward with unparalleled power. The densely packed scales on it made a sour sound in the air, like a fist. It whipped out like a sharp whip, knocking five soldiers away!


Five bones cracked at the same time, and the Zhentarim soldiers were sent flying into the sky. Some flew more than ten meters, some flew more than twenty meters, and some directly hit the big tree on the roadside. Without exception, What's surprising is that the body parts of these five soldiers hit by the dragon's tail were all dented, and blood spurted from their mouths.

Their spines were shattered by this blow. Unless there was a high-level priest on site who knew advanced divine arts, even though these people were still breathing, they were already five dead.

The power of the legendary dragon is so terrifying!

After this blow was released, the adult red dragon truly exhausted all its strength and lay slumped on the ground, panting hard.

Aaron watched solemnly the performance of the adult red dragon in the bushes.

From just now to now, the Zhentarim have killed more than thirty people, half of them killed by this adult red dragon.

Is this the power of the dragon? Even if the Zhentarim were fully prepared in advance, even if the Zhentarim had a super weapon like the Dragon Breaker Crossbow, even if the Zhentarim leader should have prepared in advance how to deal with the dragon, this adult red dragon would still cause the Zhentarim This level of casualties.

No wonder the giant dragon was once the ruler of the continent. No wonder the giant empire that was once prosperous was ultimately unable to defeat the giant dragon and was almost wiped out in the long war. No wonder the giant dragon can either cause harm to one party or benefit one party. It is always a part of adventure stories. Protagonist, because this race is too powerful.

At the same time, Aaron also paid attention to the Zhentarim's performance in this battle.

Even as an enemy, Aaron had to admit that the Zhentarim's strong organizational structure gave them an advantage in this battle, from preparing for battle to hiding the dragon-breaking crossbow before using it at critical moments, from preparing in advance to deal with the dragon The weapons, knowledge, training, and performance after the encounter, the Zhentarim will perform more than one level better than the Githyanki when the opponent has an adult dragon of legendary strength and oneself is at an absolute disadvantage.

The Githyanki were caught off guard, and the red dragons suffered the consequences of their arrogance and confusion.

And this is the embodiment of the goodness of strong organization.

This is also the advantage that the Zhentarim has over the Harpers. With the Harpers' loose club relations and vague leadership relationships, it is absolutely impossible for the Zhentarim to enforce orders and prohibitions like this, with a certain degree of respect and clear actions.

Now, the battle should be decided.

Aaron stared at the group of Githyanki and thought to himself, what are you astral pirates going to do now?


It was the sound of a winch turning, as the Zhentarim continued to load the Dragon-Breaking Crossbow.

The Githyanki became anxious, and under the orders of their captain, they surrounded the Dragonbreaker from both directions, trying to stop the Zhentarim.

The legendary psychic powers were finally released without reservation. Rays of light and cone-shaped magic plowed a ravine of flesh and blood directly into the Zhentarim's shield wall. Two lost traces stepped out, and a Githyanki flashed onto the Zhentarim's shield wall. Tallinn launched an attack from behind.

The Githyanki are far outnumbered by the Zhentarim, but due to their psionic powers, the two sides were evenly matched for a while.

Who is the main attacker, who is covering, and who is resisting, it is like there is a tacit understanding between them, and they can advance and retreat freely.

Aaron thought to himself that they were indeed the astral pirates nicknamed the "Chicken Keepers". The militarized organization of this group of people was also very high, even higher than that of the Zhentarim.

The captain even released a Bigby Hand, smashing the two Zhentarim who were reloading the Dragon-Breaking Crossbow into a ball of flesh, and blood spattered from between the fingers of Bigby's Hand.

But this played right into the Zhentarim's hands, and as the Githyanki approached, the transporter responsible for transporting the Dragonbreaker revealed himself in the forest.

There were several strong big lizards with eight legs and blue light coming out of their eyes.

The Githyanki and the large lizards looked at each other, and two of them immediately screamed and stopped in place, their bodies becoming stiff and unable to move.

It's a basilisk.

Aaron recognized the monster.

The basilisk is stupid and clumsy. The monster's intelligence is not even as good as that of a domesticated dog.

The only reason this creature can survive in the kingdom is its special ability-the petrified gaze. The eyes of the basilisk have magical abilities. The prey they stare at needs to pass a Constitution saving throw, otherwise it will be turned into stone, and then The basilisk will use its strong jaws to swallow these stones as its own food.

They rely on this ability to survive.

Basilisks can be tamed. If they are raised by humans from an early age, they will follow their master's instructions when to use their abilities and when not to use them. Therefore, the eggs of basilisks are very valuable, with each easily worth hundreds of gold coins on the black market.

Damn it, the Zhentarim are going to win.

Aaron decided to take action. He took a deep breath and his eyes were bloodshot. Although his body had not yet returned to its peak condition, there was no big problem in dealing with these people.

Holding his hands on his waist, Slaanesh's divine sparks spurted out, a rich fragrance spread out, his heart beat rapidly, and the magic was ready.

Keeper of the Secrets of Slaanesh, transform!

Chaos magic, the torture of Slaanesh!

Chaos magic, Tzeentch Firestorm!


A thick pink-purple emotional fog swept across the battlefield with an overwhelming force. All the enemies that were swept through were shrouded in this twisted emotion. Soon some of them lost their minds and regarded their own people as enemies. , caught in a bloody fight.

A second gust of wind rose, and the massive Eye of Tzeentch materialized. A twenty-meter-long cone of multicolored flames covered a large area of ​​the battlefield. The Githyanki captain and the leader of the Zhentarim were struck by the multicolored Eye of Tzeentch. Flames enveloped them, and then mutations appeared on their bodies. Crab claws replaced their original arms, and feathers covered the Gith's waxy skin. Their bodies were transformed at an extremely fast speed, turning into a form that was visible to the naked eye. other creatures.

This kind of transformation was more terrifying than killing people directly. The leader of the Zhentarim chopped off his mutated body with a weapon without hesitation, but in the flames, the remaining parts mutated faster.

Within a few seconds, the flesh and blood of this group of people were either melted by Tzeentch's flame storm, or mutated into a mass of flesh that was twitching, twisted, and crawling darkly on the ground with no trace of what it was before.

In the Secret Keeper state, Aaron drew his sword, and the Master Secret Keeper transformation allowed him to attack four times in a row.

Boo hoo hoo hoo~

After the attack, the Dark Moon Sword drew a semicircle in the flames of Tzeentch and was put into the scabbard.


The Zhentarim leader and Githyanki captain were like shattered glass, shattering into chunks of flesh all over the sky. Not a drop of blood was spilled, because the blood had been evaporated by Tzeentch's fire.

Aaron pressed his waist again and again, and the giant wheel of the universe turned.

Bloodthirsty demon, transformed.

The Fist of Kabanha!

The adult red dragon's head mixed with whistling sounds came from behind the Yalong. The adult red dragon used up its last strength under the serious injury and rushed forward, carrying overwhelming power to swallow Aaron into its belly!

But just when its teeth were about to touch Aaron, the giant demon fist stretched out from the void hit him on the head. The adult red dragon howled and was knocked dizzy by the fist of Kabanha. Dazzling.

The war was in chaos at this time, and several people from the Zhentarim escaped. Aaron did not pursue them. He caught two dying Githyanki, imprisoned them, and then turned his attention to the red dragon.

The power of Khorne - the brass blade of light!

The Dark Moon Sword was raised high, and Khorne's power was fully activated. Along the thin blade, the brass-colored blade shadow extended more than two meters from the tip of the Dark Moon Sword. Aaron The adult red dragon dropped his sword in the frightened eyes.

"Shut up! Mortal, you are asking for death! Gur's Dragon Kingdom will mark you! You will become the dragon's eternal enemy."

"Now, let me go, and I may consider not marking you." The adult red dragon threatened.

Aaron ignored it and the brass blade fell.


The dragon's howl carried great pain. At the critical moment, the adult red dragon suddenly squeezed out a force from nowhere. He rolled like a lazy donkey to avoid Aaron's fatal blow, and the light blade It swept across his spine and cut a deep gash in his back. The hot dragon's blood spilled from his buttocks, and traces of bones could be faintly seen in the wound that was more than thirty centimeters long.

This missed attack gave the adult red dragon a chance. He shook his body vigorously and let the hot dragon's blood splash on Aaron's body. When the dragon's blood touched Aaron's body, it immediately burned with high temperature. The sense of sensation and corrosion made Aaron feel hot body surface stimulation in the bloodthirsty state.

The dragon's blood has burning and corrosive effects.

Is this a dragon blood bath?

Aaron thought it was still hard to imagine what it would be like for Alice Ser to bathe in the blood of an ancient dragon.

Relying on the cunning dragon's blood attack, Aaron's movements were delayed, and the adult red dragon took the opportunity to retreat. At this time, his condition was very bad. Two consecutive breaths made him temporarily unable to breathe anymore, and his wings were broken by the dragon. The crossbow was hooked, his shoulder was pierced by the dragon-breaking crossbow, his physical strength was exhausted by the poison and legendary moves, and a wound was opened on his back by Aaron.

But he still has the power to fight, he still has claws, and he still has teeth! And his final pride as a dragon!

Seizing this opportunity, the adult red dragon, Tanaris of Ghul mustered up his final strength.

Legendary action - dragon wing slap!

The strong wind that hit his face made Aaron feel bad. He narrowly dodged the wings of the adult red dragon. At a certain moment, he felt the dragon's claws brushing against his hair and the cold hair on his face. .

Even so, the strong wind that hit his face still caused Aaron to suffer some blunt damage. His internal organs shook, and he felt slight difficulty breathing and nausea.

I'm not hurt.

In the bloodthirsty demon's transformation state, Aaron's control over his body reached its limit. He swallowed hard to swallow the acidic water rising in his stomach.

Now, it's time to fight back!

The adult red dragon's last desperate blow missed, and his entire dragon slumped visibly. What's even more terrible is that the dragon wing slap just now was carried out with two dragon-breaking crossbows hanging on his wings. Yes, now the wound is further torn open, and large streams of dragon blood spurt out. In order to launch the attack, the dragon wings on both sides of the adult red dragon are almost split.

Aaron did not let go of this opportunity. He immediately rushed forward, the muscles of his whole body tightened, and the power of an explosion flowed along the cosmic wheel and along the blood of his body, transmitting magic to every corner of his body. He was like a prepared man. Stars who dunk at the free throw line use all their strength to jump high along their feet, legs, waist, back, arms and wrists, spinning rapidly in the air like a top!

Khorne’s super bloodline ability—kill!

The Dark Moon Sword fell, and the blade sank deeply into the neck along the wound on the giant dragon, and into the body of the adult red dragon. Chaos magic flowed in along the wound and exploded out of the red dragon's huge head.


A pillar of blood rose up, and the adult red dragon lay down on the ground with a cry, its huge body twitching continuously.

The blow failed to decapitate him, but the power of Khorne had destroyed the red dragon's brain.

The light flashed continuously, and Aaron retreated to a safe position. He squinted his eyes and looked at the half-dead adult red dragon, and suddenly raised his eyebrows in a direction in the woods: "Come out, Ms. Misty Tanshur. "

"You came early too?"

The autumn wind blows through the mountains and forests, and leaves fall in bursts. The golden mountains and forests are shrouded in the sunset, with heavy light and shadow, like a dream.

"Giggle~" A sweet laugh like silver bells came from afar. The stunning enchantress with purple hair and purple eyes slowly appeared on a pair of black high heels with red soles. Her steps were swaying and her movements were enchanting and tactful, she said Unstoppable charm.

"Do you like my gift, little one?"

“Sister’s little plan will make you very rich~!”

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