Crown of Chaos

Chapter 246, Princess of Yinhun City?

The silver sword of Gith!

Aaron took the weapon from Misty's hand. He frowned almost instantly, without the slightest joy. Instead, he looked at the stunning enchantress with doubtful eyes, as if doubting her thoughts.

The Silver Sword of Gith, one of the most powerful artifacts.

Aaron must thank Elminster. The illustrated book given to him by the Great Sage mentioned in detail about the Silver Sword of Gith, and in the library of Suzar, the legend about this artifact was even described. It's amazing.

As mentioned before, the Gith were once enslaved by the mind flayer empire in space. This race has risen up again and again to resist, but each time they were ruthlessly suppressed by the ultimate creatures, the mind flayers, until they were called the "Gith". "The legendary leader appears.

And what appeared after Gith was the artifact, the Silver Sword of Gith.

To put it bluntly, it was the emergence of this artifact that defeated the entire space mind flayer empire.

The Mind Flayer is an androgynous ultimate intelligent creature. It looks like a humanoid with an octopus head. It possesses extremely powerful psychic powers and feeds on the brains of other intelligent creatures. In its heyday, the Space Mind Flayer The empire once spanned countless crystal wall systems, occupied countless colonies, and faced head-on confrontations with the space navy of the Elven Empire time and time again.

In the era when the space mind flayer empire was at its peak, they enslaved hundreds of races. Their civilization lit up the world. Their shell ships constantly shuttled through the major crystal wall systems, hunting slaves and raising cubs. The Mastermind spans dimensions and spreads its beliefs throughout the universe.

But even such a space empire with countless legendary spellcasters, a massive space fleet, and a splendid civilization was ultimately defeated by the Silver Sword of Gith, a super artifact. The destructive power of the demon can be seen to be average. It is said that no legendary mind flayer can sustain more than two moves from the silver sword of Gith.

According to the illustration given by Elminster, not even the mind flayer's divine incarnation can match it.

This super artifact is the belief of the Gith and is their sacred object. It symbolizes everything the race has gone through from being enslaved to successfully regaining their freedom, and it symbolizes the highest glory of the Gith.

Afterwards, the Silver Sword of Gith disappeared along with Gith. The Githyanki tried every means possible to find this super artifact, but to no avail. The queen of the Gith could only mass-produce many similar weapons based on the template of the original artifact. , also called the Silver Sword of Gith, its power is naturally far behind that of the prototype super artifact, but it is still powerful.

Every professional dreams of owning such a magical weapon.

The only problem is that the Githyanki will try to reclaim every silver sword of Gith they make, no matter the cost, no matter the cost, no matter the cost,

Misty leaned on the lounge chair and lazily stretched out her hot and voluptuous body: "Why, don't you dare to take it?"

"What would happen if a three-year-old child walks in the downtown area holding a large piece of gold?"

Aaron picked up the silver sword and played with it in his hand: "Is it a greater crime to let a child hold gold, or to rob a child of gold?"

"Giggle~ Of course, the child is the biggest sinner. Who makes him unable to keep his gold? Doesn't he deserve to be killed?" Misty giggled, and she motioned for Aaron to accept: "The nursing home was News of the destruction should have reached the star realm by now, and it was the Zhentarim who did it."

"The Githyanki should have a way to confirm the location of the Silver Sword of Gith." Aaron shook his head: "It's so easy to put the blame on someone? I don't want the quilt to be opened every morning when I wake up and there are chicken keepers inside."

The Silver Sword of Gith in Aaron's hand is not that super artifact, but even so, it is a legendary magic weapon with a variety of enchantments and at least three magic-like abilities. Every time this sword The attack may produce a "cutting" effect, directly cutting off any material without magic blessing. At the same time, each of its attacks has a certain probability of launching the "Thunder Wave" spell to strike the enemy.

Of course, the most famous thing about the Silver Sword of Gith is its strong resistance to any psychic damage, and... cutting the silver cord of the astral projection, which can kill a powerful spellcaster who uses his soul to travel in the astral plane.

"So, do you want it?" Misty smiled. Seeing that Aaron was very cautious on this issue, she seemed a little disappointed: "If you don't want it, sister will take it herself."

"You have a way, right?" Aaron handed the silver sword back to Ms. Misty: "You were waiting for me to beg you."

The slender purple eyebrows were raised high from the top of Misty's enchanting eye shadow, and the Night Fairy's tone became unpleasant: "I sometimes like your cleverness, little one, but now I hope You'd better be stupid."

She took the silver sword of Gith, tapped her fingers, and drew two runes on the surface. A strong shadow enveloped the surface of the silver sword, and a purple-gray chain condensed into a purple-gray chain that firmly locked the surface of the blade. Under the control of the magic power, a spell appeared on the surface of the sword.

"Take it, I've enchanted it so that the Gith people won't be able to sense this weapon." Misty handed the sword back to Aaron again: "Don't just take it out as is, use your psychic powers , imagine what it would look like, and then shape it.”

Aaron nodded, he closed his eyes and began to shape the silver sword.

Chaos energy poured in, and the silver sword changed dramatically like flowing liquid mercury. It began to shape with Aaron's will, absorbing all of Aaron's magic power.

During this process, Aaron began to understand why it was difficult for other races to use the Silver Sword of Gith, because this weapon must be bound to psychic power. There are very few people among other races who practice psychic power. The Githyanki who travel on the Astral Plane individually develop psionic powers.

And this weapon was tailor-made for Aaron.

As his magic power poured in, he gradually transformed the silver sword into a long staff, about one and a half meters long and about one and six meters long. It was green in color and had golden threads at the tail. The head of the staff is in the shape of Tzeentch's holy emblem. On the ever-changing flames, the eyes of Tzeentch, symbolizing the Lord of Changes, are half-open and half-closed, symbolizing Tzeentch's "Zen" of "being invisible on the outside and unmoved on the inside". ".

The colorful flames are changing color and shape every second, burning brightly.

"Okay." Aaron held tightly the staff, which was recast from a silver sword. He felt the magic power extending from the top of the staff with satisfaction, and thanked Misty: "Thank you, Misty. Sister, I owe you a favor."

"...I gave it to you because I wanted to use it to replace your sword, but you actually turned it into a staff?" Misty was slightly unhappy: "Forget it, use the prototype. It’s indeed easy to spot, and seeing how you reshaped it like this, no one should be able to discover that it turns out to be a silver sword of Gith.”

"In that case, let's call it Lightless Night." Midnight Enchantress said excitedly: "In the future, whenever you use it, remember that this is a gift from my sister!"

"I'll always remember it."

The Sword of Dark Moon, Lightless Night, one sword and one staff will be Aaron's dual-wielding weapon for a long time to come.

The two were silent for a while. Outside, the night rain was still heavy, and the rain beat on the cave wall, playing a wonderful midnight serenade. Inside the cave, Ms. Misty enjoyed Aaron's massage and hummed slightly. Voice.

"So, sister, can you tell me, where are you from?"

Aaron tried to stir up a conversation.

"Misty Tanshur." The Night Enchantress gently stretched her beautiful black silk feet, pinched Aaron's chin with her fingers, and circled his smooth, slightly fluffy skin with her nails: "You Don’t know yet?”

"Your name doesn't look like your current name." Aaron shook his head: "That's all I know."

"Have you read the book seriously? You don't know Tanshur?" Misty was a little impatient. She motioned for Aaron to continue: "You don't know Tanshur. Do you know Nether City? Nese Do you know about the Riel Arcane Empire?"

"I'm a warlock, Sister Misty!" Aaron continued to shake his head helplessly: "I know the City of Shadows, I know the Netheril Arcane Empire, but I really don't know Tanshur, and I know nothing about the Netheril Empire. From a book written by Lady Sirensi... in which she looked down upon Netheril with great disdain."

"Oh, written by Silinxi? No wonder, she is indeed such an arrogant and conceited idiot." Seeing that Aaron really didn't understand, the Dark Night Demon Queen had to add: "You have read Silinxi's book, then you must know The destruction of Netheril and the birth of the great desert of Aenorok, right?”

"I know this. I also know about the failure of Karsus's god-making technique and the fall of the first generation of magic goddess. After the fall of Nese, there were three city-states that persisted for several centuries, but in the end the land was completely deserted. Now The remaining nomadic people there are called Bedai barbarians.”

"Hey, it seems that Sultanza has indeed been away from the main material world for too long." Ms. Misty sighed: "That boy Telamant... ahem, in short, that pig-brained plan in Karsus Before carrying out his so-called "greatest plan", a floating city had anticipated that the plan might fail, so they asked the greatest, most beautiful and most mysterious Lady of the Night for help. The priest of the Lady of the Night generously told them what to do. How to save yourself is to transfer the floating city into the shadow plane."

"After many tests, the Grand Arcanists of the Floating City Sultansa - a group of juniors who were originally looked down upon by other Grand Arcanists and liked to study the Shadow Plane, successfully transferred the Floating City into the Shadow Plane. Faced with this, he escaped his destined demise. One of the successors of this group of great arcane masters is called Telamante Tanshur, and the name of this floating city is called the City of Shadows."

"So, giggle, do you understand? Little guy, my sister is the daughter of Telamante, the princess of the Ghost City!"

The princess of Haunted City?

Aaron always felt weird.

Would a normal Princess of Shadow City call her father "that boy from Telamant"?

"It turns out that my sister is the princess of Yinhun City." Aaron thought to himself, since you like to pretend, then I will pretend with you: "No wonder I haven't heard of my sister's name. Why did my sister come to the main material world?"

"I can come when I want and leave when I want." Misty's cheeks turned slightly red, like the sunset on the horizon. Under Aaron's seemingly magical hands, her arches tightened slightly and her delicate body twitched slightly. He looked at it and said without seeming to care: "So, are you Cormyrians ready to welcome the return of the City of Shadows?"

"Friends come with wine, and jackals come with shotguns." Aaron raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, can your so-called shotguns defeat the army of golems and ghosts in my city of ghosts?" Misty was obviously very dissatisfied with Aaron's answer. She smiled coldly and said: "What can you rely on? Those 1,000 Purple Dragon Knights? Or the hundreds of battle mages, or the legends that you can count on ten fingers all over the country?"

"Then what do you have in Ghost City? My Princess Tanshur?"

Aaron made no other move. He smiled and waited for Misty to continue.

"A thousand arcanists, twenty legends, five thousand well-trained half-ghost soldiers, and an army of tens of thousands of golems." Misty said with a slight smile, and she picked up Aaron's chin with her fingers. , she seems to be addicted to doing this.

"Then it will be a bit troublesome to kill them all." Aaron smiled unhurriedly: "Let me think about it, how many troops do I need to summon?"

An army of ghosts? Sounds awesome.

So can you defeat my army of chaos?

Your Arcanists are taking casualties every moment, while my Chaos hordes are endless.

I'm not afraid of fighting you, I'm afraid you won't fight me!

"Giggle, are you Marche Kidd? Or are you the Three Demons? Our Ghost City is not Myth Drannor, and we will not fall so easily." Seeing that Aaron dared to talk back, Misty's eyes became even brighter.

She herself is actually very contradictory. On the one hand, when faced with those who dare to disobey her, Misty has always used the most cruel and thunderous means to suppress them absolutely ruthlessly. On the other hand, when faced with those who are obedient to her and offer her sacrifice Misty has always treated everyone with contempt, contempt and ridicule, laughing at them as fools. Not only will she not give them corresponding rewards, but she will use the same vicious means to make them realize their stupidity.

Different from the motherly heart of the old lady in the moon, she not only wants her subordinates to be capable and loyal and know how to serve her, but she also wants her subordinates to be smart enough to figure out what she means without her reminding her.

There are few beings who can accurately touch the scale in her heart. The pretty face in front of her can be considered as touching.

"Heh, just don't regret it when I return to Yinhun City." Misty changed her lying position: "When the time comes, my sister will lock you in my bedroom and be my exclusive slave!"

"Then let's have a chat." Aaron did not continue the topic. He tried to ask the question he wanted to ask: "By the way, since my sister is the princess of Yinhun City, she must know Is it about the scroll of Nese?"

"Of course." Misti glanced at Aaron: "The scroll of Nese created a great arcane empire that is still sung today."

"Yes, so I want to know the whereabouts of the Nese Scroll." Aaron took out a golden scroll from his body: "I got this by accident."

"Scroll of Nese?!" Misty reached out and took the scroll in surprise. She confirmed for a moment that the scroll in Aaron's hand was indeed the scroll of Nese. She couldn't help but look at Aaron deeply: "I underestimated you, little one." Where did you get that from, guy?”

"A relic of the Snake Empire." Aaron simply told Misty about his adventure in the Snake Empire.

"Oh, that bitch who spends all day raising pretty boys is really planning something. The Snake God is also a pure waste. He has slept for so long, his faith has been taken away and he can't do anything about it. Even his whole body exudes the smell of foreign bastards. Even aardvarks can't be dealt with," Misty sneered and returned the Nese scroll to Aaron. She hesitated for a few seconds before sighing.

"Don't be superstitious about this thing, little one."

"The Nese Scroll has not been complete since the day it was born."

"If you only know how to rely on him like those so-called arcanists, then you are destined to just repeat the path designed for you by others."

"But sister hopes that you can fly higher."

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