Crown of Chaos

Chapter 247, Naise’s Past

PS: The recent updates have been a bit awkward, because I’ve been asked to go on blind dates all day long, which is annoying to death. Fortunately, May Day should be fine, and I’ll be able to pay off my debts in three updates! The emperor made an oath here!

Misty talked about the past of the Arcane Empire of Netheril.

The Netherese Scrolls are 100 golden scrolls discovered by the Netherese in the ruins of the elven empire Erevandar. These scrolls allowed the Netherese people to rise from a tribal nation composed of seven small fishing villages to a certain influence in the multiverse. of magic empire.

Putting aside these familiar contents, Ms. Misty really revealed some secrets about the Nese Scroll.

"As you discovered in the ruins of the Serpent Empire, the Nese Scroll was actually made by the Saluk Witch." Misty was so excited about sharing the secret that she could not express the excitement of sharing the Nese Scroll. Things came slowly.

According to Ms. Misty, when the Saluk Witches established their empire and became the country's continental ruling civilization, they naturally began to come into contact with other crystal wall civilizations.

Among them, there was a war between a civilization called the "Spell Weavers" and the Saluk Witch. This was also a cosmic-level magical civilization. As a result, the Saluk Witch finally began to face the existence of other cosmic civilizations. They discovered that Even the knowledge taught to them by the giant snake of the universe is not invincible, and other cosmic civilizations also have merits.

Therefore, Saluk Wuhu established an organization and began to collect and study the magic of other races, and recorded the collected magic knowledge and their understanding of this aspect on the golden skin of the World Serpent.

This is the scroll of Nese.

But the Nese Scroll was of no use - when the organization established by Saluk Wuhu worked hard to make this artifact, Saluk Wuhu's empire either perished or handed over all authority to the snake people. Empire, he retreated into the deep palace and never asked about world affairs again, and the Spellweaver Empire was also destroyed due to unknown reasons while trying to ascend the family.

"It is said that the Spellweaver Empire came to a bizarre high-latitude world during their ascension. In this world, there is no time, no matter, only pure energy. There they met four supreme beings, Spellweaver. The weavers signed a contract with the supreme beings, but due to the malice of the supreme beings and the weakness of the spellweavers, it was impossible for them to successfully ascend collectively. On the contrary, because of the contract, almost all members of the entire race were destroyed, and only a handful of them were located. The spell weavers in the crystal wall system were protected by the gods, and the members who were not exposed to the universe escaped this catastrophe."

"That is to say, the Nese scroll is essentially for the Saruk witch's own use, but why did it fall into the hands of the Nese people?" Aaron asked with interest.

"Because someone wants to rebuild a multiverse-level magical force through the Nese Scroll." Misty nodded: "Part of it is to recover the research results and legacy of the Spellweaver. On the other hand, if something like the Nese Scroll continues, It is such a waste to leave it underground and eat ashes. Some people hope to change the world through the Nese Scroll, so that His power can be made more powerful."

"This person first chose the Elf Empire. However, the Elf Empire at that time had experienced a great loss of vitality due to the Crown War. Every Elf was reflecting on what they had done. In addition, in order to satisfy the desire for the soul to return to Avandor, , the legendary spells released by the high wizards of the elves caused the Great Schism. The high wizards of the elves also began to reflect on the disasters caused by the other side of magic. Therefore, they were not interested in the temptation of the scrolls of Nese, because after all, the elves The magic of the Empire itself is not much inferior to that of the Spellweavers."

"So, the Nese people were chosen, the Imaskar people were chosen, and they established two glorious arcane empires as they wished. Relying on the knowledge of the Nese scrolls, they both once dominated the continent for a while. However, That person still hasn't figured out human nature. Generally speaking, human beings are not a race with particularly lofty ambitions. Compared with the ascension of the family that the Spellweavers long for, humans are more willing to focus on immediate interests." Miss. Ti sneered and said in a mocking tone: "Since you have read Ms. Silinxi's book, you should know the dirty things that happened after the rise of the Nese people, right?"

"The Netherese people gave up their exploration of the multiverse after hitting a wall. The Upper Netherese Empire on the floating city regards the Lower Netherese people on the ground as ants. Hunting the Lower Netherese people is a legal activity in the Netherese Empire. , even in the floating city of Shang Nese, the great arcanists used residents to conduct living magic experiments when they had nothing to do. In order to test the power of his magic crystal cannon, Karthus asked ordinary residents to gather in the floating city garden. , and then killed hundreds of people with one shot."

It seems that Ms. Silinxi did not lie. The brutality and corruption of the Nese Empire in the later period can be imagined. Aaron nodded.

However, regarding the Spellweaver Empire and the ascension of his family, he had never heard of it, either from his previous life or from this life.

There is also a discrepancy with Elminster's statement. Elminster's statement is more that the Nether Empire was destroyed by the phaerim.

Misty frowned a little when she talked about these things, but her attitude was not sympathy or regret, but she was as unwilling to pay attention to a few annoying flies: "Of course, these things don't actually matter, the real problem is , the civilization created by the Nese Scroll is a castrated civilization."

"A castrated civilization?" Aaron thought for a moment and asked: "So, there is something wrong with the Nese scroll itself? As my sister said, the mastermind behind the scenes castrated some of the key content?"

"Yes." The Dark Night Fairy smiled contemptuously: "The Nese Scroll is divided into five chapters. Four chapters are enough to create the most glorious arcane civilization, but the most critical fifth chapter is about how to make artifacts. The content on how to create magic and how to raise a family to ascension has been castrated. This part of the content has been encrypted and requires a special key to open, otherwise it will be a bunch of gibberish."

"This part of encryption directly castrates the possibility of Nese people to break through themselves."

"So, the Nese Empire is destined not to reach the heights of the Spellweaver Empire. They are a castrated civilization. They can only follow the rules rather than innovate. They rely very much on the Nese scrolls. In the end, when faced with a crisis, They don’t know what to do, and they can only consult the scroll again and again, trying to find a solution to the problem in it.”

Aaron nodded heavily. This was a conspiracy. The Nese people's dependence on the Nese scrolls made them unwilling to break through when faced with problems. Instead, they tried to find solutions from the "wisdom of their ancestors."

"I still have questions, sister. You said that the Nese people are unwilling to break through, but magic such as 'Eolum Immortality, Marvin's World Weaving, Valdic's Sail Technique, and Mithron Core' Aren’t they all inventions of Nese people?”

These spells are so famous.

Iolum Immortality, the life-extending spell of the great arcane masters, allows them to live as living beings.

Marvin's Worldweaver, a legendary magic that changes the climate, can turn a polar region into a tropical rainforest (requires multiple casts).

Valdic's spinnaker technique can directly transform an ordinary ship into a spaceship that can travel through the crystal wall system, the phlogiston sea, and travel in the outer world.

Aaron felt that both Misty and Silinxi had underestimated the Nese Empire. This was a once extremely glorious arcane empire. Even though it had a very dark side, it also had great epics. .

"Ha! What's the great invention of the Nese people? Is their so-called great invention just that they spend all their time studying how to steal Mythril's divine power? Then they are really great, so great!"

Who knew that Misti would be even more disdainful when talking about this matter: "Each of these so-called legendary spells and great inventions of the Nese people was achieved by stealing Mythrael's magic power, which means that Mythrael has a good temper. , these rats eat the magic net and steal their divine power all day long, and you wipe their butts for them. If it were me, I would have slapped these rats to death!"

"In the end, Mysriel fell. He deserved it. He brought it upon himself!"

Aaron understood. Misty’s meaning was very simple. The so-called inventions and creations of the Nese people were essentially electricity thieves, stealing the power of the first-generation magic goddess for their own use. Their so-called great creations were fundamentally based on Achieved by "stealing electricity" from the magic network.

No wonder Lady Misty despises the Nese people so much.

Of course, the above are all Misty's words, and Aaron can only be used as a reference. However, considering his identity, relationship with her, and relatively complete logical chain, most of them should be credible.

"Last question, Sister Misty, how did the Nese Scroll disappear?" Aaron asked the last question.

"If someone can give it to the Nese people, they can also take it back. In that person's opinion, the Nese scrolls have completed its mission." Misty shook her head: "Most of the Nese scrolls have been destroyed. Some well-preserved scrolls were placed in Myth Drannor, and the rest are unknown."

Myth Drannor?

Aaron knew it was time for him to go to Myth Drannor.

"'who's that person?"

"Keke, sister can't tell you. Knowing too much will not be good for you. Little guy, when you reach the legend, sister will naturally tell you."

"Don't be superstitious about Nese Scrolls. Trust me, sister, and you can fly higher."

The two chatted for a long time. Ms. Misty and Aaron agreed on the next time to meet. She and Aaron agreed to meet again at this place a year later.

Then, the Dark Night Enchantress grabbed Aaron's chin and pressed her whole body up. Not only did she block his mouth, but she also licked Aaron's face from time to time, using her tongue wildly and hotly. She glanced at Aaron's handsome face, savoring his scent.


The little guy tastes so sweet!

"Uh huh~ Sister, you can't do this!" Aaron tried to struggle, but couldn't get away.

I'm sorry, Suellen, I'm sorry, Eleanor, I tried my best to resist!

"Serve me one more time, little one, and consider it as compensation for giving you so much information!" Ms. Misty finally let go of Aaron, and she stretched out a beautiful woman wrapped in black stockings towards him. Feet, the Dark Night Enchantress swayed her ankles slightly, and the black stockings shone with a seductive white light on her purple-white ankles, holding Aaron accurately.

Aaron licked his lips. He stretched out his hand, grasped the warm ankle that was constantly shaking with the beautiful black stockings, and moved down along the heel. The black red-soled high heel fell down along with his strength. on the ground.

" my sister wishes."

"Keke~ Work harder, I'm not easily satisfied. Use all your skills, little guy!"


When Aaron came out of the cave, a hint of fish belly white was already visible on the horizon.

He briefly recalled the wildness and ferocity of Sister Misty, and had to admit that this feeling was completely different from when he was with Eleanor and Alice Sayre. Charlotte was very stupid in this regard, and it all depended on Aaron leads.

And it was simply a war with Misty.

Ugh~back pain!

Aaron held his waist, thinking that he was worthy of comparing her to the Night Enchantress.

Before parting, Aaron took the initiative to hand over part of his astral magic and Salian exchange skills to Ms. Misty. She was very satisfied with this and rewarded Aaron with a big kiss and several bottles of small bottles. The potion, and a secret technique of making silk stockings in the Underdark, coupled with the previous wealth, the Silver Blade of Gith and the exchange of information, the two parties have reached an equal deal.

Among the eight magic winds, the ones with the highest affinity for Ms. Misty are shadow magic and death magic. In addition, there are advanced dark magic.

It's time to leave.

Aaron took one last look at the sun that was about to rise in the distance. Among the gaps in the mountains, in the endless darkness, the sunlight penetrated through the thick clouds, bringing a glimmer of dawn to the horizon.

He summoned a Tzeentch Frisbee, which rose into the sky and flew quickly towards the south.

In addition to meeting Ms. Misty this time, he also had one more thing to solve.

He was going to attend the engagement ceremony of University President Leonard.


A few hours later, a horde of Githyanki descended on the nursery.

A huge astral pirate ship appeared out of thin air, and the sides of the ship were filled with boundless phantom light from the astral realm. The giant ship tore open the membrane between the planes and descended here.

With neat orders, strict formations, and well-organized military formations, groups of Githyanki descended from the sky.

They landed directly from an altitude of hundreds of meters. These elite warriors with both melee and psychic skills were obviously not comparable to the scattered teams before. Their arrival was orderly, falling in clusters like airborne silos, surrounded by strong winds and explosions. With a similar falling force, he used psychic power to slow down the moment he was about to hit the ground.

Airdrop deployment, the Githyanki army has arrived!


Two adult red dragons followed the Astral Battleship. They breathed flames in the air and looked around with vicious and conceited pupils. They sensed the bloody aura of their own race and roared angrily.

The combat power of these two adult red dragons is enough to challenge seven or eight adult white dragons!

But they arrived too late.

There are only burned ruins, slaughtered guards, and huge scratches on the ground.

"No!!!!" The Githyanki commander looked at the foster home that had been reduced to ruins, and at the tragic deaths of his kind. In extreme anger, he swung his silver sword and cut two two-meter-long trenches into the ground. .

A master-level commander of the Githyanki, equipped with a full set of extraordinary equipment, armed with the silver sword of Gith, and extremely powerful in actual combat.

The device that held the eggs was destroyed, and every egg inside was dead.

"Check, check hard for me, who is it? Who dares to challenge us, challenge the supreme queen?"

Hundreds of Githyanki psionic warriors immediately began searching.

They soon found the answer: not far from the nursery, the battlefield where the Zhentarim and Githyanki squads fought had not been completely cleared.

"San! Tower! Lin! Will!" The Githyanki commander was furious, roaring at the top of his lungs, even with fear in his eyes.

The silver sword was lost and the egg was destroyed. It was impossible for him to deal with the queen like this. If he could not retrieve the silver sword and avenge his foster family, then his only ending would be to be executed by the queen with the cruelest means.

"Commander! Look at this!" A Githyanki psychic warrior held a parchment scroll in his arms: "This was found under the body of a warrior who died in battle."

"What is this?" The Githyanki commander took the parchment scroll and found that it had a brand new magic recorded on it.

"Chaos Prayer (Sixth Ring)"

As a Githyanki with both magic and martial arts skills, he was attracted by the effects and description of this magic after just two glances.

Such powerful magic, and one that’s literally tailor-made for our Githyanki psionic energy!

If you dedicate this magic to the queen, you might get a chance to live.

But could this be a trap?

Does this magic really work?

Looking further down, there is a sentence written on the end of the parchment scroll: "Scratch the anti-counterfeiting layer to confirm the authenticity of the magic."


The commander suspiciously scratched away the thin layer of darkness with his fingers.

It said "It's true" in strange, unknown but understandable characters.

For a moment, the Githyanki commander's perception was warped by the chaotic magic attached to the unknown writing.

it is true!

Yes, it's true!

The commander put the extremely rare scroll into his arms.

"Chase! How can the Zhentarim escape our astral battleship?"

Updated, please vote~

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