Crown of Chaos

Chapter 254, Myth Drannor, Shadow of the Past (Second update!)

PS: This is the second update. The third update should be relatively late. I will try my best to write it before 12 o'clock.

PS2: The emperor has worked very hard. Everyone is on holiday on May Day and I am working hard to update. Please vote for me~

In the dense, dark and airtight black forest, the big trees leading to the sky block all sight. The air is filled with a strange smell that cannot be described in words, and the stream flows down the desolate road in the forest. , gathering in late autumn, the water is no longer turbulent. This should be a beautiful and quiet primeval forest scene, but it has a strange atmosphere.

Along the way, Aaron only encountered two owlbears and a group of centaurs. Apart from that, neither he nor Ms. Sandra saw any animals, and the deeper into the forest, the fewer animals there were.

"I don't think he is the son of a pasha at all." Ms. Sandra pushed aside the dense grass and suddenly said to Aaron who was following behind: "The elite junior, the son of a pasha who only ventured for the first time in his twenties. ?”

"I understand what you mean, but the son of a pasha is a very broad concept." Aaron replied neutrally: "I guess he is indeed the son of a pasha, but his mother is not so favored. After all, his wife gave birth to him. He is the son of a pasha, and the one born by my concubine is also the son of a pasha, and even the one born by the kitchen maid is also the son of a pasha."

The marriage system is different in different parts of the country. Not only are nobles in Calimshan, but commoners can also marry four wives and more concubines. The north of the country is relatively conservative, and most people abide by monogamy. , but there is no explicit provision. If someone has the ability to get multiple gods and priests to bless his marriage contract, he can also marry multiple wives.

The nobles always tried to avoid this situation, because it would mean that their lands and properties would be divided.

"Isn't this your first time leading someone?" Looking at the harpist's familiarity with the Cormanthor Forest, Aaron asked curiously: "Besides the ruins, what else is there in Myth Drannor?" ?”

"Myst Drannor knights, elven expeditions, human adventure teams, mind flayers, phaerim, undead creatures, demons, everything is there in the ruins of the great city of singing." Sandra shrugged, needless to say He said with a concerned tone: "Of course, what impressed me the most was the group of dawn searchers."

"Dawn Seekers?"

"Yes... around the 13th century of the Vale calendar, the Lord of the Dawn appeared in front of his priests. He asked his followers to try to recover Myth Drannor and gave them a sacred stone called the 'Dawn Stone'. His followers therefore formed the 'Dawn Seekers', and for hundreds of years, followers of the Lord of the Dawn have continued to join." The Harper didn't seem to have a good attitude when talking about this matter: "They are interested in every inch of the land here. , every time they make a new discovery, it means a lot of gains and huge casualties."

Followers of Lathander always do this.

When Aaron heard this, he thought that the Lord of the Morning always taught his idealism and far-sightedness to his followers. Under his influence, the followers of Lathander were always very radical in doing things, and they also liked to engage in some " The reason is that "the crime lies in the present time, but the benefit lies in the future" requires everyone to join in and engage in moral kidnapping.

These people sometimes don't understand that when you don't want to hear what others have to say, others don't want to hear what you have to say.

Instead of thinking about the big one all day long, it’s better to figure out how to handle the small one first.

You don’t grant me magical powers, so your master’s lofty aspirations have nothing to do with me?

So even though Lathander is a kind god and has expressed his desire to "get close" to Aaron, this is why Aaron resolutely draws a clear line with Lathander.

You don't know when this god will suddenly have a sudden whim to do the whole thing.

Lathander never thought she had done anything wrong.

The two walked through the dark forest. For the first time, Aaron could not hear the singing of birds or the calls of birds and animals in the forest. The only thing he could hear was the sound of the wind blowing through the deep forest. and Ms. Sandra’s footsteps and the sound of running water in the distance.

After walking through the narrow path, the scenery suddenly opened up. A small waterfall hung down from a cliff more than ten meters high. Green moss covered the stone surface of the pool under the cliff. The overgrown plants stretch out tenaciously, reflecting the scenery at both ends of the waterfall.

It's beautiful, but a little weird.

"I will send you here, Lord Aaron Salian. Going up this waterfall is the area around Myth Drannor." Sandra the Wind Chaser stopped: "Be careful, this is not Just kidding, I know what kind of enemies you have faced, but if you don't want to be remembered, you'd better be cautious, successfully get what you want, and do what you want immediately leave."

"Thank you for your advice." Aaron was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly asked: "Finally, I have another question, Ms. Sandra, have you ever entered Misdrone?"

The old lady who looked to be in her fifties suddenly smiled when she heard this question, and the thick wrinkles on her face stretched out: "Actually, I am 109 years old this year. You can call me an old lady precisely because I've been in there."

"Of the thirty-six-member expedition, I was the only one who came back alive."


The predecessor of the Cormanthor Empire was established after the Elven Crown War. At that time, several elven groups (sun elves, moon elves, and wood elves) left the Kingdom of Arivanda to escape. They came to a large place called Accra. In the forest, five elven kingdoms were established. Due to the existence of the sun elves, an elven royal court was also established here. The five elven kingdoms gradually grew stronger after thousands of years of development.

The elves as a race have always rejected unity and authoritarian politics, but the next two things changed the elves' attitudes.

A meteorite fell from the sky, directly destroying an elven kingdom and killing three-quarters of the elves. This incident was called the "Skyfire Incident."

Four hundred years after the Skyfire incident, a large group of drow elves and gray dwarves emerged from the tunnel. The nearby dwarf underground kingdom, which had always had a good relationship with the elves, perished. The elven royal court was also plundered by the drow, but the drow were not The elves who like to rule the land retreat underground, giving the elves here a chance to breathe.

It took the elves hundreds of years to recover. They began to reflect on whether excessive separatism had led to the tragedy of fighting against each other. The issue of unity was once again brought to the court for discussion by the elves. The crown king of the sun elves was dying of illness. He believes that "all people who can be united must be united" to unite and advance together.

Of the remaining four kingdoms, three agreed to unite, while the Wood Elf Kingdom flatly refused.

So the high elven mages made three elven holy swords under the order of King Mian. All candidates who were qualified to participate in the election of King Mian participated in the test of the holy elven sword. One of the young people got the "Sword of the Crown" Approved and crowned as the new crowned king.

Since then, the elven kingdoms have declared their unification. The new Crown King has integrated several elven kingdoms into the "United Kingdom of Cormanthal" and announced that the Accra Forest will be renamed the Cormanthal Forest. The Crown King wanders in the Cormanthal Forest. Fifteen years later, under the guidance of the illusion and the Sword of the Crown, he inserted the sword into a small hill in the north. The power of the Sword of the Crown materialized into a high tower. With the high tower as the center, the United Kingdom of Cormanthel The capital is here.

In the next 3000 years, the United Kingdom of Cormanthel relied on the power of unity to defeat the attacks of the orcs, the evil god Moander, and the drow. The kingdom continued to develop. At the same time, the Wood Elf Kingdom that refused to join the United Kingdom finally defeated the giants and Destroyed by orc attack.

Ilta Green, the sixth crowned king of Cormanthel, deeply regretted this, so he further interpreted the words "united all the people who can be united" left by the previous crowned kings, believing that the "people" in this sentence It includes not only elves, but also dwarfs, halflings, humans, dwarves and other kind races. Iltargreen invited humans to cultivate land near the great forest, and both parties agreed to peacefully coexist.

This is the origin of "Valley" and "Valley Calendar". On the day when humans accepted the invitation of the elves to sign a contract, the Valley Calendar began, and that year was "Valley Calendar Year 1".

After that, there is the story of Elminster. Under the guidance of the second-generation magic goddess Mystra, Elminster successfully entered the Cormanthor Forest, and finally turned enemies into friends with the elves, and successfully persuaded Most of the elves accepted him. As the Mystery Chain covering the entire city rose, the United Kingdom of Cormanthor was officially upgraded to the Empire of Cormanthor. Crown King Ilta Green and Chief Archmage Ms. Silinci announced Renamed the capital to Myth Drannor.

This is the origin of Myth Drannor.

Therefore, in the context of the country, the word "empire" does not mean "imperial centralized state", but more means "internal diversification of the country" and "external expansion".

Under the wise leadership of Iltargrim and the assistance of Silinsi, the prosperity of Myth Drannor reached its peak: for the first time in history, elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings and other forest races lived in harmony. Together, care for each other and support each other.

Under the protection of the powerful Mystic Lock, people live a long and healthy life without worries about food and clothing. The society is highly developed and progressed. Sister cities have been established one after another. The most famous one is Silvermoon City. Myst Drannor has become the capital of magic and art, and is known as the "Song of Songs". City".

The splendor of this city cannot be matched by any other city in the history of the country.

Aaron slowly flew up the cliff on the Tzeentch Frisbee. He recalled in his mind the excitement of Barrier-Moonflower when she talked about these histories. He was so moved that he couldn't help himself.

A society in which the world is united really once existed.

Perhaps Myth Drannor's most glorious days were the Emperor's long-cherished wish.

"I have a dream."

——The Emperor's speech to the humans of Terra

It's just that the Emperor's territory has the Supreme Lord, the Emperor's Advocate, and the Oil Guys, but there is no place for the Primarchs and Space Marines. Similarly, there are no elves and dwarves in the Emperor's plan who can accept halflings. This is probably the emperor's bottom line.

If that day came, what would you do with the Primarch and the Space Marines? My emperor?

Aaron thought secretly in his heart.

Deep in the soul of the Emperor's Custodian, a strong long-cherished wish arose in Aaron's heart.

Can I?

Can I recreate the glory of Myth Drannor again and build a dream kingdom?

Aaron didn't know, but he had faith in himself.

It's getting foggy.

After ascending to the cliff, the situation immediately became different. A light mist enveloped the area above the cliff, and the scenery in front of them became chaotic and unclear. The mist enveloped the ruins in the distance, vaguely outlining the outline of the elves' former water conservancy projects.

Aaron knew he had arrived at the outskirts of Myth Drannor. He drew the Darkmoon Sword and slowly approached.

The feeling of magic became strange, the connection between him and the magic network became intermittent, and the spellcasting no longer felt rounded, but became obscure and chaotic.

There are echoes in the depths of the mist, and a strange whisper can also be heard vaguely. The scattered sentences composed by the elves are full of sadness and fascinating.

Aaron couldn't help but stop and listen.

The echoing sound fills the air, and the mist blocks perception. There are two worlds inside the mist and outside the mist.

This also gave the ambushers in the fog an opportunity to take advantage of!

Suddenly, from the corner, from behind the ruins, from the forest, from the mist, several humanoid monsters raised their arms and hit Aaron, the uninvited guest, like fired cannonballs!

As they got closer, these humanoid monsters finally revealed their true colors!

The upper body is a huge mushroom, the lower body is human-like, and the humanoid monster is covered with moss and fungi. It raises its arms covered with parasitic toadstools and pounces towards Aaron.

Prey, here it comes!

Updated, please vote~

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