Crown of Chaos

Chapter 255, Lingchi Blade (Third update!)

The rushing mushroom man crashed into Aaron like a cannonball.

Six mushroom men, from six directions, blocked all of Aaron's dodge space.

This fog!

The Son of Chaos narrowed his eyes. He had already felt that there was something wrong with the fog from the moment he entered Myst Drannor. Although his perception attribute could not be compared to that of a divine spell caster like Miss Priest who needed perception as his main attribute, but The fact that the mushroom man can only notice it when he touches it already explains the problem.

Of course, Aaron cannot be hit so easily. He has improved to master level strength.

Mantra chanting.

Fire of Tzeentch!

Around Aaron, a circle of colorful flames surrounded his body to form a ring of fire. The lifelike flames rotated three times along Aaron's torso, blocking all possible attack directions of the mushroom men.

Facing the flames, the mushroom people's behavior was different from what Aaron imagined. They were familiar with the flames and used their bodies to rush directly into the burning fire. It was not until they touched the colorful flames that the mushroom people's bodies subconsciously Back away.

It was already too late, the colorful flames spread along the mushroom man's body, like a group of piranhas eating flesh and blood, engulfing the six mushroom men and burning them into a ball of ashes.

The air became quiet again, leaving only the enemies twitching slightly in the flames. Aaron carefully watched the charred corpses of these mushroom men.

The upper half is a mushroom, and the lower half is a human. There are many wounds on both arms and body, and patches of fungi have grown out of the wounds. These mushroom people seem to have lost their sense of sight and smell, and their heads have been covered with all kinds of toadstools. plant-like instead, so they can neither see nor smell.

The only thing these mushroom men can rely on is their strong bodies, advantageous arms and fearless charging. Each mushroom man weighs at least three hundred pounds. If the strength attribute of being hit by these mushroom men is not high enough, it will not hurt. At least he would be knocked to the ground.

"Where did it come from?" Aaron checked for a while but couldn't get a specific answer.

There was movement in the mist again, and this time Aaron was more alert.

His expression was also more serious.


One, two, and more mushroom people emerged, and columns rose up one after another on the ground. Only then did Aaron realize that the entire water conservancy facility was surrounded by mushroom people, a total of seventy or eighty of them!

These mushroom men almost followed the same pace. They all aimed at Aaron's position and charged as a group. The bodies of these monsters formed a wall and pressed down like an overwhelming mountain.

With no vision or sense of smell, how on earth did these mushroom people determine his location?

Facing so many enemies, Aaron did not resist, because it was meaningless. He glanced in one direction, activated the Lost Tracking Step, and disappeared in place.

The large group of mushroom men lost their target and stopped in place. They wandered aimlessly for a while and then stopped.

Above the dilapidated water conservancy building, two demon elves wearing robes, with two horns on their heads and two wings on their backs revealed their true colors.

"I think he's discovered us."

"Yes, Crusian, send a messenger back to report to the head of the family that someone is coming."

"And judging from his strength, he is a very powerful mage!"

"Yes." A demon elf released a magic, and the animal messenger flew deep into the mist with news of the appearance of foreign enemies.

"Then what do we do?"

"Chase! He escaped into the underground water pump network."

"Unfamiliar outsiders are not welcome there."


The network of underground water pumps in Myth Drannor is like a huge maze, running through the vaulted halls and long low corridors, through endless rooms, narrow corridors, and through the white almost vertical downwards. The stone steps extend deep underground.

It is said that the network of underground water pumps in Myth Drannor was built by the dwarves. This network is called the Well of Life and provides a reliable source of fresh water for the residents of the city.

But after the fall of Myth Drannor, the underground water pump network has become a chaotic and dirty place. Without any lighting, the ground has plunged into darkness. Angry shouts seem to be coming from every direction, and the entire water pump network has become chaotic. It was like a hunting ground, and Aaron was the prey trapped in it and running away.

A small group of pursuers was chasing after him, and he could hear their curses and commands, the sound of swords being unsheathed, and the clang of heavy armored feet on the stone.

"Demon Elf." Aaron muttered the enemy's name silently. He ran through the chaotic road and felt the traces of his boots sliding on the ground. Statues were placed on both sides of the road to commemorate everyone who had worked hard to build the water pump network. Workers, but with the erosion of time, these statues have been completely changed beyond recognition.

The demon elves regard Myth Drannor as their private property, and they will attack anything that tries to enter the city. Aaron gracefully jumped forward and ducked around a corner, wanting to confirm the number of his enemies.

"Krue! You go that way."

"Gu, go there."

The enemy seemed to be a small team, with an orderly division of labor. Seeing that the prey had temporarily disappeared, the demon elves who were familiar with the water network immediately began to divide the labor, but they would soon realize what a mistake it was to try to chase Aaron.

A demon elf turned the corner, and a ray of moonlight flew out from behind the statue on the roadside. The blade slid, and the head of the first pursuer was cut off cleanly. Then Aaron rushed towards the other attacker, and he rolled towards In front of him, he dodged a scorching ray released by the demon elf, and blocked one with the lightless night and the divine spark shield respectively. The sword of the dark moon was swung, and the demon elf was disembowelled.

The elf screamed before he died, attracting the attention of the team leader. In the darkness, sharp arrows shot in succession, piercing the wall and statue behind Aaron, splashing stone foam.

Aaron continued to run, and when he reached the next intersection, the demon elf team lost two more people.

Now the demon elves no longer dared to pursue him as before. They turned to advance cautiously. Passing in three directions, they gradually trapped Aaron in a dead end.

Aaron could feel the hatred seeping from the walls, ceiling, and floor building. With a howl, the demon elves swarmed in from three directions.

Two of the elves used crossbows to pull the triggers on Aaron.

A ranger played with his double daggers, flying up and down, preparing for a surprise attack.

The three demon elves were obviously spellcasters. They chanted magic to Aaron respectively, and the colorful light was aimed at Aaron's throat.

There were also two elves holding spears and shields, who vigilantly blocked the direction in which Aaron might escape.

"Human, this is not the place you should come from. From the moment you step here, you are destined to die." The leader of the demon elves said with a ferocious face: "You actually killed four of our companions. It doesn't matter, we will divide you into Four servings, hang you on a roulette wheel and grind you up like a bug, you asked for it."

"Really? Why do I think that you people don't have to go to the roulette wheel, and you are already a group of less than half of the bastards?" Aaron smiled and said sarcastically: "Even the tieflings think that your blood is impure! Scum!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the demon elves were distorted, and their hatred for Aaron immediately increased to the limit.

The demon elves have always been proud of the evil blood in their blood. Compared to their elven blood, they have always known that they are proud evil races.

This human actually, actually laughed at our bloodline for not being as good as tieflings? !

The anger of the demon elves has risen. At the same time, Aaron also let go of his brain.

He is absorbing emotions.

Hatred, corruption, slaughter, and pain, like most elves, the demon elves are also a very emotional species, and their intense hatred caused all this information to flood into Aaron's mind.

The books that the demon elves spent their time were filled with hateful words, and the walls of the manor were filled with corrupted prayers. The pain and slaughter in their minds all poured into Aaron's body.

Such rich emotions, worthy of being an elf. I wonder how the drow elves compare to the demon elves.

Now, their emotions will become my most powerful weapon.

Aaron absorbed the emotions of these demon elves, and the power of Slaanesh began to boil and gradually take shape. It was white-hot and restless, and purple-red light and shadow enveloped the sons of Chaos.

"Kill him!" As the demon elves screamed, Aaron also took action.

He crushed all the emotions into pieces, throwing these small sharp flakes out like shotguns, every word, every syllable gathered in it. As Aaron shouted loudly, he threw these hatreds out of his brain and into the real world.

A rain of fragments composed of emotions spurted out from his chest, penetrating the entire narrow water pump network at once. This energy exploded the remaining eight demon elves into a shower of red blood, with broken bones and eyeballs flying everywhere.

Millions of broken tiny sharp blades swept through like a whirlpool, engulfing the entire demon elf team. Everything in the light and shadow, under the blade and electricity, turned into dust.

In the blink of an eye, the entire team of demon elves was wiped out.

This magic was so powerful that not a single hair of the eight demon elves was left.

Aaron gasped for air, feeling the slightly spasmodic facial muscles, and was very satisfied with the power of his new magic.

Seven-ring Slaanesh’s advanced magic—Lingchi Blade!

Absorbs the emotional energy of all nearby creatures, transforms, decomposes and reorganizes them into a rainstorm of sharp blades that can cut bones and flesh.

Silence returned to the water pump network.

It took Aaron some time to find the way out of the Water Pump Network. The outside world was as misty as ever. Aaron took out the map Barrel-Moonflower gave him and looked for the way into Myth Drannor.

After only ten minutes of walking, when Aaron truly stepped into the ruins of the city, he felt a magic arc sweep through his body, followed by a feeling of dizziness and intense discomfort. The connection with the Magic Network was directly interrupted, and he could no longer feel the Magic Network.

What Barrel said was indeed correct.

Although Myth Drannor's Mystery Lock is still functioning, it has been corrupted. Its original effect of protecting the good camp and repelling the evil camp has been reversed, and it has become very unstable.

Aaron looked at the arc of magic that continued to sweep across the surrounding area, filled with admiration for the elves' magical achievements.

Mystery lock!

The shining jewel in the crown of elven advanced magic!

Give me one too!

The third update is completed, please vote and subscribe!

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