Crown of Chaos

Chapter 277: The anxious eldest lady and the even more anxious princess

PS: I have recently been receiving training as a special correspondent for the Democratic Party. I work from 9 am to 9 pm every day, so I am always stuck in updating. Please bear with me, readers.

The dark clouds in the sky were rolling, the wind was roaring like a wild horse, and rain and sleet fell on the sunset collar by Feilongshui Lake, forcing the dwarves to completely stop work.

On the brand-new streets that had just been repaired, there was dust everywhere that was raised by strong winds and heavy rains, stretching across the entire street.

Sallian Castle gradually fell into a superposition of silence and chaos.

After Aaron came back, he relied on his super personal ability to gradually deal with the backlog of government affairs. However, this popular man in Cormyr, the lord who has become famous in the country time and time again, does not seem to be that interested in internal affairs.

Many times, the favorite thing a lord likes to do when he has newly sealed a territory is to patrol it over and over again, but Aaron is not interested in this. After he inquired about a few major things, it is obvious that what he prefers to do is to stay in the territory. In the palace of Aquitaine with his girlfriend, Miss Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Another side of the castle.

Under the protection of a team of black vulture guards, the fairy princess Buyer came to the living place Aaron had arranged for her—a large, almost completely independent garden and a semi-enclosed villa in the castle. Named "Jingshan Palace", everything Buyer needs has been prepared at Aaron's request, and the little Loli is ready to move in.

Buyer actually didn't like to be isolated, but the fairy princess also knew that she was essentially a divine creature. When she saw the palace that Aaron had built specifically for her, she still showed a satisfied look: "Mr. Knight really arranged it for me. It’s very good! Jingshan Palace? This is such a great name.”

Maximian, the captain of the Black Eagle Guard and Aaron's cousin, nodded and smiled: "Yes, His Majesty the Viscount has given orders. If you have any needs, you can come to me directly."

The Black Vulture Guards are an elite force newly formed by Aaron. They are drawn from twenty members of the Ninth Shepherd Legion and formed into a fifty-man Guards, with Maximian as the captain. These fifty people are responsible for the inner court guards. Equip the piles of white dragonhide armor brought by the snow elves, the adult red dragonhide armor and the captured fiend elves.

It is said that Aaron originally planned to name this direct lineage "Sultan's Guards" or "Roman Praetorian Guards", but he later gave up.

Later, Aaron planned to name this army "Varangian Guards" or "Flagship Guards". As a result, both the former and the latter seemed a bit unclear, leading to opposition from the palace officials.

Cousin Robert suggested calling them "Salian Guards" but Aaron rejected it because the name was too arrogant.

The Ninth Legion is also a legion of the Kingdom of Cormyr!

Miss Priest Eleanor's proposal to call them "Silver Moon Guards" was rejected by Aaron. First of all, the name overlapped with Silver Moon City. Secondly, the title Silver Moon Guards was too strong in Su Lun's name, and not all soldiers could. Believe in Selun.

In the end, Aaron decided to call it "Black Vulture Guard".

Don’t we old Salians still represent pure-blooded Teutons?

The animal image of the black vulture was loved by everyone, and the black vulture guard became the core elite number of the Shepherd Legion.

Through military reforms, the Black Eagle Guard, the Doherty Greatsword Battalion, and the Snow Elf Magic Archer Battalion will gradually become the core armies under Aaron's command.

"The environment here is very good. It would be better if I could make some adjustments."

Buyer made his request towards Maximian with some caution.

so cute!

Buyer was really a bit too young and old to kill each other. Maximian looked at the small, soft big badminton with the light of hope in his eyes and felt that his heart was about to melt. Of course he had listened to Aaron's instructions. : "Yes, Sir Aaron has told you that you can change this large garden area and Jingshan Palace into whatever you want!"

Demonstrating Isha's power is not difficult.

The difficulty is that Isa's power needs to be radiated to the entire territory continuously and for a long time. If Buyer can't create the environment she wants, then she will have to spread her power personally all day long, so that the power of abundance can radiate to the Sunset Territory. The whole territory.

This will make Buyer have to stay in the Jingshan Palace for a long time, unable to leave even a step. He may even need a throne made of gold for the fairy princess to sit on all the time, so that the whole collar can be covered with her blessings.

And if Isha's power can be bound to the Jingshan Palace and the Great Garden, then Buyer will not need to stay here for a long time. She can even cultivate some clergy-like beings and give them some power, so that They can spread blessings on Buyel's behalf.

This is the prototype of the relationship between gods and priests.

Buyer is in no hurry to use Isa's power to change the environment.

She suddenly wanted to take a walk around the castle. She was curious about everything about her knight.

The first phase of the Salian Castle project has not been completed yet. In fact, there is nothing to see. However, when they arrived at a certain place, Maximian still stopped in front of Buyer.

"Your Highness, you can't look here for the time being."

Visits to the chapel of Our Lady of Silver Suren, which is under construction, are not allowed.

Buyer's white eyebrows trembled slightly. Her big eyes stared at the dome of the chapel and the marble structure inside, and she vaguely sensed the secret inside.

"Mr. Maximian, I guess this order was given by Ms. Eleanor, right?" Little Loli said curiously: "Let me think about it, what will Mr. Knight do?"

Maximian's expression froze, he opened his mouth, and could only watch as Buyer blessed him with two spells and walked into the Suellen Chapel, which was still under construction, but he did not dare to go in.

Buyer didn't stay long. The fairy princess walked around inside and came out. The shocked expression was still on her face, and she murmured to herself: "Mr. Knight, are you planning to..."

"your Highness?"

"No, it's okay." Buyer quickly shook his head, and the fairy princess showed her invincible and lovely smile again. She stuck out her tongue: "Mr. Maximian is the knight's cousin, right? He is really a mature and stable good man. Yes! Can I call you cousin Mark?"

"Your Highness, please call me whatever you want." Maximian was charmed by Buyer, and he said awkwardly: "I'm not much older than Aaron."

"Yes, I am only 500 years old this year!" Buyer gestured to Maximian with the five fingers of his tender little hand.

Maximian: "?"


This loli fairy princess who looks about 10 years old is 500 years old?

Captain Black Eagle, who was not yet 25 but looked 35, was instantly depressed.


The construction of the Sunset Territory was proceeding smoothly, and a magically marked letter was immediately sent to the Obeszil Palace in Susar.

At this time, the regent Princess Alice had just finished handling government affairs for a whole day and returned to her palace with an expressionless face.

She was the only one in the bedroom, and this situation would last until she called someone after bathing.

The regent princess gently put down the king's scepter, which symbolized the royal power of Cormyr, then took off her fiery red high-heeled boots and put on the large cotton slippers given to her by Aaron.

Walking into her bedroom, Aliceser raised her head and glanced at the hanging clock.

There is plenty of time.

Alice Searle has been very irritable during this time.

Logically speaking, the regent has no reason to be upset.

After successfully smashing the coup of the Son of Bane and experiencing the "Fire of Suzhar", Alice Thel finally completed the unification of the entire territory of Cormyr, except for the northernmost Tiffanton, which was not actually controlled due to historical issues. , just like her father Assan IV in the golden age, the Princess Regent can already proudly declare that she is indeed the master of the kingdom.

After the war ended, the economy was fully restored due to the efforts of Alice Searle, all kinds of bans were lifted, and the people returned to live and work in peace and contentment. Since many nobles participated in Duke Caspar's rebellion, plus The evidence was strong, so the Princess Regent had no pressure to strike hard at the corrupt nobles without fear of opposition from the Kingdom Parliament.

Relying on the princess' land inspection and large-scale changes, Irisel forced all the nobles in the kingdom to give up at least one-third of their territory.

Subsequently, the princess issued the "Kingdom Peace Order", which strengthened the royal power and completely prohibited the private wars among the great nobles.

Aliceser then announced the "New Village Movement" to deal with the redundant territories of the nobles.

There are two cores of the New Village Movement. The first is to rely on the large number of direct territories that were taken back. Alice Searle established more than 100 new villages. These villages were vertically governed by the acting officials appointed by the Queen Regent, and a large amount of land was obtained. composed of homesteaders.

The second one is to conduct professional tests directly at the expense of the royal family in all villages under the direct jurisdiction of the government to discover those talents with professional talents that may have been missed.

After just one screening, Alice Sayre found more than 1,000 civilians who had professional talents but didn't know it.

This is a great addition to Cormier’s existing strengths.

Lifting the ban, reducing taxes, striking hard at the aristocracy, returning land to the peasants, and finding talented people among the common people, these are all very brilliant achievements, and Alice Serre worked hard to prove herself.

However, what is unexpected is that although she has great power, has made outstanding achievements, and is loved by almost everyone, Alice Sayre is not happy.

Because someone is not by her side, she cannot share her joy. She is always holding it back, well, holding it back in every sense of the word, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"How come you're not dead, Aaron!"

Alice Searle held the autographed letter from Aaron with her index and middle fingers. Her face was covered with a layer of frost, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, covering up the uneasiness and a little bit of anger.

After untying the princess crown from her long, bright golden hair like a waterfall, she let her hair fall with a slight stroke of her slender fingers. Alice held Aaron's letter in her hand and came to the bathroom. The gorgeous large bathtub was already full. After drinking rose petals and hot water, she took off her coat, princess uniform skirt, and military shirt one by one, layer by layer, until only her underwear was left.

The collarbones as delicate as snow and the proud achievements stand high in the mist, the flat belly is as white as mutton fat and jade, and the waistcoat line composed of six-pack abs is above the small navel.

Looking down, there is a pair of beautiful long legs that are always carefully maintained on weekdays. At this time, they are wrapped in a pair of ultra-thin pearlescent black stockings.

Well, this pair of stockings was also given to her by Aaron and Charlotte.

It is no longer news that pearlescent stockings made of high-end and precious magic materials are popular throughout Susar and even in the north of the country, especially the regent herself, no matter whether it is the delicate and smooth color that is like the psychedelic night of stars. The visual changes, as well as the subtle pressure, fine touch, close fit to the skin, and the graceful touch brought by just the right package, are enough to make this regent princess who has been conquering all over the world since she was a child and has otherworldly needs addicted to it and unable to extricate herself.

She was already addicted to the delicate feeling caused by the slight friction of this silk material against her skin.

Could this be a conspiracy between Aaron and Charlotte?

Maybe, but Alice Serre really doesn't have the ability to get rid of it.

With some reluctance, Alice took off her last clothes, and immersed her body in the hot water pool. Her delicate body as white as snow was enveloped in the heat, and her scarlet eyes gradually changed from sharp to gentle.

Enjoying the hot water and relaxing from fatigue, Alice Searle finally took out Aaron's letter.

Of course she already knew about Aaron and Buyer.

Alice Searle couldn't use words to describe her mood at that time.

pride? envy? joy? anger?

The Princess Regent could only say that her mood at that time was very complicated, especially a faint throbbing that quietly surged into her heart.

Who doesn’t have a princess dream?

In fact, when she was a child, she had fantasized about the scene of Dragon Quest and the princess being rescued more than once.

It's a pity that when she grows up, it will be her who fights the dragon.

Her eyes became more and more blurred under the mist. The strange throbbing feeling and untimely shyness made Alice Ser hesitate for a long time. She never touched Aaron's letter until the surface of it started to get wet.

The confusion was eventually replaced by clear determination.

Alice Searle's eyes slowly returned to clarity. She took a long breath and opened the letter.

The light in her beautiful scarlet eyes lit up.

Aaron Salian officially invited her and Charlotte to visit his territory! The time is three months later!

After reading this letter, Alice Searle’s first reaction was: Why three months later?

She wants to set off tomorrow!

However, the princess's mind was always clear, which was why she secretly expressed similar intentions again and again even though she knew Aaron was not around.

She is a proud princess, and she will never do such a thing of lowering the price!

After taking a bath, Irisel walked out wearing a bath towel. The slightly aggressive cool breeze on the rainy and snowy day in early winter passed through the cold palace and dissipated the heat mist on her body. The princess shook her long hair indifferently. , let the maids come up to dry themselves and put on golden nightgown.

There was a sudden noise outside.

Of course Alice Searle understood who was coming. At this point, the palace gate had been locked. Apart from urgent military information, there was only...

"Alice!!!" A head of pink hair rushed in!

"Aaron invites us to visit his territory in three months~~~"

The eldest lady, Charlotte, excitedly hugged her best friend's neck and threw herself on her.

"I already know, Xia Lu." Alice Sayre pushed Charlotte away a little unnaturally. She had just read Aaron's letter and her body was still a little strange. The eldest lady was wearing brown ultra-thin Aurora stockings with beautiful legs. Rubbing it twice on her unprotected thigh, a strange blush appeared on her face: "Get out of the way, my hair is not done yet."

"Hee~" The eldest lady's golden eyes rolled: "My dear friend, I am deeply affected by not having my younger brother by my side. I was just sobbing in the big bathing house. It sounded so pitiful!"

"Charlotte!!!" Alice Serre's face turned red, and she roared sharply, like a dragon roaring.

"Hehe~ Stop pretending." Charlotte was not afraid of her best friend at all. She came up to her again and said, "Am I any different from you?"

Seeing that the princess's expression softened slightly, the eldest lady simply whispered her evil plan.

"I have a plan!"

"Don't you want to take revenge on that priest for what happened under the bed when you visited Aaron last time?"

Anti-Eleanor League, start activity!

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