Crown of Chaos

Chapter 278, the strong wind surrounding Aaron

East of the Great Forest of Cormanthor, on the east coast of the Sea of ​​Dragons, Port Tanris.

Tanris Port is located on the east coast of the Sea of ​​Dragons. Like Dragon Lake, it also belongs to the Fallen Star Sea system. This port is located to the east of the Great Forest of Cormanthor, facing Cormanthor and the valley across the Strait of Dragons. It is a A famous port.

This port began to develop greatly after 649 in the Valley Calendar. It was first used to receive immigrants from the south and a resting base for pirates from the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars. It was famous for its notorious plundering. In order to fight against the pirates, traders united rose up, raised an army, established a city council, and eventually formed the port city.

The most famous event in Tanres Port is the incident of the Year of Turbulence. During the Year of Turmoil, Tom, the god of loyalty and courage among the three gods of justice, came here in the form of a saint. This caused Tom's church to quickly It became one of the most influential churches in Port Tanres.

Not long after Thom settled here, he met Bane, who was also the incarnation of the saint, leading the Zhentarim army to attack Tanris Port.

It turns out that Bane hid the tablet of destiny in this city after stealing the tablet of the god AO. He is now coming to take it away and is trying to obtain the secret of how to become the god AO through the tablet of destiny.

Thom didn't know about this at the time, but this did not prevent this upright and kind-hearted god from fighting for the people here. However, Thom, who only had weak divine power, was obviously no match for the powerful god Bane. For this reason, Thom Choosing a very controversial approach - he demanded the lives of his followers to strengthen his power.

According to incomplete statistics, a few thousand people agreed to sacrifice themselves. They gave their bodies and souls to give Thom the strength to fight Bane.

Relying on large-scale sacrifices, Thom eventually died together with Bane's saints in the Port Battle. The fall of the two gods destroyed most of the port and formed a huge dead magic area.

After the Year of Turmoil, the god AO believed that Thom had performed his duties well with his life, so he resurrected Thom, and the port of Tanres became the holy city of Thom. There are countless Thom here every year. Believers of Mu come for pilgrimage.

Today, another loyal believer of Thom came to make a pilgrimage.

Wearing a tattered burqa, the former Purple Dragon champion knight Leonard came to Tanris Port.

During the turbulent years, Port Tanres suffered the most serious damage. Most of the city was destroyed, and the population dropped from 69,000 at its peak to 22,000. However, the city was full of unimaginable vitality, and people gathered in At the same time, there is no trace of depression and decadence at all. Passenger ships and cargo ships are moored at the pier, and the large crane device manufactured by the engineers of Gond, the god of craftsmen, is operating every minute and every second, lifting a heavy item. The purchase of goods means the completion of a transaction, and new wealth flows into the pockets of citizens.

"Is this my Lord's holy place?"

Leonard stepped onto the dock. He looked at the holy city of Tom, which was being rebuilt in most of the city. Just when he was thinking of saying something to express his respect for Tom, the tax official at the dock stopped him.

"Are you here for pilgrimage?" The tax officer at the dock always sounded lazy and eccentric when he said it: "The landing fee is 10 copper coins, and we do not accept any form of payment other than cash."

Leonard was a little dumbfounded. He took out 10 copper coins from his pocket and handed them to the tax officer at the dock. He asked casually: "Pilgrims also have to pay a fee?"

"Thom treats everyone equally!" The dock tax officer took the money and muttered impatiently: "No matter who you are, you have to pay."

Leonard didn't say much. As he entered the city, he saw a public sign.

The city council announced: Due to the special situation after the turbulent year and the current situation of the city, every non-local registered person must pay an entry fee of 5 copper coins to enter the city, which is valid for one day.


Leonard tried to find the tax official again, but found that he couldn't find him.

When he came back, a new tax official stopped in front of him: "Are you here for pilgrimage? The entrance fee is 5 copper coins, and no payment method other than cash is accepted. Tom treats everyone equally."

Leonard: "…………"

After paying again, Leonard successfully entered the city. Tom's temples usually also function as fortresses. Most of them are built on the top of hills with good views, enough to overlook the surrounding training grounds, towers, and residents. and a simple barracks where visiting knights lived, as well as a plainly decorated worship hall.

White marble walls, lions and human statues wearing armor can be seen everywhere in the temple, and the high-ceiling corridors display the badges of past knights who sacrificed their lives for the mission.

The Holy Land is full of young believers wearing the Holy Emblem of the Iron Hand.

Almost all of these young believers are the descendants of those who sacrificed their lives during the turbulent years. Although Thom sought sacrifices from his followers, he refused to ask underage children to sacrifice their lives. Thom believed that there were no adults. The man lacked the ability to make decisions. On the contrary, he promised the victims that he would take good care of these children.

These children were adopted by the Church of Tom after the Year of Troubles, and they were therefore called the "descendants of the martyrs." Most of the descendants chose to join the Church of Tom, trying to understand the meaning of their parents' choice to sacrifice.

And this is the enlightenment that Leonard came to seek.

He soon met the elector of Tom, the helmsman of the Holy City of Loyalty and Courage, the chief high priest who had personally experienced the advent of Tom, the legendary priest Baretta Bandroton, who was the highest priest of Tom in the mortal world. Spokesperson.

"I have heard of your name, Leonard, Arabel's Five Heroes, and Purple Dragon Knight." Barrita was not surprised by Leonard's arrival. He was a strong old man with a face engraved with The traces of experience exude a strong and righteous temperament of bravery and calmness: "You shouldn't be here, but you are here anyway. Young man, you feel confused about your own path."

"I don't know what to do. I came to seek enlightenment from my Lord." Leonard nodded. The young paladin was energetic but exhausted.

"My Lord predicted your arrival." Barita nodded: "Everyone's destiny is different, and everyone's way of seeking enlightenment is also different. Leonard, I know about you. If you need it, I will give it to you. Suggestion, then I can only tell you that it is better to sit and talk than to act."

The burly legendary priest walked down the steps step by step. He raised his iron glove and pressed it hard on Leonard: "Since you chose to come to us, it proves that you still have doubts in your heart. , I don’t know what you have experienced along the way, what you have encountered, what you have seen, or what you have understood. All this is in the past. The important thing is that from today on, you must put down the burdens of the past and return to your pure self. As a believer in the Lord, we must pursue and understand what justice is.”

"I formally invite you to join our newly formed Knights of the Golden Lion."

"I believe you will find the answers you need in the training and actions of the Knights."

Facing Barrita's invitation, Leonard was silent for a long time and finally nodded.



Waterdeep, New Oram.

If there is any place in the country where the latest news from the entire multiverse can be learned immediately, then Waterdeep City is definitely the place where first-hand news is forwarded. This city is an important place of unity in the country. It benefits from an excellent port, enlightened institutions, and a spirit of tolerance and a strong magical tradition. Good magicians trained in this tradition are always stronger than evil magicians. Waterdeep has it all, but it is not a melting pot. On the contrary, it is more like a jewelry grinder, smoothing the edges of individuals and letting their talents shine. There is nothing ironic about the title City of Splendor.

People know that Waterdeep is a miracle, and that life there is better than anywhere else, at least better than the rest of the realm.

If the people of Waterdeep have a noteworthy shortcoming, it is that they always tend to think that there is nothing in the world that they have not seen. They always think that the sum of human and non-human experience is already part of their potential cultural heritage. Part of it, but this shortcoming is not always a bad thing.

The story of Aaron Salian bravely saving the goblin princess Buriel and defeating the corrupt god Morander's lackey Belak has spread throughout the streets of Waterdeep, especially the god of dawn Lathander and the goblin king Oberon. The multiverse killing order issued by many gods has made the adventurers of Waterdeep City ready to take action.

Whoever can kill Be'lak will receive a wish and friendship in the Feywild.

"I came as soon as I heard the fatwa! Who is Be'lak?"

"Bilak! Where did you escape? My sword is thirsty!"

"You have the ability to catch the fairy princess. You have the ability to come out and face adventurers like us!"

New Oram is one of the art centers of Waterdeep City, and the bard academy opened here is not inferior to that of Silvermoon City.

On this day, Samir, one of the Five Heroes of Arabelle, and his master Eleonora were invited to watch the rehearsal of "A Midsummer Night's Silver Dream".

Also invited were dozens of well-known high-ranking officials, big businessmen, professional adventurers, and representatives of elves and mages.

On the stage, the play directed by the Goblin King Oberon has been performed for some time. After the causes and consequences are clearly explained, the climax of the play is about to come.

In a woodland environment, the original demon prince Be'lak sat on a bench, with Buyel trapped behind him.

"Aaron", played by a minstrel, comes in from outside carrying his luggage.

The two began the duel without saying a word. However, the performance of the script did not reflect the complexity of the duel between Aaron and Beelak. Instead, the two characters performed more like... wrestling than a duel?

Samir only took a few glances and complained to Eleonora: "This is not Aaron at all. He doesn't like it and can't fight like this."

"Giggle~" Eleonora, the succubus in the mixed camp, chuckled and whispered to Samir: "This is probably what the King of Goblins understands as a 'duel'?"

After the two people finished speaking, they all laughed loudly.

There were also many sensible people in the group who were invited to be the audience, and many of them smiled, but one female elf laughed the loudest. She laughed so hard that her branches trembled with laughter. The female elf with white hair and red eyes was among the crowd. Standing tall and graceful, under the hazy smoky makeup of red and ocher, white velvet fur wraps around her swan-like neck.

On the front of the obsidian-like bearskin coat, the brilliant gold ribbon flows past and accumulates heavily on the chest of the beautiful elf woman. The raised patterns outline asymmetrical and supple curves, just like the threads of a spider. Twisted and full of strange beauty.

Under it, the slim-fitting long skirt clung to the proud figure of the gorgeous and beautiful woman. The skirt separated from the front and back into two light and fluttering hems. Only two thin ribbons managed to hold them together, vaguely revealing a hazy complexion. , fragrant and intoxicating.

The peach-like figure held up the front and back of the dress, and the elf's slender legs stretched out from the slits on both sides of the dress, leaving a pair of long legs wrapped in flesh-colored oily lace stockings exposed, a pair of black The suede high-heeled over-the-knee boots show off the complete arc of the legs, openly emphasizing the firmness and slenderness of the big white legs.

"Hahaha~ What kind of script is this? How can a little novice fight like this?!" The beautiful elf woman laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears. She held her belly and shook it, with pride and loneliness in her eyes: "The fairy script is also nonsense, but it is indeed the style of the fairies. They are famous for liking historical books."

If Samir only thought this voice was a bit familiar before, then as soon as "little rookie" was spoken, Samir instantly understood who she was.

"Ms. Apponia!" When he met an old friend in a foreign land, Samir immediately said hello to the beautiful elf woman: "Do you still remember me? I am Samir - Morning Star!"

"Huh?" When the beautiful elf woman heard this call, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

"Ms. Apponia!" Samir shouted again. The warlock felt strange. Could it be that this elf lady didn't recognize him?

"You are?" The beautiful elf woman was still confused. She watched Samir squeeze through the crowd and come to her side.

"We have met! Do you still remember? We once fought side by side in the dark night of Cormyr!" Samir faced the strange looks of everyone and explained bravely: "It was with Aaron, you still Get in his carriage!”

The beautiful elf woman seemed to turn on some crucial switch after hearing the keyword Aaron. Her ripe and plump body trembled violently a few times, and she subconsciously tightened her legs.

She remembered: "I know, you are the annoying guy from the Dragon Thorn family!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha~" There was a burst of laughter from everyone around, and there was also some envy at the same time.

This beautiful elf woman has only appeared in Waterdeep City for a short time, but with her strong network of connections, wealth and strength, as well as her amazing beauty and enchanting perfect figure, she soon became the seat of choice for the nobles of Waterdeep City. As a distinguished guest, she naturally has numerous suitors, but she keeps a respectful distance from any man.

But judging from Samir's tone, this beautiful woman actually has an old relationship with Aaron Salian and even got on his carriage? !

This is too... too enviable!

The surrounding laughter gradually turned into sour whispers.

"Well, I am." Samir recognized his identity as a "nuisance" with a smile. He didn't seem to mind: "Long time no see..."

At this moment, an old man with white hair, wearing an extremely luxurious Everjum Island embroidered robe, with flabby cheeks and a pair of half-rimmed toad glasses, interrupted the conversation between the two with a wine glass: "Anasri Ms. Yana? You also have a name called Aponia? Is this a white lie, or do you never want to tell us your real name to these short-lived species?"

The face of the beautiful elf woman changed, and she immediately shook her head: "Your Excellency Jerry Reinsdorf, I don't mean anything in this regard. You know, my race always has many names, and we will use them on different occasions. Different names.”

Jerry Reinsdorf is a trade tycoon in the multiverse and a super merchant in Waterdeep City. He is not only one of the richest businessmen in Waterdeep City, he also has his chamber of commerce in many crystal wall systems, and even He has people in Baator and Sigil.

However, this guy is a human supremacist. He can't stand other "alien species" and always feels that humans are the noblest creatures in the universe. Facing the beautiful elf woman, who is the most popular person in Waterdeep City recently, he only needs to have They will be ridiculed and suppressed when given the opportunity.

Fortunately, Jerry seemed to have no intention of getting entangled with the beautiful elf woman today. He held a wine glass and said to everyone: "Since you all say that this is not the real Aaron Salian, then what is the real Aaron Salian? Is there any Are you interested in going and seeing it together?"

"I received news that Aaron Salian sent an invitation to the whole country, inviting everyone to go to his territory in three months to watch the grand performance of the Silver Moon Theater. He will exhibit all his achievements, including He has completed all six of Salian's nine volumes. It is said that as long as the conditions are met, everyone has the opportunity to learn astral magic!"

"Ms. Alustriel Silverhand of Silvermoon City has already planned to go there in person. Everyone, we are all the elites of Waterdeep City. How can this grand event be without us?"

"That's right!"

"We're going!"

"I've long wanted to see if Salian's nine volumes are so magical!"

"Where is the Fairy Princess too!"

Reinsdorf's words aroused a response from the entire theater, and the proud nobles of Waterdeep City expressed their intention to go and see it.

"Ms. Apponia, what do you think?" Reinsdorf pretended to be surprised and asked the beautiful elf woman for her opinion: "Are you going? Although I don't have much money, I can still afford the expenses for the journey."

"..." The expression of the beautiful elf woman was changing, and her bright red eyes were filled with confusion.

"Don't you want to see Mr. Aaron again?" Samir took the opportunity to get angry. It was obvious that the magician wanted to "retaliate" against her in a small way.

"Okay, I'll go!"

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