Crown of Chaos

Chapter 283, The battle between heaven and earth!

"so cute!"

After the treaty was signed, Aaron was immediately ordered to take Alice Sayre and Charlotte to visit the castle. Some of the princess's attendants and the accompanying Purple Dragon Knights camped outside the town. The arrival of these people was sudden, so Alice Sayre You ordered them to prepare their tents in advance.

Before coming, Alice Searle and Charlotte were full of longing. They each imagined different scenes in their minds, but after actually seeing the layout of Salian Castle, they were still a little disappointed.

The first phase of Salian Castle is just a wall covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters, enclosing part of the land and a castle. In addition to the square tower, the Fairy Princess' Jingshan Palace and Eleanor's Aquitaine Palace, The rest of the building is in a semi-finished state, and even the main building of the castle where Aaron lives is only half-finished.

This made Alice Sayre's plan, which had some dark thoughts, come to nothing.

You can't define a range for the castle that doesn't exist.

However, all the disappointment disappeared the moment he saw the fairy princess.

"so cute!"

When the small, fragrant Buyer led some flying goblins from Jingshan Palace to appear in front of Alice Serre and Charlotte, the regent princess and the eldest lady immediately felt that their hearts were hit.

The young lolita, the elf-like pointed ears, the big watery glasses, the slightly baby-fat face and hands and feet, as well as the standard white gradient green flower skirt and special cloak, simply made the two girls who came to visit... Motherhood explodes.

"I have met these two ladies. Your Highness Alice Serre. You are truly an amazing governor! Mr. Knight has praised your wisdom more than once."

"Your Excellency Charlotte, you are the leader of Mr. Knight's arcane magic, so you are also my leader. I will give you more guidance on magic issues in the future~"

The elf princess bowed respectfully to the two human women. Buyer roughly knew that they were both very important people to Aaron, although their bodies were not covered with the scent left by Aaron like Eleanor. But Buyer could faintly feel the magic power poured into them by Aaron.

"Hello, hello, princess from the Fairy Wilderness, welcome to Cormyr! We will definitely make you believe that you have made a right decision." Alice Serre suppressed her almost uncontrollable motherly nature and added Shake hands with Buyer.

"You are Buyer, right? Hehe, I am Aaron's sister! Just call me Xia Lu or sister~" Charlotte interlocked her fingers, and pink peaches lit up in her golden eyes. Heart.

"Uh..." Although Buyer is very "young", the fairy princess can easily sense whether the people around her have malicious intentions towards her, and the fairy princess can sense that these two ladies have some weird thoughts about her.

Mind reading!


Buyer first looked at Charlotte, who was the most explicit.

The picture that came to the mind of the eldest lady was: the fairy princess was held in the arms of the eldest lady and Aaron like a kitten, and was being rubbed wildly on her body.

"Sister Xia Lu~I am your cat~"

"Hehehe~ The kitten should lie down and let its owner touch its belly~"

"Okay~Sister Xia Lu~"

A look of shock suddenly appeared on the fairy princess's little face.

This, what is this? ! Is it taboo knowledge again? !

I must have read it wrong!

Well, Alice Sayre is the ruler of this country, so she should be normal, right?


An indescribable scene appeared in Buyer's mind. Her knight was being ridden by the princess. The air was full of the princess's fanatical and greedy breath: "Have one, it's the same! Give birth to one, the same!"

Your Highness, do you really like to have such fun?

Buyer did not dare to continue to have contact with the regent princess and the eldest lady. Her growth during this period has exceeded the total of the previous five hundred years. The fairy princess is no longer an ignorant blank slate.

The first one to visit was the Emerald Wizarding Order of Aaron's cousin Anna.

Although rarely mentioned, Aaron's cousin Anna has resolutely embarked on the path of medicine since she escaped from Guangze and recuperated. The girl is very talented in this area, and Aaron never begrudges his medical skills when he sees this. He taught Anna everything he could master about the wind of life spell, and gradually formed a wizard team of more than 20 people with her as the core.

The Emerald Wizards are currently arranged by Aaron to serve Buyel around the Jingshan Palace to meet the needs of the fairy princess and at the same time try to connect with the power from Isa.

At present, this group of wizards is almost all newbies, and it will take several years before they can play their role.

Anna answered Alice Searle's questions in an elegant and courteous manner. Moistened by the power of magic, Aaron's cousin gradually gained a little confidence in herself and even performed a few small spells for everyone on the spot. , including mass production of "Jilun's Water" that can quickly restore injuries, release healing magic, revive withered plants, and make the land fertile.

The Princess Regent soon realized that she had to pretend to Anna. She took off her pocket watch from her body on the spot and put it in Anna's hand: "This is the pocket watch my mother gave me, Anna. The royal family once punished I have left you with some bad memories. Now, let us abandon the past together, look to the future, and let time witness everything, okay?"

Anna lowered her head. She silently reached out and took the pocket watch to express her acceptance: "For the dead, their time has stopped. Only the living can create more futures. Time will give me the answer."

The next visit was much more serious.

Aaron introduced his cousin Maximian, the captain of the Black Vulture Guard, to the princess and the eldest lady.

Of course Alice Sayre knew Maximian, and the princess also felt sorry for Maximian. She clapped her hands, and her subordinates immediately presented an extraordinary warrior monk robe selected from the royal treasury to Captain Black Vulture.

Maximian immediately looked at Aaron, and when he saw Aaron nodding, he accepted it.

Captain Doherty of the Great Sword Battalion, Doherty-Fire Sword, always looked cool. When the princess came in person, he simply performed the most basic etiquette and said a few words briefly, and then stopped. Talkative, the half-orc is not very interested in the opportunity to talk to the princess that others dream of.

Alice Searle was not very interested in this "honorary Cormyrian", a brave swordsman with dirty orc blood in his body. The regent princess tried to be polite and gave Doherty a magic of ordinary quality. Wrist guards.

Doherty also looked at Aaron, who nodded immediately, and the orc accepted it silently.

Later, Alice Sel met with the Snow Elf Magic Archer Battalion and the Dwarf Firearms Battalion.

The Snow Elves were very proud. Their willingness to bow to Aaron was the result of multiple reasons. The two sides had nothing to talk about. The Snow Elves did not feel that they were serving Cormyr. They only recognized Aaron as the Knight of Flowers.

The dwarves were busy with the construction period. Kim Gong-Fireweave simply came to say hello and left. The Silver Moon Grand Theater was still waiting for the dwarves to finish.

The specific display of the new firearms jointly produced by Aaron and the dwarves will be held in a few days.

After the introduction, half a day had passed. At this time, it was the turn of the princess and the eldest lady to book a place for themselves.

I have to say that Alice Serre is really interested in Aaron. She sent goods and cash worth more than 300,000 gold lion coins in one go this time. Not only did she relieve Aaron's urgent need, but she also bet everyone's She specially created a "Lease Act" to declare the repayment amount confidential to prevent Aaron from being questioned by the Kingdom Parliament.

The princess is so kind to him, so Aaron will naturally not deny her face.

The offer to permanently transfer one-fifth ownership was added on his own initiative.

"Then where did you get all this money?" Aaron found an opportunity and asked in a low voice: "Even if you are the regent, it is not that easy to get so many things from the royal treasury, right?"

"It's very simple. I didn't take anything from the royal treasury at all." Alice's mature and beautiful face showed a slightly proud look: "These are all the things I have obtained from the nobles and Casper in the past few months. They were confiscated from your real estate."

The princess regent's long legs wrapped in high-heeled boots swayed gracefully. The black aurora pantyhose contrasted with the white skin, with an iridescence that was too smooth and unconsciously revealed. The princess regent looked at Asia with burning eyes. Lun: "Because they all participated in the rebellion, and the Kingdom Council has nothing to say, I sent everything I copied this time."

"So the economy is so simple?" Aaron joked, feeling a little moved in his heart.

The princess of steel has a moth-like personality in her bones. Once she decides, she will never let go.

"If only the economy were really that simple!" The Regent Princess laughed, and the feeling that the two of them had been getting along privately in the palace all day long returned.


Alice's delicate body trembled slightly, and she felt as if a fine drizzle was pouring over her body, which was both comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

She didn't want a drizzle, she wanted a thunderstorm, a rainstorm, and a hurricane!

"Okay, you go and do your business first." Alice Sayre motioned for Aaron to get out of here with a hint of irritation. She was going to choose a place with Charlotte, and she did not allow Aaron to interfere with them during this process: "We agreed that."

"Okay, I have prepared the drawings. You are free to choose wherever you want." Aaron said casually: "But not the Jingshan Palace, the Aquitaine Palace, and the chapel that has been reserved for the Silver Virgin."


After sending Aaron away and asking the attendants to retreat, Aliceser decided to split up with Charlotte.

The Regent Princess fell in love with the building complex near Feilongshui Lake at a glance. Although most of the buildings here will not start construction until the second phase, Alice Searle is already planning their future.

Let's build a palace by the lake. From now on, we can celebrate festivals in the winter, have picnics in the spring, escape the heat in the summer, and hunt in the autumn.

This is a fantasy world. It is actually not difficult for the princess to do this. Charlotte has already started to cast spells - as long as she releases the same teleportation array spell on the same location every day for a year, then the distance between the two places will be A permanent teleportation circle will be formed.

She walked a few steps alone in the empty stone corridor. While Alice was still thinking about which place to choose, she heard the footsteps behind her.

The visitor was wearing the same stiletto heels as she was. The sound of the heels in the empty corridor was quite obvious, and it was obvious that the other person was approaching her quickly.

Are there assassins?

The voice of the visitor was quite relaxed. She stretched out her hand and patted the princess's shoulder lightly. When she shouted "Hello?" nonchalantly, the princess moved.

The perfect figure dodged in a sharp arc, the powerful upper body turned, and the long boots drew a semicircle on the ground, and the power of the whole body exploded along the blood vessels and muscles.

Alice Searle broke a sound barrier in the air with one punch! The huge rotating vortex blew the nearby dust into a whirlpool.

Extraordinary power!

The princess, who has nearly fully mastered the power of the ancient red dragon, wants to beat this uninvited guest to a cripple with one punch!

However, nothing happened.

The woman behind her just said "Huh" in confusion. Facing this punch that carried extraordinary power, she looked at her slightly smoking palm. Nothing happened to her hand wrapped in long black gloves. She even He also clenched his fists: "Hey, what's going on with you?"

"Who are you?" What appeared in front of Alice Sayre was an unparalleled tall beauty with white hair. Her gorgeous silver hair had a trace of bright red highlights on her forehead, and two red dragon horns were exposed. , there was a hint of strangeness in his amber arrogant eyes: "Who am I? I am that person, that person, haven't we met before?"

The two looked at each other, scarlet's dominance met amber's arrogance.

Both sides immediately felt a strong hostility, for no other reason than that their attributes were too similar.

The one standing on the opposite side is the enemy!

Alice Ser and Egil both made an immediate judgment.

"Who allowed you to appear here?" Egil raised his chin, a dangerous light flashing in his amber eyes: "This is my territory."

"Your territory?" Irisel smiled coldly: "That's mine now."

"Bold!" Egil was angry. The human form of Dalonglong immediately began to cast spells. She gave herself instant blessings with two magics, the 2-ring Magic Cat's Elegance and the 3-ring Magic Acceleration, and then subconsciously wanted to inhale. .

Well, no, if I burn down the servant's castle, he will knock me on the head!

The big dragon had no choice but to give up breathing dragon breath, and at this time, Alice Searle was already coming at full speed.

Dragon power erupted from both sides at the same time!

The ancient red dragon purifies dragon power!

Legendary power dragon power!

The two dragons collided and canceled each other out. Smoke and dust rose. The sound barrier cracked in front of the two figures, one red and one black. The two clenched fists collided, erupting with a sonic boom that made the air split!


Extraordinary power versus extraordinary power!

After a fist fight, Irisel took three or four steps back in embarrassment and knelt down on one knee, while Egil's body only shook slightly. As the smoke dispersed, the eyes of the two women changed.

"In the final analysis, he is just a mortal who has gone through the ancient dragon blood purification ceremony. We are still 20,000 years away from the real legendary dragon species~" Egil chuckled and pinched his sore fingers and made a two-digit gesture. : "Oh, I understand. That ritual must have been done for you by Fangda Heist, right? The Princess of Steel?"

"Are you... are you the power dragon?" Alice Ser held her broken right arm, holding back the pain, and said incredulously: "You became a human..."

Although they both recognized each other, neither party planned to stop.

The dragon war has begun!

"Exactly, hahahaha~" Egil put his hands on his hips and laughed: "How about it, do you like to box with me?"

"It's a pity that you have no chance!"

Dalonglong took advantage of the opportunity of the conversation between the two parties to pop out a ruby ​​from his fingertips.

Seven Rings of Magic - Force Field Prison!

Six force field walls trapped Alice in it, and the regent princess was surprised to find that the ring she carried with a dispelling magic effect was ineffective in the force field prison.

"Hahaha~ It's useless. How can the force field wall released by me be comparable to that of a short-lived species?" Egil continued to smile wildly.

"Oh, really?" Alice Ser knew that her situation was not good. With her pride, she would never accept that she was defeated by this dragon and was used to show off to Aaron.

She decided to use her trump card.

Astral summons!

"Huh?" Egil, who was still laughing, suddenly felt something was wrong: "Is this?!"

The next second, her force field prison shattered.

The smoke cleared, and a big blue cat sitting on a magic book appeared next to the princess.

"Alice~ I heard you need help?"

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