Crown of Chaos

Chapter 284, Anti-Eleanor Alliance, defeated!

PS: Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Ale Wants a Fan", thank you very much!

PS: In order to thank the leader for your generous support, there will be three updates tomorrow!


The great dragon Egil held up a strand of his long silver streamlined hair with his hands. His amber dragon eyes were full of interest: "What is this? Why can it break my force field prison?"

"You are the thing, your whole family is the thing~" The big blue cat is about fifty centimeters long including its tail. It has a round face, trembling whiskers, a pair of watery eyes full of hostility, and a head on its head. The magic golden crown and golden collar bells all show that it is no ordinary cat: "Wow, you actually beat Alice like this, it is really unforgivable! I will judge you on behalf of the cat!"

"Don't panic, Alice, I'll treat you~" The big cat blinked, and then it turned into a dazzling light, spinning around the injured arm of the princess, and emerald green magic was injected into Alice's arm, The princess's injuries were quickly healed.

"Hey, hey, hey~" Egil became even more interested. Dalonglong's eyes were bright. She did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack immediately. Instead, she clasped her hands together and leaned forward, full of curiosity: "Are you? ...The legendary magical cat from the astral realm?”

"Yes, so what!" The big blue cat stretched out its fleshy little claws and waved fiercely, saying unhappily: "You have no eyes, idiot!"

"Interesting, my knowledge tells me that magic cats should have become extinct in this country." Egil searched for the dragon knowledge inherited deep in his soul: "The first time magic cats appeared in the country was the arrival of the Elf Empire. At that time, it was an assistant pet of the elven archmages, and was last seen in Myth Drannor. During the heyday of the Cormanthor Empire, some noblewomen and wizards still retained the habit of contracting magical cats."

"After the Pointy-Eared Crying War, there have been no more magical cats in the country. Hey, little girl, are you related to Myth Drannor? It's strange. I see that you don't have elven blood either!"

Egil asked, Dalonglong was really curious about everything.

Alice Ser's face became more serious, and at the same time she felt a little unnatural as her origins were revealed.

This is the dragon. Much of their knowledge comes from blood inheritance. The only difference is that young dragons, young dragons and young dragons may not be able to understand these "compressed packages" for the time being, but after adolescence, the dragons decompress and fully utilize this knowledge. A matter of time.

Even the White Dragon, the idiot among dragons, begins to realize the power of knowledge in his old age.

This magical cat is called Yumi, and its origin is Myth Drannor. It was presented to his daughter Queen Phil Ferrell by Elminster, the great sage who once visited the Cormanthor Empire. The queen then presented it to By Alice Searle.

This is what happens when a cat is passed down through three generations and a Yumi is touched by three people.

Yuumi's body is an astral creature. Through the contract, Alice Seel can summon it from the astral world at any time (but the longer the summoning, the longer the interval between the next summons). Yuumi has two fighting methods, namely Independent fighting or possessed fighting, when it is wrapped around Alice's arm, it is possessed fighting. At this time, the opponent cannot attack Yuumi, whose body is still in the star world, unless...possessing powerful magical power or Gith Treasures such as silver swords.

"This is an ancient contract left to me by my mother." The princess only said this: "From my grandfather."

The two sides prepared to fight again, and the legendary dragon power emanating from Egil put a lot of pressure on Yumi: "Alice? Why did you provoke this thing! That's a power dragon, a power dragon, wow! All of them All force field attacks are ineffective against her, and my grimoire prison, my arcane missiles, and my space teleportation are all useless."

"I know..." Aliceser gritted her silver teeth. Just after the fight, she understood how difficult the big dragon was.

With the blessing of extraordinary power, her full blow was enough to shatter the granite golem, but Egil was caught off guard and was not affected. When the two sides fought hard, she was even worse.

But there was no way she could retreat.

Some things cannot be given up, and some momentum cannot be lost!

"Egil, the power dragon from outer space, as the Princess of Obeszil, Alice Ser, I challenge you to a formal duel!" The princess played a trick: "We don't use weapons, we don't need to Magic, how about a pure female sparring competition purely based on physical strength?"

"Hahahaha~" Egil laughed and bent over when he heard this invitation. Dalonglong actually understood in his heart that the princess was choosing a fighting method that was powerful to him: "Okay, you will come together with one person and one cat, so what do I have to fear!"

In order to avoid demolishing the castle, the two parties came to the lakeside of Feilong Water Lake and stood still. Alice took a deep breath, tensed her muscles, and turned into a meteor. She was wrapped in a wind-blasting vortex and punched Egil. Come!


Dalonglong calmly crossed her hands to resist. The bombardment of extraordinary power caused the vegetation behind her to be blown to one side, and the lake water rippled, but Egil's feet did not move at all.


Seeing that the attack missed, the princess regained all her strength. She spun around in the air, her legs muscles bulging, she turned sideways, kicked one of her beautiful legs up and down in the air, and continued her offensive with a whip kick.

Painful whines came from the ravaged ground one after another. Egil sneered and slid back. The bright red highlight on his forehead was stirred up by the princess's heels. Dalonglong also raised his legs, with two full legs. The tight black stockings of her beautiful legs collided together, and you could see a look of pain on the princess's face. Taking this opportunity, Egil grabbed the princess's ankles with both hands, and used the customary dragon flicking combat technique to pull the princess away. Throw it out.

Yumi's magic blessing kept up, and the emerald green healing energy flowed along the skin of the princess's thighs. Alice Sel regained her mobility in the air and turned around to attack again. She used both legs and legs to fight. Jill divided the winners and losers.

There was an earthquake near Feilongshui Lake. Thick smoke and dust rose into the sky. The green grass that Eleanor had carefully cultivated was now cracked, bald, and sunk like a dog gnawing, with a series of crashes, sonic booms, and air currents. The sound of whirlpools is endless.


The big dragon laughed playfully and engaged in a fist-to-hand hand-to-hand fight with the princess. The kinetic energy of each fight between the two parties was enough to overturn a cow!

"Are there such strong females among humans?"

"The last time I saw such a strong orangutan was a female orangutan, a five-meter-tall female orangutan~"

"In terms of physical strength of a human female, you are already considered pretty good, the Queen of Steel roars~"

"But if you want to defeat me like this, go back and practice for another two hundred years!"

After several rounds of continuous attacks, Alice Ser finally couldn't hold on anymore. Egil seized this opportunity to grab the princess from behind, kicked off the ground with both legs, grabbed one person and one cat and rocketed up into the air.

The speed was incredibly fast. Alice Ser felt like the strong wind was scraping her face like a sharp blade, causing her extreme pain. Egil held her at an altitude of tens of meters and flew her at a linear speed exceeding the speed of sound and exceeding the speed of sound in one second. The angular speed of the two rotations continued for more than ten seconds, and then suddenly fell.

"The dragon throws down!"


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the Feilongshui Lake.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the regent princess and the magic cat were each held upside down by one leg by the big dragon, and they had lost their resistance.

"Ha~ha~ha~ha~" Egil laughed wildly. She took a deep breath, made sure there was no one nearby, and spit out a jet of destructive white light into the sky.

"How lonely it is to be invincible!"


After bidding farewell to Alice Searle, Aaron left the Viscount Castle along the stairs, wanting to go to the Round Table Palace.

He wanted to have a small meeting with the Four Gods of Chaos.

This performance is a ceremony presented to the Four Gods of Chaos, so naturally I have to ask for something from the four good brothers.

Aaron has already thought about what he wants: the gift of Chaos Unity - the incarnation of the great devil.

But not far after walking out, Aaron felt the sound of hurried footsteps coming from the other end. He was slightly stunned, then a helpless smile appeared on his face and he stretched out his arms.

"Aaron Aaron!" Sure enough, a head of pink hair jumped out from the corner and landed directly in Aaron's arms. She rubbed her face against his neck and chest, and the fragrance was all over her face.

"Xia Lu!" Aaron hugged the eldest lady helplessly and put her down gently. After feeling a pair of small leather shoes hit the ground, he looked at her angrily and brushed her long pink hair with his hand: "I'm not Did I ask you to choose a place first?"

"But I want to see my brother first~" The eldest lady's face bulged slightly: "You have been here for a long time, and you have never gone back even once! Hey, there is a person who can't stand it anymore. It's still far from the agreed time. It’s a month away~”

"What about sister?" Aaron smiled evilly and hugged Charlotte, gently blowing into the eldest lady's ear.

The pretty eldest lady's face immediately turned red, her legs went limp and she collapsed in Aaron's arms: "I hate you, bad Aaron, I'm also very busy, and now I'm a proud Eight Rings person. oh!"

Aaron's pupils shrank slightly.

As a spiritual warlock and cosmic warlock, how could Charlotte's strength improve so quickly?

Eight-ring magic means that her strength has advanced to the master level!

Strangely, I asked the Emperor, and the Emperor made it clear that Charlotte was not his daughter and had no blood relationship with him.

But Charlotte can feel the breath of the sun...

"Then I really have to congratulate you."

"Hehe~ Aaron, do you still have the Holy Dragon Emblem amulet you got during our previous adventure to Guangze?"

"Of course, this was given to me by the beautiful and intelligent Miss Charlotte!" Aaron took out the Holy Dragon Emblem Talisman from his chest.

"Hee~ I knew you didn't dare to forget!" Charlotte motioned to Aaron to lend her the amulet: "Give it to me."

With the amulet in hand, the eldest lady hugged Aaron for a while and secretly whispered a plan in his ear.

After hearing this, Aaron's eyes burst into light brighter than a supernova explosion: "Are you serious? Xia Lu?"

"Alice and I originally had this kind of agreement~" The eldest lady nostalgically absorbed a bit of "Aaron's energy" and stood up: "Okay, Aaron, go and do your work first, sister has to choose a place~"

The happy eldest lady left gracefully, Aaron smiled and continued walking outside.

A few minutes later, the Palace of Aquitaine.

The priestess who had finished receiving the princess and others was leaning tiredly on the soft armchair. Eleanor felt annoyed when she thought of these two women.

Eleanor had mixed feelings about Alice Sayre and Charlotte;

As someone who is also in charge of the territory's finances, Miss Pastor naturally knew that the arrival of the princess and the eldest lady had relieved a minor crisis in the territory's finances.

You know, recently there have been some people dressed as nobles or businessmen in the Sunset Territory. They often come in and out of the neighborhood, but rarely do any specific business. They just keep looking for opportunities to contact themselves or Aaron, and they mean what they say. That is, "Do you need money to circulate?" "Do you need our help for such a large series of projects?"

Eleanor knew that many powerful people slowly became "Guardians" like this. Usually, wealthy nobles and businessmen paid a lot of money to support them. But when they really encountered trouble, they had to come forward to fight.

Eleanor knew that she could not let Aaron's life leave these two women. The princess was Aaron's mistress, and the eldest lady was Aaron's magic tutor. This relationship was too difficult to break up.

But if you want to take my position, you two, don’t even think about it!

A playful smile appeared on Miss Pastor's lips.

How does it feel to hide under the bed?

Do Aaron and I sound good?

Thinking of this, Miss Pastor's face also turned bright red.

Thinking about it carefully, Aaron and her had been intimate with each other countless times on this soft office chair~

He likes to hold himself face to face...

"Dong dong dong~"

There was a knock on the door, and Eleanor's dangling little white silk feet slowly put on the fluffy bear cotton slippers: "Who is it?"

Opening the door, Miss Pastor's good mood immediately disappeared.

I saw Charlotte, Cormyr's next chief royal wizard, standing at the door.

The eldest lady's smile was as bright as a flower, while the pastor's face was as dark as water.

"I chose this place, could you please make room, Ms. Eleanor Dineful?" Charlotte said with a smile, her long pink hair swaying slightly.

"What?" Eleanor looked at the eldest lady in disbelief, and a surge of anger rushed to her forehead: "This is my palace! Didn't Aaron tell you? Ms. Karadenai?"

"Hey, Aaron said it!" The eldest lady put her hands behind her back and lowered her waist slightly: "But what if I just want it?"

"Ms. Karadenai, don't go too far!" Eleanor was angry.

"You are the one who went too far! Ms. Dineful! My brother was obviously such a pure person before, but he has been tainted by you!" The eldest lady was very rude: "There is also the account of disturbing my brother and I to spend the New Year together last time. Between us, Time hasn’t counted yet!”

"Continue the unfinished battle from last time." Charlotte took out her wand: "Ms. Dineful."

"Oh, that's fine." Eleanor also took out her hammer and sword.


Thirty minutes later, the eldest lady, who was imprisoned by magical magic, fell on her back on the small bed where the servant slept, with her limbs fixed to the foot of the bed by magical silk threads.

"You, you, you! You scumbag!" Charlotte, who was unwilling to accept it, shouted angrily: "This is a duel between us, why do you let the gods intervene?!"

Su Lun's eyes on the bedside in the bedroom still had a silver halo that had not completely dissipated.

"I am a priest, Miss Karadna!" Eleanor proudly brought a ball of wool and blocked the eldest lady's mouth: "Priest, you originally wanted to call on the power of the gods."

"Woooooooo~" The eldest lady was picked up by Eleanor and thrown directly from the window of the master bedroom of the Palace of Aquitaine.

"Plop!" A water column splashed from the lake below.

Today is the complete defeat of the anti-Eleanor alliance.

Updated, please vote for the new January~

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