Crown of Chaos

Chapter 285, The Second Meeting of the Four Gods (First update!)

PS: Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Computer Gamer Victor", the boss has not yet said whether to add more updates, let the bullets fly for a while~

PS2: Three updates today, this is the first!

Aaron, who came out of the castle, faintly heard the sounds of fighting by the Feilongshui Lake.

Maximian rushed over: "Aaron, His Highness and Ms. Egil seem to be fighting!"

The princess and the dragon are fighting?

Aaron frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and recited the spell under Maximian's gaze.

Four Rings of Tzeentch Magic - The Peeping Mirror.

A beautifully decorated mirror appeared in front of Aaron. In the distorted mirror, the battle between Alice Ser and Egil was going on.

Maximian lowered his head helplessly: "Aaron, what are you going to do?"

"Ignore them." Aaron breathed out softly: "They won't give up until they have a fight."

"I'm not asking you this." Maximian took another step forward: "I'm asking you, what are you going to do about Miss Eleanor and His Highness Alice Serre?"

Aaron was silent for a few seconds after hearing this: "Is it your problem or everyone else's problem?"

"It's everyone's problem, and it's even more my problem." Maximian, a monk of the Sword Saint Sect, walked to Aaron's side and said with some worry: "But it seems that other than me, other people are not suitable to ask, you You know, Robert is a cunning guy, and he didn’t agree to ask you, so I had to come. The legions still side with the princess, but the citizens undoubtedly prefer Miss Eleanor."

"how about you?"

"I don't know, Aaron. The Salian family has served the Silver Virgin for generations. You are the chosen one of the Silver Virgin. A force without the support of gods cannot last long. All of us know this, but..." Maximian Putting her hands on her hips: "His Highness treats you so well, it must be more than just to cultivate a capable vassal, right? The look in her eyes at you says it all."

"I didn't expect Mark to be so meticulous in your observations? I thought you were focusing all your energy on training." Aaron's eyes flashed with admiration when he heard this: "I'm lucky to have your help."

"You can't fake that look." Maximian patted Aaron on the shoulder: "No matter what you decide, I will support you."

"Thank you." Aaron held Maximian's shoulders: "I'll take care of your own business. If you encounter anything you think is good or appropriate, just tell me."

Maximian subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he was a monk who had taken a vow of penance! Where do you find so much time to talk about love?

However, this promise and opportunity are really rare. My cousin thought about it carefully and found that there seemed to be no abstinence part in his oath. He was originally raised according to the standards of a noble heir, and regarded inheriting the bloodline as indispensable in life. part.

To benefit the family and the country in life and death, it is our responsibility to inherit the family.

Robert, who is also Aaron's cousin, has had more than a dozen girlfriends.

"Then I'll ask Aaron for help." Mark didn't refuse in the end.

"Look for me."

Aaron asked Mark to send someone to tell the people not to disturb the duel between Dalonglong and the princess, and he entered the deepest part of the Round Table Hall alone.

He took out the Chaos Crown that he had taken from Be'lak and placed it on his throne. The Son of Chaos sat upright in his position, and the silver Chaos energy flowed down his body into the base beneath his body, and then strolled to Throughout the Chaos Contract Palace, the emblem of the eight-pointed star was gradually lit up, and the beams of light reached the sky.

The four gods of chaos immediately responded to Aaron's call, and each of them sent a ray of divine will to come here.

"My personal choice, I need more heads, more glory, more and more." There was a hint of impatience in Khorne's arrogant and domineering voice: "You have not taken any action during this period, you It’s bringing shame to the glory of the King of Skulls.”

"Everything in the world is in the process of change. Aaron, your name has changed the world. Your glory makes people feel addicted. Keep working hard, and I will continue to observe everything about you." Tzeentch's ethereal and wise thoughts Full of affirmation, the Lord of Changes appeared in the lotus platform, and thousands of empty openings on His body simultaneously spoke: "I look forward to this grand performance."

" child." Nurgle was playing with his body. Fat Grandpa used his stubby fingers to squeeze out a pimple on his chin. Yellow-green juice spurted out. He stuck out his tongue and let it go. A feast full of flying mosquitoes and writhing maggots was opening in his big mouth. The big spoon in his hand continued to stir in the pot: "What's the matter? Just tell father."

"Dear, dear, hey, this is today's hug of love! Hugs with my dear have become an indispensable part of our daily life~"

Slaanesh wears a pair of cat ears on his head and a pair of purple cat claws on his hands. He comes up to give Aaron a warm hug and kiss, but if you look carefully, you can see the so-called " "Cat Ears" are sewn from hundreds of elven ear skins, and the cat claws on the Prince of Pleasure's hands are even more ferocious. These cat claws are made from the flesh and bones of a series of space warriors from the Space Wolves Chapter. The fur on the cat's paws is sourced from the Space Wolf's hair and whiskers.

Brother, brother Slaanesh, if Leman Russ knew you were doing this, they would be angry!

"Contractor, God of Chaos, I am going to make a great plan next." Aaron did not get entangled with the four gods of Chaos. He frowned and told his plan: "I need your help!"

Aaron seeks the gift of chaos unity from the four gods of chaos - summoning the incarnation of the great devil.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this grand celebration. Aaron's own strength will definitely not be able to fight against so many powerful enemies, and according to his estimation, there will definitely be more terrifying beings coming to pry into the secrets of Salian's nine volumes, so He must ask for gifts from the Four Gods of Chaos.

"Who do you want to kill?" Khorne's answer was violent and bloody: "Kill whoever you want to kill!"

"How much favor you can get from us depends on how many changes you bring~" Tzeentch shook his head: "Just because I helped you in the past does not mean I will help you now, and helping you now does not mean I will help you in the future. My personal choice, Any success you have can only represent your past success, not your future success, nothing more.”

"Father's children all have their own tasks to do." Nurgle said nonchalantly: "I can send the three Groat brothers to assist you."

"Of course, my love, whoever you need, just ask!" Slaanesh burned with enthusiasm, and the Prince of Darkness clapped his hands. Aaron's desire to hold such a grand artistic performance was too much for his liking: "En-Ka Li? Gold-plated Amnak? Or... Shalashi-Magic Disaster? No problem, as long as you ask, give me 6666 high-quality souls, and all your wishes will be fulfilled at once!"

Aaron thought for a while and gritted his teeth.

"I need the power of Sharashi-Magic Disaster!"

Shalaxi - Demon Scourge, the most powerful demon under Slaanesh, the King of Hunting, and Slaanesh's ace card. He has successfully hunted and killed the powerful demons of other dark gods countless times, including the one that brought Wanderer Si Karbrand suffered one of his most humiliating defeats, having single-handedly slain thousands of Khorne Daemons in a single battle.

Shalashi-Magic Disaster defeated the power of the Eldar Death Army time and time again. Facing the Death Army composed of multiple forces, Shalashi-Magic Disaster defeated the Death Army without appearing in its true form. It simply came in the form of an incarnation. It suffered several unforgettable defeats, and each time it had to take the risk of the Death Army summoning the Death Incarnation to defeat it.

The cost of asking for help is huge, and I hope it's worth it.

The Chaos Crown on the throne became brighter and brighter as Aaron negotiated with the Four Gods of Chaos. The 666 amethysts, 777 emeralds, 888 blood rubies, 999 pure sapphires on it shone simultaneously, and the 1,288 diamonds glowed simultaneously. Looks so gorgeous.

And in the middle of the crown, in the center of the huge sacred stone, the face of a dead god faintly emerged.

[Crown of Chaos: Artifact (One Awakening)

Blessing of Khorne: Every time you sacrifice eight skulls, you will enter a short-term violent state. All melee attacks in the violent state will gain powerful armor-piercing and energy-absorbing effects.

Blessing of Tzeentch: All curses and effects that reduce attributes and judgments gain super resistance, and all magic judgments automatically receive a +3 blessing.

Nurgle's Blessing: The loving father grants the wearer unimaginable vitality, increasing the maximum health limit by 50%, making him immune to instant death damage once a day and reorganizing his body.

Blessing of Slaanesh: In battle, Slaanesh will continuously create phantoms and mental strikes, causing confusion and death to enemies.

Blessing of Chaos Unity: The Incarnation of the Great Demon Appears]

After Aaron and the Four Gods finished discussing their conditions, they turned around and left the Round Table Hall.

This negotiation was not very smooth. The four gods of Chaos seemed a bit stingy in this matter. Only Slaanesh promised to fully support Aaron.

And Aaron had a vague feeling that the four gods of chaos seemed to be less interested in him than when they first came to the country. They were still enthusiastic about him and still full of expectations, but they no longer responded to requests, and even began to take the initiative to ask for them.

Aaron somewhat understands the mentality of the Four Gods of Chaos. Just as role-playing games are always most fun in the early and middle stages, strategy games are always fun in the early stages from one city to multiple cities, from small cities to kingdoms. When the game progresses to the middle and late stages, Just as it would be boring to play coloring games relying on massive resources, the favorite fun of the four gods of chaos is to transform from an insignificant little character to a great lord of chaos who suppresses one party.

After this process, Chaos will begin to feel boring. They may still be patient and provide strength and support, but they will no longer remain as focused as before. As time goes by, when the general trend completely relies on the contract When this happens, they will formally lose interest and move their attention elsewhere.

Billak was right. If he didn't become a god, it would still be a matter of time before he was abandoned by Chaos.

Aaron left in silence, feeling worried every time he borrowed the power of Chaos.

In the Round Table Palace, the four gods in the Chaos Contract Palace did not leave immediately.

"I think this kid wants to break away from us." Khorne said to the other three gods: "His every move does not put us first."

"Of course that's for sure!" Tzeentch said with a evil smile: "He has a steady heart and a guy with his own ideas, but isn't he? Which of the existences we selected has not tried to escape from our control. Someone Have you ever succeeded? Huh? Except for our Apocalypse Generalissimo?"

"If there is anything I appreciate about him, it must be fighting for love." Nurgle chewed the salty taste in his mouth: "Don't worry, let's see what happens next."

"If my love wants to be independent and want to become the fifth god, then my answer is... Thai pants are hot!" Slaanesh screamed: "I have long been tired of playing with you, it is time to find a new one In love!"

As always, the four gods cannot reach an agreement. These four supreme beings in the subspace almost never reach an agreement. The last time they reached an agreement was traced back to a certain golden big human being who violated his agreement with Him. They refused to return the child created by their power to them, so the four gods unanimously decided to give the young man a taste of pain.

"I will make him understand that if he wants to break away from our illusory ideals and enter our demonic realm, how can he escape unscathed?" Khorne roared ferociously: "Khorne is ready to hunt!"

"Then I'll send Thasorel!"

"Lymphs, don't let dad down!"

"Go ahead, the decision is yours, Golden King Sigvald!"

Updated, please vote!

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