Crown of Chaos

Chapter 378, Blood of the Sun God

Charlotte knew that 10% or even 90% of the Dark Night Song in front of her did not have a high IQ. Seeing her sincere affection and extremely urgent attitude, the eldest lady instinctively felt that she must have told the truth.

How to unlock this shadow sealing circle?

The eldest lady observed the surrounding environment.

The magic circle that seals the Song of Dark Night is in the shape of a ring. The outer shadow energy isolates the space where Song of Dark Night can receive external power. The magic circle inside the ring is composed of a small circle in the shape of a six-pointed star and countless inscriptions inside. It sealed the power of the Song of Dark Night itself, and continuously extracted the power of Asmo's bloodline from her body and sent it elsewhere.

Let's break this seal! But how?

Charlotte noticed the ruins of buildings around her - the floating continent was suspended in the lightless shadowy underworld by more than a dozen huge iron cables. The surrounding ruins could vaguely see the architectural structure of the old altar, and two rows of headless sculptures. They were holding some ancient magic weapons, swords, axes and hammers.

The eldest lady quickly noticed the black gem held tightly by a sculpture. This was the only thing among the two rows of headless sculptures that could make Charlotte feel a strong energy aura. The eldest lady could also feel that the gem and Songs of the Dark Night are inextricably linked.

The moment the eldest lady noticed the black gem, Shar's voice rang out from the air.

"So, you would rather believe this Asmo's nonsense, would rather believe my useless dim sum sister, would rather put down your pride and dignity and struggle to communicate with this fool who has no brains but only temper, rather than believe that I can tell you about The secret of your life experience.”

Lady Night's ten-meter-tall giant body appeared in front of people. Her delicate side face was flawless. A strand of slightly curly lavender hair hanging on her face added a lot of beauty to her already stunning face. , the pendants on the pink earlobes are crystal clear, shaking and shimmering from time to time. This face of Shar does not use her common black skin, and the white and purple skin extends upwards along her body. The oldest goddess The fabric on her body was extremely sparse. Her face behind the mask stared at Charlotte, a little disappointed: "Do you think what she said must be true?"

"Shar!!!" Song of Dark Night roared angrily.

"Sometimes, the truth is not true, and lies are not false. I leave the choice to you, Charlotte Karadna. The time has come for you to choose."

"You can crush this shadow gem, free the Song of Dark Night, let my useless snack sister win a trivial victory, and forever lose the reality you can reach."

"Or, you can kill the Night Song, let my sister down, let Aaron down, let everyone down, but I will give you the only truth... and truly powerful power."

"Make your choice, Charlotte." An imperceptible smile appeared on Shar's face, and the ten-meter-tall figure of the Night Goddess disappeared into the Shadowfell Underworld.

The eldest lady bit her lip. She glanced at the Song of Dark Night subconsciously. Asmo, who claimed to be the daughter of Selun, looked at the direction where Shar disappeared with anger. She was not stingy with the most vicious curses. and name-calling to also express her anger to Shar.

But under the violent storm, Song of the Dark Night still exposed his uncertain fear.

She is afraid, she is afraid that Charlotte will really listen to Shar's words. She seems to be resigned to death, but in fact, her heart is full of concern.

The eldest lady sighed, she did not believe that the Song of Dark Night really knew all about her life experience.

Doesn’t Charlotte want to know her life experience?

No, she thought, she thought desperately.

Who are her parents, why the Night Judge plans to extract the power of her bloodline, the pink fairy on the throne, and Shar's words are all deepening Charlotte's doubts.

However, the two figures of Alice Sayre and Aaron, and Cormier's purple dragon emblem have already occupied all of Charlotte's life. Compared with her true life experience, they are more important to the eldest lady. thing.

It is better to forget than to trace back!

Without any hesitation, Charlotte raised her finger, and golden light shot out from her fingertips. The shadow gem held by the headless statue was shattered by the eldest lady on the spot!

The seal is broken!

"You made the right choice, Son of God! Charlotte! On behalf of my mother Suellen and everyone in the Moonrise Tower, thank you!" Song of Dark Night clenched his fists, Asmo's sealed divine power Finally it came out of the body like the sky was falling apart!

The raging and burning moonlight enveloped the body of Song of Dark Night, and the strong woman knelt on her knees.

"Silver Holy Mother, please listen to me!

Selun, Moon Maiden, our guide - my mother!

Your daughter Eileen has returned

From today on, Song of the Dark Night no longer exists! ! ! "

Asmo rose into the air, and the moonlight like flowing water completely enveloped her. From her toes to the top of her head, the divine power of the Silver Virgin Suellen was transformed into an exquisite full-body plate armor. The white wings spread out behind her, and the Moon Kite The helmet flashed, and the transformation from a prisoner to a powerful angel with wings on his back only took more than ten seconds.

Isobel, wait for me!

After successfully breaking the seal of the Song of Dark Night, the heavenly divine Aasimo whose real name was Ms. Irene had just spread her wings and was about to fight, when a heartbreaking pain suddenly swept through her heart. Mo spit out blood and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" The eldest lady hurriedly ran to Ms. Irene's side.

"I, I can't feel Isobel anymore!" Ms. Irene's pupils gradually dilated in panic, and she covered her chest with her hands: "She died. Just now, her soul was annihilated!"

"Who is Isobel?" Charlotte didn't understand.

"Wow wow wow~" Shar's voice sounded again. Erin and Charlotte raised their heads and looked at the Lady of the Night in the sky with a playful smile and a frivolous tone: "It seems that you have made a choice, Charlotte. ."

"You chose to completely destroy Isobel's soul to save Irene. I respect your choice. You can leave here." Shar chuckled and pointed to the shadow gem that was shattered by the eldest lady.

There is no doubt that she is the soul of Isobel in the gem. Charlotte released the celestial aasimar by shattering the gem, and also shattered Isobel's soul.

"There are only two choices, either, kill the Song of Dark Night, and Eileen's lover Isobel may be saved, and Charlotte's questions can be answered, or, release the Song of Dark Night, then Isobel will definitely die, you His life experience will be sealed forever." Shar's face showed a look of fanatical joy at this time: "No matter what you choose, the lovers who are committed to each other will be destined to be separated by life and death. This is fate!"

"Shar, you devil! Suellen curses you!" Ms. Irene covered her chest, blood and tears mixed together and fell down.

"Why is this happening?" Charlotte's golden pupils flashed with confusion. It was the first time that the eldest lady faced such pure and essential evil.

"This is the first lesson I teach you, and it may also be the last lesson, dear Charlotte." Shar said happily. The ancient goddess raised her chin and curved the corners of her mouth slightly: "In the long period of time, In life, we need to make many choices. There is never a choice between wanting... and wanting.... What you can get is often only pain and greater pain."

"If you can endure the pain, you will draw huge energy from the pain. If you can't bear the pain, you can also choose to forget. In any case, Su Lun's so-called foolish moonlight will never be realized. Love and goodwill are useless in the face of hatred. So powerless, so...ridiculous."

"Now, I leave the space to you, savor this pain to your heart's content~"

Shar left, leaving behind an escaped Irene, a confused Charlotte and the shattered shadow gem on the ground.

Lady Night's vicious test questions plunged Asmo from the Celestial Realm into complete despair.

Shar could easily kill them, but she doesn't need to, and doesn't want to.

Shar bound her seal to the soul of her lover, the priest Isobel of Selun, daughter of General Catheric-Thom.

The enjoyment of the goddess of the night lies within.

However, whether intentionally or unintentionally, when Shar left completely and turned his attention elsewhere, the goddess of the night ignored one thing.

Psychic lightning passed through the Shadowfell Underworld, and a silver eight-pointed star appeared beside Charlotte. Aaron Salian, the chosen one of the Silver Virgin, arrived here with the crackle of lightning.

The surface of the Karthus Magic Box was extremely hot, and the eldest lady, who had pushed it to its limit, finally waited for Aaron's arrival.

Aaron didn't say much. He stared at the broken gems on the ground and raised one hand flat. The power of the three gods of chaos appeared in his hands one after another.

"Isobel-Thom, daughter of Catheric-Thom, devout priest of my lord Selun."

"You died of a well-planned murder, your life was lost to the endless malice of the Lady of the Night, and your soul was imprisoned in the Shadowfell Underworld, becoming a bait to lure your lover."

"You fell victim to a horrific tragedy. Your death was treated as a lesson, a drama, the Zen disease of an evil goddess, the end of two painful choices, either one of which is symbolic to you. The coming of ultimate darkness.”

"Of course." A smile appeared at the corner of Aaron's mouth. From his palms, the divine power of the three gods of chaos flowed down respectively, dripping on the surface of the broken shadow gem: "The performance of this grand drama has brought us Huge energy, sometimes the emotional storms that the mortal mind can erupt are far beyond the limits of what mortal things can do.”

"And I hold that power."

"Now, in my name, Aaron Salian, welcome the new dawn, Isobel."

"Suellen is waiting for you."

The power of chaos flows, time flows backwards, and the miracles of the three gods come together!


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

I don’t know how long it has passed, but Isobel, the priest of the Silver Virgin and the daughter of General Catheric-Thom of the Moonrise Tower, woke up from her dream.

As the pastor of Suellen, Isobel has a beautiful and sweet appearance, short silver-white hair, a relatively well-proportioned figure, and a strong and tenacious temperament. As a descendant of the family that has served the Moon Maiden for generations, she has always been Suellen's. A devout believer.

But, but.

Isobel's memory stayed on an ordinary day. Pastor Suellen only remembered that she lost consciousness as soon as her vision went dark, and death followed.

where is this place?

Pastor Suellen climbed up from the grass in the open air.

"Isobel!" An excited Asmo flew over and hugged her tightly.

"Irene?" Pastor Su Lun reluctantly recognized his gay lover: "Where is this?"

Ms. Irene did not answer, she cast her gaze into the distance.

Between two holy white trees, in front of the garden pond under the moonlight, the silver Virgin Suellen, wearing a quiet, star-dappled transparent suspender dress, was listening to Aaron and Charlotte's report.

This is the kingdom of Suellen.

The face of the oldest goddess was always serious. When she heard Charlotte dripping her blood into Shar's stone basin, the gentle and pleasant Su Lun's expression tightened and she closed her eyes in pain: "You guys They were all deceived by Shar, Aaron, and Charlotte.”

"Perhaps you did prevent Shar's conspiracy, discovered Catherick's betrayal, and solved the unsolvable tram problem of my evil sister, but... Shar has actually achieved her goal."

"She obtained the divine blood of the daughter of the Sun God." Su Lun lovingly held Charlotte in her arms, caressing the eldest lady's back with a very regretful and sentimental expression.

"The daughter of the Sun God? Charlotte is the daughter of Lathander?" Aaron narrowed his eyes and asked.

"It's not Lathander. Lathander can only represent the dawn, he can't represent the sun." Su Lun shook his head: "The only one who can truly represent the sun is the powerful divine power of the mechanical realm who was one of the Seven Gods of Nese with me. , Sun God, Amauna Tower!”

"Irene is right. There is no doubt that Charlotte is Amaunata's daughter." Suellen hugged the eldest lady and carefully identified her golden eyes. Her soft look was full of memories: "Cunning Amaunata indeed has a backup plan."

Charlotte lay blankly on Su Lun's numb body, her previous liveliness and cuteness disappeared.

Am I the daughter of the Sun God?

One of the seven gods of Nese, the god of law and the sun, the defender of law, the guardian of time, the daughter of the powerful god Amaunata?

There was no room for Charlotte to ask questions, and Su Lun's expression was as gloomy as ever.

"This news is very bad for us, Aaron."

"Shar has obtained the divine blood of the daughter of Amaunata. Do you know what this means?"

"The country is going to be in big trouble!"

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