Crown of Chaos

Chapter 379, Amaunata’s daughter!

Amaunata, the national sun god, has powerful divine power in the mechanical realm.

The introduction to Amauna Tower has been mentioned before, so I won’t repeat it here.

Under the moon, Su Lun lovingly held Charlotte in her arms, and the ancient goddess sighed.

It turns out that Charlotte is really Amaunata's daughter.

If this thing is true, then things are very bad. Suellen knows exactly what Shar wants to do. A secret flows out of his mouth and tells the confused Aaron, Charlotte and others.

Amaunata, Selun, Shar, including the first-generation magic goddess Mythriel and other gods, were the most widely worshiped official gods of Netheril during the heyday of the Netheril Empire, and were collectively known as the Seven Gods of Netherese. The Seven Gods of Nese at that time also included the ancient god of death, Yeager, who now only has weak divine power, but at that time was still the pinnacle of powerful divine power, symbolizing strife, killing, death, and the dead.

Among them, the sun god Amaunata has a very wide belief in the Nese Empire, because the mage itself is a profession that is naturally inclined to lawful neutrality (spellcasters need to abide by the rules of the magic network when casting spells, but it does not matter whether the spellcasting is actually doing good. Or do evil).

As the sun god and guardian of the law, Amaunata is a symbol of justice and a favorite deity among the arcanists and bureaucrats of the Nese Empire.

After the fall of the Nese Empire, Amaunata also declined rapidly due to the decline of faith. After struggling for about a hundred years, the country's sun god finally fell due to a series of reasons.

The sun god has fallen, but the sun is still there. After the fall of Amaunator, Lathander, the Lord of the Dawn, claimed that he was the orthodox reincarnation of Amaunator. Therefore, Lathander fully accepted the Amaunator Church and became Amauntar. The heir to the tower legacy, the biggest winner.

But after all, the Lord of the Dawn is different from the Sun God. Lathander is a powerful god who is neutral and good, while Amaunata is a powerful god who is lawful and neutral. Lathander can only represent the morning domain of the sun. He symbolizes With the fresh vitality of the morning light, Amauna Tower represents the complete sun, including dawn, noon, dusk and eternal night. At the same time, as a symbol of the god of bureaucracy, Amauna Tower only cares about order and chaos, not good and evil. Compared to the warmth of Lathander, Amaunata is colder. His incarnation sometimes gives retribution to those who deserve it, but he also rewards those who are good at using the rules to seek the greatest benefit for themselves within the limits of the law.

Zealous and selfless, Lathander encourages his followers to change laws that are unjust and act in the name of justice, even if this may mean being hostile to their superiors or monarchs.

Amaunator believes that law is authority. A Lathander priest who contradicts a high-ranking priest in a monastery because of his different understanding will be praised as long as his words are reasonable. However, in Amaunator's system, the superior is not allowed to When questioned, high-level priests have extremely high authority over their subordinates. Any trainee priest who dares to question the Sun God's commandments will be punished, whether right or wrong.

"Lathander has always claimed that she is the reincarnation of Amaunata." Suellen said softly: "But I know very well that Lathander is only a part of Amaunata at best. Charlotte is the daughter of Amaunata, not Luoshan. Daughter of Da.”

"Is there any difference between this? My lord?" Aaron took advantage of this golden opportunity to ask Suellen about the secrets of the gods. He carefully made a small bench to sit on the 10-foot-tall (3-meter) Suellen Mama. In front of him was a look of eagerness for knowledge.

"Amaunata is my father? Then... who is my mother?" Charlotte couldn't accept this setting for a while, and the eldest lady said blankly.

"Of course there is a difference." Su Lun nodded slowly. Her gorgeous silver hair flowed down the shoulders of the ancient goddess, casting a brilliant glow like the Milky Way. The 7cm crystal high heels on her feet She had already taken it off and put it aside, and put on a pair of Greek-style sandals. During the process of changing her shoes, the two wrinkles on Bai Zhe's smooth instep made Aaron realize that Su Lun Mama was wearing a pair of sandals today. He was wearing stockings, but he didn't notice it because of the transparency and thinness of the moon-white ultra-thin stockings.

"Whether there is a sun god or not, the sun is always there." Suellen raised his hand and pointed to the sky: "If the sun is like a house, then Amaunata is the head of the household, while Lathander only owns the contents of the house. One room, but whether the house has an owner or not, the house is there."

"I understand." Su Lun's metaphor was easy to understand, and Aaron nodded.

Gods do not exist as entities but as advanced energy creatures. However, gods can exist based on a powerful "concept", such as the sun, which is both an entity and a concept.

Having said this, the expression on Su Lun Mama's face became more solemn: "The current situation is that Charlotte is the daughter of Amaunata. Do you know what this means? Aaron?"

"This means that Lathander may become our enemy." Aaron immediately realized a bad ending.

The daughter of the former head of the house who has legitimate inheritance rights appears. At this time, the owner of a room in the house will definitely have to compete with the former owner for inheritance rights. No matter how kind Lathander is, the gods will never face competition for their core areas. Will give in easily.

"Lathander's problem is still secondary." Suellen shook his head, denying Aaron's point of view. The ancient goddess's red lips slightly opened: "Have you forgotten Shar? My sister, she has obtained Amaunata's Divine blood!”

"This means that she got the key to enter the 'House of the Sun'! Whether it's Amauna Tower or Charlotte, even if they are hostile, at most they are just fighting for the ownership of the house." Suellen's voice still remained calm. , holding the cup while drinking tea elegantly, his eyes raised: "My sister Shar wouldn't think so!"

"Shar doesn't want to be a sun god at all!" Aaron understood: "She just wants to smash the whole house, smash it!"

"That's right!" Su Lun Mama's hand that was originally holding the jasmine tea seemed to be stiff, and then she slowly placed the cup in her hand on the table under the holy white tree, and stared at Aaron with a pair of cold and calm beautiful eyes. After reading it again, he finally moved his eyes to Aaron's face, changed his sitting position again, crossed his two slender legs in stockings, and leaned to the side elegantly. His thighs were plump and his calves were straight and white. Aaron couldn't help but Looking at her beautiful feet and toes, it's hard to tell that she's wearing stockings on her legs.

"The relationship between Amaunata and I is not good..." The ancient goddess sighed leisurely, and a story about the past came out of Su Lun's mouth. Charlotte and Aaron listened attentively, and the ones who came over "Song of the Dark Night" Divine Heaven Lady Asmo Eileen and Suellen Pastor Isobel, the daughter of General Kesrick, half-knelt devoutly in the sand under the moonlight, waiting for Suellen to finish the matter at hand. .

Although they are both Nese Seven Gods, the good-natured Funny and the serious and cold Shouzhong naturally cannot get along. Suellen and Lathander maintain a very good relationship, but their relationship with Amaunata is very average. .

The Sun God once had a dispute with Mythril, the first-generation goddess of magic, because the priesthood of law involved a very important concept.

"The law is not retroactive" is one of the most basic principles of law.

As the God of Law, Amaunata must be involved in the priesthood of "time" because of this most basic principle of the priesthood of law.

However, the Time Priesthood was controlled by the first-generation magic goddess Mysril at that time.

Conflict arose between the two sides, and Amaunator signed a pact with the other gods. The contract explained that "Amaunator shall have control over all definitions of time. If he and his followers do so because of Amaunator's laws, And if something goes wrong,"

This contract originally defined Amaunata as having the final right to interpret "whether the law is retroactive in specific circumstances."

However, there was a subtle error in the contract.

The period and comma are written backwards during the writing process. The comma in the middle is written as a period, and the period at the end is written as a comma.

Therefore, this contract recognized by the gods became "Amaunata shall be in charge of all time (priesthood)", and the period at the end represents that the sentence has been broken.

This was a very subtle mistake, and even Suellen couldn't be sure whether Amaunata did it on purpose, accidentally, or deliberately.

In any case, the Sun God has since had a strong claim to the priesthood of "Time". Although he is unwilling to provoke Mythrael-the power of the first-generation magic goddess is difficult to imagine for today's people, Amaunata secretly and others God has said that He will acquire the "time" priesthood in a mutually acceptable way, in the name of His daughter.


Aaron looked at Charlotte in Suellen's arms.

Amaunata's daughter.

Then everything makes sense. Charlotte is Amaunata's biological daughter. The Sun God must have a sophisticated plan to obtain the priesthood of time.

But before Amaunata could implement his plan, a series of events such as Karsus's apotheosis, the fall of Nese, the fall of the first generation of magic goddess, the fall of Amaunata, etc. caused the Sun God to die before he could start the plan. middle.

Then there was Charlotte, the eldest warlock.

"I understand Amaunata. If a god wants his descendant to become a god, he will definitely prepare everything early. Even though Amaunata has fallen, the things he prepared for Charlotte will definitely still be there, and they will definitely be in the House of the Sun. There is a place left for Charlotte." Suellen raised her slender silver eyebrows high: "Now, Shar has got the key to enter the house through this carefully planned game."

"If I'm not wrong, Charlotte, from the moment you met the director of the Waning Moon Winery at the Final Light Hotel, Shar's plan was already in motion. She lured you into her trap step by step. Finally, I obtained your divine blood on your own free will." Suellen sighed deeply. After so much time, each of Shar's plots was still so vicious and sophisticated: "Amaunata is absolutely interested in Xia. Lott has released a powerful divine-level patron saint spell, and if Charlotte does not do it willingly, Shar will not be able to collect her divine blood."

"Now, it's too late." Suellen sighed and stroked Charlotte's long pink hair: "This is Shar, every time you think you have won, in fact everything is under Shar's control, even if you If her plot is really foiled, my sister will suffer no loss and will just huddle in her shadow, planning the next plot.”

This is Shar, and the voice and smile of Misty, the princess of Ghost City, flashed in Aaron's mind.

No matter how beautiful, tempting, or heart-tugging He is, His twisted nature of longing for complete nothingness and loving the ultimate darkness will not change.

The words of the Silver Virgin made the eldest lady even more depressed. For the first time in her life, Charlotte felt a strong sense of guilt. She murmured sorry words in a low voice, and big drops of pearls fell on Su Lun's dress: "Feel sorry……"

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Su Lun is Su Lun. Even if the matter reached an irreversible point, the ancient goddess still forgave the eldest lady for her mistakes. She comforted softly: "He who doesn't know is not guilty, what are you doing?" I don’t even know, so why should I blame you?”

"Now, my sister has escaped into the shadows. We can only wait until she takes concrete action before trying to stop her." Su Lun finally concluded: "We can't tell Lathander the news yet. I understand him, and he You will definitely be put under house arrest and used as a tool to deal with Shar."

"I'm sorry..." Charlotte was still apologizing.

"The good news is that it is difficult for gods to die in the true sense." Suellen gently stroked the eldest lady's back, then turned to Aaron and said: "Amaunata must have other arrangements. If we can inspire With his power awakening his remaining consciousness, there may be a chance to fight Shar."

"No matter what, Aaron, my child." Su Lun held his hand on Aaron's head with some reluctance: "The marriage of the sun and the moon is inevitable, you must marry Charlotte!"

"Hey? Hey hey hey???" When Su Lun said this, the eldest lady lost all her sad emotions. The red clouds filled Charlotte's sweet face, and the eldest lady quickly got up from the goddess: "How...why did it suddenly become like this???"

"My lord, this..." Aaron hesitated for a moment.

The eldest lady cast an expectant look at Aaron.

Su Lun Mama’s attitude was particularly firm, obviously not allowing Aaron any room to refuse: “That’s it! Although I feel sorry for Eleanor by doing this, but only in this way can you share Aman from Charlotte. The power of Nata’s guardian spirit must be voluntary...and there will be no one else besides you.”

"Okay." Aaron found that he had no reason to refuse. He took the initiative to hold the eldest lady's little hand: "Don't worry, sister, I will be very gentle!"

"Eh!!!!!!" White smoke rose from the eldest lady's head. She lowered her head, not daring to look at Aaron.

Finally, the day is finally here!

The face of her best friend flashed through Charlotte's mind.

Sorry, Alice!

In a few simple words, Su Lun Mama directly settled the matter. The Silver Virgin may indeed show amazing decisiveness only when facing the threat from her sister. She did not hesitate to announce that her children Aaron and Amaunata's daughter Charlotte is engaged and she is the witness.

This is the marriage of the sun and the moon!

"Then it's your turn, my children, Irene and Isobel."

After dealing with Aaron and Charlotte's matters, Suellen motioned to Celestial Asmo and Priest Isobel to come forward.

After only listening to a few words, Su Lun sighed again.

The Som family was also played by Shar - Shar killed Catheric's wife and daughter and took away their souls to invalidate the resurrection spell. The souls of the mother and daughter did not return to Su at all. The Kingdom of God.

After doing such an act, Shar showed up openly and asked General Catheric to betray Suellen and believe in him. He told him very naturally that your wife and daughter died because of their wrong beliefs. Only I can save their fate.

In the end, Shar used Isobel's soul to trick her lover, the celestial Aasimo possessing the divinity of Selun - Ms. Erin, the Song of the Night, and imprisoned her, extracting power from her body and attacking her at the same time. Su Lun's power.

Exquisite one-fish-three-eat.

"Aaron used a miracle to exchange for your soul, Isobel." Suellen's fingertips brushed across the face of the daughter of Catheric: "Then let me recast your body."

"Aaron, Charlotte, Irene, Isobel, my children, now that you know the truth, go back to the Moonrise Tower."

"Uncover the truth, and in my name, grant Catheric and Shar's followers the wrath of the dark moon!"

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