Crown of Chaos

Chapter 391, I, Ms. Fortune, help me!

In the Hall of the Supreme Lord of Baldur's Gate, the strong sea breeze hits the glazed windows decorated with gold threads, the flames in the room burn quietly, and the huge cumulonimbus clouds are slowly approaching the glorious Baldur's Gate. Under the noisy sky, the dark sea was churning and turbulent uneasily. A storm is coming, and it will be a violent storm. Between the cascading clouds, a few stars twinkled. The world seemed to be covered with a dark curtain.

The towering Baldur's Tower stands proudly in the sea storm, and the strong winds howl around it, tearing apart the most important legacy left by the navigator Baldur to Baldur's Gate - the huge wall with Baldur's Tower as its core. , these massive walls were so magical that they protected Baldur's Gate for countless years after Baldur's disappearance.

There is still a figure at the top of the Hall of the Supreme Lord, gazing at the splendor of Baldur's Gate, passing through the precious upper town of Baldur's Gate and the infinitely vibrant lower town of Baldur's Gate, aliased as Be'lakor of Takshi. Baldur's Gate is treated with rare silence.

He smiled slightly.

The High Lord's Hall has the most complete guards and the strongest walls. He wears the most luxurious Karatu Xianglong imported silk robes. They now call him the acting commander of the Flame Fist. He has defeated the Skaven Jean again and again. The city was saved from the rat plague, he was a powerful god-like force, more powerful than any living mortal, and the Four Gods of Chaos gave him one last chance to spread fear and death.

Although the Four Gods of Chaos gave Billak another life, Billak would not thank him. He did not feel that he had any need to thank the Four Gods of Chaos. From very early on, Billak knew clearly that his existence was nothing more than A black comedy in the eyes of the four gods of chaos. Every performance he performs on the stage delays his demise and prolongs his pain. The four gods' interest in him will always be exhausted. On that day, all his His glory, status and power will all be taken back by the four gods.

If you can't become a god, everything will be fleeting.

"What's wrong, honey?"

The woman named Elise hugged Bilak from behind. She was very beautiful, so beautiful that she did not look like a mortal at all. She looked like a graceful beauty from the outside, with a hint of teasing on her red lips. With a smile, she tied her long black hair back into a ponytail. Her eyes were filled with dangerous fiery red lust, and her slender yet plump body pressed directly against her: "Don't you think our plan is not complete enough?" ?”

The Succubus Queen, Malcanthet, is the abyssal divine power that Berak encountered when he was pretending to be Baal. As soon as she saw Berak, she was attracted by the pure evil and rebellion of the original demon prince. Compared to Berak, the two-headed baboon Demogorgon seemed so ridiculous, so childish, and Malcanthet chose to betray, again, just like she betrayed Pazuzu, Masterfiel, Sokos Bennos, and the abyss lord "Six Fingers" Same as Graz'zt.

Be'lak's feelings towards Malcanthet are very complicated. The original demon prince both hated her and longed for her. Be'lak's feelings for Malcanthet cannot be called love. After countless years, Be'alak has long since lost her. However, Melcanthet's fresh and diverse gameplay and her own endless sexual desires can allow Be'lak to temporarily gain some relief from the oppression of the four gods of chaos and the fear of losers. The words of the Succubus Queen Everyone in the line has moving magic, and Be'lakor can always get words of encouragement from Malcanthet.

Yes, after experiencing countless failures, Bilak actually needed encouragement, really needed it.

"There is no need for you to fight to the death with Aaron Salian and force a victory or defeat. My dear, if the meaning of existence is just to fight, it would be too boring." Elise stroked Ta from behind. Keshi's chest: "Listen to me, my dear, that pig-brained baboon from Demogorgon can't even compare to one of your toes. You are really great, better than Pazuzu, Miska and Graztega." You’re strong even when you’re up!”

"Let's go our own way and let Aaron Salian become his god. We dominate the Abyss. We don't care what he does!" Elise's soft whisper danced in Bi'lak's ears: "Baal We originally planned to establish the Kingdom of God in the Abyss, so we can make a deal with Salian, Baal will be ours, and Woking and other things will be his, how about that?"

Bilak rolled his eyes, and for a long time, meaningful words came out of Bilak's mouth.

"Have you revealed the news about Watkin to Aaron Salian? He has arrived at Baldur's Gate."



Feilong Pass, Xia Ruisi's caress, on the second floor balcony.

The bald singer Morgan and Aaron were sitting face to face. The tiefling cat girl from hell made the two of them a pot of fine Darjeeling black tea, filled it with eight-color exquisite pastries, and left.

Aaron's attitude towards Morgan is not good. This guy has disappeared since the last time he said he wanted to investigate the traces of the Goddess of Wealth. No news related to him can be found anymore. Until now, two years have passed and there is no trace. Thinking of actually meeting him in Xia Ruisi's caress.

According to the bald singer, he has been helping some homeless people recently, especially the refugees who entered Baldur's Gate. Morgan specifically looks for those who are good-looking and live alone on the roadside, in hotels, and bars with their luggage. When targeting young women of no fixed abode, he would always treat them enthusiastically to a meal of good wine and food as "Hakata Shangcheng District Zonggui". After gaining the other's favor under the influence of alcohol, he would pretend to be Ask them enthusiastically why they are still out so late? Need help?

There is no young woman in this situation who will not fall.

Morgan will immediately deliver a "Housekeeper Employment Agreement" and ask the young women to sign it.

But in fact, this housekeeper employment agreement is a working-in-hell agreement. All young women who sign it will be sent to Morgan's new silk stockings textile factory in Amn to work as factory girls. The employment period is 30 years and they will die. After that, their souls will still belong to Morgan.

This guy's routine was a bit too complicated, and Aaron didn't know where to start complaining: "Your contract doesn't seem attractive enough."

"You don't really think I asked them to sign the contract for the pitiful profit, do you?" Morgan touched his hair: "It's not just to find out the truth about Ms. Fortune! Brother, let me ask you again, do you want to do it? ?”

"Tell me what's going on first!" Aaron nodded. He listened to Morgan telling a wonderful story. Under the description of the bald singer, Morgan narrated the whereabouts of Ms. Fortune.

The story originates from the Year of Turbulence. The theft of the Tablet of Destiny led to the emergence of the god AO. In a rare rage, he knocked down all the gods except the guardian god Heim. The gods were forced to leave their own kingdom to The saint walks in the kingdom with the posture of a saint.

Lady Fortune Woking is naturally no exception. Unlike many gods, Woking has no interest in participating in hatred disputes between gods, nor does he have any feelings for combat adventures. He has been thinking that this matter has nothing to do with me, the conflict between you. Why involve me? Can you let me return to the Kingdom of God?

Wojin soon figured out a way. She conspired with the happy lady Li'erla and handed over all her divine power to Li'erla. The priest also let Lierla act as her agent, thereby bypassing the AO's ban. After sneaking into the star realm as a mortal, Wojin signed a "gentleman's agreement" with Graz'zt, the Dark Lord of the Bottomless Abyss, and wanted to return to his kingdom of God through Graz'zt's territory.

Everything was going smoothly, until when Woking passed by Graz'zt's territory, the Dark Lord broke the agreement without hesitation, and Lady Fortune was imprisoned by Graz'zt ever since.

"I see." Aaron finally understood why, 6 years after the Saint Catastrophe ended, Ms. Fortune was still missing. All the prayers and magical gifts from the priest of Fortune and the priest were performed by the goddess of joy, Lierla. status, but he still has a question: "Morgan, tell me, so many gods and so many chosen ones, including the legendary Archbishop of Lady Fortune, are looking for His whereabouts, but most of them find nothing. How do you know?"

"Do you know how I got here in the past two years? Brother?" When talking about this matter, Morgan looked excited, as if he had experienced great grievances over and over again: "I spent my whole life wandering around the bottomless abyss as a big devil. Two years! More than two years! Every day I feel like there are fifty of me on top of me. In order to find the whereabouts of Ms. Fortune, I killed two Balor Fire Demons!"

"I once experienced the strong winds in Pazunia, chose the road in the great abyss, prayed in front of the twelve trees, fought with the frost giants on the steel ice field, and fought against Balor under the cold clouds of Xanatos. Fire Demon... Cang Ye, the Mother of Demons, you know, right? I chatted and laughed with her! She also invited me to see her true face under the shroud, but I refused - the great devil of the Nine Hells will not accept this!"

The more Morgan talked, the more excited he became. The bald singer seemed to have experienced great hardships and endured endless suffering.

Aaron looked at the passionate acting of the big devil. He knew that Morgan might have really gone to the bottomless abyss, or might have actually experienced these things, but he definitely did not get the news through these means. He must have had other channels for the news, but I don’t want to talk to myself.

This is the devil. Nine out of ten sentences they say are true, and one sentence is half-truth and half-false, leading you to misunderstand and suffer heavy losses. Afterwards, when the devil's contract is confirmed, there is no fault in any of the above items. .

It's as if someone promised "our new game will have 1,000 planets that can be freely explored." However, when players played it, they found that 960 of the planets were deserted, with nothing on them except a few small tasks to clear the toilet. practical significance.

When you asked him what his original promise was, he asked: "Just ask if there are 1,000 planets that can be explored?"

There really is.

This is the devil's trick.

The bald singer performed for a while, but when he saw Aaron's lack of reaction, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

This news was actually told to him by the Succubus Queen Malcanthet herself. Just a few days ago, when he was investigating the Abyss, the Succubus Queen appeared for no reason and revealed the conspiracy of the Six-fingered Graz'zt and the goddess of wealth, Wojin. The story is told truthfully, the Succubus Queen has only one request - this task must be given to Aaron Salian to form a team to complete.

The bald singer didn't understand what the Succubus Queen was planning, but Malcanthet did not have any strings attached and gave the strongest evidence.

"You said that Woking was at Graz'zt's place. Do you have any evidence?" Sure enough, Aaron asked.

"Yes!" Morgan took out a shining god's gold coin from his arms.

The gold coins were printed with Ms. Fortune’s photo, which contained a trace of Woking’s divine power. More importantly, the gold coins were stained with a few traces of Woking’s divine blood. Ms. Fortune, who had suffered humiliation and abuse, used her own divine blood to A message for help was written, asking for help from the entire multiverse!

"I, Ms. Fortune, help!"

After receiving Woking's gold coins from Morgan, playing with them and feeling the humiliating and desperate message for help from Lady Fortune in the Six-Finger Silver Palace, Aaron no longer had any doubts about Morgan's news.

Poor Lady Fortune! She has actually gone from being a goddess with medium-level divine power and unparalleled national beauty to becoming a prisoner of the famous Dark Lord of Two-Way Plug!

Wait, six years have passed. Has Goddess Watkin turned black?

Aaron thought with some malice that it was hard for him to imagine what would happen to a god if it fell into the hands of Slaanesh's good brother.

Will saving Watkins help me? Aaron thought.

There really is!

"It's an unfortunate thing, Morgan. I'm very willing to help you and rescue Ms. Fortune, but..." Aaron told Morgan about the current situation.

"Bod'an's chart?" The bald singer frowned after hearing Aaron's description.

He and the Succubus Queen agreed that this task must be completed by Aaron, but now Aaron is temporarily inseparable?

This is not possible! Absolutely not!

He is also counting on Aaron and Woking to work together to free himself and his lover from Maman's devil's contract and escape from the nine hells!

The big devil looked at Aaron's half-smiling eyes and knew that he was making conditions. For the future of himself and his lover, Morgan could only grit his teeth and nodded: "Okay, there are still some Nine among the Bode clan nobles. If you're a prisoner, I'll go and ask for you. We'll meet you at the 'Devil's Tip' in the lower city."

"The devil also has a stronghold in Baldur's Gate?" Aaron became interested.

"The temple is a place where gods do business in the mortal world, and demons naturally also have a place to do business in the mortal world." Morgan said naturally, even a little proudly: "Many people are eager for power, knowledge, and answers, and Maman The Grand Duke wants gold coins, it’s that simple!”

"I'll try my best to help you find information about the Bod'an chart. After the matter here is over, we will immediately form a team to rescue Ms. Fortune!" The bald singer emphasized again: "You must be included, buddy, we have agreed, "

"Very good, last question." Aaron shook hands with Morgan: "What makes a big devil join forces with a Silver Virgin elector to run to the palace of the Lord of the Abyss to save a true god of the country?"

"Let us solve the immediate problem first, and I will tell you when I have the chance."

Morgan left, leaving Aaron silent.

Interesting, good brother Slaanesh is getting a new toy.

No prizes for betting, how long can Graz'zt survive in the hands of Slaanesh?

Also, why hasn’t Nestia come yet?


Below the Feilong Pass, in a deep cave near the river beach.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Harsin, the archdruid of the Moon Society, was being ridden by the hermaphrodite drow. During this period, the captured archdruid endured terrible humiliation and torture. The blessed bisexual drow had a great time.

The Archdruid of the Sacred Grove had just lost his lover - his brown bear lover passed away. Halsin sought the guidance of Silvanus, the father of the oak tree, and came to the Sword Coast, intending to investigate the warpstone pollution of the Skaven. But he was captured by drow in the mines of Naxikai and tortured.

Fortunately and unfortunately, a drow took a liking to him and took him as a slave.

It wasn't until the drow had enjoyed enough that Harsin could get a moment of rest. When the Archdruid was thinking about what else he could do, he suddenly noticed a somewhat familiar figure passing by outside the prison.

Wait, why would a high elf appear among the drow?

When the figure became clearer, Harsin felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Nestia? ? ?

Updated, please vote~

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