Crown of Chaos

Chapter 392, Dark Elf Sister Returns

After discussing with Morgan, Aaron sat in his seat and frowned.

There are too many things on his hands right now, and he needs some time to sort them out.

The battle with Billak for hegemony.

Explore the secrets of Bodean and find Rogal Dorn's final whereabouts.

The Test of Nurgle's Love.

The threat of a tide of Skaven from the Horned Rat.

Baal Divinity Recycling Plan.

Now there are more matters to rescue Wojin, the goddess of wealth, from the bottomless abyss. These matters are pressing on Aaron one by one, making his scalp feel numb, and the troubles on his hands are getting more and more.

What's even more troublesome is Aaron himself.

As the adventure continues to escalate, Aaron can already feel that his current strength is not enough.

Aaron's current strength is that of an adventurer at the peak of master level. If he transforms into the incarnation of the Golden Law or explodes the power of the Four Gods of Chaos, he will be able to compete with the legendary strong men and face some powerful divine enemies with Draconi in his hands. Even in En's state, he can barely fight, but at this time, his enemies have been upgraded to legendary or even divine-like levels. The three enemies of Billak, Marche Kidd, and Mecanshut are all out-and-out. Divine-like power.

Although Baal has fallen, his remaining divine power and will can still influence his son of God. Apart from these enemies, none of the Spider Queen Rose, the Great Devil of Hell, and the Six-Fingered Graz'zt of the Abyss are easy to deal with.

Cyric the Dark Sun, the pinnacle of powerful divine power, has not been active recently because Cyric is obsessed with "a great invention." With Cyric's urine, Aaron and him will have to have a fight sooner or later.

In fact, master-level strength is enough to go sideways in most places in the country, but it is not enough for Aaron.

He needs to be promoted to legend as soon as possible.

But the most disgusting part is here. The Four Gods of Chaos have been blocking his neck. In fact, from the time when the Sunset Territory was sealed to the present, Aaron's strength has not improved significantly.

Fat Grandpa Nurgle is kind and has given Aaron a hint.

Fat Grandpa Nurgle is lazy. He doesn’t really care whether Aaron really understands his core. He doesn’t really care whether Aaron can succeed in the country. He just wants to be happy (Fat Grandpa has a kind face).

Aaron couldn't find a specific direction, so he was naturally a little irritated. He silently ranked many matters in his mind, with unlocking the final power of Nurgle as the top priority and going to the bottomless abyss to rescue the Goddess of Wealth as the least important option. .

Then there is the issue of the team's combat effectiveness. The only legendary combat effectiveness Aaron can currently achieve is actually himself, Eleanor who is equipped with the artifact Tears of Selun, and the legendary Sun Elf Mage Barrel. But Barrel is the guy. He is unwilling to show his true power until the moment of life and death. In other words, a legendary sun elf mage is unlikely to be a tool. After the adventurer's strength reaches the master level, no one wants to be like a big-headed soldier. Just obey orders.


Aaron sat on the chair and tapped the table with his fingers gently, until Eleanor pushed open the balcony door. Miss Pastor looked unhappy at first, but seeing Aaron's troubled face, Eleanor took the initiative to stretch out her hand. He opened his arms and hugged Aaron's head into his broad chest.

There are no lofty ideals, no sweet words, just companionship and peace.

The air on the balcony was quiet for more than a minute, and Aaron took the initiative to speak: "What's the matter? Is Nastia here?"

"No, but we met an acquaintance downstairs. Mr. Jerry Reinsdorf, the great merchant in Waterdeep City who you once sponsored, is waiting for you in the restaurant downstairs."

"Rogue Trader Reinsdorf?" Aaron was a little surprised. Why did this great trader from Waterdeep City appear here? Or the rat-infested Baldur's Gate?

Five minutes later, in the restaurant on the first floor, Aaron saw the rejuvenated big businessman Jerry Reinsdorf. The old businessman had now completely regained his youth and vitality, despite the emperor's Strength cannot bring Reinsdorf back to the golden age of 18, but it can bring his physical age back to around 30. Reinsdorf is already very content.

Reinsdorf was accompanied by two bodyguards. One was the legendary Echo Knight Wagner, whom Aaron had seen. The other was something Aaron had never seen before. Reinsdorf briefly introduced his other bodyguard. A bodyguard, the legendary sword dance academy bard Strelkov.

On the barbecue grill on the table, there is a whole table of beef, gun, bullet and cannon combinations plus 6 lamb kidneys. I don’t know where I got a complete set of beef and bull whips. Barrel, the damn fat guy, has already eaten it, with a mouth full of cow penises. The body said yes.

"Long time no see, Aaron." Seeing Aaron and Eleanor arrive, Reinsdorf stood up and said hello. His smile was very sincere, even nine times: "When I saw Ms. Eleanor in front of this store, When I saw it, I thought I was dazzled."

"Jerry, I actually see you here!" Aaron and Reinsdorf hugged: "How come you are here?"

"You are laughing at me for not knowing safety, and I am laughing at you for not knowing business." Reinsdorf motioned Aaron to sit down first: "Only with chaos can there be business opportunities, and chaos means profit. Businessmen need basic order and also long for continuous stability. confusion."

"You're right, but I think it's not up to you to take action personally at this level." As soon as Aaron sat down, Barrel put a large roasted lamb kidney on Aaron's plate. The fat man chewed the beef penis in his mouth and said excitedly: "Eat it while it's hot, Your Excellency, it's so delicious. According to what the aquatic elf said, this is the best kidney imported from northern Myanmar in Karatu. It's cool when it's cold. The smell is coming!”

Aaron just tried to take a bite, and the strong fishy smell made him almost spit out.

"Hehehe~" Reinsdorf shook his head bitterly: "You are right, I have four children, Aaron, four."

"My eldest son David is an elf. His lifelong pursuit is to land on Evermeet Island once. He always tries hard to imitate the high elves in speaking. Any high elf can become a banquet as long as he is willing to make friends with him. Guest of honor."

"Pfft!" Barrel sprayed out a small piece of cow joy from his nostrils. The sun elf thought to himself that our high elf language before the age of 100 was not considered qualified in front of the family elders. Is it just you?

"The second son Jonathan is just the opposite. He is a dwarf. He gave himself a dwarf name called Magni-Ironbeard. If you don't live in a good villa, you must live in a cellar. I have to say that he is a good blacksmith, carpenter and stonemason. , but not a good businessman."

"My youngest son Andrew... is obsessed with mechanical engineering. He always dreams that he is a dwarf engineer. I came to Baldur's Gate this time to see him... He is in the supreme wonder of Gond in the upper city of Baldur's Gate. Go to the palace to further study and learn mechanical technology."

"It's hard to imagine, especially when you are so..." Good guy, Aaron thought to himself, good guy, three children raised by a human supremacist, one elf, one dwarf, and one dwarf?

"It's not difficult to understand. For me, the source of my fortune basically comes from humans. Without the human race, I wouldn't be where I am now. So I always keep in mind that I am a human being and everything I have comes from me. Compatriots." Reinsdorf shook his head helplessly: "But for my children, their wealth and good life come from me. Naturally, they have no worries about survival, status, or social recognition. Under this circumstance, they will pursue the realization of self-worth and pursue something new and different.”

"As for my daughter Susan, don't mention it." Reinsdorf shook his head: "What about you? Mr. Aaron, why are you here?"

Aaron told Reinsdorf most of what he could say.

"I see. Since it is the order of the Lord, I will do my best to assist you." Reinsdorf thought for a while: "In this way, I rented an entire floor at the Elf Song Hotel for my own use. Now that your Excellency If you need it, I will let it go to you. I have many friends in Bode Zonggui, so it will be easy to find a place to stay."

"I have a good relationship with the editor-in-chief of Baldur's Mouth. I have a stake in Baldur's Mouth. When you enter Lower City, I will ask them to publish your glorious deeds."

"I have made large donations to Gond's Temple of Supreme Miracles and the Temple of Ocean Goddess Ambori all year round. If you need their help, just ask and tell me your name, and they will agree to help."

"I'm very grateful." Aaron thanked him, and Reinsdorf just shook his head calmly: "There is nothing to say thank you for. Compared with what the master rewarded me, the help I can provide is not enough, and besides... Favors are meant to be used, aren’t they?”

After a brief meal of beef, guns, and guns, Reinsdorf took the two legendary powerhouses, Wagner and Strelkov, into the city, followed by his Reinsdorf. The caravan is a standard armed merchant group with many elites. Even the Flame Fist guards are envious of their equipment.

After seeing off Reinsdorf, Aaron and others opened two rooms to rest for a day under the caress of Charis. The next morning, Nestia finally arrived as promised.

Her blood-red eyes were as bright as rubies. She was wearing a pair of leather high boots. Most of her slender and attractive legs were wrapped in the boots. Only two finger widths could be seen in the leather skirt and the top of her thighs. The amazingly curved legs wrapped in black stockings stood in front of Aaron. Her beautiful silver-white hair was tied into a simple ponytail. She was wearing a black drow leather armor that could not block the dark elf sister's charming curves. There was a trace of milky white light underneath, forming a beautiful scenery on her enchanting face.

Under the cloudy sky in April, her long hair was flying, reflecting the light of the dark clouds on the seaside. She was charming, cool, handsome, and a little dangerous. Multiple factors were displayed in front of Aaron. She walked all the way and everyone around her was stunned.

"Sorry, brother, I'm late." Nestia gave Aaron a big hug as soon as she came up. The dark elf sister took this opportunity to glance at Charlotte provocatively. The experienced drow beauty immediately saw that Lott hadn't taken the last step with Aaron before he looked at Eleanor. The eyes of the priest lady and the dark elf sister's eyes collided in the air, like lightning and thunder.

Nestia sent some vital news.

The drow are launching a war with the Skaven under the command of the Spider Queen. The two sides are fighting to the death in the Underdark. Naturally, the drow are one level higher than the Skaven in terms of individual combat ability and spells. , and the Skaven are powerful because they have countless cannon fodder and can spread plague. The two sides fought several battles with no outcome.

After learning that the Skaven were trying to summon the Lord of Disaster in Naxikai's mines, Nestia and others formed a rat-killing team under the command of Spider Queen Rose. Five elite drow fought their way into Naxikai's mines. Before the Skaven could successfully summon the Lord of Disaster, they blew up the altar with explosives.

"Blow up the altar protected by the power of the Horned Rat God and the dimension stone?" Aaron complained: "Where did you find the explosives?"

"Giggle, did you know that there is a group of underground dwarves called the Iron Hand Clan?" Nastia licked her lips with her tongue, and the dark elf sister said with a sweet smile: "They have ways, we are just trying to persuade them. ’ After looking at them, they took the initiative to give us some rune gunpowder.”

"Can I know how you persuaded me?" Aaron understood a little bit. It was definitely not a good thing. Nestia was from the Banre family.

"Grrrr~ No!" Nastia didn't reply directly, which was equivalent to acquiescing to Aaron's idea.

The dark elf sister also brought a second piece of news to Aaron.

About Bodean's nautical chart.

"There is a mysterious organization in Baldur's Gate called the Shield Knights. They operate in the shadows and darkness of the city. The Baenre family has had contact with the Shield Knights. The members of the Shield Knights worship a sacred object. Shield, and they are proud to collect a large number of relics and various materials and souvenirs from the founding era of Baldur's Gate. If you, brother, want to get Baldur's sea chart, then the Knights of the Shield may have what you want. The answer." Nestia said with a serious face: "As the daughter of the Spider Queen of the Baenre family, I have contacted the Knights of the Shield, so I should be able to get some useful information."

"Very good." Aaron nodded. Now there are two clues in Bodean's chart.

The first is that someone among the ancient Bode clan nobles should know information about the sea chart, and both the bald singer and Reinsdorf can help.

The second is that someone in the Knights of the Shield mentioned by Nastia should be able to know the information about the sea chart. Sister Dark Elf, as the daughter of the Drowbanre family and the favored one of Rose, should also be able to get it from Some useful information.

There was no problem, Aaron immediately decided to pass through Feilong Pass and head to the lower city of Baldur's Gate.

Feilongguan Fortress stands high on the Chongsa River. From the outside, it blocks the sky and the sun. Even in the clearest weather, Feilongguan Fortress will block the sunlight. There are wooden suspension bridges extending from both sides of Feilongyan. It could be raised or lowered to control pedestrian and horse traffic or to allow tall ships to pass underneath.

Although the bridges are very high and can be easily crossed by almost any ship, the largest naval vessels are forced to sail under the North Bridge because the water is deeper below it. Ships of all types often pass through here at night, and the drawbridge is always raised at this time. If the drawbridge needs to be raised during the day, special fees must be paid to the Flame Fist and the city treasury.

Six Iron Warriors and a whole team of Flame Fist guards guarded the entrance to the suspension bridge. Due to the recent rat infestation, the guards were particularly careful and attentive in checking those who came.

Aaron, who held Cormyr's credentials, was quickly released by the guards - although Baldur's Gate is known as one of the largest trading cities in the Sword Coast, it is still a step short of a powerful kingdom like Cormyr. of.

But just as he was about to pass, a 2.1-meter-tall Iron Warrior, completely covered in steel armor and carrying a large iron backpack, with a bright red Chaos Eight-pointed Star emblem and a skull pattern branded on the huge shoulder armor, suddenly took a step sideways and stopped him. In front of Aaron.

"Your Excellency Salian of Cormyr, please stay!"

"The distinguished acting commander-in-chief of Flame Fist, Takshi, son of Jue Chang'an, Duke of Blackwater, invites you to go to the upper office of Feilongguan Fortress to speak. He is waiting for you there."

"Please, be sure to agree to this request!"

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