Crown of Chaos

Chapter 393, everyone has their own agenda

"Aaron, ignore it, it could be a trap!"

Eleanor was the first to disagree. Miss Priest had secretly held the Tears of Selun warhammer under her robe. The domineering dark moon light from the Moon Maiden was looming on the surface of the artifact warhammer.

The demon prince Annuoming stared at the Iron Warrior. He could feel that there seemed to be a broken spirit like him in this iron lump.

Barrel's thoughts on this matter were completely different from Eleanor's. Instead, the sun elf mage whispered to Aaron: "Your Excellency, you might as well go and see what this guy wants to do. Don't panic. There are more than a dozen people inside Baldur's Gate." A temple, dozens of beliefs, the entire Baldur's Gate City Council and the Baldur Sect nobles will not just sit back and watch something happen to an envoy from the Kingdom of Cormyr at Dragon Pass."

"Takshi has been fighting the Skaven recently. Brother, I think solving the rat problem is a top priority." Nestia was also interested in Takshi's request for a meeting: "Listen to what he wants to say? "

"Don't panic, brother, if he dares to mess around, I'll blow up the Feilong Pass with a forbidden spell!" The eldest lady waved her fist.

"It doesn't matter." Aaron said to the Iron Warriors easily: "Lead the way."

The interior of Feilong Pass is a very typical boulder fortress structure, which contains a large number of defensive machinery, huge city-breaking crossbows and magic circle protection. The restaurant is full of Flame Fist guards who are having lunch. Some guards recognize Aaron and even talk to him. After saying hello, there was faint snoring coming from the nearby Yanquan dormitory.

When passing by the entrance of the warehouse, Aaron and others also noticed a bureaucrat scolding a young girl dressed as Hakatoshi Munaki: Please, Miss Catfish, this is the last time, don’t come again, citizens donated supplies to refugees Not your private warehouse! "

"Who wants these low-grade entertainment things? We Bode Zonggui have always eaten Sword Bay lobster. Those who come from out of town to beg for food are only allowed to eat swill for lunch. I am just playing. How about it?" The young and beautiful lady said with a smile. It was contempt: "As for you, a stinky migrant worker, you have been working here for several years. Can you buy a toilet in Shangcheng District in thirty years? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. If Xie wants to go to Shangcheng District, There is an urn. With your salary, you will have to work from the fall of Netheril until now! Hahahahahahahaha~"

Miss Zonggui scolded the female bureaucrat in Feilong Pass to the point where her face turned pale. She opened her mouth for a long time and was about to retaliate. Miss Zonggui continued to cover her mouth and snickered: "According to the "Baldur's Gate Patrick Law", when a blogger When De Zonggui did not ask you to speak, you are not qualified to speak. I respect you very much so I took the initiative to talk to you, and you, a seventh-level bureaucrat in Feilong Pass, must not show any disrespect to a Bode Zonggui."

The female bureaucrat was silenced by Miss Zonggui.

"Hmph~ I just like to see your servile and hard-to-change attitude. Over the years, we old Bode people have already stood up and taken charge of our own affairs, while outsiders like you are only worthy of kneeling." Miss Zonggui put her hands on her hips. Obviously he has received great spiritual satisfaction.

"This is the true nobleness." Barrel laughed in a low voice: "This kind of tone is what Verrati, the fake Bodur from Livington, can never pretend to do."

"Do people like this always appear in a country when it develops?" Aaron did not laugh: "They only need to collect rent to live a good life."

"Of course, otherwise why do you think I ran away from the Isle of Evermeet?" Barrel was still laughing. Sun elves obviously liked this kind of plot the most. The damn fat man wanted to perform another show of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but Zong Your lady immediately recognized from Barrel's clothes, hair color, and appearance that he was a "high-class aristocratic gentleman" and took the initiative to say a friendly hello to him. He was completely different from before.

"I like this kind of plot. In our place, the woman should kneel down and lick her mistress's boots." Nestia also likes this kind of plot. It seems that the dark elf sister is in Menzoberranzan. The city is used to being domineering. To the Banre family, men are slaves, and the priests of the Spider Queen are the undisputed eldest sisters. Anyone who speaks to them is worthy of kneeling.

"Let's go." Aaron didn't react. Miss Zonggui also noticed the handsome Aaron. Her eyes lit up instinctively, but when she saw the Cormyr Purple Dragon emblem on his body, she knew that Aaron wouldn't eat it. Hakata Munaki behaved like this, and left with a flick of his long silk sleeves.

This is a foreign guest, and she is not to be trifled with. If she causes international influence, Zonggui will punish her internally.

After taking Aaron and others up to the second floor, the Iron Warrior stopped and stopped moving. The tall figure on the throne turned around, clapped his hands and walked down the stairs: "Oh~oh~oh~ look, look, who is this? , isn’t this the Flower Knight of the Fairy Princess, Aaron Salian? How about it? Does it feel good to be controlled by four good brothers? "

The muscles on Aaron's face twitched a few times. Indeed, as Billak said, he had been stuck in the neck by the four gods of chaos, and his strength had not improved qualitatively for a long time.

"Bah bang bang~" Aaron also clapped and approached with a smile: "Son of Jue Chang'an, Duke of Blackwater of Karatu, let me see how much time you have left now? How did you become the earliest eternal divine choice? Don’t you choose the last eternity? Let me guess, how much did you promise in order for them to give you another chance?”

This time it was Bilak's turn to look stiff. He wanted to laugh but couldn't. The four gods of chaos were not as patient with Bilak as they were with Aaron. He greedily thirsted for more again and again, and Bilak was constantly deprived of his strength and power. The fear of death enveloped him, he was anxious, he was anxious, he was anxious, he was now the Demon Prince of Urgent.

After hurting each other once, Aaron obviously had the upper hand. Billak could only pretend not to care: "It seems that your tongue can not only satisfy your women, but also serve them very comfortably. If there is a chance, I’d love to see your colorful skills, but not now.”

"Guys, can you let me catch up with my old friends? We'll be fine soon." Billak indicated that he wanted to chat with Aaron alone.

"Let me talk to him, I'm also curious about something." Aaron motioned to Eleanor and others to wait for a while.

Eternally Unselected, the Original Demon Prince Billak and the Flower Knight Aaron Salian, chosen by the Four Gods, walked into the commander's office one after another. Billak casually took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet next to him: "Abyss On the 570th floor, the red wine from Dashana’s place of harmony, which Sister Huiyao personally stepped on, would you like a glass?”

"Forget it, I don't like drinking in this situation." Aaron refused. Speaking of wine, he remembered that Eleanor had given him a bottle of wine a few years ago. Aaron thought it was made by Eleanor herself. , but afterwards Eleanor said that several female barbarians who believed in Selun stepped on it with their feet, including the female barbarian Asha.

"You are afraid that I will poison you. I am also afraid that the Goblin King Oberon or the Happy Queen Titania will appear in front of me from the Goblin Wilderness. Give me a punch." Bilak took a deep breath and walked to the window. Before that, he threw a document to Aaron: "The appearance of the Rat Man is a clear warning, Salian, the Horned Rat wants to blow us all up with a warpstone nuclear bomb."

Aaron took the document, which was a report on the activities of the Skaven. The activities of the Skaven in the Sword Coast are increasing, and they have reached a somewhat crazy level. According to the report of the Flame Fist, the scale of the Skaven has been expanding until recently. Only then were they controlled - their stronghold in the Naxikai Mine was destroyed by the explosion. Bilak didn't know who did it, so he announced that he did it.

As for who specifically bombed the Skaven stronghold, Aaron guessed that Nastia knew.

"The Great Horned Rat's desire for destruction is endless. It will start from the Sword Coast first, and then the rat tide will flood half of the country until the gods decide to personally intervene." Be'lak stood in front of the window: "But by that time we will all have already Defeated, with luck the Horned Rat may need some new Gray Claw Great Seers to spread His bells, with bad luck our heads will hang around the neck of the Horned Rat god.”

"It's you, not me." Aaron shook his head: "I saw fear in your eyes. This is not like you, Billak."

"Listen, Aaron Salian, this is not the time for us to quarrel. The Horned Rat is our common threat. I know you want to find something in Baldur's Gate. Now I am the commander-in-chief of the Flame Fist. I can provide some help." Billak turned around: "Oh, your strength is not much different from when you met me on the Road to Moander. Let me think about it, you have not yet been fully recognized by the Four Gods of Chaos. Right? Let me guess who it is... Well, it can't be Khorne, you've hunted enough heads, and it can't be Slaanesh... That guy always loved you, one of Tzeentch or Nurgle, Right?"

"Have you finished guessing?" Aaron crossed his arms and said, "Let me also guess, Billak, what kind of dilemma have you encountered? Oh, the big horned rat wants to blow you up. Divine-like power can hardly defeat medium-level divine power. Oh, four How much more time are the gods willing to give you? Lathander, Lord of the Dawn, and Chantia, Mother of the Earth both want to twist your head off. How many gods still hate you? The Three Gods of Justice? The God of Protection? Or the Dark Sun? ? Or the Lady of the Night or the Silver Madonna behind me?"

Aaron slowly moved his head closer to Billak: "How long can you keep this lie? Takshi? Now the Great Horned Rat is attacking the territory with heavy troops, and the temple and nobles are willing to support you. Do you really think that the paladin of the Three Gods of Justice is blind? ? You hang out with the two demon lords of the Abyss, do you think the Brand King and the Succubus Queen will firmly form an unbreakable alliance with you?"

Bilak's face was gloomy, and the original demon prince showed a hint of tiredness: "Malkekid just wants to borrow my rule. He wants to form a large army to destroy Everesca, and a powerful army." The naval fleet will depart from Baldur's Gate to land on Evermeet, and once that's accomplished, he won't hesitate to rip my throat out."

"As for the Succubus Queen... her desires are really endless. I kind of understand why only Demogorgon can satisfy her." Billak raised his head and showed Aaron the row of tooth marks on his neck: " All she could think about was sex. She seduced me just for a sense of novelty and to test whether I could fight against the Demon Prince. If I couldn't do it, she would kick me, just like her Just like I kicked a row of lovers before, I have to satisfy her desires every day, every day."

"Queen's kiss, it's still a row! Be'lak, it's really yours." Aaron looked at the row of bright red teeth marks on Be'lak's neck, and even he, who was Slaanesh's personal choice, was speechless.

Queen's Kiss - Malcanthet can grant abilities through a kiss. Creatures affected by Queen's Kiss gain advantage on one ability score and all saving throws. A pair of red lip marks pierced by wire will appear as a crimson birthmark or The tattoo appears on the affected creature, and as long as the effect of the Queen's Kiss remains, Malcanthet can know the condition and location of the creature as if it were casting a care spell.

You are so powerful, does good brother Slaanesh know?

"So, you begged me." Aaron continued to cross his arms: "Are you done? Can I summon Oberon to punch you?"

"Okay, okay, maybe I do want to give you some precise and valuable information." Belak, who was at a disadvantage, could only reveal a little bit: "Did you see the Iron Warriors outside? They came from my two An ally, a true ally, not an ally like the Brand King and the Succubus Queen."

"Prince Ascension Demon, Perturabo, the good son of the Galaxy Puppet Emperor, provided me with several gene seeds and the technology to mass-produce Iron Warriors, while Lorgar, another Ascension Demon Prince, provided me with the Hui people's Transformation method, I combined the two technologies to create the Iron Warriors." Billak said seriously: "In exchange, I promised them that as long as I succeed, I am willing to share my throne with them, Lorgar There will be a perfect world of free preaching, and Perturabo, I promise, will smash everything he sees."

"Isn't this what the Four Gods and you, the one personally chosen by the Four Gods, want?"

"I can tell you how to obtain the recognition of Tzeentch or Nurgle. I am the original demon prince. I have completed the test of the four gods. I can give you my experience."

"Aaron, we can sign a ceasefire agreement. The Crown of Chaos will be yours. You can become a god with the priesthood of Chaos, and I can go to the Abyss to find a world that belongs to me. There are 999 levels in the Abyss. The country is so big. The Dalun Universe is bigger, we don’t have to fight to the death, we can coexist peacefully, and every battle we have is just a black comedy in the eyes of the Four Gods, which is meaningless.”

"Or, we are destined to fight, that's okay."

"It's just that before that, we need to get through the crisis of the Horned Rat together. He really wants to blow us up. He's always wanted to."

The information Bilak revealed was a bit big.

The original demon prince had unknowingly formed an alliance with Lorgar and Petrabo!

No wonder he called the iron lump he created the Iron Warrior. Isn't this the monkey version of the Space Marine?

As for Lorgar, he has already smuggled himself once, and he can definitely sneak a second time. If Aaron guessed correctly, the living body in Iron Warrior is Lorgar's technology of making "ammunition packs", which converts living people into "ammunition packs" Built into the interior of the Iron Warrior, it solves the most important intelligence problem of the Iron Warrior.

"After the crisis, your tyrannical rule over Baldur's Gate begins?" Aaron found that he had the dislocation advantage of information.

The first is that Beelak is still not sure where the sons of Baal are and who they are.

The second is that he doesn't know the news about Rogal Dorn.

Third, Be'lakor probably didn't know that he had another identity, Ra-Endymion, the tribune of the Emperor's Imperial Guard.

"With our rule, we can become the savior of the country and the patron saint of the Sword Coast. The people will love us instead of hate us." Billak continued: "Don't you want to be a god? It's too much to want the reputation of a god. It's important. As for me, unfortunately, Takshi died gloriously in the end...or was assassinated by the son of Baal. In short, everything is the fault of the people of Sword Coast! It was they who didn't deserve Takshi and lost Baldur's Gate. Guardian, the coming disaster is not so difficult to understand, right?"

"Perturabo has been unhappy with this city. He and his Iron Warriors will smash it to their heart's content. Lorgar will emerge from the ruins of the Sword Coast to spread his perfect teachings, and I, already in the endless I found my home in the abyss."

Billak spread his hands: "How about we cease the war temporarily? This is good for both of us!"

Aaron was silent for a while.

The situation in Baldur's Gate is too complicated. There is also the threat of the Horned Rat outside Baldur's Gate. The Horned Rat God wants to kill Be'lak, and he definitely wants to kill Aaron. There is no doubt about this. .

Therefore, in order to protect himself, Be'lak became the hero to defend Baldur's Gate, and his ceasefire agreement gained a certain degree of credibility. Be'lak was afraid of Aaron, because although Aaron was not strong enough, the various people behind him There are many kinds of kingdoms, gods and relationships.

Aaron is also afraid of Be'lakk. The other party has stolen the highest power of Baldur's Gate, and it is an out-and-out divine power. If he keeps stumbling on himself, how can Aaron successfully obtain Baldur's sea? Picture, what about going to sea to find Rogal Dorn?

Thinking of this, Aaron secretly opened the Eye of Tzeentch, activated the Chaos Power, and tried to peek into the thoughts of the Demon Prince Be'lakk through higher authority.

The Seven-ringed Eye of Tzeentch - Insight!

Tzeentch's authority quickly told Aaron the answer: Be'lakor was sincere!

He really wanted to have a temporary truce with Aaron and focus on solving the problem of the Horned Rat and the son of Baal.

After this difficulty is overcome, whether it is replacing Baal and obtaining the priesthood of killing and becoming the Lord of Slaughter, or becoming the demon lord of a certain layer of the bottomless abyss, will it not be easy to regain the crown of chaos and round Aaron out?

In the same way, Aaron also plans to conquer the power of Nurgle first and be promoted to legend. Once Rogge Dorn is retrieved, the Skaven rat tide is dealt with, and the divinity of Baal is reclaimed to obtain the priesthood of killing, what kind of trouble can Berak make? ?

He has the power of Khorne to suppress the divinity of Baal. This is the key to Aaron's success. Bilak doesn't know this!

Exchange sincerity for sincerity, Chaos people will not deceive Chaos people!

"Very good, then let's sign a ceasefire agreement!" Aaron stretched out his hand.

"Yes, I guarantee your credit!" Billak also extended his hand.

Holding hands together, smiles appeared on the faces of Yongshibuxuan and Sishenxuan.

The plan goes through!

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