Crown of Chaos

Chapter 403, Shar’s favor

PS: Zhu Yuanzhang is here! Here, there is a sea of ​​fishing! Beiyuan will be destroyed today, Xien DOTA, bestDOTA! we are the champion!

PS2: I was too excited to watch the finals. The update is slow. The second update will not be until early tomorrow morning. Please forgive me.

Falling rapidly, there was a sound of wind all around him, and the sharp air flow blew across Aaron's face.

At this time, Aaron was in a very bad state. Under the Thousand Phantoms, the bloodthirsty demon's clone was cut in half, the Ever-Changing Demon Lord's clone was penetrated through the skull, and the incompletely formed Great Unclean One self-destructed. At this time, Aaron was only Only the Keeper of Secrets remains.

Correspondingly, at this time, of the four powers of the Chaos Gods in Aaron's body, only the power of Slaanesh was still usable, and the other three powers were all silenced due to overload.

In desperation, Aaron spread his arms to embrace the injured Nestia and the eldest lady, who was hit by a dimensional stone bullet and whose magic was in chaos, into his arms at the same time, preparing to use his body to deal with the impact of the landing.


The strong wind in his ears made Aaron's ears hurt, and he fell faster and faster. Following the sound of the wind and his perception, just when Aaron was about to land, praying not to break his spine, a gentle force supported them.

This force came and went as quickly as it came. After the impact of the fall was relieved for a brief second, Aaron, Nestia, and Charlotte landed on the ground, kicking up bursts of dust.

Aaron untied Slaanesh's Thousand Phantoms, leaving only the Keeper of Secrets clone. He immediately felt the emptiness in his body, just like when he first started his adventure. Only Slaanesh could accompany him in his body again.

There was darkness and nothing around. Aaron tentatively released a light spell and found that they had probably fallen deep underground.

In the tall underground cave, there are many stone pillars dripping water downwards. Not far away, you can see many collapsed buildings. The style is neither the popular style of the country in the past few hundred years nor the style that the Elf Empire once had. , the style that emphasizes "arc", "color", "simple" and "generous" is not in line with the style. Instead, it is a bit like the Snakeman Empire Temple that Aaron saw at the beginning.

This art style is a bit like...

Aaron briefly recalled his knowledge base, but he quickly gave up, just like the Chaos God Warlock he was, and just went with his feelings.

Turn your attention to the two women on the ground.

Nestia fell in a pool of blood. The dark elf sister was seriously injured after just one round of fighting with Snitch. Her silver-white princess braid fell apart during the battle, and her long-sleeved sweater had multiple holes. The mithril inner armor was unable to withstand the Skaven's Weeping Sword. There were many wounds on the hip-covering skirt, and the black stockings on a pair of slender legs were also covered with large and small gaps, and they were hooked. There was blood flowing in the broken pantyhose.

At this time, Nestia not only lost the strong professional woman style before, but also gave people a strong desire to protect.

Charlotte was lying on her side. Unlike Nestia, the eldest lady had no obvious scars except for a dimensional stone bullet in her chest. Her dazzling white stockings were still flawless, with only the long ruffles. The skirt was stained with blood.

None of them responded.

Aaron felt it for a while and understood immediately.

Among the two of you, one is really dizzy and the other is pretending to be dizzy!

Quickly coming to Nastia's side, Aaron put his hand on top of Nastia's body. The water of life magic Jilun surged along the palm of his hand and turned into nectar and sprinkled down. Sister Dark Essence There were layers of ripples on his body.

Aaron didn't have much magic left, so he released all the remaining magic he could.

"Hmm!" Waves of water and light flowed back to Nestia.

"Ah!...Aaron, where is this?" Nastia woke up slowly.

"I was going to ask you." Aaron pulled Nastia to stand up. He kissed the dark elf sister gently on her forehead to indicate that it was okay: "Did we fall into the Underdark?"

"Giggle, geek, if you really fall into the Underdark, that's a good thing. Little brother, seeing that you are so thin and tender, and so beautiful, do you want to go back to Menzoberranzan with your sister and be my sister's wife?" Siltaya giggled: "The Spider Queen asked me to bring you a message. As long as you are willing to surrender to my Banrui family, there will be women, wealth, gods, and the territory of the bottomless abyss!"

"If you want me to marry you, just tell me. I don't want to spend my whole life mating and giving birth to a bunch of little spiders." Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Ahhh! I'm so angry!"

At this time, the eldest lady Charlotte also woke up. She slowly got up from the ground, her beautiful legs wrapped in white stockings swayed in a nice arc, she hammered the floor hard with her fists, and gritted her teeth: "Damn it. The Rat Assassin, who has no martial ethics and bullies me, the daughter of Amaunata, I was already prepared to unleash the finger of death!"

"Xia Lu, are you okay?" Aaron picked up the eldest lady.

"It's okay, it's okay~" Charlotte took out the Karthus Box from her arms, and saw that the "Aaron King" doll transformed from the box perfectly blocked the warpstone bullet, but the bullet failed to penetrate Charlotte. heart.

Aaron also let Charlotte act coquettishly in his arms for a while.

The eldest lady took the opportunity to cast a provocative look at Nestia.

Do you see it? Pointy ears, this eldest lady came here first, I am Aaron’s real sister! You bitch pretending to be dizzy! If you admit defeat obediently, I can give you some soup!

Nastia's blood-red pupils were slightly dilated, exuding a terrifying murderous aura, dangerous and terrifying.

Now let’s talk about the knife! You loser with no practical experience! Two spells can be used in one spell. What would happen to the witches of our Bain Rui family?

The confrontation between the two sides was about to end. By the time Aaron noticed it, the two sisters had returned to a harmonious atmosphere of amiability and intimacy.

The sisters' war is going on in secret. In the open, Aaron and others have begun to explore the ruins in front of them.

The light spell lit up the surroundings. The ruins were filled with fallen rocks and soil. Most of the main building complex collapsed. Among the remaining buildings, it could be vaguely seen that this should be a temple, with domes and spires. The architectural style is simple and harmonious.

"It feels like the architectural style of Netheril." Nestia took off the torn black stockings in front of Aaron, stuffed it into Aaron's pocket, and then took it out of her own pocket. She took out a brand new pair of translucent black pearl silk pantyhose from her triangular prism bag and put them on. She didn't mind if the hip-covering skirt was torn, so she simply tore a section along the skirt to facilitate movement.

Sister Dark Elf herself did not expect to encounter a battle when she came out today.

"Well, I also think it's a bit Netherese-esque." Aaron nodded, and he would not admit that he only remembered it after being reminded by Nastia.

"Aaron, Aaron, look at this!" The eldest lady discovered the blind spot: "There is a statue here! I recognize it, this is the ancient god of death, Yaeger!"

The ancient god of death, Jaeger? !

Aaron and Nestia rushed to Charlotte's side.

There is still a statue of a god standing in the center of the ruins. The statue is three meters high. Many parts of its body have been damaged by the erosion of time, and its face is very blurry. However, based on several features, there is no doubt that it belongs to the ancient death god Yeager. idol.

The statue is wearing a long robe, with only the skull cheeks exposed on the face. It is holding a quill pen to write on the page, and the long scroll hangs to the ground. Judging from this feature alone, it is undoubtedly Yeager.

It is not the current recorder of death with weak divine power, Cyric's subordinate god Yeager, but the former ancient god of death, the Lord of the end of all things, who controls the three major concepts of strife, death, and the dead, and is the first in the kingdom of gods above gods and below AO. Jaeger, the peak of the mighty power of a god!

"Yager, the ancient god of death, is interesting." Aaron and Nastia came to the statue, and Nastia said: "I remember that not long after Nese fell, the three gods of death came into being, and this temple is still there. Worshiping the ancient god of death, Jaeger..."

Aaron nodded, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

Did Jaeger, the ancient god of death, save them?

As soon as this thought came out, changes immediately appeared in the ruins, and the dim soul fire burned in the empty eye sockets of the Yaeger statue.

It's really Jaeger, the will of the gods has come!

"Young man, son of Chaos, Salian of Cormyr." A dry, old and tired voice came from the statue of Yeager: "You have come to me, as she said, you are destined."

"Her?" Aaron wondered, who was Yeager talking about?

The statue of Yager paused for a while, and the ancient god of death ignored Aaron's rhetorical question: "That's it for now. Everyone, I have a question."

"How much is the life of an ordinary person worth?" Yaeger, the ancient god of death, continued: "For you, how much is the meaning of the life of a son of Chaos?"

"Only the life recognized by Rose and her brother has the meaning of existence." Nestia said without thinking.

"Hehe, all living beings are equal, but some bloodlines are more equal than others~" Charlotte's eyes were filled with the power of the soul and the light of the universe. The eldest lady has always been proud of her own bloodline.

Aaron didn’t think too much: “The highest meaning of life is to choose a sunny day, sit in a convertible with the woman you love, cruise through the busy city, laugh to your heart’s content, feel the beauty of life, and enjoy pleasure .”

"... Life and life are completely different. Son of Chaos, you have distinguished the two." The soul fire in the eye sockets of the Yaeger statue gradually dissipated: "Very good, I already know the answer."

"When the time comes, we will meet again, Son of Chaos." The statue of Yeager slid backwards, revealing the passage leading to the underground: "Pay respect to the god who saved you, and you will return to the surface."

The fire of the soul dissipated.

Aaron, Nestia, and Charlotte looked at each other and walked into the passage under the statue.

Didn't Jaeger save us?

Then who saved us?

They soon had their answer.

The basement is much smaller than expected. In the empty and damp hall, there are seven gods.

Nese Seven Gods!

Netheril is one of the most noteworthy great empires in the history of all kingdoms, and its highly developed magical civilization has long been known to the world.

In addition to magic during that period, the power of the ancient Nese gods was also at its peak. Unlike the large number of divine powers in the pan-Faerunian pantheon that we know now, there were only a few gods in the national pantheon at that time. But their common characteristics are:

Ancient, almost most of the Nese gods have been born since the beginning of the world. Most of the gods today are their descendants or children.

Powerful, during the Nese Gods' period, most gods were powerful, and the priesthood titles they held could only be described as violent. Often one god commanded several priesthoods held by current gods.

Decline, like the ancient and powerful empire, after the Nese gods experienced the decline, fall and disappearance of the empire, this pantheon also fell into pieces.

What is more interesting is that although the Seven Gods of Nese are known as the "Seven Gods", there has been great controversy in history as to which gods are actually the Seven Gods of Nese, except for Selun, Shar, and Jannas (now the In addition to Chantia), Jaeger, Amaunata and Xosa (now Talos), there are many theories about who the seventh god is.

In the underground temple, in the place of the seventh god stands the statue of the goddess of luck "Taiji". She is the origin of the goddess of luck Tymora and the goddess of misfortune Benshaba. She was corrupted and destroyed by the conspiracy of the god of decay Moander. It was shattered by Selun and divided into Tymora and Benshaba, as well as some priesthoods related to Wojin, the goddess of wealth.

One of the gods saved them.

Who is the one?

Aaron came to the statue of Selun almost without thinking. Among the seven gods of Nese, the image of Selun is Lady of the Silver Moon. She is not full of motherhood like the Silver Virgin, nor is she emphasizing purity and creation like the Moon Maiden. The new girl is a standard lady with a slim figure and a pretty face.

Was it Su Lun Mama who saved me?

Aaron pulled Charlotte and others to kneel down in front of the statue of Su Lun to pay respects.

There was a very awkward silence, nothing happened.

Not Su Lun?

Nastia couldn't hold it back any longer, she burst out laughing, her sweet laughter like silver bells full of malice: "Brother, it seems that your Lady Silver Moon doesn't care about you that much either~ I don't feel as good as the Spider Queen. ……level."

Aaron glared at Nestia, but he was also very confused.

If not Suellen, then who would it be?

"Ah, I know, I know! It's him, my father Amaunata!"

The eldest lady, Charlotte, reacted immediately. She trotted up to a dazzling lady with a loose flowing dress and holding a huge scale - almost translucent gold.

The powerful divine power of the mechanical realm, the ancient sun god Amaunata.

Amaunata is undoubtedly a male god, but she particularly likes to appear in female form.

The eldest lady knelt down devoutly: "Thank you, father!"


There was an even more awkward silence, with the statue of Amaunata motionless, unresponsive, and nothing happened.

Apparently, not Amaunata either.

"Ahhhh! You useless old thing!" Charlotte got up from the ground angrily, and the eldest lady kicked Amaunata's statue with her small leather shoe: "Don't say that I am your daughter when you get out. Pooh!"

Amaunata's statue fell into a cloud of dust and remained unresponsive.

The statues of the Seven Gods of Nether still stand in the underground temple. There is no movement, neither Selun nor Amauna Tower.

Aaron sighed, he understood.

Striding up to the statue of Shar, who was holding two swords and facing all living beings with his chin proudly, Aaron pulled Nastia and Charlotte to kneel down on one knee.

"You should be the first to kneel to me, my dear." Shar's statue lit up with a dim light, and the goddess of the night said meaningfully: "You should understand now how powerful I am compared to my useless dim sum sister, Ya Lun, my chosen one, you are destined to be mine, you are the miracle and the only one."

"My sister will like it very much if you refuse the rats outside."

"Continue, continue to make me feel pleasure."

Isn't it? !

The eldest lady and the dark elf sister were secretly stunned.

What happened to Aaron?

How can someone be both a Selun elect and a Shar elect?

Are these two goddesses crazy?

Next to the statue of Shar, there is a portal leading to the ground of Baldur's Gate.

This was not over yet, the statue of Shar holding two weapons fell from her hands.

"The swords of Sanye from the Shadowfell Underworld, Sanhua and Yaksha are weapons that I have personally used." The statue of Shar turned to Nastia: "Nastia, the albino drow of Menzoberranzan, Ben Mistress of the Rui family, are you interested in serving me?"

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