Crown of Chaos

Chapter 404, Betray Rose, serve me, Drow!

PS: I still owe an update and I’ll make it up tomorrow. I’ll remember that. I still owe an update last month and I’ll find time to make up for it later.

An explosion in the sewers attracted the attention of the paladins.

The sewers of Baldur's Gate have always been a hotspot for filth and gang activities. There are even rumors that there is a huge wealth hidden under Baldur's Gate, the wealth left by Bodur'an.

Paladin Inquisitor Kaidong led the paladin team to clean up some Skaven assassins and then felt the vibrations on the ground. However, when they arrived, all they saw were collapsed sewer pits and bottomless black hole.

"Don't come close! I feel a very evil energy!" Leonard stopped the young paladin Wallace.

Unfortunately, Wallace lost one of his hands in a previous battle with the Essien Assassins.

Fortunately, Wallace received Aaron's magical restoration and grew a hand again.

The young paladin was a little dumbfounded by this. He had his severed hand in his pocket, and his novice was not yet used to it.

A group of paladins circled the pit several times, unable to determine the situation inside the pit.

At this moment, a druid suddenly opened the wooden door of the sewer next to him, and he fell to the ground covered in blood.

"Are you okay?" The paladins quickly pulled him up.

It’s Arch Druid Halsin of Cormyr’s Sunset Territory Sacred Grove Sanctuary!

The paladins rescued Halsin, and the archdruid struggled to tell the paladins a terrifying fact.

The drow of Spider Queen Lolth also participated in the turmoil at Baldur's Gate, and they arranged for an agent to lurk among the people in advance.

That person is the sun elf Nastia next to Aaron!

Kaidong and Leonard were silent after hearing this. Both veteran paladins realized how difficult this problem was. Nestia was not only Aaron's personal secretary, but also his valued sister and owner of the Sun Elf Official VIP status.

But the young paladins can't control that much.

Upholding justice and getting rid of evildoers, this is the meaning of the existence of the paladin!

"Paladin, move!"


More than a hundred meters deep underground in the sewer, lies the lost temple of the Seven Gods of Nese.

Nastia, who didn't know that she had been reported with her real name, picked up a pair of scimitars given to her by Shar from the ground. After a few gestures, the dark elf sister knew the power of "Sanye Sword".

The weapons that Shar himself used contained the power of the Shadowfell Underworld that he had tamed. Not only could Nastia travel between the Shadowfell Underworld and reality, but she could also call upon the power of the Shadowfell Underworld to kill her enemies.

The most important thing is that Sanye Duijian is also the key to open the "Shadow Demon Web". With it, Nastia can not only use the Demon Web, but also the Shadow Demon Web.

Such a good thing, Nestia found that she had no reason to refuse. However, as one of the mistresses trained by Lolth's Oath Drow and the Baenre family, Nestia's belief in Lolth was deep-rooted. She played with the two swords, Licking his lips greedily: "I have heard a heresy. Selun is Sehani-Moonbow, and Shar is the former Aerosyne and the current Spider Queen?"

"This is indeed heresy, stupid Baenre family drow, there is no relationship between me and Rose." Shar said contemptuously: "I have cooperated with her, once, but this does not mean that I have cooperated with her. She is a friend. Among me, Aaron is the only exception. If you are willing to choose me, you must abandon Rose and serve me wholeheartedly."

"No Lolth-sworn drow will betray the great and all-powerful Spider Queen!" Nestia retorted subconsciously. The beauty of Swordsong dropped a pair of artifacts and swords on the ground, with an angry look on her face: "Impossible , absolutely impossible!”

"Nothing is impossible." Shar's answer was calm and ruthless: "In fact, there is already a Rose-sworn drow who has turned to serve me. Her name is Viconia."

"Viconia?! The Spider Queen asked us to kill this traitor! So she is?!" Nestia recalled Rose's oracle.

"I will wait for your choice, Nestia." Shar's will gradually became silent: "You should have died from falling from high altitude. Now, return to the ground."

"Don't forget the favor I have for you, Aaron, don't~ forget!"

Silence returned to the temple, with only the portal remaining.

Nastia picked up the Sword of Sanye, and the artifact was in an inactive state at this time. Shar's meaning was very clear. If you want to use these two artifacts, you must be loyal to the Lady of the Night and betray Rose.

Two minutes later, Baldur's Gate, Uptown.

After experiencing the fierce battle in the sewer and the adventure in the underground temple, Aaron and others returned to the manor where the Grand Duchess lived.

Dumbo and the Watchers immediately came up to ask what happened, and they also felt the earthquake.

Aaron could feel the death master Snitch's aura completely disappearing, and the self-destruction of the Great Unclean One's clone was enough to take half of Snitch's life. Snitch should not appear again in a short period of time, so He simply told Dumbo and the Watchers what was going on down there. After hearing that there were Skavens in the sewers, Dumbo immediately decided to suspend the investigation and report it to the city council.

The paladins haven't come out yet, and Aaron plans to trouble Leonard later. He has to go to an appointment at this time.

He has a date with the Perfect Mind Flayer Lord.

"Old thing, it really doesn't work!" The eldest lady was still angry that she, as Amaunata, had lost face in the Temple of the Seven Gods. Charlotte's beautiful white silk feet stepped on the small leather shoes and stamped hard on the ground. Clenching his fists: "Damn it, I forgot to scold Shar, the bad goddess, for stealing my divine blood!"

Aaron comforted Charlotte, while Nastia looked at Sanye's sword on her waist with a complicated expression.

Rose? Shar?

In any case, Lady Julia's residence slowly came closer.

Lady Julia's residence is naturally not as splendid as Grand Duchess Lila's residence, but the Gothic four-story building and the entrance style with its own small garden make people feel instinctively relaxed.

Aaron noticed that the vegetation in the small garden was overgrown. It seemed that what the monarch said was true. Indeed, after he killed Lady Julia's husband, the entire family was in chaos. Lady Julia and Miss Catfish He didn't know how to take care of the house at all, and the monarch took advantage of him.

The decoration style of the house is simple but not simple, with emphasis on details everywhere. The mahogany brown walls, red carpet and white tiles, gold-edged double doors and horseshoe-shaped stairs all reflect elegance.

When Aaron and others arrived, the monarch was already waiting on the first floor, with huge octopus-faced tentacles flying in the air: "You are late, Sir Aaron."

"I met a mouse on the road, and I almost couldn't come to see you." Aaron raised his eyebrows: "How dare you show up in the lobby on the first floor in public, are you not afraid of exposing yourself?"

"Baldur's Gate is an open city." The monarch clasped his hands behind his back: "I give all my servants a day off... I have prepared the sea chart, Sir Aaron, please."

A nautical chart hangs on the display board on one side of the hall, with each of Bodean's adventures marked in detail. Among them, Bodean's most important adventure, the detailed route of meeting Rogge Dorn, the primarch of the Imperial Fist, has been Specially marked by the monarch.

Distance, shore shape, islands, reefs, water depth, navigation marks.

The chart is very detailed. Even Aaron, who has never been on a ship, can be sure after reading this chart that any captain with sailing experience can successfully reach Dorne by relying on this chart.

"Now, it belongs to you." The monarch took Bodean's chart off the display board and gave it to Aaron's hands: "May you make good use of its functions, and may Bodean guide you to ride the wind and waves."

"Very well, monarch, I now believe in your sincerity." Aaron accepted the chart with satisfaction.

The method of obtaining the Bodean chart was much smoother than expected. He originally estimated that he would need to go through a lot of twists and turns to get it, but now he actually didn't spend too much energy, didn't pay too much, and didn't even get it with him. The nobles of the Bode Sect in the upper city struggled back and forth to get it from the hands of this perfect mind flayer.

Never had such a great start!

"I have always regarded our friendship as a necessity. As I said to you, I need you and you need me." The monarch always had his hands behind his back, and he was suspended in the air: "You are my salvation, you are my Your benefactor, I really don’t know how to thank you, Mr. Aaron, the only thing I can do is to pack my things quickly and find the sea map as soon as possible so that I can repay you."

The monarch's serious and sincere words not only made Aaron feel a chill, but Charlotte and Nestia were also covered in goosebumps.

"I actually heard such words from a mind flayer." Nestia's pointed high heels hit the wooden floor, and the dark elf sister almost vomited.

"My finger of death is ready!" Charlotte scratched her arm, and the eldest lady complained: "Are you serious? Mind Flayer?"

"I think I need to express my goodwill, Sir Aaron. Together we can destroy the Rat Man's conspiracy." The monarch did not feel at all how weird what he just said was. He stretched out his hand towards Aaron: "Let us go hand in hand."

Aaron placed a Chaos Eight-Pointed Star Talisman in the monarch's big hand: "This is my promise, keep it."

The monarch's purple eyes flashed with light.

A talisman that symbolizes the emblem of Chaos!

With this, and with Ilshensiin's ban, no mastermind will dare to provoke him again!

A blueprint for the future with infinite possibilities was displayed in front of the monarch.

But at this time, you still need to be patient.

The Mind Flayer forced himself to calm down, and nodded, pretending not to have any fluctuations in his expression: "Then, our deal is about to be completed."

The monarch clapped his hands.

The door on the second floor was wide open on all sides. A sexy and beautiful woman with gold-rimmed eyes was holding a large plate of land deeds and property documents in her hands. She had big chestnut brown wavy hair, delicate cheeks and slender eyebrows. , her long and narrow beautiful eyes are captivating, and her small mouth painted with bright red under her small nose is slightly raised, her facial features are really charming.

She wore a black fur coat with a white shirt underneath, revealing her delicate collarbones and fair skin. Two large, round and full breasts were tightly squeezed inside the shirt, squeezing out a bottomless trench.

Although the white dress is slightly loose, it still can't wrap up the hot figure of the beautiful woman. From the slender water snake waist down, there is a black tight-fitting hip skirt, with the attractive full moon wrapped in it, and two sexy and slender black stockings legs in black The fur coat is looming, full of temptation.

Two beautiful legs in stockings swayed unnaturally one after another. On their feet were a pair of beige slender high heels with transparent sides. The white and tender insteps and the flesh of the feet on both sides were exposed, and the small blue veins clung to the shaped ultra-thin legs. The flesh-colored stockings vividly display the perfect shape of a woman's feet. Wearing them on the feet is charming and enchanting, highlighting her mature charm.

What a beautiful lady!

All three of Aaron couldn't help but be surprised, among them Aaron and Charlotte couldn't help but look at Nestia.

The appearance of the lady in front of me is at least 70% similar to that of the dark elf sister! The only flaw is that her expression is slightly dull, and her eyes are covered with a layer of purple. It is obvious that she is under the control of the mind flayer.

"This is the gift I promised you." The monarch was obviously very satisfied with the reaction of Aaron and others: "She is Mrs. Julia. Now, she, her house deed, land deed, and bits and pieces of property belong to you. , Sir Aaron, are you satisfied with my gift?"

Aaron was silent.

As expected of a mind flayer, he got all the things he liked the second time. I can only say that it was lucky that the monarch didn't pretend to be like this and say those disgusting words to him.

"It is rumored that Mrs. Julia's fame spread far and wide, and she attracted countless covetous people after her husband's death. Seeing her today, her reputation is indeed well-deserved." Nestia smiled sweetly and walked to the dull-looking Mrs. Julia. The dark elf sister looked at her makeup carefully and couldn't help but smile: "This time you have grasped Aaron's hobby, mind flayer."

"Human beings cannot step into the same river twice." The monarch said calmly: "I like to learn lessons, which is the key to my successful lurking."

Nastia's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, her narrow beautiful eyes narrowed, and her charming cheeks that usually smiled were less happy.

Anyone who dares to act wild in her territory or go against her will not end well in the end.

The monarch deliberately let Lady Julia wear her makeup, which was obviously a provocation to her!

But when she looked at Mrs. Julia carefully, she returned to normal. A pair of enchanting red eyes shone with a seductive look, and her red lips were slightly raised.

Under the purple mind-control membrane, Nastia saw eyes of fear and help.

Maybe...this woman can use it this way.

"Very good, I'll accept it." Nestia patted Mrs. Julia on the shoulder: "And where is her daughter, Miss Catfish?"

"Miss Catfish is here..."

In the middle of what he said, the monarch suddenly disappeared without any warning.

This move of the Mind Flayer left Aaron and the three of them confused.

Behind him, there was a knock on the door, and several paladins blocked the door with a druid!

"Ms. Nestia, you are suspected of kidnapping the Druid of the Verdant Garden with other drow and committing major crimes against humanity and society. We, based on the authorization of Duke Iltan, formally issue a warning to you! "

"Now, immediately put down your weapons and leave the private residence with your hands behind your back! Surrender to us!"

Aaron immediately looked out the window and found that it was the paladin who had just gone down to explore the sewers with them, and the druid they were holding was not the druid Hal who he appointed as the great guardian of the Holy Forest of Hurek. Is it hard?

Nestia's expression suddenly changed when she saw Harcin.

This idiot! This idiot! ! !

I obviously found out that you were arrested and let you out secretly because of your pity. Now you actually bring the paladin to arrest me?

I should have killed you then!

"Ms. Nestia, please come out immediately. In the name of the three gods of justice, we will give you a fair punishment."

"Last warning!"

The paladins are ready to break through!

Updated, please vote~

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