Crown of Chaos

Chapter 405, preparing to go to sea

PS: There should be another update in the evening, I will try my best to do it before 12 o'clock.

Without giving the paladin a chance to break in, the door to Mrs. Julia's four-story bungalow opened automatically.

The paladin and Halsin were greeted by Lady Julia's rage.

"Who allowed you to break into private houses without the official authorization of the city council?!" Mrs. Julia put her hands on her hips and spread her legs. Suddenly, an extremely seductive and coquettish look appeared between her brows, and her delicate body was swaying with fragrance. He walked to the leader of the paladin in a charming manner, and the smell of high-end perfume and the fragrance of mature women's meat hit his nostrils, as if he didn't see the stern and vigilant face of the paladin.

"I am a member of the Bodoku clan. You paladins, are you trying to bully my dead husband, orphan and widowed mother, and want to take advantage of the opportunity to do evil to me?" Lady Julia complained to the paladins in an extremely charming manner, with beautiful eyes. Slightly upturned,

Her charming demeanor was alluring, and she stretched out her hand provocatively to elegantly move her hair behind her neck. She put her gorgeous red lips close to the ear of the paladin leader, Wallace, and said word by word: "Let's just say, Are you here to seek justice, have you found clues about my husband’s death, and want to help me?”

Madam Julia's speeches one after another made the young paladins look nervous. They looked at me, I looked at you, and involuntarily took a step back, for fear of being questioned by this person who looked weak but was actually vicious. The dame of their motives entangled.

Paladins are such a profession. They are noble, powerful, and omnipotent. They ignore diseases and curses. The Holy Sword makes them comparable to the most powerful warriors. They are closely integrated with the original concept of the multiverse. The paladins also possess certain spell-casting abilities, making them the most powerful among many professions.

However, the greatest weakness of the paladin lies in the fragility of personal integrity and belief. The eyes of the old paladin are always full of vicissitudes. The paladin needs to abide by the law and bind himself with morality or ideals. Once the oath is broken, the saint will be The strength of the warriors will disappear.

The vast majority of paladins will begin to feel the burden of their oaths in the third year of their career. By the seventh year, no more than 30% of paladins can persist. Strength comes at a price, and justice also comes at a price. .

As a young paladin, Wallace was always passionate. He would do what he thought of and stop injustice when he saw it. He never thought that he was just trying to bring justice for the Druid, but in the end he was killed by Lady Julia. Bite back.

"We didn't mean that, madam!" The young paladin explained hurriedly: "We are just here to find Ms. Nestia!"

"The way to find a lady is to break into a private house?" Mrs. Julia said reluctantly: "Is it to bully orphans and widows? Is it to treat the law as nothing? Is it to have a clear conscience?"

"We didn't mean it."

"That's what you mean!" Mrs. Julia flicked her long sleeves, and her round and smooth fleshy thighs made a seductive wave. The slutty look made the scalps of the paladins numb: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you These people covet the property my husband left me, and they covet the looks of our orphans and widowed mothers. I didn’t expect you to be such holy warriors!”

Mrs. Julia's weeping look made the paladin neither advance nor retreat. They froze in place. Among them, the young paladin Wallace had to step forward immediately: "I swear in the name of Tom, we Saint A samurai would never do such a thing. We do not want to have any personal relationship with you, nor do we covet your property. Everything we do is out of justice. We just hope to find Ms. Nestia and let her give her to you. The victim Harsin has an explanation and that’s it!”

Wallace held the sword in both hands, and a layer of sacred light shone on his body. This was an oath sworn in the name of the paladin. If he violated it, he would break the oath.

Speaking of which, Aaron felt that the time was almost up. The paladins had calmed down and he could speak: "Naestia is not here. Everyone, I think you have misunderstood."

"Your Excellency Aaron." Harsin said seriously: "I swear in the name of Silvanus, what I saw is absolutely true!"

"Sometimes, seeing is not believing." Aaron said in a deep voice: "You idiot, Nestia, like Drizzt, is the sworn drow of Eilistraee, you almost exposed her! Idiot !”

"Huh?" Halsin's brain was overloaded. Nestia was Eilistraee's sworn drow, so why was she mixed with the real Lolth's sworn drow?

Slowly, an answer gradually emerged in his mind.


Ah, Silvanus is connected to the God of Nature, what an idiot I am!

Harsin finally figured out the problem, and he wanted to punch himself.

I almost ruined Sir Aaron's big plan!

Such foresight is worthy of Mr. Aaron!

Halsin admired Aaron even more, and the previous experience of being captured by the drow as a Starfury no longer seemed so painful, and had value and meaning.

At this moment, Kaidong and Leonard also arrived. Compared with the young and passionate paladin, Kaidong and Leonard were both people who had experienced hardships and long years of pursuit of justice. They first signaled to Hua Laishi and others should not be impulsive, and then communicate with Aaron.

Aaron explained the same set of arguments to Kaidong and Leonard, because Aaron had contacted the two Eilistraee Oath Zolvanissa and Kafka, and he had also contacted Drizzt. Fighting side by side, Nestia also appeared with Drizzt, so his words seemed very credible. Although Kaidong and Leonard still had some doubts, they still chose to believe him in the end.

That's the benefit of fame.

Kaidong signaled the impulsive paladins to stop the team. He did not criticize these young enthusiastic people, but just told them that he hoped this time could serve as a lesson for them. However, Leonard was pulled by Aaron's clothes: "You need to give them a lesson." I’ll give you an explanation, senior.”

"What other explanation can I give you? Junior?" After several years of not seeing each other, Leonard's face has changed a lot. He sighed: "I have things I must complete. It's difficult for me to explain to you now, Ya. Lun, you will naturally know the day I complete my goal."

"So I always feel nervous about the appearance of the paladin." Aaron held Leonard's shoulders and walked to his side: "One of you is like this, two of you are like this, you always feel that you are doing the right thing. thing……"

"Being hated is also a required course for the paladin, isn't it? I now understand that we don't need others to understand." Leonard was very determined. He held the long sword in his hand tightly: "When I finish my To achieve the goal, I will go back and apologize to my mentor, to the princess who enthroned us, to Miss Lysa, and to apologize to all the people of Cormyr. But at least for now, I can’t go back. During this time, mentor... please take care of me. ”

"If my goal can be successfully accomplished, I will capture Disma from Ichiatu Chamu, the son of Bane." Leonard was full of confidence in his career: "Just wait and see, Ya Lun."

"Okay, then I have a few things to tell you about Baldur's Gate." Aaron said to Leonard: "About Acting Commander-in-Chief Tucker Shi..."

"What, Takshi is Billak?!" Leonard was shocked after hearing Aaron's instructions.

"It's good that you know... this, this, this, this." Aaron whispered his plan to Leonard, and the two parties finalized some details.

At this point, Aaron did not persuade Leonard to go back. He just hugged his college principal: "We are all apprentices of Tutor Lucian, right?"

"Since we are the mentor's disciples, we will always compete for the first place." Aaron patted Leonard's chest: "Among the three of us brothers, who will win the bronze medal?"

"Then I'll put a bronze medal here first. Some people will be anxious later." Leonard smiled and made a gesture on his chest: "Justice first, competition second, Disma third."


Aaron and Leonard smiled at each other, shook hands, and watched Leonard leave.

Then Aaron called Harsin over again and told the Archdruid: "So, so, so, so..."

"Understood. Please rest assured, Your Excellency, there are two secret strongholds in the Green Leisure Courtyard here." The Archdruid also nodded quickly. Knowing that he had made a big mistake, he immediately expressed his loyalty to Aaron: "I will arrange contact right now. ."

In this way, an invisible crisis was successfully resolved by Aaron.

After sending Halsin away, Aaron stood in the hall thinking about his plan. The monarch appeared behind him again, and the perfect mind flayer clasped his hands behind his back: "A very smart approach, Your Excellency, you successfully avoided a situation. A battle, I must admit that the paladin is right, being disliked is a required course, and I think every paladin should get at least a 4.5 grade point in this course."

"Do you always show up afterward?" Aaron turned around.

"If necessary." The monarch seemed to have an unexpected answer: "I will help."

"Giggle, giggle, what a cunning mind flayer." Madam Julia suddenly burst into laughter as sweet as silver bells, and she tore off her disguise at an extremely fast speed. Mrs. Bode Zonggui immediately She turned back to the enchanting Dark Elf sister before: "I am very satisfied with your gift, Your Majesty!"

"It is my honor to serve you, madam." The monarch put his hands behind his back, and beside the perfect mind flayer, the real Lady Julia emerged. The monarch temporarily relaxed his control over her mind, and her appearance was similar to that of Nestia. She was 80% similar to Ya. The lady with similar makeup had despair and timidity in her eyes, and she was struggling whimperingly.

"Giggle, from now on, I will be Madam Julia, the noble wife of the Bode clan, and you... just take my place as my brother's personal secretary." Nestia's sharp nails scratched from Madam Julia's face Slowly crossing the line: "Serve your good brother well and meet all his needs, otherwise I will find a hundred bat dogs from the Dark Territory and take turns to kill you..."

The dark elf sister's nails were scratched down Mrs. Julia's waist, which frightened the noble lady who had grown up in fine clothes. Tears were streaming down her charming and pretty face, and she was nodding her head desperately.

The monarch has set up hypnotic psychic magic for Mrs. Julia. He has transferred the control of hypnosis to Aaron and Nestia. As long as they speak the key code words, Mrs. Julia's mind will be instantly enchanted. Qingqing becomes a puppet that can't think and only obeys orders. Aaron and Nestia can freely set up and input instructions.

The same is true for Lady Julia's daughter, Miss Catfish. The ownership of the mother and daughter was completely transferred to Nestia.

Since then, everything in Uptown has been completed, and Aaron began to contact Reinsdorf and the bald singer Morgan - he needed a good boat.

It's time to get ready to go to sea.

Over the next few days, Aaron made final arrangements for Baldur's Gate.

Eleanor, Charlotte, and Anno will go to sea with Aaron, while Barrier and Nestia plan to stay to support them. Nestia will be the "Lady Julia" Activities in Baldur's Gate are a good thing for the Dark Elf sister. She also has her own things to do. Since she is not so familiar with Lady Julia, she will also leave Lady Julia and Miss Catfish for the time being. Be around and slowly replace her through real and fake means.

On the side of Chanem and Imoen, Aaron also acted as a back-up, and Barrier will secretly monitor and correct the fate of Chanem and Imoen - this is an easy task for the legendary time mage Barrier. manual labor.

Finally, Aaron sent a message toward his territory.

He needs reinforcements!


May 1364 in the valley calendar, sunset, round table hall and big market near Salian Castle.

Under the simple robe outside, she wears a purple and gold dragon-patterned dress, a flying dragon crown on her head, her lips dyed red, her eyes dotted with gold, and a pair of gold-inlaid agate pendants hanging from Yaor. The peerless Princess Alice of Cormyr has a pretty face and a slight smile on her face. Look down upon all things like an ant.

She was sitting in the inner court of the round table hall, slowly raising her right legs to sit on top of each other, as if she didn't realize that her long skirt was split, and she slid diagonally with her movements, and the jade pillar's slender fleshy legs were on display, showing off the Purple Dragon King. Women are as crystal clear as jade and as hazy as sand.

On the table were the three-color dumplings and dumpling milk that the princess had just bought from the big market, as well as a copy of "The Restoration Warlock's New Life" published by Aaron.

Having nothing to do recently, Alice Sel sneaked into Aaron's territory to relax and have fun.

"Yeah~" Someone patted Alice Sayre from behind.

The slender eyebrows on Yongrong's face were frowned, the princess's long skirt flicked, the king's sword was half withdrawn, and then slowly stuffed back in: "Is it you?"

The big dragon Egil with a proud body covered under a black silk tights and long silver-white hair with a hint of highlights appears! Immediately behind her were two half-dragon maids. Alice Thel remembered that they were called Shui Ya and Huo Yun.

"Haha~ Your Highness is here." Egil put his hands on his hips and laughed proudly, showing the dragon's teeth: "What are you doing here? This is my territory and my servants' territory! Territory!"

Behind Dalonglong, the half-dragon sister Shui Ya Huoyun danced according to Egil's movements.

"You, the guy who was at the bottom of the hot spring bath last time, still have the nerve to come?" Dalonglong smiled proudly, and she snapped her fingers: "Everyone ranked you last, hahahaha~"

After saying that, ignoring the veins on Alice's forehead, the dragon dragon and the half-dragon sisters danced.

"Listen, Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Purple Dragon, Aaron has sent us a request for help. Buyer and I are about to prepare to leave. We will have a big fight at Baldur's Gate. Guess who didn't receive the servant? News of help, who has no way to leave Cormyr?”

Egil pointed at Alice Ser in ecstasy: "It's you, it's you, it's you!"

"Just stay as housekeeper, this job is the best for you~" Shuiya clapped her hands.

"Do you know your homework?" Huo Yun twisted her butt.

"Don't scare her, Shui Ya and Huo Yun." Dalonglong put his hands on his hips and laughed wildly: "Let's go~"

"Hahahahahahahahaha~" The strong wind whipped up, and the Hahaha Dragon from Sunset Leader rose into the sky and spread its wings, flying towards the distance, leaving behind Alice Serre, who clenched her silver teeth and clenched her fists.

The princess didn't say much. She left the spot in a flash. The ground where her high heels stepped was charred and black, like a fire dragon running through the earth, and she disappeared in an instant.

After years of training and fighting, Alice Cell is one step closer to breaking through into legend.

Egil's words greatly stimulated the princess, but they also made her feel the opportunity for a breakthrough.

The princess swore fiercely in her heart that she would break through to the legend before Aaron came back!

Then deal with this dragon severely!

And Aaron can’t be let go either!

Updated, please vote!

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