Crown of Chaos

Chapter 414, Becoming the King of the Golden Rule!

Shar will never let go of any opportunity to kill her sister's incarnation. The hatred between the two goddesses of creation is too long, and the Lady of the Night always has the upper hand in this war.

But this time it was different. When the two goddesses met on the seaside cliffs of Bodrian Island, Shar seemed more vigilant than Selun.

Because Su Lun now possesses the power of local faith.

The residents of Bodian Island, or the Werewolf Island, have used all the power of faith for thousands of years to call Lady Silver Moon. With the blessing of local faith, Suellen was very powerful at this time, and the incarnation sent by Bishar Be stronger.

The two goddesses faced off in front of the statue of Dorne. Suellen silently took out his mace, while Shar took out the two knives with a sneer. It seemed that another battle between the sisters was inevitable.

"You are actually willing to send another incarnation for him. This is not like you, sister." Moonlight and starlight fell on the warhammer in Su Lun's hand. Ms. Silver Moon looked at her annoying and disobedient sister and showed a sly smile. .

This smile is like the melting of winter snow and the melting of icebergs. The cold and charming Ms. Silver Moon looks at Ms. Night with a critical look, just like a sister who is good at both morals and academics facing her sister who is not good at learning.

This look made Shar feel sick, extremely sick.

Lady Night came for a reason. She had been thinking about how to lure Aaron away from the useless snack sister, so that Su Lun would experience the greatest pain and the deepest hurt.

Charlotte's use of the Shadow Web allowed Shar to sense the specific location of Werewolf Island, so he came.

"Tell me, sister, when you pretended to be his mother and hugged him in your arms, were you wearing stockings?" Shar said with a sneer.

"..." This time it was Su Lun's turn to change his expression.

There is a little secret deep in Ms. Silver Moon’s heart. Since the last experience with Eleanor, He will now secretly possess Miss Priest’s body from time to time, and Eleanor does not know about it.

"Ha! It seems I was right." Shar let the shadow cover her beautiful face. The goddess thought of you, the stinky Bichi sister who is both upright and upright, and danced her two swords in the swaying shadow: "If you are going to waste your precious power of faith fighting me, then come on and continue our war."

"...It seems that you don't intend to be my enemy today, my dear sister." Suellen immediately captured the plan of Lady Night from Shar's state. A swan-colored dress made her jade-like skin even more beautiful. Xue Bai is delicate: "Yes, you are here to help Aaron, and I am also here to help Aaron. Shouldn't we be on the same side?"

"You should worry about yourself, dear sister." Shar's charming face, picturesque eyebrows, charming big eyes, plump purple lips, white and smooth cheeks, and a sneer that seems to be sarcastic but not sarcastic all speak for themselves. A question: "Your concerns are very reasonable. Can you guess how many worlds I have visited, how many worlds' light I have extinguished, how many worlds' suns I have destroyed? They are all part of my great experiment , Amaunata is my next and last target.”

really! Su Lun narrowed his eyes, and strong murderous intent flashed in his emerald green eyes.

Extinguishing the country's sun, returning the country's sky to darkness, and returning countless creatures to coldness and lightlessness, she would never agree to such a thing!

However, what is not good is that Shar has obtained Amaunata's divine blood.

"However, today is your lucky day, my useless dim sum sister." Shar put down his two swords at this time: "If you want to help Aaron who is fighting, you need powerful divine power and the power of creation."

"Except for the god AO, only the fusion of our divine power can synthesize the power of creation, sister."


Eleanor discovered that Prince Sigvald across from him was exuding lustful purple, morbidly aesthetic gold, and strange colors that no mortal language could describe.

Relying on extraordinary perception, Eleanor felt that the existence of this enemy was a bit strange. To a certain extent, he was like an astral projection.

Prince Sigvald's form somehow extended out of this world and is still connected to it, as if it were a shadow, or a puppet made after him, pierced through reality by something more powerful. The wall is projected into the mortal world.

Prince Sigvald is real, but he is part of something supreme.

Eleanor gradually realized that this was the devil.

The powerful things that Miss Priest thought she saw, and even the illusory things that Aaron was fighting against, did not refer to demons, but the most vast part of the power in the multiverse entities. Demons were only made up of their power. Made up of a small portion of the world and sent to this world to carry out their will.

Understood, Eleanor waved the Tears of Selun to force Prince Sigvald back, and the priestess had understood the nature of the Champion of Slaanesh.

As powerful as the demon was, she simply had to sever its connection to reality and break its connection to its creator who existed in an extra dimension. If this goal can be achieved, the mortal body projected by the demon will be broken and die.

So does Eleanor have this ability?

She didn't have it originally, but during the battle, wisps of creation light from the beginning of the world poured into her body from nowhere, and Su Lun's gentle words taught her a brand new magic.

Seventh Ring - Holy Word!

[Reciting a sacred word imbued with the power to shape the world at the dawn of creation. Choose any number of creatures visible within range. Each hearing creature must make a Charisma saving throw; on a failed save, the creature is stunned, deafened, blinded, or even instantly killed, depending on its current condition.

A celestial, elemental, fey, or demon that fails this saving throw is forced to return to its native plane. 】

Eleanor concentrated the energy pouring into every cell in her body and formed a weapon. As she did so, every nerve was scorched and painful, her weak heartbeat kept beating faster, and she The air in his lungs felt like it was burning.

With the best expectations and the most extreme anger, the pastor lady gave a sweet shout and prepared to express the energy with the power of the dawn of creation through words.

Sigvald decided that the battle had gone on long enough and he enjoyed toying with his enemy, but now it was time for the real game to begin.

Here he had a powerful soul dedicated to Slaanesh, pleasuring himself in a way that would cause great pain and pleasure, before he offered the sacrifice to his master of course.

Unfortunately, his time in the game is dwindling, and damn Aaron repairing part of the seal is making it increasingly difficult for him to maintain his physical form here.

But this does not affect his happiness. Sigvald is always happy, except when his appearance is disfigured.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know whether the next one will be Elf or Nurgle, he thought with a smile.

The half-elf seemed to be dying. There was an obvious pause in her movements. Naturally, Sigvald would not miss this opportunity and rushed forward with all his strength.

As the champion of Slaanesh's sword was about to pierce the half-elf's throat, Eleanor raised her head, looked at him with a defiant look, and spat into Sigvald's eyes.

"Great and lovely Lord Slaanesh, this dance is dedicated to you!" Sigvald said, excited by his power. He felt very satisfied. He began to imagine the beautiful voice and rapid breathing of Eleanor's death. He wanted to enjoy the sweet feeling of victory.

Then he heard Eleanor's words.


A wave of fire rushed towards the Slaanesh Champion, and he screamed in agony. The power of the Holy Word erupted from Eleanor's body, crackling like lightning and burning the Slaanesh Champion like volcanic lava. It swept over Prince Sigvald like a tsunami, the demon's howls of pain deafening. His once flawless skin turned black and cracked, green-purple pus leaked out, and his brilliant blond hair turned into yellow dry straw and was burned down to the last drop.

The demon howled and burned, the power of the Word piercing through gold and breaking through all the senses of the champion of Slaanesh, but it remained alive until Eleanor used the last of her strength and raised the hammer aloft.

"In the name of Selun!"


On the other side, things are not going well for Aaron.

After a one-on-three fight, the Golden Rule beast began to flicker.

Due to the repair of part of Dorne's seal, Aaron is gradually unable to maintain the incarnation of the Golden Rule Beast!

Skarbrand has arrived in front of Aaron, and the giant ax in his hand is about to fall!

Thasorel floats into the air, another ultimate alchemy is ready!

Are you going to lose?

Aaron panted unwillingly, he was already here! Just a little bit closer!

The next moment, Skarbrand and Thasorel were surrounded by blazing sun beams, screaming in pain as their bodies became fragile and their shells cracked, like crabs that had been roasted for too long.

"Brother!" Charlotte's voice sounded from far to near, the eldest lady's support has arrived!

But this was not enough to delay Skarbrand's great axe. The great demon of Khorne faced Charlotte's scorching sun beam. It was already prepared, like a head sacrificed in the name of Khorne for thousands of years. Same.

cut! kill!

Scorching flames spurted out from Skarbrand's mouth, and hellish heat filled the Great Demon's twin axes.

Aaron could feel the hot heat wrapping around his body, and he tried to muster his strength to resist.

Something is coming!

Faster than Skarbrand's axe!

With a flash of light, the demon prince Anomin came through the shadows. He burst out with a deafening roar. The volume and the transformation state at the moment of his demon prince transformation made Skarbrand's movements far less swift than his!

The black sword burned with the fire of chaos, and struck the wrist of the Great Demon of Khorne with one sword!

This was not over yet. He held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands and rotated it in a circle above his head. The second sword scraped away a large piece of flesh on Skarbrand's shoulder along the gaps in the armor!

Then there was the third sword, and Anomin's black sword was sent into Skarbrand's chest!


Skarbrand's sky-shaking roar sounded again - the demon prince Anomin was cut in two with an axe, and blood flowed all over the ground.

But the demon was not unscathed—a terrible wound lay across his chest, with boiling pus flowing out from it, and Anomin's black sword of chaos was inserted into it.

Skarbrand, who had no intention of letting go of his prey, once again raised his ax high and prepared to kill Aaron, but at this moment, Aaron had already found a chance to breathe due to Anomin's heroic performance. With my own hands, the Golden Law shines brightly again and for the last time.

Aiming at the black sword of chaos left by An Nuoming.

The law of cause and effect!

The black sword exploded and turned into a deadly chaotic storm. The explosion of chaotic flames blew Skarbrand's chest to pieces. With a final long roar, the demon fell backwards into the abyss.

Charlotte's finger of death hit Thasorel in the air. With a terrifying impact and a thunderous roar, the eldest lady crashed straight from the void into the ocean of chaos in the underground palace. The spells continued to flow, and the heavy arcane firepower hit the Great Demon Tzeentch like a giant hammer. The unexpected Great Demon Tzeentch quickly recovered from his shock, and quickly regained his strength to counterattack violently. poured onto the attacker's head.

Although Thasorel was hit by the Finger of Death during the eldest lady's raid, the colorful waves of flames shot out by the remaining power of Tzeentch were still enough to fill the entire gray sky. The magic competition between the two sides continued to counterattack back and forth, and more than half of the The magic was not released and was destroyed in the process. The eldest lady was furious and guided the power of the Shadow Demon Network to burn the demon screen shield of Tzeentch and the bird feathers at the end of its wings to ashes.

The blazing magic beam burned in the silent island of chaos.

The Great Daemon of Tzeentch wandered in this extreme chaos, and the Everwatch growled in frustration because it failed to anticipate this sudden change. When it noticed that Skarbrand and Sigvald had been defeated, , the Great Demon of Tzeentch decisively chose to retreat.

The Great Demon turned around in the air and began to sprint at full speed. Charlotte's seven-ring rainbow light jet hit the Great Demon Tzeentch from behind. The snowflake-like feathers flew in all directions and broke immediately. The flesh and blood of the Great Demon Tzeentch shattered in the air. , two limbs were broken, and a jagged fragment was inserted into the armor of Tzeentch from behind, and its grunt of pain could still be heard the moment before it disappeared.

It disintegrated like a meteor striking the air, burned like a falling meteor, and disappeared even before it touched the sea of ​​chaos far below.

The battle was over, and the Golden Rule beast could no longer hold on. Aaron sat down on the ground, gasping for air. He looked exhausted, and his hair and clothes were burnt.

"Brother!" Charlotte ran to Aaron and supported him, while Eleanor limped closer. Miss Priest was also injured, but she was very strong. She thanked Charlotte first, and then Then he said: "Is all this over?"

"No, it's not over yet." Aaron motioned to Charlotte to help him up. He watched An Nuoming's broken body grow black threads on each side, reconnect and sew themselves together, and then he turned his attention to Little Chaos. island sky.

The gray curtain dispersed, and the sky showed a clear and bright golden color. The golden light beams that penetrated the sky dispelled the darkness.

The island was still a small island, and the stone statue was still a stone statue, but it was broken into two parts. Dorn's half stone head lay quietly on the ground, lifeless.

Aaron held the broken stone head in his hands and stared at Dorn's peaceful half face.

Rogal Dorn, your original sin has been ended by me.

Now, what should I do?

Through thousands of years of continuous belief and sacrifice, Dorne has already developed the prototype of a god. Even the Seraph of God AO took the initiative to ask him if he planned to become a god, but Dorne refused.

If Aaron takes the initiative to absorb all of Dorne right here, he can directly reach the Demigod Mirror.

So, what to do?

Aaron held Dorne's head in his hands and looked at the face of the Primarch who remained unfailing until death.

To inherit Dorne's divine power and divinity, one must inherit his character and responsibilities.

Oh, I can do whatever I want, become a bull demigod like Terra's stone man? I do not want it.

Rogal Dorn, in our last life, we all gave our all to the Emperor. We lived in his name and died in his name.

What kind of ending is worthy of this journey of wandering?

Now, I give you a new life. I hope that in this life, you can choose to live the way you want.

Bless you, my Primarch, you deserve it!

Aaron gently placed his head on the stone statue of Dorne.

Back to the law!

Shrouded in golden light, the three-fold ring of the Golden Law glowed along the broken stone statue of Dorne. Little moonfires symbolizing Suellen were dotted around the golden ring. Aaron pulled Charlotte and Eleanor to stand in front of the stone statue. , paid the highest respect to this warrior.

The golden light became brighter, and following the trajectory of the golden law, a stream of light sprang out from the stone statue, rushed into the sky, but stopped temporarily.

Dorn's face was revealed in the ball of light, and he nodded towards Aaron.

All original sin ends here.

The light of Donne is the light of freedom!


40K, the Prime Material Universe, Holy Terra, the Throne Hall, the rotting corpse on top of the Golden Throne.

The will of the Lord of Mankind awakens.

"...Dorne brought news: In the Forgotten Realm, La-Endymion became the King of the Golden Rule."

"Presumably, people will soon discover that there is a fifth god in the realm of chaos - the Lord of Reincarnation."

"He exists, always has... existed."

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