Crown of Chaos

Chapter 415, the reincarnation of the original body one centimeter away

In the underground palace, as Dorne's soul moved away from here, fireworks were lit on the island of chaos covered by a gray-black curtain.

The body of the original body has long since died, and his soul has now shed all original sin and chosen to be reincarnated. When the soul of Dorne finally looked back at the world with care, brilliant golden fireworks filled the sky.

The Dorne stone statue that has experienced 12 thousand years stands there. Looking at it with affectionate eyes, it is the shadow of himself when he became the chief of Inwit at the age of 40. He fought 732 unified battles and served as chief for 15 years. He cast it with his own hands. 146 monuments, amazing great men descended from heaven, the Phalanx that activates planetary orbits, the last battle and the last kiss of Chief Dorn.

When the starry railway of time passed slowly through the crystal wall system, Dorne, who had stood firm for 10 thousand years, was there. His golden soul looked back and vaguely remembered what he looked like when he was 80 years old. At the moment when the fireworks rose, that The era of the Great Crusade that once belonged to the Emperor and the Primarchs will not pass away with the years, but will only be often remembered as the years pass by.

When the years of collapse came, the original body turned into a stone statue was there, looking with affectionate eyes, trying to return to the starting point, remembering the battle of brothers in the eternal prison, the almost completely destroyed legion, half kneeling on the ground Primarch, and the unforgettable failure, the scarring experience of personally carrying the Emperor back to the Golden Throne.

Now, it's all coming to an end.

Witnessing the reincarnation of the original body, Aaron finally smiled after a short rest.

Become a legend, perfect the law, activate the power of Nurgle, further get rid of the restrictions of the four gods, including the emperor, the son of chaos... No, Aaron Salian, who should now be called the king of the golden law, finally completed everything he has The goal.

This trip to Bodrian Island can be said to have come to a successful conclusion. How could this not make Aaron feel happy?

More importantly, Rogal Dorn, the stone man of Holy Terra, finally understood what Aaron had done. When he was reincarnated, Dorn left behind what he had learned all his life [Fist of Dorn] Aaron, who has just been promoted to legendary strength.

[Fist of Dorne—nine-ring spell

This punch covers the lifelong learning of the original body of the Imperial Fist. Through the reversal of the law of cause and effect of the Golden Law, as soon as this punch is thrown, the result of the opponent being hit by the Fist of Dorn is already destined.

According to Dorn's judgment, Dorn's Fist can cause a huge amount of damage to enemies within a certain area, regardless of any magic immunity, divine shield or similar saving effects. It will definitely cause a long-term shock, even if it passes Constitution saving throw will also cause a shock effect for a certain period of time and take half damage. 】

The Primarch thought he had the true God-killing magic!

One Punch Man! A person with such powerful divine power would be bruised and swollen at the very least after receiving this punch!

Aaron clenched his fists. He could feel that Dorn's lifelong learning, all the combat experience and a small part of the power of being a demigod were in his fists.

More importantly, Dorn's Fist also has the special effect of reversing cause and effect. As long as Aaron punches, the fact that the opponent was "hit by the fist" already exists.

In other words, "You are dead!".

This is the first nine-ring magic that Aaron has mastered. With Draconion, Aaron already has two super spells that can directly harm the god's body!

The battle was won.

The eldest laughed with excitement at the sheer joy of still being alive, Charlotte was always so cheerful.

Anomin was sewing his body, and the Demon Prince also smiled. Aaron didn't know why he was laughing, but looking at Anomin's expression, he seemed to be much more relaxed. Perhaps the Great Demon of Khorne, Skarblaan De cut him in half not only cut off his body, but also cut off the shackles in his heart.

Among the few people, only Eleanor did not smile. Miss Priest leaned on Aaron, thinking about the next time they would face the Chaos Army. As someone close to Aaron, this was not the first time for Eleanor. Meeting the Chaos Demon, she had begun to understand everything: "When will the next time we deal with these enemies be?"

"You know, dear Eleanor, everything is not over yet." Aaron smiled: "Before I truly become a god, I will not have the ability to completely cut off from them. It may take a few years or decades. , in a few hundred years, they will come back again, and they are destined to be stronger than this time."

Eleanor nodded. "They do seem like very persistent gods."

Aaron smiled: "For a half-elf lady who has just been told that she will be the target of demon revenge for the rest of her life, you have a very good mentality, my dear."

"I'm so glad I got to see the sunset on Baldur's Island with you. I didn't think I'd get to see it again."

Eleanor smiled sweetly, as beautiful as the iris in bloom.

Aaron couldn't help but hold her little hand: "From now on, we will all watch the sunset together."


"I want it too, I want it too!" Charlotte pushed the two of them away roughly. The eldest lady squeezed into the gap between Aaron and Eleanor, and pushed the pastor girl outward hard, warning Aaron not to be let go by someone. Xiao Bichi was deceived by some unscrupulous priests.

However, when the eldest lady felt Aaron and Eleanor's hands still linked together behind her back, Charlotte felt despair.

No, I can't defeat this half-elf priest by myself.

Alice’s off-site support must be called upon!


After everything was over, the four people walked out of the underground palace one after another. From Charlotte's mouth, Aaron learned about the situation outside.

The eldest lady and others were deceived by the wolf boy Anapon-Sen. They were lured to somewhere on the island and were attacked by the Chaos Demon. The eldest lady and the others used all their strength to defeat the Chaos Demon Army and the Chaos that was as high as a hill. egg.

After being informed by Bai Zi, Charlotte and others came to support, but the werewolf elders of Happy Castle refused to let Charlotte get close to them.

"Then how did you get in?" Aaron asked with interest.

"Hehe, this is it, this old thing has finally exploded with gold coins!" Charlotte held up the Karthus Magic Box in her hand, and the eldest lady showed off with a smile: "I modified the villagers' cognition to make them think You and I are one, I am your sister and I am your brother, this makes sense, right?"

"Uh..." Aaron nodded speechlessly.

The Karthus Box seems to be this kind of thing. As long as Charlotte can convince herself that "this is reasonable" within the scope of cognition, then the Karthus Box can change cognition, create miracles, and memes. pollution effects.

On the other hand, if Charlotte cannot convince herself, “Does this make sense?”, then the Karthusian box will not work.

Finally, the effect of Karthus' Box is also linked to Charlotte's total magic power. It cannot do anything beyond Charlotte's maximum magic power limit.

Eleanor thought to herself, isn't this the universal wishing machine? It is said that the Seven Artifacts of Imaskar and some Nese relics have similar effects.

Hmm... The Box of Karthus seems to be a relic of Nese?

"Anapon-Sen." Aaron muttered the wolf boy's name silently.

Aboriginal people, lycanthropy, Dornish beliefs, descendants of Bodean's crew, Bodean's lies.

The wolf girl Baizi who represents the lycanthropy in Happy Castle, the werewolf village chief, and the wolf boy Anapen-Sen who represents the local lycanthropy, who is right and who is wrong?

From the current perspective, it seems that Anapon-Sen is the murderer who summoned the Chaos Demon, but according to Bai Zi, the werewolf village chief destroyed his Starry Sky Signature.

The exit of the underground palace was getting closer, and Aaron thought he would know the answer soon.

So the question is, the ship has been destroyed, how should he return to the country?

"Hey! Boy!"

At the entrance of the underground palace, a four or five-year-old white-headed child is holding his hands in his trouser pockets. Although he is very young, the child is solemn and energetic. He has white hair and the rough linen on his body is very clean. He spoke the most standard Gothic language, with a big nose, deep eye sockets, and cheeks that were like knives and axes, showing no anger or authority.

"Ah, it's him!" Charlotte was furious when she saw this little figure. The eldest lady stamped her feet hard, and the white silk jade feet in her little leather shoes stamped on the floor tiles, creating a crack. , pointed at the boy's head with his green-white jade toe: "Brother, brother, do you see it? It's this stinky kid! Anapon-Sen! It's him... Hey, how did you become a toddler?"

"What a toddler, I've always been like this." The boy always had a straight face, which made his big aquiline nose look even bigger: "I am who I am, and I was prepared long before entering this palace. 'Final Wall' Agreement."

"The final high-wall agreement...wait, are you?" Aaron squatted down and looked at the white-haired toddler.

"Ha!" The white-haired child sneered, crossed his arms and shook his head: "You just stabbed your damn magic sword into my chest, and you forgot about it so quickly? La?"

"Dorn?! Are you reincarnated?" Aaron opened his mouth wide.

Let me go for it, is this too fast? !

I just set off fireworks to commemorate your death and rebirth, and you are reincarnated now?

And your so-called reincarnation...are you resurrecting in place?

"Dorn... Rogal Dorn, yes, I remembered it. I was indeed called by this name before. I am honored that I have retained those precious memories, but that is all in the past." The boy crossed his arms and recalled. Looking at the past, he shook his head freely: "My current name is Anapen-Sen. You can call me Ana. Of course, I also allow you to call me by my former name, Lord of the Seventh Legion and former Imperial Fist." Body, Rogal Dorn."

The boy who looked four or five years old asked Aaron to wait for them here. He took back his Storm Fang. It was quite strange for him to be less than one meter tall and carry a two-meter long weapon, but the Storm Fang was there. Ana's hands were as smooth and harmonious as the spoons in the chef's hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey~" The eldest lady looked at Ana curiously: "Why have you become smaller? Ana, was he the boy just now? Why did you lie to us? Why did you become a child again?"

"...That one is indeed my projection. I didn't lie to you. I just asked you to help me get rid of the Chaos Demons blocking my reincarnation place. There are too many of them. I can only use your hands to solve those demons." Only then can we be reincarnated." Ana, the reincarnation of Dorn, carried the Storm Fang and said in a serious tone: "As for me...actually, I was ready to be reincarnated a long time ago, before I reached an agreement with Bod'an."

"I thought your reincarnation would go to a place farther away, Dorn." Aaron looked at the serious and old-fashioned five-year-old boy, and always felt a very strange sense of disobedience: "Is your reincarnation even one centimeter away? "

"The residents here need me." Ana shook his head. His face was as hard as stone, and he could not tolerate any rebuttal. "Without my protection, they will turn into werewolves. I have to wait until all their problems are solved." It’s my duty to leave.”

"You are the chosen one of Ms. Silver Moon Suellen, La. I need you to solve the problem of the spread of lycanthropy in everyone in Happy Castle." Ana stopped: "In exchange, I have taught you my boxing skills."

"I'll try my best." Aaron nodded. With the power of his Golden Law, Su Lun's divine power and his abundant resources, solving the lycanthropy shouldn't be a problem.

"In case you hear it as 'I hope you', I repeat it again, La, I need, need, you to solve the problem of lycanthropy. I am not discussing it with you. This is an order, do you understand?" Ana, the reincarnation of En, looked at Aaron with determined eyes: "If you understand, say yes. If you don't understand, say no. I'll say it again until you understand."

"I now believe you are Dorne." Aaron sighed: "I understand."

"Very good." Ana raised his head meticulously and continued to move forward.

Is this the stone man of Terra? Charlotte and Eleanor felt like they were choking on stones, they wanted to laugh but couldn't, they wanted to accuse but couldn't find a reason.

This communication was really effortless, Aaron thought the same.

Really, it won’t take any effort at all...

The residents of Happy Castle have made the highest level of preparations to welcome the Lord God and his friends. The city on the lake has set aside an ancient platform for the triumphant return of Aaron and others; this ancient marble The platform is surrounded by statues of stern warriors guarding Terra, and is brightly lit by braziers filled with incense.

The villagers who gathered here took out their precious and beautiful clothes just to catch a glimpse of the Lord God. The choir's hymns dedicated to Dorne resounded in the air. Several old people used precious quills and ink to record what they saw in front of them. During the grand occasion, the young and middle-aged warriors guarding the Fort of Joy rushed forward, eagerly awaiting Dorne's arrival, while several people from the village chief's family took out their former glorious crew uniforms, which stood out even in the bustling crowd;

The moment Dorne stepped out of the underground palace, all the villagers of Fort Joy rushed to bow and salute. Countless hands made the aquila salute on their chests, and countless voices roared out the oath of allegiance.

Bai Zi was also crowded in the crowd, together with his parents. Everyone burst into cheers like a tsunami when the god passed by, and tears of joy flowed freely along countless faces. The order of lycanthropy that has been trapped here for generations They cannot leave the island, but perhaps they and their children and grandchildren will be able to change their destiny due to the awakening of the god.

It was learned from Dorn that the villagers of Happy Castle were indeed loyal. As for why the village chief wanted to destroy Aaron's starry sky signature, it was to ensure the safety of the underground palace and seal!

This smell is too strong, it really looks like the heir brought out by Dorn, who just accepts death and doesn't know how to adapt.

That night, a grand celebration was held in the Happy Castle, with bonfires lighting up the sky and mountains of wine and meat.

Aaron sat with the five-year-old boy, and he raised his glass to Donne: "No matter what, one glass is for the past life, and one glass is for freedom."

"To freedom." Donne picked up the wine glass and swallowed the wine silently. He was serious in speech, but his expression was indeed much more relaxed.

Original sin has ended.

"What are you going to do next, Lord Primarch?" Aaron put down his glass.

"When you solve the problem of lycanthropy here and arrange them, I plan to leave here and continue my journey. I will not go back until I find a way to cure my father. My heirs are still waiting for me... even though they have already It is not the earliest Imperial Fist. In the end, the High Wall Agreement is still valid." Dorn said firmly: "I still intend to go back to reunite with my father, Guilliman, and Jonson. This is not because of duty, but my own choice."

It was no surprise that Aaron believed that Dorn would end up like this if he chose it 10,000 times.

"Then I wish you the best." Aaron toasted again: "If you are honored, can I invite you to return to the country together? I may need your help."

"La, if this is the mission given to you by your father, I will respect your choice, but I will not be with you." Donne firmly refused, his eyes still full of anger: "I can only put this Everything was treated as a lie, just like the second and eleventh... I deceived myself. I buried their secrets with my own hands. I still remember that I actively chose to forget."

"But I need your power." Aaron said softly: "Bilak invited Petrabo and Lorgar, and I have already fought against Lorgar..."

Dorn moved instantly, drew out his chainsword and drew an arc of fatal flash, pointing directly at the tip of Aaron's nose. The reincarnation of the original body roared, like a wounded lion, deep and terrifying.

"Where? Petrabo...where is he?!"

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