Crown of Chaos

Chapter 416, Ancient Saint Ruins, Baixiang Furnace

The next day, when Aaron opened his eyes, the first thing that caught his sight was a pair of furry gray animal ears.

"Bai Zi?" The girl squatted in front of him. Seeing Aaron wake up, Bai Zi's animal ears immediately stood up: "Are you awake, Lord Guardian?!"

"Lord God, I have something to ask you!"

In the early morning, Dorne's reincarnation Ana stood at the door of an ancient ruins.

The appearance of the ruins here is very similar to the pyramids of the Mayan culture in Aaron's previous life. There are columns standing around, surrounded by the power of lightning. The high steps lead to the top of the building, and the morning light drips from time to time in the gaps between the moss-covered stone slabs. dew.

"Are you here?" Ana turned around: "This is the source of the curse."

"The source of the curse?" Aaron looked at the small pyramid, and Charlotte immediately said that this was the place where they were tricked into fighting the chaotic creatures.

"That's right, it's right here." Ana, who is less than one meter tall, is carrying his two-meter-long chain sword. He never smiles: "You know the history of the ancient saints, right?"

"I know." Aaron nodded.

"The reason why I came here is that this island has the ruins of an ancient saint. It seems that the ancient saint once arrived in the forgotten country and established a stronghold here." Ana slowly passed by both sides of the pyramid. Steps: "They built the portal, but abandoned it for some reasons. I once wanted to activate the portal here, but not only failed, but it also attracted the attention of the four gods."

"According to my investigation, the people here don't seem to know anything about the Ancient Saints. They just call the Ancient Saints 'Coast Wizards' and think that they are one of many foreign civilizations." Ana continued.

Donne's reincarnation revealed to Aaron everything he knew about him.

The Ancient Saint once came to the Kingdom and communicated with some gods. After the Ancient Saint confirmed that the planet Kingdom was a god, he gave up "transformation" and "creating life", leaving only a small stronghold and then left. .

Until Dorn found this place, the original plan of the Emperor Fist at that time was to either leave through the portal, or to find a method to cure the Golden Throne Emperor in the ruins of the Old Ones.

But he messed up.

This is the origin of lycanthropy and the reason why he voluntarily persisted for thousands of years.

"What's in the temple?" Aaron asked, "What did you find?"

"The furnace." Ana led Aaron and others into the ruins of the ancient saints: "The furnace used by the ancient saints to create new life."

The interior of the Ancient Saint's Pyramid leads to another secret realm underground, but the secret realm here is not big. After passing through the dark tunnels and corridors covered with vines, and passing through the narrow door, the furnace has appeared in front of everyone. in front of me.

"This is the furnace?" Eleanor looked at the building covered in moss and vines. The pastor couldn't help but squeeze Aaron's big hand. She vaguely remembered that similar things were mentioned in the books of Sullon Church. thing.

The ten-meter-high golden-red building looks like a "pottery pot" from the outside. It is covered from top to bottom with inscriptions of ancient saints and images of amphibians, giving people a great sense of oppression.

"This is how the ancient saints created new life forms, La." Ana pointed to the furnace: "The life furnace uses high heat to melt and absorb different forms of life. The secret of life exists in it."

"Is this the reason why you stayed in the country? Lord Primarch?" Aaron was very interested in this.

"Yes, that's why I stayed here for a long time. I've always wanted to know why my father couldn't create a new batch of original bodies, and after inspecting the furnace, I got the answer." Ana At this point, the topic suddenly stopped: "The furnace represents the source of life and also accepts hundreds of images in the world. However, the four gods of chaos polluted it, which caused the spread of lycanthropy on the island."

"I used the power of the furnace to reincarnate, and you, La, you have to solve the problem of the furnace." As always, Ana's attitude was as tough as ever: "Now, do it."

He wasn't here to discuss things with Aaron.

The door beneath the furnace is closed and tightly sewn in a zigzag pattern, with two lines written in the language of the Old Ones on both sides of the door.

"Father once said that the Star God's hand symbolizes pure essence and represents the ultimate substance."

"My mother once said that the hands of the ancient saints symbolize pure form and represent the ultimate energy."

"Put your hands together, open the door, and in the red lotus fire, a new life will begin to reincarnate."

"We create, we protect, we cultivate, accept our gifts, pass on our wisdom, become light to protect the children, protect them, successors."

"All things will eventually return to nothingness."

Aaron read out the language of the Ancient Sage word by word. He was silent for a while and then turned his head: "Which one of us is the Star God or the Old Sage? Who can help?"

No one raised their hands. Everyone, you look at me and I look at you.

An Nuoming is a demon prince, the priest lady is a half-elf, and only the eldest lady is the daughter of a god. She has the blood of the god in her body, but it can hardly be called a pure form.

"The original body represents both the ultimate matter and the ultimate energy." Ana took a step forward and Dorn's reincarnation said: "It's just a pity that I only have two hands."

"Pull, go to the other side, let's work together to open this door!"


Aaron and Ana stood on both sides of the furnace. In accordance with the requirements of the ancient holy laws, they pressed their hands on a circular stone slab.

"Three, two, one!"


The moment his hands touched the stone slab, the creative power symbolizing the light of the original universe overflowed. Aaron's and Ana's hands sank into the stone slab almost at the same time, and his hands felt like they were grasping something.

The two of them clasped their hands at the same time and pulled the machine expansion inside outward.


The door to the furnace is open!

Golden-red flames spurted out from the crack in the door, and the swirling fire waves contained the essence of the birth of life.

"This is... this is!" Eleanor suddenly remembered something. Miss Pastor was stunned for a moment, and the fairy tale of Su Lun suddenly recalled in her mind.

This golden red flame is a bit like the original fire that Su Lun Mama retrieved from the fire elemental plane! The Silver Virgin used it to create the sun.

Charlotte's performance was completely different. Facing the golden-red flames, the eldest lady stood blankly. She was closest to the door, but she did not feel any danger. On the contrary, in the violent air waves, Charlotte All Te felt was warmth.

Endless warmth.

A dazzling blonde beauty appeared vaguely in the flames of the furnace. She was wearing a gold-trimmed dress and smiled sweetly at Charlotte.

"Father." Charlotte shouted to the blonde beauty almost instinctively.

"This is the origin of life, this is the origin of the fire monster?" Annomin thought of the legend of Calimshan. The son of the pasha still remembered that the birth of Kalimshan was the endless war between the fire monster and the air monster. .

"Work harder, boy!" Ana yelled, pointing to the black substance bound by chains at the bottom of the furnace amid the golden-red flames: "Have you seen it?!"

"You saw it, what was that?" Aaron grabbed the mechanism with all his strength.

"That is the Dark Sun, a container used by the Four Chaos Gods to corrupt the Ancient Saint's Furnace and take its power as their own. You must have a way to solve it, right, La?!" Ana continued to roar.

"Can you please stop doing it first and then tell me the reason, Dorn!" Aaron was a little angry: "This is how you behaved in the palace ten thousand years ago. You always demolished those great buildings first. , just tell me why!”

"Huh~huh hahahahahahahaha!" Dorn's reincarnation suddenly laughed, and he laughed very loudly: "It should be like this! When Waldo told me that my heirs and I could not step into the underground palace, my heirs and I've wanted to give you Custodes a taste of this since Angron's son of a bitch, Ben Bin!"

Wow, does this stone man have a sense of humor?

Aaron was almost mad at Dawn.

Fortunately, Aaron is no longer the same after being promoted to legend.

Eight Rings of Magic - Thousand Phantoms!

The bloodthirsty demon Aaron grabbed the mechanism and kept it open. The ever-changing demon Aaron flew into the furnace on a flying disk, facing downwards, and quickly arrived in front of the black companion Yang.

Black Banyang was tightly bound to the bottom of the furnace by more than a dozen chains. It continued to spread corruption and pollute the nearby fire of life. The Ever-Changing Demon Lord Aaron stood on the Tzeentch Frisbee, and he tentatively moved toward the black Ban Yang released a bolt of lightning.

The moment the lightning touches the black sun, it immediately returns with double the power! The All-Changing Demon Lord was shrouded in black lightning.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that any magic you release on this thing will counterattack with double the power." Ana shouted: "You can deal with it, right?"

This time even Eleanor and Anomin looked angry at Dorne's reincarnation.

Only Aaron smiled and nodded. He could feel that the body of the All-Changing Demon Lord had been scorched, but his total magic power had been replenished to 400% of the current upper limit of magic power, which was overloaded.

"This feels great!"

Continuing to increase its efforts, Black Banner Yang immediately counterattacked, and Aaron increased his efforts. The newly born golden law ring was like a glutton, endlessly absorbing the chaotic energy of Black Banner Yang, and gradually transformed into Aaron The power of the golden ring.

Finally, after several exponential increases, the black companion sun couldn't hold it anymore. It shattered, dissipated, and melted in the red lotus fire.

"Good job!" Ana shouted excitedly: "I knew you could do it!"

As the black companion sun was completely shattered, what it had been suppressing finally came to light, and a green ball of light rose from the bottom of the furnace.

Are there souls in the furnace? And judging from Aaron's perception, this is a quite powerful soul!

The shape of the soul is some unexplainable creature in the animal kingdom, Chordata, Amphibians, Anura, Toadidae, Toadidae. It sits on the soul throne and looks at Ana and Aaron with strange eyes.

"You are all subspace creatures who can deal with the creation of the dark evil god alive, right?" The green soul asked calmly: "Why were your bodies not swallowed up by the fire of the red lotus?"

"Perhaps it's because we have all been blessed by a certain big golden man." Aaron asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Kou-Takumin, and I am the guardian of the Forge of All Forms." said the green soul.

"Tell me what happened here."

"..." The green soul paused for a moment before telling the story.

"A long time ago, this was the testing ground of the Ancient Sages. Through the Baixiang Furnace, the Ancient Sages created many lives. Because they realized that the essence of this world is a god, and there are many gods in this world, the Ancient Sages were unwilling to fight with the gods. There was a conflict, so I chose to leave, leaving me to guard the furnace."

"In order to protect the safety of Baixiang Furnace, I hid the island and planned to bury this secret forever."

"But then an uninvited guest came. Taking advantage of the energy tide and the island's fragile barrier, he rudely broke into the island and permanently destroyed the energy balance of the island. He poured his own blood into the furnace and created A group of humans also attracted enemies."

Ana, the reincarnation of Dorn, looked away unnaturally.

"The Four Gods of Chaos were the first to bear the brunt. At that time, there was a river of blood on the island. Only then did the uninvited guest realize that he had caused trouble. I also fought, but I could only use my own life in exchange to separate the power of the Four Gods of Chaos with the uninvited guest. Sealed in the furnace and the underground palace portal."

"However, lycanthropy began to spread without restraint. The Four Gods of Chaos discovered that by spreading lycanthropy, the residents would gradually lose their minds, and they might break the seal and come again."

"You actually absorbed the power of the Four Gods and haven't fallen. It's unbelievable. Young man, well, in that case, I will hand over the Ancient Saint's Hundred Phases Furnace to you." The real guardian Kou Takumin said: " In exchange, please take good care of Ana and all the residents on the island. In order to guard the seal, they have been holding on for dozens of centuries. In order to regularly clean up the completely beast-turned compatriots, they have shed blood countless times in the long years. Enduring the pain with tears, he killed his close relatives who turned into beasts."

"That's why I'm here." Aaron nodded.

"Okay, please." The guardian still showed no emotion: "The Baixiang Furnace is one of the most powerful artifacts in the multiverse. I have only one request, don't let it fall into the hands of the four gods of chaos, otherwise the four gods will Become invincible.”

"Finally, Rogal Dorn."

The guardian flew to the child's side, and the green light flashed: "Maybe I was wrong, I shouldn't have fought against you at that time."

"Is there any use in talking about this now?" Ana, the reincarnation of Dorne, shook his head: "It was you who rejected my proposal and used my blood to create so many humans! I haven't settled this account with you yet!"

"If I hadn't used your blood to create so many humans, you wouldn't have been able to be reincarnated as Anapon Sen." The green light ball gradually dissipated, and the guardian Kou Takuming gave the last breath before turning into a point of light. Said: "I am just a guardian, a guardian left by the ancient saint. I have no right to promise anything... but I have always seen your perseverance for thousands of years."

"Rogal Dorn, my friend, you must be happy after reincarnation. This is my last wish."

The green light dissipated, and Guardian Kou-Takumin's consciousness completely disappeared.


The huge Baixiang Furnace began to shrink at an extremely fast speed. The only thing that remained unchanged was that the golden-red flames spurted from the opening were always violent and full of vitality. The building that was more than ten meters high gradually shrank into a small one that was more than ten centimeters in size. The handicraft fell into Aaron's hands.

The threat of lycanthropy has been lifted, and Aaron can return to his kingdom!

This trip to sea was a complete success.

Next, it’s time to deal with the threats from Beelak and the Horned Rat!

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