Crown of Chaos

Chapter 418, Aaron’s exclusive legendary realm!

PS: If we continue to play like this, I will have to imagine Seattle raising the shield. This year is an even-numbered year for TI, and Sean’s Dota Guaranteed Finals will be a good fight~

With clear blue clouds on the vast endless ocean, Aaron and Dorn's reincarnation Ana briefly chatted for a few words, but it was difficult to continue the conversation.

Dorn can always chat to death in just a few words. He is not a suitable person to discuss issues with. Even though Aaron ended Dorn's original sin and Dorn was still loyal to the Emperor after his reincarnation, he still wanted to He had to return to the 40k universe to fight for the Emperor, especially after learning some of the history of the Imperial Fist from Aaron.

The portal Naihe left has been destroyed. It seems that Dorn needs to find another way to return to the 40K universe.

After finishing the conversation, Aaron returned to his cabin with the Baixiang Furnace.

The large sailing ship carried a total of 139 people. Except for Aaron and four other people and the reincarnation of Dorn, the rest were all residents of Fort Joy. Aaron originally thought that they were all natives, but later learned from the mouth of the guardian of the ancient saint. They are actually all descendants of Dorne and a mix of Bodian crew members.

No wonder one after another lives so long. The lifespan of local indigenous humans often reaches 400-500 years, and the lifespan of the residents of Fort Joy who have experienced mixed blood is also about 100-200 years old. Dorn originally hoped to use his own blood to make "Hundreds" "Phase Melting Furnace" can reverse engineer the medicine to cure the Emperor, but the Ancient Sages' technology seems to only focus on manufacturing, not repairing.

In the small cabin, Eleanor was lying on the bed and resting. Miss Priest, who had been made into puffs by Suellen and Aaron, was forced to go to bed early. Only Charlotte was sitting in front of the table, and the eldest lady was copying the new book. magic scroll.

"Did that stone man teach you how to use the artifact?"

Charlotte raised her head. The charming and lovely eldest lady was wearing an elegant and romantic dress with pink roses today. There was a wonderful light group suspended in her palm, with a large number of shadow threads on it, which ultimately formed a dark key.

This is the "key with hidden dark power" given to her by Shar. The goddess of the night gave Charlotte powerful power of creation at a critical moment, leaving her only one step away from becoming a legend.

Behind Eleanor is Suellen, and behind Charlotte is Shar.

The eldest lady is Shar's night judge and the daughter of Amaunata. She is an enemy of Shar, but she is also favored by Shar.

This kind of thing is very common in the country.

Aaron told Charlotte the known information about Baixiang Furnace.

The scientific and technological level of the Ancient Saints far surpasses the level of the subsequent interstellar era of several major races in 40K. For example, for research in the field of life, several other races can more or less only create one to serve themselves, similar to In the technology of artificial intelligence, only the Ancient Sages are truly creating new lives, truly living intelligent beings that can think. They have their own thoughts and codes of conduct. The more advanced green skins even have the technology of the Ancient Sages engraved in their DNA. They are the beings created by the Old Sages for war, but as advanced war machines, the green skins also have their own soul.

This most important step, the progress from 0 to 1, is the most powerful thing about the Baixiang Furnace.

Aaron raised the Baixiang Furnace. He picked up the eldest lady by the waist, put it on his lap, and studied the function of the Ancient Saint's Furnace with the eldest lady.

"Ah~ brother, I hate it!"

The eldest lady sat on Aaron's lap and whispered softly. At this moment, she was wearing a loose pink dress with dignified gray pantyhose and simple white pumps. She was wearing exquisite gold-rimmed glasses. Lun was as beautiful as those intellectual white-collar beauties in her previous life. Seeing Aaron taking the initiative, the eldest lady no longer thought of herself as a gentleman. She clung to Aaron's body and secretly rubbed her beautiful gray silk feet wrapped in 40D thick pearlescent silk. Aaron's pant legs.

The two of them were enjoying the charming atmosphere while injecting magic power into the Baixiang Furnace.

In the small cabin, the pastor lady was sleeping next to her.

The method of testing the Baixiang Furnace is very complicated and cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

In short, Charlotte imagined a species through the Karthus Box, and then Aaron gave it new life and new changes through the Hundred Phases Forge, thus airborne the eldest lady. The magical creatures that came out materialized, thus forming a real life.

For example, the magical demi-gryphon.

The eldest lady imagined out of thin air a powerful and noble magical animal with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. It can breathe fire, acid, and lightning. It has the strong body and sharp beak of a griffon, but has a cute face like a cat. A creature with fur and eyes, a physiological structure suitable for riding like a horse, strong resistance to magic and strong fur.

The power of the Box of Karsus created a pocket-sized embodiment of this creature, and then Aaron put the magical half-gryphon imagined by the eldest lady into the Forge of One Hundred Phases. The fire of the red lotus decomposed the magical half-gryphon. into a biological template composed of dozens of special entries.

Aaron can start to adjust, select the important entries that he needs to keep, and remove the unimportant and disruptive entries that will affect the results. Then through the directional derivation of the Baixiang Furnace, a new product can be born. species of life.

Of course, the more detailed the content, the longer the analysis and derivation of Baixiang Furnace will take. The life created at the beginning is not stable, but as long as it continues to test, reduce randomness and explore the compatibility of different elements, Baixiang will The furnace can eventually output a species that Aaron wants.

Ancient Sage Technology is shocking!

Aaron began to understand a little bit why the ancient saints were so enthusiastic about creation and cultivation, because it was really interesting to pinch people, and it was even more interesting to observe whether a species could start from scratch and become a great civilization all the way.

The two tested it for a while. The eldest lady had always wanted to create a "merchant race with the body of a penguin, the head of a dog, a ponytail, a dwarf, a greedy elf, and an elegant merchant race." Aaron patiently tried with Charlotte until the eldest lady was out of breath due to lack of magic power.

The creativity of the Old Saints is unimaginable in the current country. It may be that only the Saluk witch has caught up with the Old Saints in some places. Later, the Nese Empire and the Imaskar Empire both relied on the production of Nese scrolls. There are some intelligent magic items, but none of them can truly match the creative power of the Old Ones.


Just when Charlotte was panting due to lack of magic power and other reasons, and her crystal-like jade toes wrapped in gray silk clenched tightly, and then slowly relaxed and let out a long sigh, Ellie came from the bed next to her. No's voice.

Miss Pastor woke up: "How are you feeling? Aaron? Charlotte?"

This period of getting along has made the relationship between Eleanor and Charlotte much better. At least they no longer quarrel. The two parties can observe each other's relationship, especially with the eldest lady watching Aaron and Eleanor from the sidelines. They were mostly affectionate, so Charlotte nicknamed Eleanor "Miss Puff", and Eleanor was unconvinced and nicknamed Charlotte "Miss Pink-haired Goblin."

From a certain point of view, the personalities of Eleanor and Charlotte are actually not much different, except that the eldest lady does not care so much about good and evil, and is more of a fun-loving person, while Miss Priest has her own pursuits and goals, but overall They were all easily satisfied, especially by Aaron.

"Charlotte and I tested the Baixiang Furnace. This thing is really powerful." Aaron held Charlotte's waist to prevent the eldest lady's body from sliding down. He was warm and fragrant. In addition, this time Bode Aaron is in a good mood with the breakthroughs and gains in Anzhi Island: "It's just that at present we can only test and create some micro-organisms. After all, completely releasing the Baixiang Furnace will sink the ship."

"Really?" Eleanor glanced at the Baixiang furnace placed on the table curiously, but she didn't ask too much. Because of her deep and firm faith, the pastor lady was not interested in such creative items. What matters now is Aaron's improvement in strength. After taking a quick look at the magic half-gryphon that was jumping around on the table and was a little bigger than a mouse, the priestess said softly: "I'm asking you, what is your strength after being promoted to legend?" How is the progress?"

After hearing this, Aaron picked up Charlotte and let her sit on his side. He stretched out his hands, and from his palms, there were three golden rings, the central axis, the upper arc and the lower arc superimposed, surrounded by the symbols of Su Lun. A golden law ring with moonfire patterns appeared.

After breaking through the legend, the most basic part of Aaron's improvement in strength lies in the overall improvement of his physical fitness.

Before breaking through the legend, Aaron had only one of the six physical attributes [Charisma] that entered the extraordinary realm. Even so, relying solely on his charisma, Aaron was already casting spells and socializing as a Chaos God Warlock. Like a fish in water.

Now, with the completion of the Golden Law, four attributes of Aaron's body have entered the supernatural realm.

[Extraordinary strength] [Extraordinary physique] [Extraordinary intelligence] [Extraordinary charisma].

Extraordinary strength and extraordinary physique are both simple and crude, but Tzeentch's [Extraordinary Intelligence] has freed Aaron from the shackles of focusing on spellcasting and ritual casting. He can now use magic more freely. Tzeentch's knowledge gate allows Yaron to Lun can easily read through any decipherable text and read a large amount of information. In normal times, he can multi-purpose and do two things at the same time that do not require special concentration.

Aaron learned the first nine-ring magic [Fist of Dorne].

Aaron was skeptical about the magic that Dorn described as being able to knock down powerful gods (do you want to try hitting the four gods?), but he believed that Dorn's punch should be enough to knock down some weak ones. The incarnation of divine power or divine-like power knocks him down with one punch.

For example, Luojia, Luojia, or Luojia, this should be no problem.

The opening of Nurgle's power and promotion to the legendary realm gave Aaron an [extraordinary physique]. Regeneration of broken limbs and self-repair of key organs are no longer a problem.

At the same time, Aaron also obtained his first legendary expertise - Steady as a Mountain - from the action of killing the Dorne Stone Statue.

[Steady as a mountain: Pain is the teaching of the starry sky and the universe, the protection of damaged wounds, the source of immortal life, the weapon of soul purification, and the cup of the hero's communion. Pain is the panacea for the weak, the essence of devotion, the sublime baptism of life, the sublime flame of the golden spirit.

It has strong resistance to extreme heat, cold, void and other harsh conditions, has superhuman tolerance for pain, has a high probability of being directly exempted from various ordinary negative effects, and has the ability to resist more extreme negative effects. Stronger resistance.

Completely immune to most mental damage. 】

Finally, there is Aaron's dual realm as a legendary strongman and a future god.

[Law of Causality] and [Law of Regression].

As the King of the Golden Rule, Aaron already has the prototype of the fifth god of chaos. The fields he has now derived not only overlap with the four gods, but also have their own unique features.

As the master of the law of regression, Aaron is as good at manipulating change as Tzeentch, but Tzeentch is more inclined to disorderly development, while Aaron's law of regression tends to return with changes in the process and unchanged results.

The endless cycle of rule and chaos is the beginning and end of all things, giving life and giving death.

The law of cause and effect represents the law of change of all things. Through the Golden Law, Aaron has touched the law of change of all things. He can control these laws, develop things according to the cause and effect he wants, and make things return to the way he wants. .

It may be a bit abstract to say this alone. If these two rules are applied to Su Lun, Mama and Sister Shar, they are:

The split between the two goddesses of creation is a manifestation of the law of cause and effect, and as long as Aaron is strong enough, he can get involved in the dispute between the two goddesses and let them get the results they want.

To end the war in heaven from the creation to the present, this is the return Aaron wants.

In short: I want them all!

"Let's have a little breakthrough." Aaron and Eleanor described the improvement in their strength.

Miss Priest's face turned slightly red, and Eleanor remembered Suellen's promise: if Aaron broke through the legend, he would grant her a trace of divinity and let her become the bishop of the Suellen Church in the Cormyr District, replacing Lady Silver Star.

Wouldn't it be unfair to skip several levels in a row like this? Eleanor thought.

My Lord, what are your plans to officiate at my wedding to Aaron?

It seems that every time I'm intimate with Aaron recently, I can feel that the distance between my will and my Lord's will is getting closer. Is it an illusion?

Eleanor was still thinking, and Charlotte had already recovered. The eldest lady knew that her brother had broken through the legend, and she was unwilling to do so: "Brother, brother, when are we going to the star world? Give the old thing a hard blow. gold coins?”

The star realm is where the gods fight, and where the corpses of the gods float.

Even for legendary level mages, the star realm is still a dangerous place.

The eldest lady can't wait to find the dead body of her father, the sun god Amaunata, search for Amaunata's fallen kingdom, and blast her father's gold coins hard!

Not to mention, Charlotte, who possesses the blood of Amaunata, can search for Amaunata's kingdom in the star realm through blood tracing.

This is why Suellen is worried about Shar getting the blood of Charlotte, because once Shar deciphers the genetic code in the divine blood, the goddess of the night can also locate the dead body of Amaunata's fallen god in the star realm.

"We will go when you become a legend too." Aaron nodded.

Charlotte frowned slightly and then got excited. The eldest lady waved her fist: "Okay! Wait for sister! When sister becomes a legend, I, you, and Alice will be brought together, and the three of us will go out to destroy the old thing's home. Got it! After being a powerful god for so many years, there must be some good things in the Kingdom of God!"

"Hahahahahahahaha~" Aaron hugged Charlotte and laughed. Even Eleanor couldn't help but shake her head and smile bitterly. Miss Pastor was also moved by the eldest lady's "filial piety".

However, smiling, Eleanor found that Aaron and Charlotte were staring at her.

She suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Hey, good afternoon, Miss Puff~"


Meanwhile, Baldur's Gate, the Hall of the High Lord.

Be'lakor, who had officially assumed the title of Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, was sitting on his throne overlooking all the beings of Baldur. When he was satisfied, a strong sense of emptiness suddenly came from the body of the original demon prince!

The four gods of chaos removed their gaze from him!

Updated, please vote~

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