Crown of Chaos

Chapter 419, Voice of the Emperor

Losing the attention of Chaos was fatal to Be'lak.

In the two months since Aaron left, Be'lakor had been very confident in controlling everything. He witnessed the Horned Rat constantly increasing its troops towards the west coast of the Sword Coast. The Gray Prophets and Engineer Warlocks of the Horned Rat were the first to bear the brunt of the invasion of the kingdom. In the mines, mountains and ruins of elven and dwarf cities, they established strongholds and attracted the vigilance of the gods of the realm. Spider Queen Lolth's oath drow soon started a war with the Skaven, and the realm The gods also sent their own church armies to destroy these rat men who only had the desire for destruction in their hearts.

The Skaven must be exterminated, not entirely.

Berak witnessed the Skaven using warpstone technology to wreak havoc on settlements everywhere, igniting the war between good and evil. The Sword Coast has fallen into chaos, and the entire Northern Lords Alliance from Silvermoon City in the north to the South in the south. Baldur's Gate and Eltoril are once again in chaos. Even inherently evil organizations like the Red Wizards and the Zhentarim are forced to mobilize and enter the war. Regardless of other things, Be'lak's opportunity finally comes. .

There are countless powerful forces in the kingdom. Just pick one of the three gods of justice and it will be difficult for Bealak to confront him head-on. However, even the most radical and enthusiastic Lord of the Dawn, Lathander, has no choice but to interfere with Bealak's plan. For his own use, Be'lakor cleverly kidnapped countless refugees in the Sword Coast and the city of Baldur's Gate. He knew clearly that in this case, the good gods could only choose to compromise, because at this time the worst Order is also better than chaos.

Even if the Paladin Judge Kaidong and the Golden Lion Knights Leonard and others have figured out Beelak's true identity, they dare not identify Beelak for the time being because no one can take the responsibility of destroying the overall situation of anti-rat at this time. .

Thus, under the witness of the four Dukes of Baldur's Gate, Be'lakor officially ascended to the position of Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate.

Everything Bilak planned behind the scenes has been perfectly realized, forming the perfect foreshadowing for his final plan. Now it is time for him to take action himself.

Under Be'lak's throne, the demons who had served different Chaos Evil Gods were all branded with the First Prince's Legion—Be'lak's personal army, second only to the Eternal God's Chosen Army among all the Chaos legions, far away among the stars. The Primarch of the Iron Warriors, Petrabo, provided him with core technology and gene seeds, while the Primarch of the Word Bearers, Lorgar, provided him with how to transform the refugees into semi-spirits and then embed them into the Iron Warriors. .

Naturally, the needs of the two demon-ascending primarchs are not the same.

"The whole Sword Coast, including Baldur's Gate, is a little too urban."

——Petrabo, Primarch of the Iron Warriors

"Baldur's Gate is a city of 400,000 people."

——Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers

Coupled with the alliance with Marche Kidd and Malcanthet, Be'lak felt that he had never fought such a rich battle. The original demon prince stood up from his shadow throne and announced loudly to the entire Chaos Demon Realm. Aaron Salian, personally chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, has failed. He allowed the Horned Rat's men to invade the land dedicated to the dark gods. He gave the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it, and he missed an easy victory.

After all, Aaron is just a mortal. His absence now has proved his weakness. He does not have the courage and strength to destroy the realms in one fell swoop. He has failed the dark gods.

The real chosen one of the gods will never suffer such a tragic defeat. It is time for the real doomsday to come, and he, Billak, has been dormant and observing for a long enough time. Now he will create his own in the country in one fell swoop. era.

Birak Era, boiling anticipation!

But just when Beelak was complacent, the original demon prince suddenly felt that the four gods of chaos had turned their attention away from him.

This incident made Beelak feel deeply worried, and the original demon prince understood it all too well.

It must be that Aaron has done some extraordinary work that satisfies the appetites of the Four Gods of Chaos. The Four Gods were diverted from their attention. For a demon who has not yet become independent, all his power still comes from the Four Gods. As far as the prince is concerned, losing the attention of the four gods is undoubtedly equivalent to becoming water without a source and a tree without roots.

What's even more troublesome is that without the attention of the four gods, Be'lak still has the curse of Lathander in his body!

Lathander, I love your mother so much!

"Your Excellency, why don't you think about our plan?"

In the Hall of the Supreme Lord, two followers who came to seek refuge with Beelak have arrived. They are the Word Bearer Bishop Mozgov who escaped from the Huimin Monastery in the Hurek Forest and the Extreme in the Holy Grove of the Hurek Forest. Shadow Legend Druid Daba - Thorns.

Mozgov brought news about Lorgar the Word Bearer - the Great Word Bearer could not wait for the second coming, and he needed more ammunition packages to ensure that his power could pass through the crystal wall system intact.

Ammo bag? Be'lakor sneered, thinking that no wonder Lorgar repeatedly emphasized that Baldur's Gate now has a population of 400,000.

But Daba-Thorn, the legendary archdruid who had a deadly feud with Aaron and longed to de-urbanize the country, brought another proposal.

There are some gods in the kingdom who do not live in the kingdom of God on the outer plane. Don't you think about it?

Daba-Thorn knows the location of at least two deities with weak divine power.

Belak did not directly answer Daba-Thorn's proposal, he was still considering it.

still have a question.

Eboud-Adrian, the trace of the Son of Baal has disappeared!


Sword Coast area, wilderness, secret woodland.

Eboud Adrian, Gillian's adopted son, an elite warrior with a height of 2.13 meters, was tossing and turning in his sleeping bag.

Thinking of his experiences during this period, Eboud had a sense of confusion. Even his slow brain knew how incredible what happened to him was.

Shortly after Aaron left and he was lifted from the ban by Gillian, Eboud was assassinated while doing some inexplicable odd jobs. After Gillian learned about this, he immediately escaped from Candlekeep with Eboud.

On the way, Gillian told Eboud that he had two harpist friends in Belgost, named Jahira and Khalid. If they were forced to separate on the road, Eboud must find a way to find them by himself.

Eboud didn't take it seriously, thinking that his always serious adoptive father might have made a bad joke on him.

As a result, the adoptive father and son were attacked that evening.

A huge armored man skillfully controlled the power of killing and attacked Gillian and Chanem together with a group of mercenaries. The magical skills displayed by his adoptive father in this battle made Eboud completely unable to imagine what was happening in front of him. The mage is Mr. Gillian, who is usually old and silent.

Negotiations failed, and Gillian released a mirror shadow spell the moment he contacted the enemy. This was an effective self-protection strategy for experienced mages when encountering multiple enemies. The defensive magic weapon spells on his body were triggered at the same time.

As expected, the enemy's first wave of offensive hit the phantom, so two ogre mercenaries rushed over. Eboud saw Gillian first releasing a magic missile that increased the ring. Seeing that the ogre was physically strong, Gillian decisively released a six-dimensional magic missile. The ring petrification technique petrified one ogre and crushed it, while Eboud killed the other ogre.

However, the situation of the battle did not turn around. There were still seven or eight people on the other side. At this time, the priest in the other team finally took action. A five-ring flame attack technique attacked both Gillian and Eboud at the same time. Gillian obviously did not expect the opponent's team. There was such a high-level priest in the game. In desperation, Galian withstood the damage from the flame strike and immediately gave himself and Eboud the fourth-level stone skin spell. Then he fired a fireball spell with his backhand, killing one of the opponent's soldiers on the spot. The warrior and a ranger wounded the priest.

Seeing that something was wrong, the giant armored man finally joined the battle in person, and both sides began to fight with all their strength.

At this time, Eboud could already feel that Gillian's magic power and energy were declining, and his adoptive father asked Eboud to run away quickly.

Eboud did not want to run away, he just escaped some distance and hid in the bushes.

After two attempts, the giant armored man and the opponent's priest's three-ring dispelling magic finally cracked Gillian's mirror shadow and stone skin spells. The armored man raised his sword and pierced the old mage's abdomen with one sword.

Eboud could never forget the reflection of the moonlight on his adoptive father's pool of blood.

Fortunately, the giant armored man and the opposing priest were also seriously injured at this time. When he felt someone approaching due to the magic fire, the armored man's face changed first.

"It's a Sun Elf, a very powerful Sun Elf!"


The armored men withdrew, leaving behind Gillian and the Sun Elf Archmage who came under the moonlight.

The sun elf archmage calls himself Barrel-Moonflower. Unlike the sun elves Eboud read about in the book, Barrel is unusually...short and fat.

Although he was here to save people, Barrel seemed to dislike Eboud very much. He did not interact with Eboud at all, and even refused Eboud to get close. He only casually stated that Gillian was seriously injured and there were still wounds on his body. There is a serious killing curse, and the healer must be taken away, and Eboud cannot accompany him.

Eboud didn't understand why Barrel rejected him so much, but Gillian completely accepted the situation. The dying old mage asked his adopted son to go to the Friendly Arms to find Jaheira and Khalid, and also gave Eboud a piece of parchment. ——It is written on the parchment that Baal has many heirs, and these heirs will bring disaster to the Sword Coast when they grow up, and one of them will seize his father's inheritance.

What is this? It’s so complicated, I can’t understand it!

Eboud was confused, and in the end he did not understand the meaning of the piece of paper his adoptive father gave him.

Barrel took his adoptive father away, and Eboud embarked on the journey alone.

On the road, he met his neighbor's sister Imoen, and the two teamed up. They were attacked by a group of Skaven, and were rescued by the passing halfling Montaro and the human mage Thrall, and the four of them walked together.

On the way, Imoen told Eboud that we might all be sons of Baal.

What is the Son of Baal? Eboud replied so angry that Imoen fell asleep and ignored him.

The four arrived at the Friendly Arm Hotel and met Jahira and Khalid. Eboud was immediately attracted by Jahira's beauty. The six people originally planned to act together, but Montaro and Sal soon showed their feet - They are members of the Zhentarim, while Jaheira and Khalid belong to the Harpers Alliance, the mortal enemy of the Zhentarim. The two sides had a conflict in the inn over a trivial matter and broke up. Eboud remembered his adoptive father. He followed the dark thoughts in his heart and chose to act together with Jahira.

Together, the four-person team investigated the town destroyed by the Skaven, met the passing druids of the Verdant Garden, fought against the rat trolls, destroyed a polluted forest, and together accepted the commission of the Dawn Monastery to blow up They bought a Skaven wheel of destruction, and met the famous elf princess Buyel while passing by a Druid Silvanus woodland. Buyel, who was petite and cute and looked like a big badminton, also gave them gifts. Blessings from several people.

These two months have been more experiences than Eboud had experienced in the previous 20 years.

More importantly, Eboud found joy in killing.

Ripping an enemy's throat out, feeling the blood flow, and watching the screams of the Skaven... or whatever it is, is so beautiful, so mesmerizing.

Eboud fell in love with the feeling immediately.

God, what have I been doing for more than 20 years?

If I had left Candlekeep earlier, I would have been able to enjoy such sweet happiness earlier. If I had left Candlekeep earlier, I would have been able to meet Jaheira earlier. Maybe she has not married Khalid yet!

With such regret, Eboud fell into a dream. In the dream, there was blood, killing, and Jaheira.

Slowly, sleeping until midnight, Eboud suddenly woke up. His stomach began to churn, and the anger in his heart was burning and restless. He found that his desire for blood was about to start.

Eboud opened his eyes and found that his companions were all sleeping soundly. Nearby was the shelter of the green garden, where they were safe. His companions were sleeping in the bonfire beside the trees, like a A carefree piece of meat.

Eboud couldn't help but licked his lips, feeling a deeper call from inside his body.

Want to bleed, want to... kill!

The perspective turned around from Imoen and Jaheira, and Eboud finally turned his attention to Khalid, who was sleeping on the side. This warrior of the Harper Alliance and Jaheira's husband seemed to lack the necessary fear of this world. .

Eboud gradually began to lose control of himself. His hands slowly came closer to Khalid's body. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva. An extremely strong desire told him to clamp Khalid's throat and cut him open. Chest, cut open his belly, enjoy pure joy, appreciate the art of killing, he can drink in the color of blood until dawn!

Kill him, have joy, create art, and then, have Jaheira!

Beauty is only for the strong!

Eboud quietly drew the dagger from behind him.

Just when he was about to cut Khalid's throat, a voice stopped him from behind.

"Enough, Son of Slaughter."

In Eboud's sight, the sun was rising.

It was as if the dawn light touched Eboud's skin and brushed through his hair. It carried a heavy pressure and a scorching heat wave. Wherever the golden light touched, there was a desire for blood and killing. - no matter how powerful they were in Eboud's mind - retreated, disintegrated, scattered.

Disaster! Eboud could hear their maddening agony, like sick screams, scratching at his skull.

Eboud gradually gained control of his brain again, and he said with difficulty: "Who?"

A barbarian from the Karatu continent stepped out from the golden light. His skin was a mixture of original bronze and tan, with black eyes and black hair. Metal leaves were woven into a simple and practical crown, and his long hair was tied up. , flying in the wind behind his head, he also wore a suit of golden armor, engraved with the emblem symbolizing unity and empire.

"The Lord of Humanity." The giant in the golden light looked at Eboud slowly, his eyes serious: "It's not too late to stop now, the son of murder, the man of original sin."

"Lord of mankind?" Eboud shook his head subconsciously as soon as he got rid of the influence. He habitually spat on the grass: "Master of all mankind? Is it from the Sword Coast, the kingdom, or the multiverse? That's really true. Big, buddy~! You are indeed tall and have a good figure, but if you were the lord of mankind, I would be Elminster! Do you know Elminster? A very powerful mage, better than my adoptive father Gillian is even more powerful! Almost as powerful as two Candlekeep towers!"

Eboud gestured with the shape of the tower in a gesture that only he could understand.

Lord of Humanity: “…………”

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