Crown of Silence

Chapter 17 Choice

On the way back, Wolf Flute was carrying a crowbar and humming the nursery rhyme "Ten Indian Children", looking relaxed and happy. ♦ൠ ♦♦When he staggered forward, his body twisted like a drunkard.

Father Ben remained silent, and nothing could be seen on his cold face, but Langdi always felt that he was full of sorrow.

"Hey, Father, my mission is accomplished, your mission is accomplished. Why is it so gloomy? Shouldn't it be a joyful celebration with two drinks at this time?"

Wolf Flute scratched his wild hair: "What are you thinking about when you are absent-minded? You have completed the mission of the Lord and the Order, and you can leave here soon and return to the Order as a Templar Knight. . From now on, there is a crown of glory reserved for you. Well, are you worried that the size of the crown is too small for you?"

"I'm thinking about something."

The priest said coldly: "Some things need to be reconsidered."

"What's the matter?" Langdi thought for a while and snapped his fingers: "It can't be that little guy Ye, right? You trained him as your apprentice, right? Then he won't be able to go back with you. ah……"

"Your arrival disrupted all my plans, Mr. Wolf Flute."

Father Ben said indifferently: "If you don't show up, I can at least let him replace me and return to the order as a Templar."

Langdi was a little embarrassed and laughed dryly: "Well, even though I say that, you see, he doesn't want to be a little bastard, so don't force him."

"It's better than walking on a dead end with unrealistic dreams." Ben raised his head and glanced at him: "It was you who rekindled the fire in his heart, Wolf Flute, I underestimated that child's love for musicians. Persistence.”

"...Well, look, children always have dreams, right?"

Langdi organized his words and explained with some embarrassment: "I don't know much about rebellious period or adolescence, but having dreams is a good thing. You can't say you won't let him realize it, and you won't let him realize it, uh... mine It means that one day he will "dang~" and realize that this is unrealistic. "

He nodded and made a conclusion:

"Well, don't worry, he will give up sooner or later.

Ben shook his head: "You don't understand."


"A few years ago, when I first met him, he was walking barefoot in the ice and snow, with nothing and only a dog accompanying him. But when it came to going to Avalon, his expression changed. It was ridiculously persistent. When I asked him what he was going to do, his eyes lit up.”

Ben recalled the appearance of the street boy and the cold breath of the heavy snow falling from the sky that year. The white-haired boy was wearing a ragged coat and was trembling, but when he spoke, the corners of his mouth were raised, his lips opened and closed, and his eyes...

"...It's almost like it's sparkling."

Wolf Flute was stunned and stopped.

"So that's it."

It dawned on him.

“He’s a great kid, so great that I’ve never seen him in my life.

I told him that to be a musician one must have good education, and he treated himself according to the standards of an ascetic. I told him that becoming a musician requires at least the best education, so it took him one month to memorize all the books in the library, and two months to learn the basics of advanced mathematics and etiquette.

In order to win a place to go to the Holy City, he taught himself mechanical construction and maintained the lighthouse for this small town for three consecutive years.

I don’t know if anyone has taught him basic music theory. He is very familiar with everything about musicians... Over the years, he has been pushing himself in that direction. "

The priest's voice was low: "But the closer he gets, the further away he will be from that dream... So, Wolf Flute, let him give up that idea.

Otherwise, one day, his unfulfilled dream will make him drown in his own despair. "

But in the silence, the wolf flute was silent, and suddenly laughed loudly, with relief and joy.

"What are you talking about, Father."

Wolf Flute grinned and patted his heart: "Those who die for their dreams are the happiest.



Church reception room the next day

"Okay, my friend, the time has come for you to choose."

In silence, Langdi lay on the sofa, spread his hands and said to the confused boy: "I need you to make a choice regarding the agreement between us."

"Choose? Is there anything else I need to choose?"

"It's like this. You see, last night the priest and I discussed the matter of you going to receive musician education."

Langdi coughed: "Well, although you are only seventeen years old now, you are not old enough to go to college, but what should I say... The priest said that you have taught yourself reading and writing in most languages, as well as number theory courses, basics There should be no problem with the exam, and the qualifications are enough to pass the exam at any time and become a member of the cult with a formal teaching position, so he has a suggestion.

Because of the priest's suggestion, my original thoughts changed somewhat. "

Ye Qingxuan looked at the priest in confusion, but the priest remained silent, his face as dark as water, and he could not tell anything at all.

"It's like this, because the priest is going to be promoted to a high official and make a lot of money recently. From now on, he will be able to wear gold and silver, live well and be popular, so there are a lot of back doors that can be opened."

Wolf Flute was chattering here and there, talking enthusiastically, but when Father Ben took a look at it, he immediately became serious:

"Well, he can recommend you to the Holy City as an insider of the sect. There will be a quota for you in the current enrollment of 'Trinity Theological Seminary'. You will be admitted without taking the exam! It is the cradle of chant musicians. As long as you graduate , your future is bright, and if you perform well, you might even be able to be selected into the choir..."

"Chorus?" Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You should know that my voice is always out of tune even when singing liturgical hymns."

"It doesn't matter, just blend in, okay? A group of people are singing, and all you have to do is open your mouth. Don't you have a saying in the East that is 'to make up for the numbers'? When I took the exam, I often copied other people's papers. You have to Learn to be flexible..."

The priest glanced coldly again, and Wolf Di had to shut up in embarrassment.

After Ye Qingxuan thought for a moment, he suddenly asked: "Where is the other one?"

"The chief educational institution of the Anglo Kingdom, the Royal Conservatory of Music in the capital city of Avalon, um... my alma mater, but she probably doesn't want to recognize me. I dropped out of school halfway."

Talking about that place, Langdi suddenly became excited: "It is located in the urban area of ​​Avalon, only two streets away from the central area. It has good greening, original scenery, natural, luxurious atmosphere, low-key and high-end.

If you like astronomy, there is the Observatory on the left. If you like art, there is the Opera Hall on the right. If you like politics, the House of Commons is directly opposite. If you like crime, behind it is the prison!

How about it, are you happy or not? "


"Ahem, I was joking just now."

Langdi scratched his hair: "But it's really good here, because all kinds of research are basically available, and the academic atmosphere is also very strong. It's just that the internal quarrels are a bit fierce...

I don't have enough face, but I can ask my teacher for help. However, the teacher is very strict and never wants to open such a back door. So, he may just write you a letter of introduction and ask you to take the entrance exam. If you fail the exam, there is nothing I can do..."

"Then let's do this."

Ye Qingxuan nodded: "Royal Conservatory of Music, Mr. Langdi, please take the trouble."

"Huh? So simple?" Lang Di was stunned. He originally thought that Ye Qingxuan would choose to go to Trinity Theological Seminary, but he did not expect that he would still decide to go to Avalon.

In the silence, the priest nodded as if he had expected it, stood up and left without saying anything.

Watching him leave, Lang Di felt a little helpless and scratched his head: "Then I'll write a letter to the teacher right now. Don't worry, my teacher is very respectable. But you have to be on your way tomorrow, otherwise you will be delayed in a few days." Missed the enrollment period.”

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, thought for a long time, and nodded:

"Then tomorrow."

"Okay." Langdi understood and asked hesitantly: "Um..."


Ye Qingxuan saw that he was hesitant to speak.

Langdi took a deep breath and sighed irritably. After looking back and deciding that there was no one at the door, he lowered his voice and came closer:

"Why didn't you choose Trinity Theological College? You're stupid! You don't want to hug such a thick thigh? Do you know that when the priest returns this time, he will be promoted to the third level!

A bishop-level official, and also a Templar... uh, a member of that special department, you can have a bright future even if you lie down, my friend! Why bother going to Avalon alone?

Moreover, kansh.c has gathered the largest number of musicians in the world in the Holy City. It is willing to open its doors to all believers and even tuition fees are waived. The remaining money is enough for you to buy a custom-made musical instrument... Do you know that after I dropped out of college, I was so poor that I broke my pants to buy a musical instrument? "

Ye Qingxuan stared at Langdi's babble in stunned silence. After a long time, he couldn't help but laugh in a low voice, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Langdi, I think you may have made a mistake from the beginning."


"I'm not a believer."


Wolf Flute couldn't help but screamed in surprise. After realizing that he had lost his composure, he quickly lowered his voice: "Wait, what did you say?"

"I'm not a believer." Ye Qingxuan repeated.

"I thought you were already a cleric!!! But you are not even a believer? Do you believe in the gods of the East?"


Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "I have never been to the East, and I have no belief in God. I learned both language and reading and writing from my father. The priest wanted to baptize me many times, but I refused."

"...Then why don't you believe it?" Lang Di's expression twitched.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly began to think deeply, as if he had never thought of this problem before. After thinking for a long time, he finally understood something vaguely and answered softly:

"'s because God has never redeemed my mother, right?"

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