Crown of Silence

Chapter 18 The Future

When Ye Qingxuan walked down from the reception room, he saw the priest sitting on a chair in the library, looking down at the Hadith that he had not finished copying a few days ago. He looked indifferent, but vaguely melancholy.

Ye Qingxuan walked up to him and apologized in a low voice: "Sorry, Father, I failed your expectations."

"Although I know you are a troublesome kid..."

Father Bane shook his head: "But this time it is really difficult for me."

"It has always been so difficult, Father." Ye Qingxuan laughed: "You have been patient with me for so many years, it is really hard."

"Yes, a bad kid like you who is stubborn and revengeful will give people a headache wherever you go." The priest said coldly: "Now I don't have to worry about it, and I am much more relaxed."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and after a long silence, he asked: "Father, why, why did you let me be a scribe here?"

"Because you are a child who can read and write, you don't need to arrange food and accommodation, and you only need to pay half of the wages. And it doesn't look hopeless, you can be saved." The priest answered without thinking.

"That's all?"

Ye Qingxuan was a little unbelievable.

"Isn't that enough?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a moment, then chuckled: "Father, you are indeed a good man."

"So I treat you well."

The priest stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Congratulations, Ye, you are fired from today. This thing, just treat it as a parting gift."

He threw something over, and Ye Qingxuan took it and saw a circular holy emblem with three rings nested, about the size of a coin. It was dark gold, like some kind of token, with a line of fine code pressed on its edge, but when you touch it, it feels smooth and has no dents.

"What is this?"

"The holy emblem represents that you have been recognized by the church. It is something that is awarded to you in advance. I will help you complete the formalities after I return to the Holy City." The priest said lightly: "With it, you can apply for a small interest-free loan, or get limited help from any church. At least if you can't make it in the future, you don't have to sleep on the streets."

"Thank you then."

Ye Qingxuan flicked up the holy emblem, caught it, put it in his pocket, and continued to blink his big eyes: "Anything else? Normally, shouldn't you give me a divine weapon or a map of peerless swordsmanship at this time?"

"I don't have any of the things you mentioned, but there is an axe in the backyard. Do you want it?"

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to take it. He was not sure whether the axe would hit his head when he gave it to him.

"If you have nothing to do, you can go pack your luggage. When you go to Avalon... I won't see you off." The priest waved his hand, motioning him to leave.

Ye Qingxuan stood by, his lips opening and closing, but he didn't know what to say.

He looked at the slightly old man in front of him, this strange priest who was cold, stubborn, unable to speak, never tolerated other people's mistakes, and always set an example.

Five years ago, he pushed open the door of the church, saw himself in the snow, and reached out to him. It was not charity, but a natural rescue. Five years later, he was about to leave this church, but when he looked at the man in front of him, he suddenly felt reluctant.

He finally couldn't think of what to say to say goodbye,

so he could only nod silently and turn around to close the door for him. But when he left, his steps were a little hesitant.

Ye Qingxuan turned around and saw him praying with his eyes closed, and suddenly felt that the sadness in his heart surged a thousand times. He didn't dare to stay any longer and wanted to escape from here.

"Father, I still feel... it was great to be saved by you at that time."

In prayer, the priest suddenly heard the boy's words of farewell. He was stunned, raised his head, and only had time to see the white-haired boy running into the sunlight outside the door.

The afternoon sun was dazzling and engulfed his shadow, as if he had walked into his own future.

Five years later, the child was finally no longer a child.

Father Ben's lips trembled, but he didn't call the boy's back after all. He just stared at him, watching him run farther and farther, and finally, he disappeared.

In this long-lost silence, the corners of the priest's mouth slightly raised.

Like smiling.

The next day, at the pier at noon.

Ye Qingxuan squatted on a chair with a huge suitcase, waiting for a quarter of an hour later, a ship from Birmingham to Avalon would pass by here.

——'Titan', a new type of ship purchased by the East India Company from the shipyard of the Order. It is said that the first generation of cargo ships is like a sampan compared to it in terms of cargo capacity and speed.

That kind of big ship usually won't pass by such a small dock because the draft of the dock is too shallow. But when passing by, a sampan will be lowered to deliver mail from all over the place and goods ordered by some merchants to the town. Ye Qingxuan can take the sampan with the holy emblem given to him by the priest, get on the ship first and then buy the ticket.

This is the fastest way to Avalon, and this is also the greatest convenience that the priest can bring to Ye Qingxuan within his own scope. Wolf Whistle, who set off on the same day as him, took a carriage, but he would not set off until the afternoon, so he came with Vito to see him off.

"You will probably be a little nervous when you go out for the first time. But you can be at ease on the road. The bill of exchange for the bounty will be deposited into your account in the church in half a month. At that time, you can take the holy emblem to the loan office of the church to get it."

Wolf Flute patted him on the shoulder and said naggingly: "Be careful after going to Avalon. Remember to find a hotel near the school to stay. You will have a dormitory after you enroll. Avalon has been here for the past two years. The environmental pollution is serious and PM exceeds the standard. Well, just think that the air is bad. Remember to buy a mask and wear it.”

As he spoke, he paused and his expression became ugly: "Remember to be careful of those dead kids begging for food after you get off the boat, they will steal your money."

"Don't worry about me, Mr. Wolf Flute."

Ye Qingxuan laughed: "I was one of those dead children many years ago."

"You sociable brats are really not cute at all."

Langdi shook his head. Soon, he remembered something. After looking around and finding that no one was paying attention to him, he lowered his voice: "Ye, there is something I think I need to tell you."


"No matter what the reason is, you have to remember that when you return to Avalon this time, you can no longer say that you are the son of the black musician." He pressed the white-haired boy's shoulder: "You are just someone I recognized when I was wandering in the East. Just a young man, understand?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent. He looked at the man in front of him and saw the sincerity and worry in his eyes, so he smiled reluctantly:

"You know everything?"

"I am a musician after all."

Lang Flute looked at his eyes and sighed softly: "Ever since I found out that you knew the song of the Rain Demon, I felt it vaguely, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

“As an Oriental, with ‘Dragon Blood’ silver hair, and the surname ‘Ye’… the characteristics are so obvious that you can understand them after just a little thought.

The scepter-level musician who was once a genius is now third on the wanted list and a traitor who joined the natural disaster after killing 16 Anglo Royal musicians five years ago: 'Yin of the Moon' - Ye Lanzhou. "

Wolf Flute sighed: "I was also shocked. You are actually his son. This can explain that you know the song of the Rain Demon. After all, your father was once the best evil god hunter."

"My father is not a traitor."

Ye Lanzhou whispered: "He did not betray humanity."

"The problem is, everyone thinks so."

Langdi organized his words, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly: "I can only say that he used to be a very good person. After all, I once took the Oriental music theory taught by him when I was at the Royal Conservatory of Music, and he even invited me, a poor student, to Had dinner.”

"You know him?"

"We met several times. He used to teach at the Royal Academy of Music, but he stopped teaching after getting married.

In short, whether you want to find out what happened back then or what you want to do. I would suggest you pretend to be an overseas student from the East. After all, it's also good for yourself. "

In the long silence, the white-haired boy seemed to be thinking intently.

"Mr. Langdi, aren't you afraid?" Ye Qingxuan suddenly laughed and asked softly: "Aren't you afraid that I will betray humanity and become a traitor?"

"Ye, sometimes you are such a self-aware brat."

Langdi looked down at him and laughed at him mercilessly: "You know what? You are the legendary guy who can't be creative even if he does bad things, so... just be a good person honestly."

As he spoke, he took out a thick notebook from his pocket and put it into his hand: "This thing will be given to you in advance as part of the thank you gift."

Ye Qingxuan took the thick notebook and found that it was an old cowhide notebook. After flipping it open, he found that it was filled with small characters and various graphics.

It indeed took a lot of effort to bind it. Even the cowhide cover is much thicker than an ordinary book, and it feels like a piece of iron when pinched.

"These are the notes I took when I was admitted to the academy. They include the introductory notes of the four schools, as well as some miscellaneous things. Oh, by the way, this part was written when I was taking your father's class!"

Next to him, Lang Flute opened his notes and pointed to one of the pages.

On that page, there were just two lines of scrawled notes, and the rest was a piece of music that looked weird. It seems incomplete and cannot be clearly identified.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep during class and forgot what class I was in, hahaha..."

Wolf Flute laughed awkwardly.

After Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, he bent down to thank you and put the notes in his suitcase. "I will read it carefully. Thank you, Mr. Langdi."

"It's's just a notebook. Don't worry about it. Just don't lose it."

Lang Di looked at his silent eyes and patted his shoulder gently: "Stop talking about it and live your life well. If you can get into school, I will give you a gift. "

"Then it's an appointment?"

"Well, we've made an appointment."

Wolf Flute took two steps back, put on his top hat, got on the carriage and left.



The silent sea surface suddenly started to fluctuate, and the giant ship in the distance came riding the wind and waves, leaving behind layers of ripples wherever it passed, spreading in all directions.

"I'll send you here."

Vito hammered Ye Qingxuan's chest: "You don't have to think about this place in Avalon from now on. After the priest leaves, I will also run away. Maybe in two or three years, you can't survive anymore, you can come here Find me, I will definitely become a big shot by then.”

"Hey, hey, do you want to be so confident?" Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh.

"A bad guy like me will only get better and better, right?"

Vito pushed him, as if to drive him away, and cut off his reluctance: "Stop chatting, let's go! If you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the ship.

After going to Avalon, don't worry about others, I will definitely have a good life anyway. Just don't make it too bad. "

In the afternoon sunshine, the blond boy wearing a peaked cap grinned, holding a small wooden stick in his teeth, as if holding his own pipe. He waved goodbye without any regrets, for he was convinced that one day they would meet again.

"Goodbye, Vito."

Ye Qingxuan hugged him and murmured softly.

Lao Fei also ran next to him, stood up with his tongue out, and patted his shoulder with his saliva-stained paws to show his high expectations for his younger brother No. 2. Then he got into Ye Qingxuan's suitcase.

Ye Qingxuan took one last look at him and stepped onto the sampan.



When the huge ship pulled its anchor from the seabed and started sailing again, Ye Qingxuan stood on the deck, not daring to look back.

He knew that behind him, the coast was moving away bit by bit, as if a part of his heart was being hollowed out bit by bit. Perhaps a phase of his own life had remained there forever.

"Sir, please come with me."

The polite waiter woke him up and led the way: "Your room is ready. This voyage will arrive in Avalon in three days. I wish you a wonderful journey."


Ye Qingxuan smiled.

In this way, the white-haired boy carried his suitcase, a box of old clothes, three hundred pounds of banknotes, an iron box and a strange old dog, and embarked on a journey that he would never return to.

He is sixteen years old this year and has not yet been crowned, but he is already an adult.

"I'm coming, Avalon."



When the sampan slowly left the pier and sailed into the distance, Vito was finally the only one left on the pier.

He stared blankly at the empty sea, his only friend gradually fading away.

"Haha, are you sad? Human emotions are so weak."

A weak voice sounded: "In this short life, how much life has human beings squandered because of this hormone-controlled emotion? They have paid so much just for a beautiful dream..."

"Hey, old ghost, you are really annoying."

Vito looked down at his arms and sighed softly: "Chirp, chirp, can you shut up?"

"Bold, I am..."

"You are now a worm in a bottle, a waste snack that does not even dare to touch the air. If I hadn't picked you up and brought you back, you would have been eaten by your god as a cold appetizer before the meal."

Vito said coldly: "Dear Rainmaker, I can't speak. If I say something wrong, please come out and bite me."

"You bastard! If it had been in the past, I would have killed you!"

In his pocket, in a thumb-sized bottle, a worm squirmed like mercury and roared: "I just made a small mistake in pursuing the eternal path! If it weren't for you, I would have been reborn!"

"Haha." Vito sneered and refused to comment.

After a long time, Rainmaker finally calmed down and sighed in a low voice: "Why do you have to provoke me? Can't we cooperate with each other? If I find a new body, you can also prosper..."

"That's true, but...did you make a mistake?"

Vito put his eyes in front of the bottle and looked at the mercury worm: "The conditions for my cooperation with you are that you will only have a successful career, but not a new body."


"If you're to blame, it's your fault that you signed any agreement to survive! ... However, although you can't always see the situation clearly, there is one sentence that I quite agree with."


"Power, old man, power."

Vito looked down at his reflection. Under the scorching sun, that single shadow swayed alone, dim and pitiful: "I am so weak, it must be because I have no strength."

"I have been afraid of many things, but one day, I will be afraid of nothing..."

Under the scorching sun, wac his pupils were ignited by the fierce light of the coal mountain, with dark red flames:

"——As long as I am stronger than anyone else."



This year has been a normal year because the world has always been the same.

Everything has its place.

Countries argue or exchange fire with each other, and natural disasters still wander in the unexplored darkness, sometimes entering the human world, leaving behind disasters and destruction.

The old people were basking in the sun as always, savoring the taste of aging and afternoon tea. The women were raising children and talking among themselves about their parents' shortcomings. Men who are the breadwinners work hard at their jobs to put more food on their families’ tables.

The world is busy and in full swing.

The only ones with nothing to do, the only ones who are bored, are the young people on the outside.

Therefore, their eyes will sparkle when they look around this strange and huge world. Because the world really seems like a huge playground, carrying countless dreams and aspirations.

The generous tragedy of the old era has come to an end, but the new heroic prologue has not yet begun.

On this embarrassing day, two teenagers spent their coming-of-age ceremony on the same day and were preparing to enter.

Their future opens in all directions.



The first volume ends here, please give me a recommendation vote~

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