Crown of Silence

Chapter 219 Dig a hole and bury some soil.

Chapter 220 Dig a hole and bury some soil.

There seemed to be great repulsion between those two fingers, and they closed so slowly. But the air froze, and there were bursts of thunder in the void, as if huge rocks were rubbing against each other.

Red light and white light emerged, which were blazing flames and cold frost. They emerged from the air as the two fingers moved, and slowly gathered as the fingers came together.

The collision between them did not annihilate each other, but caused fierce friction, releasing a burst of bursting sounds.

In the stands, even the teacher could only admire him. This skill of ‘bipolar fusion’ in changing factions was simply impeccable!

The hasty mobilization of ether was not very powerful, but the lurking manticore quickly retreated and escaped the moment ice and fire collided and exploded.

Banner's expression suddenly changed: How does this bastard know the Manticore's weakness?

Immediately, he suddenly realized, and then gritted his teeth.

——The big library!

This guy is the administrator of the big library. As long as that old ghost Dominic allows him, he can read the introductions of all the musician factions in Angru...

Damn it... why is it him!

The manticore's invisibility is to dilute itself and turn it into a body of etheric mist, blending into the environment like a chameleon.

Because such a form is too ethereal, it is difficult for any physical attack to touch it, but once the surrounding environment changes too drastically, it cannot change with the environment, thus exposing its form.

What's more, that white-haired bastard got a change-type alchemy weapon from nowhere!

In the hidden state, any changes in movement are a major threat to the manticore.

Such an extremely explosive 'polar fusion' requires special caution. Once extreme cold and high temperatures break out alternately, it is likely that the atomized manticore will partially collapse.

By then Banner will lose the opportunity and will need to spend a lot of energy to project it.

He even has to face resistance from the manticore!

This is what musicians majoring in the summoning faction are always troubled about. Most of the time, the phantom beasts are stronger than themselves. How to control this excessive power and prevent it from getting out of control or even hurting themselves is a huge problem.

Not to mention the animalistic backlash that follows.

During the period when Banner had just accepted the inheritance of animal nature, in order to suppress the sudden increase in monsters in his mind, he even acted like a walking zombie.

Fortunately, all the efforts were worth it. Now the surface consciousness of the manticore has been penetrated by himself and branded with his own badge. The once unruly lion is now like an arm.

The manticore only retreated temporarily, and soon rushed forward again!

Hidden and hurtful is just one of the manticore's ways of hunting... when it really decides to fight, it uses its teeth and claws!

Moreover, what the Royal School is good studying both majors! Its unique rituals and techniques can subtly transform the phantom beast and allow it to store music!

Even for some musicians who have advanced to the 'Son of the Phoenix', the phantom beast is their own musical instrument!

The huge phantom beast standing on the ground, which was as tall as a man, suddenly jumped out, its body burning with flames.

Amid the roar, lava flowed down from the void like a waterfall, covering its body and turning into a black-red scorching armor.

The fierce temperature is spreading.

go to hell!

But at that moment, he saw Ye Qingxuan reveal a mysterious smile.

That trace of mocking smile made him instinctively feel uneasy.

Then, the next moment, the whistle sounded sharply.

"Historical goal!"

The referee announced loudly, causing Banner to freeze instantly.

Scored a goal? How could he have scored? !

The ball is clearly at Ye Qingxuan's feet...

The next moment, the football under Ye Qingxuan's feet was turbulent, blurred, and finally turned into a round stone.


Banner roared, turning back and looking in the direction of his own goal.

Then I saw the goalkeeper hanging on the ball frame and the little girl standing in front of the goal trying to catch her breath.

The little girl with white hair was sweating profusely and panting, unable to tell what exactly happened just now.

It's like it suddenly appeared there. It’s too unreasonable and unreasonable!

Originally, everything was arranged perfectly in the tactics.

Banner came to deal with Ye Qingxuan, and then the rest, Karen took the two strongest musicians to besiege the unknown hooded man, and the two went to deal with Ciel who seemed to be the hardest to deal with, and even Even the dog was surrounded by manpower...but the little girl was not taken seriously.

Although several people were arranged to pay attention to the movements, they never expected that this little girl with a crooked ponytail and an immature look would transform into that kind of monster in an instant.

""Mighty and Majestic"."

In the stands, the principal sighed softly and shook his head slightly, not sure whether it was with emotion or approval, "You are worthy of being that guy's student.

It's worthy of being called "Mighty and Majestic". "

Just when everyone's attention fell on Ye Qingxuan and Banner, Bai Xi took a deep breath.

Then, the players in front of her saw it, and the girl's eyes lit up with the brilliance of the scorching sun!

The talent of dragon blood - to stir up and wake up.

Immediately afterwards, a grand symphony was played, and the original blockade was easily defeated.

Even if it's just a prologue, even if it's just a few seconds...

The girl transforms into a human apostle crowned by God, wielding divine power, running storms and thunder, and doing whatever she wants.

In an instant, he was racing forward with the football.

The speed is as fast as lightning.

The finishing touch.

The football hit the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper didn't react and was overturned and hung on the goal.

The football with electric light rushed into the goal and almost broke through the net.

It wasn't until that moment that the roar that broke through the sky spread like thunder.

The whole place was sluggish.


In the past few days, the information in the Department of Music and History has been scrapped, including the Eastern boy who shined as soon as he entered school and offended countless people, Charles who was considered a genius and has been in trouble for many years, and that article The vicious dog that seems to be very difficult to deal with, and Bai Xi who never goes to class...

However, no one thought that this person who skipped classes and walked the dog on weekdays did not look like a good student at all, but turned out to be a musician of the school of change!

Moreover, he is so accomplished that he can actually play a blockbuster movement like "The Majestic".

In an instant, countless people’s jaws and eyeballs dropped to the ground.

In the stands, all the teachers subconsciously looked at the equally astonished colleague in front of them:


"You actually taught her "Mighty and Majestic"?"

"When does it begin……"

"That girl is your student?"

Faced with all the looks and inquiries, Yegor couldn't say anything and felt his head was spinning: "I didn't teach him!"


"Is it?"

"It's no fun telling lies with your eyes open."

Obviously no one believes that in this school, except Yegor of the Transformation School, who can teach the students a piece of music like "Mighty and Majestic"?

"You fart!"

Yegor was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, and had the urge to turn over the table and leave, "Even if the faction is changing, there are still different factions internally!

The movement played by that little girl is clearly closer to the classical style! The characteristic is the divine endowment and the physical blessing of the agent!

I inherited the school of thought from the saint Liszt, which focused on the changes and transformations of elements. There was no music theory of 'divine right' at all!

Even if I play "Mighty and Majestic", it will only feature changes in the four elements and thunder and storms.

How is it possible to teach a student of the classical school? "

Seeing Yegor's depressed expression about to vomit blood, all the teachers came to their senses and were immediately confused.

Then who taught him?


Don't be kidding, Abraham, the guy who was born in a forbidden faction, was born to be on the opposite side of all other factions.

Even the Apocalypse faction is just a by-passing, and it is not considered a straight background at all. It is difficult to even teach students... let alone the core movement of this changing faction.

"Stop arguing."

At the front, the principal sighed, "I know her teacher, not from the college. That guy's identity is very sensitive, so don't ask any more questions."

After hearing what the principal said, everyone had no choice but to shut up, but privately they couldn't help but have their imaginations running wild with all kinds of strange conjectures.

The illegitimate daughter of some big shot, the student of a master musician, the seed of the royal school... In the end, when he looked at the empty seat where Abraham was, his eyes became vaguely weird.

Who is that old man? -

On the field, there was also dead silence.

Banner held down the furious manticore and looked at Ye Qingxuan coldly.



The young man seemed puzzled by his question, his voice was hoarse and strange.

Banner took a step forward, his eyes filled with rage: "When did you replace the football?!"

So Ye Qingxuan smiled.


Of course from the beginning...

When the fierce light flashed, the football had already been kicked by Ye Qingxuan to Bai Xi's feet.

Then Bai Xi, who had been prepared long ago, dug a hole on the spot and buried the ball...

Yes, buried at her feet.

According to Ye Qingxuan's instructions at the beginning: Bai Xi can start taking action when everyone's eyes are focused on him.

So, as it should be, and with overwhelming force, the goal was scored.

Score one point first.

It's so easy and freehand, so simple that you don't need it.

Caught everyone off guard.

"One thousand points."

Opposite Banner, the white-haired boy opened and closed his lips, silently, but revealing a real mockery.

Banner was silent, just looking at his face. His pale face became even paler and bloodless. Like a transparent ghost.

Anger was burning in the erect beast pupils. That kind of anger was sealed under the pale face, burning his brain.

This damn bastard, this damn bastard, this damn bastard! The white-haired bastard, the low-ranking black neck, the beggar who sneaked into the hall...

God, God, God, God, God…

He covered his face to stop the beastiality that was almost boiling in his head. Once the musician cannot maintain absolute sanity, it is very easy for the musician to be dominated by animal nature.

Such chaos is not without its merits. At least it will make the musicians go crazy and make them... stronger!

"Synchronize with me."

Between his fingers, Banner revealed a green pupil, and the voice under his palm was hoarse and vague:

"Haydn, Symphony No. 8 - Night!"

The voice was like a beast sobbing.


We are all in Shanghai tonight, and a week of eating and drinking, taking and asking for money is about to begin... I will sell the book at CP for two days on the weekend. If you are interested, see you at CP~

The booth number is 'K48-49', and the name of the book is "THE ONE". I hope someone will like it.

PS: I am still too lazy to send it by express delivery, so forget about online vendors...

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