Crown of Silence

Chapter 220 Interlude (Part 1)

Chapter 221 Interlude (Part 1)

"Haydn, Symphony No. 8 - Night!"

After hearing Banner's voice, Karen was stunned for a moment, and all the teammates looked over. Karen hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and waved his hand.

Do it!

All the teammates were stunned, and soon, they obeyed the order.

In an instant, the same frequency of the melody sounded from the hands of all the students, and the instruments that had been carefully adjusted and matched sounded at the same rhythm.

The etheric fluctuations between each other echoed and organically connected into a whole. Although there were occasional local flaws due to the lack of a master controller, it remained stable at one frequency.

All the synchronizers' breathing became rapid, their foreheads were wet, and sweat was faintly visible. The pressure still came.

The manticore roared and blocked Ye Qingxuan in front of them to prevent them from interfering.

Banner's palm slowly loosened from his face and pressed down in front of him, and the ring on his fingertips reflected a ray of light. A soft sound spread from the fingertips, and then, a sonorous and sharp melody suddenly emerged from the silence.

In an instant, all the instruments resonated with it, setting off a grand resonance.

It was like nine ripples suddenly rose in the water at the same time, overlapping and merging with each other, setting off a round of turbulent waves.

The skylight dimmed in the blink of an eye, and the sunlight seemed to be rapidly dissipating in the arena where the melody spread.

Then, darkness surged.

A huge amount of ether responded to the call and merged into the darkness, turning into a curtain to cover all light.

"Hey, hey, what a big hatred and grudge this is..." Xia Er wisely carried Bai Xi and hugged Lao Fei to shrink next to Brother Bench: "Ye Zi, you taunted too much."

In the front, Ye Qingxuan turned a deaf ear.

At this moment, the entire arena was completely dark, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

Only the grand resonance and melody were echoing. In the progressive melody, the stars in the sky lit up and there was moonlight.

The distance between the stars was too far, as if separated by a layer of frosted glass, blurry.

If you can't resonate with the world, you can't use the power of the outside world, and you can never evolve a real starry sky.

But this darkness is scary enough.

Because the night is coming.

The Eighth Symphony. The first movement!

This is the "Eighth Symphony" composed by the former saint Haydn. It is named "Night". Its power represents the arrival of the beastly night.

If humans live under the sun, then the deep night represents the time of beasts. If Banner's power is strong enough to communicate with heaven and man and call out the moonlight, then the shadow of the beast tide will evolve in the darkness at this moment, and the aftermath will be enough to completely destroy the music history system.

But in this dark night, the body of the manticore on the center line suddenly shook and let out a hoarse roar.

It seemed painful, like joy.

In the darkness, there were bones growing and crisp sounds of skin breaking. The body of the manticore was trembling and shaking violently, but its shell was getting bigger and bigger.

In the darkness, its animal nature was increasing. The seeds of madness hidden under the etheric shell were growing and sprouting wildly, evolving towards the ultimate appearance.

On its back, where the vertebrae were located, a fist-sized hole suddenly cracked, like a whale's blowhole, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

At the moment when the transformation was completed, hot flames gushed out of the cracked hole, as if the fierce temperature distorted the air, like a blurry and strange wings.

The manticore has expanded several times, and its key parts are covered with snake scales. The poison needle on its tail oozes dark green juice...

In its extreme state, it is a terrible monster known as the beast of evil. Covered with snake scales, with six pairs of flaming wings on its back, it swallows and spits out flames like a dragon, but it is a demon king with the majesty of a lion.

And now, it has taken shape.

Not only it, but also the remaining several fantasy beasts on the field have naturally transformed rapidly, and have been promoted to a higher level in an instant. They are hideous and terrifying, and exude the iron smell of decayed steel. Wherever the pungent smell passes, even the grass withers, eroded by the breath that is almost like a demon.

In the dark night, the five fantasy beasts excitedly tore the ground under their feet with their claws, raised their heads, and let out a beastly long roar.

The long roar was full of madness and hunger.

The people turned pale.

In fact, it was not until Banner used the eighth symphony that the freshmen in the stands understood why their teachers repeatedly told them to be cautious about their relationship with the Summoning Academy.

Those who control the beasts can transform into monsters more terrifying than the beasts at any time.

In the stands, seeing that Ye Qingxuan and his men were about to be wiped out, Ingmar, who had always been quite unhappy with them, did not gloat at all.

He just pursed his lips tightly and frowned deeply.

He said nothing.

"It looks a little out of control."

The principal frowned with some worry. Sidney was stunned for a moment and coughed twice, "Well, the spiritual counseling of the summoning musicians needs to be strengthened..."

"Blame me?"

Ludwig curled his lips in disdain: "Every wrong has its perpetrator, every debt has its creditor, Banner is from the Royal School, okay?

We, the Summoning Academy, don't take the blame for this!"

"Should we stop the game?" Someone asked.

The principal was silent for a long time and shook his head slightly: "The game continues. I believe this is just a small episode."

In the principal's opinion, this might be a minor episode.

But the question is... whose minor episode is this? -

"Ye Qingxuan!"

On the court, Banner rubbed his teeth and chewed the name. The green pupil of his right eye released a faint glow, staring at the white-haired kid who was not ready to retreat.

He still stood in front of Banner, motionless.

"——It seems that you don't know whether to live or die!"

The white-haired boy's body stiffened for a moment, and then he spread his hands helplessly, like a bitter smile, and his laughter was vague and hoarse.

It was like being dragged by a child to play, so he opened his arms, like a patient big brother:

What are you waiting for?

Come and play, I'll play with you.

This arrogant attitude reflected in Banner's eyes, stinging his fingers and trembling, his teeth clenched, and made a cracking sound, as if he was biting something.

The two most disgusting figures seemed to overlap at this moment.

It makes people want to tear it apart!

"That little oriental kid is going to be in trouble."

In the stands, Ludwig chuckled, "Is this a talent?

Without saying a word, he made a musician of the Royal School furious. How interesting... The enemy's rationality was reduced by 30%, and the destructive power soared by more than 40%. This probably wouldn't be asking for a quick death, right?"

Indeed, as Ludwig said.

Banner had fallen into a rage, he opened his mouth and screamed. The face of the old manticore suddenly changed, and a hint of Banner's anger emerged.

In the crazy roar of the beast, Ye Qingxuan opened his mouth to speak, and his voice was distorted by the roar. It could be vaguely heard that he was advising Banner to calm down.

But the originally calm words have now become the last spark that ignited the straw pile.

Rage broke out.

The manticore roared and roared, and the sound was like an order, forcibly summoning the nearby phantom beasts to obey its orders, abandoning its original strength, and pounced on the lonely boy in front.

In an instant, the whole place was suffocated.

The next moment, the boy was about to be swallowed by the phantom beast.

But at that moment, someone vaguely saw the white-haired boy shaking his head helplessly and taking something out of his pocket.

It was a paper bag, a small tin foil bag.


As the flames of his hands burned, the small paper bag suddenly expanded and burst, and the gray-black powder in it merged into the flames and burned instantly under the power of the accelerant, leaving no ashes.

Then, a heavy white mist like a blowout left between the boy's closed hands, like a waterfall.

The thick white smoke danced in the air, flowing to the boy's feet in an instant, extending in all directions, rapidly diluting, spreading, and rising.

Until the end, the whole figure was shrouded in a faint mist.

In the mist, the boy's hands had been wearing a pair of gloves at some point. The iron gloves were like knight's hand armor, wrapped all the way to the elbows. As the hand tightened, the friction between the fingers sparked sparks.

Then, smoke surged, and the fastest iron rock ice snake rushed into it.


At that moment, the boy who had been prepared took a step back, raised his arm, and the iron scales of the ice snake rubbed against his arm, piercing out a striking flame.

Then the boy stretched out his hand and suddenly grabbed the body of the rock snake.

All the students of the summoning faction couldn't help but gasp: the scales of the iron rock ice snake were as sharp as blades. If you touch it rashly, it will trigger its furious instinct and entangle and strangle.

Even a solid steel column will be turned into a pile of twisted iron pieces by the thousands of cuts and entanglements, let alone just an arm with armor?

Then the next moment, everyone's eyes were straight: for some reason, the iron rock ice snake's movements were actually stiff.

That hand tightly grasped the ice snake's seven inches, followed by a series of loud bangs, and a roar burst out between the five fingers of that hand. It was the lightning concentrated in the palm.

The thunder was so violent that the hand armor was completely scrapped, and the scales of the ice snake were also shaken apart, making the snake's spine move and difficult to exert force.

It was simply a textbook animal taming technique!

The ice snake instantly collapsed, and was swung out like a soft whip in the hands of the young man. After screaming through the air, it wrapped around the shadow leopard that pounced behind it.


The exclamation from afar could be vaguely heard, but the young man did not stop, and suddenly pulled, and his foot suddenly stepped on the ice snake's tail.


The sharp sound of iron sheets rubbing against each other sounded, and in an instant, stimulated by instinct, all the scales of the ice snake suddenly stood up, like a blade that popped out.

As the boy pulled, the bladed ‘snake whip’ tightened, the shadow leopard screamed, blood spurted out, but for some reason, it couldn’t even make a sound, and collapsed to the ground.

Moreover, it didn’t even resist? It was just a show-off!

In an instant, the two phantom beasts were defeated in his hands one after another, and their feet were like poultry waiting to be slaughtered. Then, the boy raised his palm with a flourish, and the ring on his fingertip lit up a faint light. In the melody, flames spurted out.

The formula of the Transformation School - Soul Burial Fire.

It was a flame that erupted and extinguished in an instant, but the temperature was strong enough to bury the enemy’s body and soul.

Above the boy's head, the 'fog ghost' silently entangled for a while, and was swept by the flames. It screamed and trembled, and half of its body was evaporated. It screamed and bounced back, wandering around in chaos.

In the thick smoke, the boy's erratic figure flashed and disappeared, so that people who were a little further away could not see what was happening.

There was only a cloud of smoke.


Today I was busy setting up the booth. See you at the CP venue tomorrow~

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