Crown of Silence

Chapter 221 Interlude (Part 2)

Chapter 222 Interlude (Part 2)

In the thick darkness and smoke, no one understood what happened.

I can only feel that all attacks are in vain.

In the end, all the fantasy beasts seemed to be lost in it, and there was no trace of Ye Qingxuan at all.

Even within the scope of the Eighth Symphony, the smoke continued to spread, covering that space.

The manticore lingers outside the smoke, sometimes pounces, but it is difficult to achieve success. The enemy is like a slippery fish, always missing and passing by.

It seems that failure is only a matter of time, but it always stands on the edge of crisis. It seems like it is just delaying time, but time is delayed for too long.

Gradually, the audience outside the venue became numb and no longer had any worries. Instead, they discussed with great interest how long this oriental kid can last?

For Banner, this situation is terrible.

Now, no matter what movement he uses or how he directs the manticore, it is completely ineffective.

On the one hand, it is due to the awakening of animal nature. After losing the control of its master, the phantom beast's response has become less flexible. On the other hand, it is because the opponent's response is too clever.

Moreover, when did this guy... become a musician of the school of change? !

Although the full movement is not used. But this skill and skill, as well as the flowing and free gesture, are simply so powerful that it makes people tremble in their hearts.

Banner no longer had any intention of winning in an instant at the beginning. He fell into an unexpected stalemate and became more and more anxious.

But the opponent seems to know all of his tricks, and he can often counterattack the tricks that take a lot of effort, just like...

It’s like playing with a child!

"How long are you going to hide?!"

Banner growled: "Get out of here!"

On his neck, the music score in the alchemy weapon started, setting off a strong wind and blowing away the thick layer of smoke. The smoke spread, but everyone felt that their eyesight went dark, and they felt a drowsy impulse.

What the hell is this?

In the stands, Ludwig took a wisp of smoke with a random move and swept it across the tip of his nose.

There was a pungent smell, and there was a vague thought of 'soma wine' mixed in it, which was exactly what he expected.

"He deliberately provoked Banner to lose his mind."

He sighed, "...This is 'Incense of the Lost.'"

Volatile agents, combustion accelerants, borneol, beef marrow, agarwood, soma wine, white orange wood, green salt... The Summoning Musician got inspiration from Tianzhu's spice formula and transformed its formula after decades of attempts.

The best anesthetic, LSD, is to the wild beast what Datura is to man.

It will cause the maddened animal nature to become lost, slow to react, lose instinct, and fall into intense drowsiness and confusion.

Just like a cat will get excited after eating Nepeta, and a snake will feel drunk after eating Dogwood... This is the nature of beasts.

When the phantom beast loses the full control of the musician and its animal nature boils over and takes over, it also means that it is dominated by its own nature. If they can't get clear instructions from their masters and will just be intoxicated, let alone cooperate with each other, it will be a great thing if they don't get in each other's way and are lame.

What's more...

"This is your Achilles heel, Banner."

In the darkness, Ye Qingxuan's voice floated from afar, "It's true that you have become an official musician, but what is the difference between a formal musician who has no power and an enhanced version of an apprentice?"

Yes, this is Banner's fatal flaw.

It's like Ye Qingxuan's frontal combat ability is basically non-existent.

No matter how many sublimation rituals, no matter how many heart seal inheritances, no matter how many heavenly and human inductions, they can't make up for Banner's shortcomings.

He had no experience with the use of force.

Experience is something that cannot be replaced by so-called teaching, learning and reading without experiencing it personally.

This is something gained in exchange for trauma and frustration. People who have never lost will never understand what is the most important thing in battle.

What's more, a behemoth like the Manticore is too much for Banner.

It is a fantasy beast that has been passed down by the Adrian family for hundreds of years. Yes, it is very strong, but it is too strong. It has become so strong that even a formal musician would find it difficult to control it.

To an experienced musician, this situation is like a child playing with a big axe.

The Adrian family was too anxious to give it to Banner so early.

Indeed, such a strong force is enough to run rampant in the school, but for his enemies, it is a bit reluctant.

Especially when he faced a dirty guy like Ye Qingxuan who used sap and sneak attacks to walk around the lower city.

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's voice, Banner remained silent, but on his increasingly pale face, purple-green veins like spider webs appeared faintly.

The melody paused suddenly, and then suddenly started playing again. Even though it was the same symphony, the melody was completely different from the previous one. It became more and more grand, with the ferocity of thunder brewing.

From the first movement to the fourth movement in an instant? !

"Banner! Don't force it..."

Karen was shocked: "The entire symphony is beyond your control."

"Shut up!" Banner's voice was like the friction of iron sheets, "I will crush them, I must..."

Just in the same tune, the melody became more and more passionate!

The storm swept in suddenly, and the melody in Banner's hand soared again.

On the field, in the dark sky, another layer of dark clouds suddenly emerged out of thin air, and the layers of dark clouds were like frozen ice, with a lead-gray color.

But in that layer of dark clouds, there was a flash of lightning. The faint lightning illuminated the huge monster hidden in it.

The huge shadow that slowly condensed and wandered. Like a huge sea monster lurking in the deep sea, it slowly emerged from the darkness, spread its wings, and let out a huge roar!

That was the dragon's roar.

The fourth movement of the Eighth Symphony was named "Storm" by the author, and its source was the legend of the dragon of disaster.

The dragon soared in the sky, spread its wings, and brought the night, and flapped its wings, it was a storm of destruction.

Summoning the shadow of a giant dragon, this is the power of the fourth movement.

The dragon roared like thunder, shaking the teammates pale.

With their strength, even if they worked together, it would be too difficult to interfere with the Sea of ​​Ether. That is an influence that can only be produced after resonating with the world.

Even if it only faintly resonates with the Sea of ​​Ether, this is an absolute resonance-level movement!

The reaction force brought by the ether pressed down faintly, pressing Banner's joints to make a crisp sound, which did not stop him, but made him more crazy.

If it were an ordinary musician, he would have collapsed or fainted under this huge pressure, but Banner was still fine at this moment.

Beside him, the manticore roared, and the figure gradually became shorter, taking away most of the backlash on him.

The biggest advantage of the summoning faction is not the tactics of the number of people, nor the various strange powers of the phantom beasts.

Its most fundamental power lies in its super strong ability to withstand pressure.

They are different from other factions' solo musicians. They can share their mental pressure with the demons in their brains.

After reaching the scepter level, they can even let the fantasy beast bear fatal injuries on their behalf, just like having several more lives. In the East, such musicians are even called nine-life demon fox, cat-shaped, seven-headed willow, etc.

However, their enemies may not be so lucky.

Seeing that Banner was going to push the melody to the highest peak regardless of everything, Karen thought of the disastrous consequences and couldn't help but be shocked:

"Banner, what are you doing?"

"Shut up! You don't have to care about my business!"

Banner turned around and glared at him suddenly, his pupils were the same tragic green as the manticore.

He was eroded by the beast.

Karen suddenly realized it in his heart, but it was too late to stop it. He didn't even have the extra energy to speak.

All his energy was used to deal with the huge pressure brought by the melody. As the huge power in the clouds brewed, the dragon's shadow became more and more staring, and the pressure on the performer increased.

Everyone's body was trembling, enduring a severe headache, overdrawing energy and maintaining the operation of the melody.

If the performance was successful, it would only be a serious illness. If the synchronization was interrupted rashly at this moment, the instantaneous musical rebound would be enough to shatter their perception. The lightest consequence would be to be sent to the emergency ward of the White Church Hospital!

The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and some people could no longer support it and were about to collapse.

But at this moment, a new melody joined the frenzied movement, and at this critical moment, it joined the synchronization like a savior.

The arrival of this new force greatly reduced the pressure on everyone, and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't know who helped them at the most critical moment.

The melody matched their frequency perfectly, echoing their high and low wavelengths, and perfectly integrated into the resonance, and also took away most of the pressure.

Moreover, after bearing the pressure of most people, the one synchronizer still did not show any signs of losing control.

The synchronized technique was quiet and stable, and there was no stiffness in the smooth performance, which was simply perfect!

Karen was overjoyed and quickly looked over: For such a long time, he had not found such a genius in the team. This skill is definitely beyond the reach of others.

At the critical moment, he turned the tide and saved the crisis. It was simply a white jade pillar supporting the sky and a purple gold beam across the sea!

But when he found the source of the synchronizer, he couldn't help but be completely stunned.

Wait, wait a minute... What is going on?

Did I have hallucinations? Or did I suddenly travel to some weird parallel world? Is there a dispute in the music history department?

The person who completed the movement at the critical moment, relieved everyone's pressure, and pushed the music history department into an abyss of no return...

It turned out to be Charles?

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