Crown of Silence

Chapter 224 Big News

Chapter 225 Big News

"I'll wipe it. I think the leaves are going to be bad."

On the field, when the opponent regrouped and went into battle again, Ciel panicked a little. He whispered, "They might have some dirty tricks up their sleeves! You have to be careful."

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes at him, "Do you think they are more sinister than us?"

"Junior brother, what you said makes sense!"


Ye Qingxuan was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He glanced at Brother Shizi, who quietly made a gesture to indicate that everything was ready.

On the opposite side, Karen was stunned. This time, the formation of the Leshi Department had changed. This time, the student with the hood ran to the front, center Ye Qingxuan, and concentrated on defense from behind.

Karen fell into silence and thought.

Finally, Charles, Bai Xi and Lao Fei are actually the least concerned about him. Charles has his own limitations. Bai Xi has completely lost his strength and is now sitting next to the ball frame. As for Lao Fei...

No matter how powerful a dog is, it is still a dog and there is nothing to worry about.

Ye Qingxuan is full of tricks, tricks, and despicable moves. But to deal with this kind of guy, as long as he can deal with him openly, he will win naturally. He is just a little more difficult to deal with. The power gap between the two sides cannot be made up no matter what.

Unless Ye Qingxuan takes out a magic weapon now and reverses the situation instantly. But if he had a magical weapon, let alone defeating the whole court, he would have no problem even if he went straight from the court to the palace... With that kind of power, he could still kick a ball.

Then, the only remaining trouble is the hooded man who has not shown any flaws or weaknesses from beginning to end.

The guy whom Ye Qingxuan calls Stool Brother has never been exposed until now. They can't even tell what his major faction is.

I can't see through it, I can't see through it.

Although he had been the student union secretary for so many years, he had seen many outstanding talents and elites along the way, but in front of this guy, he felt a slippery and tricky feeling.

"Watch out for that guy while you wait."

He glared hard at the hooded man, took out his musical instrument, and played a vague melody while playing it - it was a rare organ.

The organ, specially built for musicians, omitted most of its structure and was redesigned to become a geometric crystal suspended around him.

The silver geometric crystal reflects the shimmering light, controls the air pressure, vibrates the piano reed, and emits the melodious sound of the Holy Spirit singing. There seemed to be young boys singing softly in the void, reciting the glory of God.

This is the spontaneous 'resound of chanting' after the spirituality of the movement is awakened. As the singing spreads, a halo of light falls on everyone out of thin air, instantly boosting their energy and quickly recovering.

There seems to be a dense smell of burning spices in the air, with an indescribable mysterious and distant atmosphere, making people feel as if they are in a temple.

In the college, Cullen was one of the few students who chose to major in the Psalm School. His family has close ties with Westminster Abbey. He served as a choir apprentice when he was a child, learning music and music theory from the psalm singers. , so what you master at the entry level is the most typical mass of the Psalm sect.

This mass, internally numbered OP.35, does not have a special name, nor does it have the characteristics of conferring divine power. It is just widely spread because of its simple difficulty and good effect of restoring energy.

It is just right to use it here at this moment. It made everyone's fighting spirit high and they quickly recovered from their sleepiness.

Across the center line, they were gearing up and looking at the Leshi Department opposite. Everyone can see that these guys finally started to pay attention to their opponents tactically and became serious.

"There's going to be a good show."

In the stands, the principal whistled, not knowing why he was so happy. In sharp contrast, there is Ingmar sitting in the teacher's chair.

From the beginning to now, he had a gloomy face and said nothing. He just stared at the players on the field, with only the reflection of the student wearing the hood in his eyes.

"..." He whispered something in a low voice.

"Game start!"

The referee blew his whistle, the whistle was sharp.

In an instant, as if it had been agreed long ago, Brother Shit suddenly took a step back, and stone walls and barriers suddenly rose up from in front of him. Then, various rays of light lit up and struck from the air, and the barriers roared. It is constantly broken.

That was when the student union launched an attack in an instant.

The fierceness of the offensive and the rapidity of its outbreak were simply astonishing.

Just behind the halfway line, Brother Stool had no time to grab the ball. The barriers around him shattered and regenerated, and he was completely suppressed in an instant.

Can only defend passively.

Being activated and besieged in an instant, Brother Stool was also caught off guard. He was overwhelmed for a moment and found it difficult to parry.

And in the midfield, Ye Qingxuan just stood there, watching Brother Stool being besieged from a distance, muttering something in his mouth, swaying his palms, and light spots scattered, falling into the soil at his feet, and quietly arching up an invisible packet. .

In just an instant, hundreds of light spots floated around as Ye Qingxuan murmured.

I have to say that Ye Qingxuan's technique of note variation is very good.

The application of note variations is only a slightly difficult advance for students, but it is rare to complete so many in such a short period of time. There is almost no emptiness in the connection between the front and back, which is perfect.

Hundreds of notes, all transformed and applied into trigger traps, buried densely packed "pits" in the entire midfield. Even if the opponent is well prepared, they will probably be in a mess after stepping on them.

At that time, the formation will naturally collapse, revealing an opportunity to take advantage of.

Outside the field, even the most demanding teacher couldn't help but nod slightly:

After all, there is a teacher from the forbidden faction, and this music theory foundation alone is several times more solid than that of ordinary students. Unfortunately, his teacher can only help him here.

In the midfield, the light spots in Ye Qingxuan's hands kept pouring out like a faucet, sprinkled all around, and the speed was incredible. Although the consumption was huge, the effect was also extremely fast.

In just over ten seconds, the entire midfield was full of traps, and the trigger-type notes were linked together, turning into a numbing array.

And under the full-line advancement of the student union, the stool brother who was struggling to support finally showed a state of collapse, and began to retreat, dodging the powerful music of those students. After all, if you don't do it right, you will be cleared out of the game in an instant...

Finally, in the gradual encirclement of the Student Union, Brother Bench sighed helplessly, retreated from his position, and stopped blocking their attack.

If he continued to block them, he would probably lose half his life.

Seeing him give way so neatly, the audience outside the field suddenly felt a little regretful. However, it was not easy to resist unilaterally for so long, and no one would think that he was slacking off.

Seeing Brother Bench give up the ball and make way, Karen was too lazy to pay attention to him and rushed directly to the midfield. If it dragged on, there might be trouble.

Who knows what kind of tricks that oriental kid can come up with?

For the first time in a long time, the Student Union showed overwhelming strength and momentum, swept away the malaise, and restored its former powerful posture. In the audience, a group of fans cheered immediately.

But when they looked at the dense traps in the midfield, they also became worried.

Even though they were all one-time notes, they were not very powerful, but once they were triggered, it was inevitable that they would be in a mess.

Especially the arrangement of the white-haired kid was particularly vicious, basically arranged according to the chain combination, and there was basically no dead angle at all. Basically, step on one and blow up a whole area.

It was like scattering nails on the field.

But Karen didn't have time to care about this. If he dismantled them one by one, God knows when he would finish dismantling them.

He looked back at his companions. Beside him, the student who had reached the musician level with a sense of heaven and man suddenly accelerated, bypassed Banner with the ball, ran to the front, and actually rushed straight into the trap area!

In an instant, a roaring sound rang out.

But before that, there was a melody surrounding his body, which suddenly sounded. In the passionate melody, the student's skin suddenly turned into a rock color with a metallic luster.

In an instant, his height doubled, turning into a rock giant. With his roar, the melody suddenly rose again. Invisible gas explosions spread from his body.


The gas explosion swept across, and in an instant all the traps were activated by his gas explosion, frost rays, gas, burning fire, corrosion, ice, sonic boom...

Hundreds of notes were activated in an instant, and the power that burst out gathered in the same place under the guidance of the chain, which was not inferior to ordinary music at all.

On the other hand, the musician actually chose to resist?

In an instant, a series of loud noises and lights engulfed him.

When he rushed through the trap area, his whole body was already bumpy. His own melody was interrupted, and the backlash of music theory made him dizzy and staggered. After walking a few steps, he stopped moving and panted tiredly on the spot.

There was no restraint or targeting at all, and no avoidance, just a head-on collision. After all, it was the School of Change, and he actually waded through it!

The original trap area was already devastated, and it was completely cleared.

In the stands, Yegor nodded slightly, not annoyed by this almost reckless approach, just looking at the exhausted and panting musician, he sighed softly:

"What a determined child."

As an important role in the team, it should be one of the responsibilities of the musician to make sacrifices for the team when necessary.

In order to defeat the Music History Department as quickly as possible, Karen made a decision in a flash and now consumed one of the main combat forces here. The determination of the student union can be seen.

Seeing that they were coming in a fierce momentum, one by one, they were almost rushing to self-destruct. Even though Ye Qingxuan had always had many tricks, he couldn't help but have a headache.

"Ye Zi, what should we do?"

Charles asked in a voice transmission.

The boy was silent for a moment and sighed.

"It seems that I thought too beautifully."

Soon, the white-haired boy stepped aside from the front of the student union, without any obstruction, allowing the student union to drive straight in.

"Brother, please move aside.

--This ball is for them."

After seeing the determination of the student union, he stopped doing useless work and just sighed in his heart: He has been so smooth sailing recently and has become much more naive, thinking that everything will develop according to his will.

As a result, when the opponent gets serious, he doesn't know what to do.

Forget it, just treat it as a treat!

He gritted his teeth and welcomed the students to come and play!

In the stands, there was a surprised voice. They didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would just move aside like this!

But then, a sharp roar came from behind him, leaving them no time to marvel.

A beastly roar burst out of nowhere, followed by a roar, and something whistled towards the back of the white-haired boy, which was completely exposed to the attack and had no defense!

In an instant, everything fell into silence, and everyone looked at the field in astonishment.

——That was Banner, who had completely transformed into a beast.

What happened? -

When the beastly roar sounded, Karen's scalp tightened and he instantly felt something was wrong. But when he saw Banner, who was the main attacker in front, pounce on Ye Qingxuan, it was too late.

It was over.

He only felt a blackness in front of his eyes, and felt a strong regret: Banner had no intention of obeying orders from the beginning, he had fallen into hatred and could no longer see anything.

So much so that he actually used the forbidden method of "beast fusion"!

In the midst of the crazy and chaotic melody, the manticore roared, turned into a creeping shadow, and pounced into Banner's body. In an instant, Banner's pupils turned red and he let out a beastly roar.

From a thin boy, he turned into a huge demon with flame wings on his back, black hair all over his body, and scales all over his body!

'Beast fusion'.

This is the skill that the musicians learned from the werewolves - since Romulus was destroyed by the natural disaster, the remaining Romulans wandered all over the world and were called the wolf people.

Because they were cursed by the natural disaster and lived in pain all their lives, they had a beast in their bodies that was thousands of times stronger than that of ordinary people.

Every month, they would have a day when their beast awakens and turn into crazy werewolves, unable to suppress their desire for killing and bloodthirsty.

The summoning musicians dissected and analyzed a large number of wolf people, extracted the "beast transformation" skills from them, and transformed them into themselves.

They forcefully merged their own phantom beasts with themselves to instantly gain the power of beasts and turn themselves into killing machines.

But the power of beasts is too strong, and it is too easy for people to fall into darkness and become black musicians. Therefore, this technique was quickly sealed. But privately, there are still many musicians of the summoning faction who will learn this dark technique to use it to explode at critical moments, or... for the future.

In any case, it is a taboo, a forbidden area that summoning musicians cannot touch.

But now, no one expected that Banner would actually learn this technique and use it in public, just to... tear the boy who no longer stopped them into pieces!

He originally thought that he could reason with him, even if it was unkind, Banner would be convinced, but he forgot that Banner was not his subordinate, he was Gavin's younger brother.

That guy, he never took his admonition seriously...

There was no time to be angry, he wanted to stop Banner, but it was too late.

It was too late.

It was too late.

It was too late.

He saw Ye Qingxuan turned around in surprise, and the image of Banner, who had already transformed into an animal, was reflected in his pupils. The huge shadow swallowed him. He was even caught off guard and had no time to resist...

With a roar, the frenzied ether fluctuations turned into a hurricane, lifting the broken grass on the ground. The flames that gushed out of Banner's mouth stung everyone's eyes.

They only heard continuous beastly roars, and the sound of breaking that followed.

Loud, loud, loud, and loud.

Crazy music, sharp melodies, and the hoarse roar of the boy at the end.

All the audience's faces turned pale in an instant, and the girls who had already reacted screamed in fear.

In the stands, Yegor subconsciously jumped up from his chair, with wind, water, fire, and earth in his hands. The power of the four elements flashed and swirled, interweaving into a vague black hole.

Thunder and light were brewing in the dark hole.

Although he didn't like the unorthodox ways of the music history department, he still couldn't tolerate a student being killed so cruelly in front of him.

Ludwig's eyes also lit up with the light of a beast, growling, calling the dragon eagle to swoop down from the void and separate them.

Ingmar didn't move, but his eyes were not happy, but more... angry?

"A farce."

He stood up and walked away.

The principal also didn't move, sitting firmly on the chair. Not only did he not move, but he forcibly cut off the interference of the two coaches.

Yegor looked back at him in astonishment, "Mr. Principal?!"

"Don't worry."

The principal laughed softly, "Interesting things are about to happen."


In the middle of the field, there was a sudden loud noise, dust rolled, flames and beastly roars burst out. In the midfield, the one-sided brutal massacre finally came to an end.

A charred figure rolled out of it.

Everyone exclaimed in low voices, staring at the scarred figure, but soon, an uproar broke out. Whether in the stands or in the audience, there were shouts of astonishment.

That man covered in bruises and burnt black…

——It turned out to be Banner!

On the ground, Banner rolled awkwardly, as if he was thrown out by some terrifying force, fell to the ground, and almost rolled out of the field.

The manticore bounced off his body, and the state of beast fusion was forcibly lifted. Then, the figure of the phantom beast became illusory and dissipated into the air.

He raised his head frantically, roared, stared at the figure that was gradually walking out in the billowing smoke, his eyes were no longer angry, only fear and astonishment.

"You are not Ye Qingxuan!"

He roared hoarsely, staring at the figure that was gradually walking out.

"Who... are you..."

In the thick fog, someone walked out slowly, not in a hurry. His clothes were all burnt, and he coughed in the thick smoke.

"Who am I?"

The figure walked out of the dust, revealing white hair:

"Am I not the unlucky guy you want to kill?"

Just under the sun, the scarred figure of the young man flickered, revealing the shadow hidden behind him.

Then, there was another flicker, and the face and white hair became illusory and blurred, as if through a blurry lens.

Then, the last flicker.

The illusion completely fell apart.

Finally, the person hidden under the disguise finally revealed his true identity. In the sunlight, the burnt concrete cube above his head had already faintly cracked and broken.

The whole audience was in an uproar.

— Brother Stool!

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