Crown of Silence

Chapter 225 Perfect Illusion

Chapter 226 Perfect Illusion


When Karen saw his appearance clearly, she couldn't help but scream softly. How could he not be Ye Qingxuan! He could clearly see clearly that it was definitely Ye Qingxuan!

Why was it that Ye Qingxuan was obviously the one who was attacked, but the one who walked out of the smoke was...


He suddenly turned back and looked in the direction of Brother Stool.

Right behind them, next to their goal... the boy with a concrete brick on his head was kicking the football that everyone had forgotten, slowly walking towards their goal.

"Yo! Did you finally find out?"

Sensing their gaze, the hooded student turned around, waved, and gave a final kick!


Even the referee was so stunned that he forgot to blow the whistle, but no one could deny that the Leshi Department scored another point!

But, what on earth is going on!

In front of everyone's stunned gaze, the original 'Stool Brother' slowly took off his hood, revealing his iconic white hair and a sarcastic smile:

"——It's just a hood, no need to make a fuss, right?"

It was only now that everyone discovered that Ye Qingxuan had exchanged identities with Brother Stool at some point... and no one in the audience could tell!

"There is something called darkness under the lamp."

Ye Qingxuan spread his hands, "Same school uniform, same body shape, same height. Why do you admit it when you put on a hood?"


Banner stared at him blankly, with red eyes, and roared: "When did you change it?"

Seeing his crazy look, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but shake his head and sighed with pity.

"Idiot, of course it was at the beginning."

From the beginning, the one fighting you was not Ye Qingxuan!

"Don't you think too highly of me?"

Ye Qingxuan walked up to him and looked down at him: "How can I defeat a manticore, let alone so many fantasy beasts... It's just that from the beginning, you just thought Brother Stool was me. "


Banner finally reacted, but he still couldn't accept it: "How could it be an illusion! The manticore's eyes can naturally see through any illusion! How could you..."

“Maybe, but you can’t see through it.

If it thought Brother Stool was me from the beginning, even if it saw through the illusion, there wouldn't be anything strange about it, right? "

Ye Qingxuan glanced at him, shook his head and left:

"In the final analysis, humans can only see what they want to see."


From the very beginning, when he released that flash of light that made everyone's eyes darken, he had quietly switched identities with Brother Stool.

It was not only football that was replaced, but also himself.

From the beginning to the end, the one fighting Banner was not Ye Qingxuan himself, but Brother Stool in disguise.

This is the tactic he discussed with Brother Shit yesterday.

He clearly knew that Banner regarded him as a thorn in his side, and would definitely attack him with all his strength at the beginning.

Therefore, let Brother Stool, who is more accomplished in music and more powerful than himself, bear the main firepower of the other party, so that he can have room to move around.

In this regard, he must be prepared for the two to quickly switch identities at critical moments.

It's easy for Ye Qingxuan to disguise himself as Brother Stool, he only needs a hood. It would be very difficult for Brother Shizi to become Ye Qingxuan. He has never learned any music from any illusion school.

But that's okay.

Ye Qingxuan smiled at that time and raised the thin booklet in his hand. It was what Laura gave him, the music he had just learned:

——"Winter Journey. The Illusive Sun".

It was only then that everyone heard the faint melody coming from the wind, and the vague singing voice that resounded in everyone's heart.

"I saw three suns in the sky."

"I just stared at them."

"They looked at me too."

"As if he doesn't want to leave me"


It was a spiritual chant, just like the singing in Karen's Mass. The etheric echo that only appeared after mastering the essence of the movement sang a sad tune.

"Winter Journey", the work of the saint Schubert, is an outstanding work in the illusion school.

There are twenty-four different movements in total, each with completely different subject matter and power.

"The Crow" brings a bad omen of death, "Beacon" makes people disoriented, "White Head" kills fighting spirit, and "Illusion" makes people feel trance... The last chapter "The Organist" can even knock people down once it unfolds. His rank turned him into a down-and-out musician who wasted his life and achieved nothing.

The penultimate song "Illusive Sun", also known as "Holiday", represents 'non-existent fantasy'.

It allows people to see what they want to see, even if it is the sun that does not exist. As long as the viewer doesn't doubt it at first, it will quickly get deeper into it.

In the end, I was in the mountains, completely unable to extricate myself, and could no longer distinguish between what was an illusion and what was the real thing.

The illusory sun, the non-existent sun, the non-existent hope...

The School of Illusion calls the essence of the movement the ‘fulcrum’. It is precisely because of the existence of the ‘fulcrum’ that illusions can exist in this world.

The fulcrum of "The Illusive Sun" is pain.

The pain caused by life is called helplessness.

have no choice.

As long as people feel this way, they will be quickly captured by the illusion and unable to extricate themselves.

That's why Ye Qingxuan deliberately said so many words that made Banner feel humiliated before the game. When Banner's behavior caused pain to Karen and his teammates, they would also be trapped in the illusion and unable to extricate themselves.

Therefore, the illusory sun was able to shine down on them, allowing them to see what they believed to be the truth.

With so much fundamental support, his vision was flawless.

As long as he doesn't speak.

Therefore, Brother Stool has never said anything to Banner directly from the beginning to now. Occasionally speaking, it is always in a vague and hoarse voice...

Because as soon as he speaks, his voice is revealed, making the enemy aware of his identity.

The only one who saw it at that moment was Ingmar. The Revelation Faction was born to be the nemesis of the Illusion Faction, but he was powerless and could only watch the Student Union being played by Ye Qingxuan while applauding.

In the end, he walked away.

I can't stand it at all.


When Yegor understood the whole process, he couldn't help but gasped.

"That kid... really doesn't look like Abraham's student at all." Ludwig sighed.

"Yes." Yegor nodded, "I am afraid no one would have thought that a musician who was forbidden to belong to a faction could teach a student who likes to play with illusions."

"You misunderstood, that's not what I wanted to say."

Ludwig shook his head, "Even among beasts, there is inheritance. The children of dragons must be dragons, and the children of poisonous snakes can also swallow venom.

But a dying lion like Abraham taught someone..."

He paused and looked at the young man in the field, as if he could see the invisible giant net under his feet, as well as the enemies who were bound by him in the net.

Struggling in vain but unable to move, the prey will be drained of strength bit by bit and die in a long period of suffocation - before that, even death is just a luxury hope.

"He is a child who looks like a spider."

Ludwig sighed and looked away.

I hope this is an illusion, right? -

Soon, there was silence in the stands, and someone slapped the armrest of the chair angrily, furious.

Hearing his angry voice, all the teachers instantly felt a wave of frost sweep from their backs. They couldn't help but straighten their bodies and look to the front anxiously.

Is it the principal who is furious?

"Enough! It's too much!"

Maxwell stood up and denounced angrily in a low voice, which made everyone pale for a while, but what he said next shocked everyone.

"Isn't this a football game anymore!?"

Maxwell asked angrily in a low voice, "You are all busy playing music, but where is the football! Where is the football?! Where is the football match that was promised?

Everyone is so barbaric, where is the art of football? This ugly style of play is worse than just grabbing the ball in your hand and stuffing it into the opponent's goal! "

At this point, he suddenly paused and froze, as if he thought of something, fell into deep thought, and murmured to himself.

"Catching the ball in my hand... stuffing it into the goal... fighting... it seems to work!"

He raised his head and his eyes lit up, "This is a good idea. Everyone is wearing armor, holding the ball, and trying to stuff it into the opponent's goal... How about we hold a competition like this next time?"

Everyone present couldn't help but look away sadly.

The principal's lunatic started to act sick again and entered a state of mind that ordinary people could not understand.

"Please stop, principal!"

Sidney, whose patience has been tested from the beginning of the game to the present, finally got angry. He stared at Maxwell, who was in high spirits and ready to fight, furious.

He said solemnly: "If this continues, the thousands of years of excellent academic style of the Royal Conservatory of Music will be completely ruined in your hands! The school committee will not let you act like this!

Besides, what’s the point of such a child’s play game? It will only increase the pain of the students and increase the hatred! Where is the point of education?

If this continues, the academy will only turn into a cold whirlpool of mutual hatred! "

Maxwell was stunned and looked back at Sidney, his eyes slightly raised.


He laughed, "Do you think this is just child's play?"

Looking at those old eyes, Sidney didn't know why, but all the righteousness and sense of responsibility in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he even vaguely regretted standing up.

As if coaxing a child, Maxwell patted him on the shoulder and pushed him back into the chair. Sidney was stunned and wanted to resist, but found that the hands were like iron pliers, stuck on him, making him unable to move.

In front of him was a pair of deep green eyes, like the deep sea, hiding undercurrents and something unspeakable and terrifying. Maxwell looked at Sidney's astonished eyes, straightened his collar intimately, and said lightly:

"I appreciate Mr. Sidney's straightforward style, and his brainless and reckless suggestions are also very cute. However, I have a suggestion. I hope you will remember it clearly before standing up like this in the future.

——Don’t forget who you are, and don’t forget who they will be in the future. "


Sidney didn't know what to say. He didn't understand what Maxwell meant.

Maxwell just stared at the students outside the stands, outside the stadium, inside the stadium... Looking at those faces, his eyes couldn't help but feel pity.

"These are the musicians of the future, gentlemen.

These are the heroes born in the cradle of the Royal Academy of Music.

Since it is the cradle, don’t talk so much about hypocrisy and politeness. Since you want to be a hero in the future, don’t expect any gentle treatment.

You are all teachers and their nurturers. If you want babies to grow up, you must be cruel people.

If you can't even play this kind of 'child's play' with others, then there's no need to talk about fighting monsters anymore.

——Actually, I don’t mind if your students embarrass the college, but please at least consider their lives. "


There was silence, no one spoke, Sidney was pressed on the chair, his shoulders were shaking, he wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

He was so lucky that he didn't say it.

"Let the game continue." The principal ordered calmly.

Everyone looked at each other, and someone stood up and asked cautiously: "Banner used animal fusion, do we need to deal with it?"

"Leave the affairs of the Royal School to the Royal School."

The principal waved his hand nonchalantly and brushed away the trouble that came to his door, "If there is anything else, we'll talk about it after the game."


The game continues.

But it can be said that it is already over.

When Banner made a sneak attack, the face of the student union was shattered into pieces in his hands, and the attack was not successful yet. From the beginning to the end, no one realized that all their actions were arranged by others.

If it weren't for Banner's sneak attack, they might not be able to detect the illusion in the end, right?

It was even more embarrassing when it was revealed after the game.

This game was, simply put, a disgrace.

No matter who came to speak at this time, they could not boost morale. Everyone was absentmindedly grinding, and Banner was forcibly sent off the field by Karen, sitting on the bench, silent.

His eyes were filled with despair, like a mental patient who had been injected with an overdose of sedatives. He was mumbling something to himself, but no one could hear him clearly.

The game ended ten minutes later, three to zero.

The Leshi department won and advanced to the finals.

Of course, Ye Qingxuan chose to quit and announced his withdrawal from the competition and would no longer participate in any second round battles. After paying the fine of 2,000 credits, he still ranked first in the rankings.

Everything depends on Banner delivering points to his door.

What a good comrade.

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and sighed, and then transferred the four thousand credits to Brother Shizi on the spot.

Brother Shizi didn't say anything and accepted it.

But Ye Qingxuan felt guilty, "To be honest, four thousand credits is not much, but at present I can only give you so much to ensure your ranking... I owe you the rest. If you can help me in any way, please Come see me in the History Department at any time.

Even if it's something outside the academy, I still have some ways to help you. "

Brother Shizi smiled, shook his head, and declined.

"But as for matters within the school, can you do me a favor?" He suddenly asked, "I need a promise from you."

"Let's see."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, "As long as it's not too difficult, I will help you work hard to complete it."

Brother Stool hesitated to speak and looked behind him in astonishment. Ye Qingxuan turned around and saw only that thin student with a pale face - Banner.

He got rid of his teammates and walked over, his eyes gloomy and his lost face full of hatred.

He wanted to reach out to grab Ye Qingxuan's collar, but Ye Qingxuan dodged him.


Karen suppressed her anger and growled behind him, "How long are you going to make trouble?"

Banner paused, gritted his teeth, and retracted his hand. He just stared at Ye Qingxuan and made a hoarse voice in his throat:

"You think you won just like that?

Still early! "

"You should think about how to deal with the school's inquiries."

Ye Qingxuan just shrugged slightly, "The fusion of animal nature is a forbidden technique."

"You think this is it for me?"

Banner laughed angrily, "Stop dreaming! The Royal School will not let anything happen to me! At most, I will just disappear for a few months to avoid the limelight. After the incident is over, I will not lose a finger!"

——And you will pay the price for what you have done! "

"Haha." Ye Qingxuan just laughed and was too lazy to speak.

Seeing this absolutely disgusting smile, Banner could hardly restrain himself. His face was as white as a skeleton, and he also had the same dark madness as a skeleton.

He pointed his finger at Ye Qingxuan's heart and whispered in his ear word by word:

"Listen, I will use all means to make you disappear, you, your good-for-nothing senior brother, and that white-haired bastard like you.

I want your teacher, that old dog, to roll back into his iron cage... What you took from me, I will take back a thousand times! "

Ye Qingxuan said nothing, still smiling, as if he hadn't heard anything.

It's just that his eyes became colder, so cold that there was no sound.


Banner's voice stopped abruptly.

The clear voice stunned everyone, including Karen behind Banner.

That was a slap in the face.

A loud slap in the face.

From the masked, silent man.

"That's enough, Banner!"


Banner's movements froze and he looked at him blankly.

The man with the hood blocked Ye Qingxuan behind him and said in a cold voice, "You have brought shame on the Adrian family!"

That voice was so familiar that Karen was stunned and Banner's rage was forcibly suppressed. They all stared at the man in front of them in astonishment, in disbelief.

In full view of everyone, Brother Stool lowered his head and slowly took off the mask on his head.

He revealed a hard and solemn face, like a fine stone carving carved from marble, with sharp edges and corners, not angry or intimidating. The most eye-catching thing is the pair of iron-gray eyes, which carry a strange majesty and solemnity.

For a moment, everyone fell into silence and began to doubt their own eyes.


Banner finally reacted and looked at him and Ye Qingxuan behind him blankly, "You actually, you actually... stood on their side?!"

"You're not on my side, Banner."

Gavin looked at him disappointedly and asked coldly, "How many times have I given you this opportunity?"

"Opportunity? The opportunity you gave me?"

Banner smiled, as if he heard a great joke, and suddenly raised his voice, roaring like a roar: "What I give you is the opportunity! I can represent the Adrian family! Not you!"

Everyone around looked at the dispute between the brothers in astonishment, but did not dare to step forward.

Green and iron gray, the two brothers' eyes looked at each other.

One is filled with darkness and madness, the other is filled with despair.

So similar, yet so different.

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