Crown of Silence

Chapter 22 Location

When Ye Qingxuan came to Avalon, Lang Di promised him that the letter of introduction would be delivered to the college so that he could take the exam. But now Ye Qingxuan felt at a loss, because everyone told him that there was no sign of the letter of introduction.

The dinner had already begun, and he was waiting at the door with Lao Fei in his arms, but he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

At the door in the distance, Sidney was still wandering anxiously.

"Haven't you come yet? The dinner has already started."

Sidney frowned and looked at his pocket watch. After seeing the lingering boy, he became even more irritated.

"Come on, why is he still here? Give him..."

Halfway through his words, he heard the sound of a carriage from afar. Pulled by the black horse, the luxuriously decorated carriage stopped silently in front of the auditorium. The irritability on Sidney's face was swept away, and he trotted to meet him.

Ye Qingxuan turned back and looked at the carriage expectantly, hoping to see a messenger come down and hand him his belated letter of introduction.

"A messenger can't afford such a carriage."

A voice in his heart whispered quietly: "Did you see the gilded handle on his door? A messenger can't afford that thing even if he works with you for a year."

The carriage slowly stopped and the door was pushed open.

But the person who came down was not a messenger, but a young man in luxurious clothes. His face was pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time. His eyes were cold and arrogant.

"Master Banner!" Sidney wiped his sweat and greeted him: "Why are you so late?"

"I left a little late." The blond boy put his hand on his arm and got off the carriage, and glanced at the auditorium lightly: "Isn't the dinner over yet?"

"It's better to come earlier."

Sidney smiled and whispered: "You are only sixteen years old this year, and you are favored by Mr. Schumann. Your brother is already the head of the senior class. If the Adrian family has another head, the influence of this generation will surely be expanded again."

"I know, that's why I came." Banner replied lightly.

"Don't worry about it, I've arranged it."

Sidney lowered his voice: "After the dean finishes speaking, it's your solo. No one among all the candidates present can compare with you. This is the first step for you to establish your reputation, and then I will..."

"Oh, that's really hard work."

Banner walked in front with a blank expression, as if it had nothing to do with him.

When he saw Ye Qingxuan not far away, he frowned: "Who is he?"

"A rotten fruit in the lower city, an insignificant little person." Sidney didn't even look at him, urging him to go quickly: "The dean has been here for a long time, don't let him wait too long."

Banner nodded, turned around and looked at the boy in front:

"I'm sorry, you blocked me, please let me pass."

Until this time, Ye Qingxuan realized that he was blocking the front, and before he could react, he was pushed aside by Sidney. He staggered, silently stepped aside, and said nothing.

Banner saw the clothes on his body and seemed to understand something. His eyes became friendlier: "Don't wait here. This is not a place for servants. Don't cause trouble for your master.

Ye Qingxuan opened his mouth,

wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

Banner retracted his gaze, stopped looking at him, and walked into the bright dinner.


Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time and lowered his head. He wanted to say that he was not a servant, but compared with these noble boys, what else could he be if not a servant?

He was no longer the young master.

And he didn't have a letter of introduction. What's the point of staying here?

He didn't know what he was thinking, but he felt ridiculous. He shook his head and waved to Lao Fei: "Let's go, Lao Fei."

He said softly: "Let's go home. "

"Why did you come here?"

But just as they were walking in the tree-lined avenue, a panting man caught up with them. The middle-aged man was wearing a black school worker uniform and was stunned when he saw him:

"Come with me."

"Huh?" Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"Are you the new one? Didn't I tell you to wait at the back door? Why did you come here like this?" He pulled Ye Qingxuan up without saying anything: "Don't be stupid, you're almost late."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment: "You're looking for me?"

"Of course, who else can I look for?"

The middle-aged man pulled him and took a lot of turns to pull him into a house. Ye Qingxuan always felt that something was wrong. There were waiters changing clothes everywhere. After seeing him, the waiters seemed to be accustomed to it and didn't say anything.

A waiter who had just changed his coat saw the middle-aged man come in and laughed:

"John, did you find him? "

"I don't know why this guy ran to the front, it's really worrying."

John waved his hand irritably, and then stuffed him a set of clothes: "Hurry up, the kitchen is short of people!"

"The kitchen?"

Ye Qingxuan stared blankly at the clothes in his arms, and suddenly understood something...

He suddenly felt a little depressed, and forced a smile with difficulty, but it was not much better than crying: "Do I really look like a servant?"


Five minutes later, the white-haired boy in uniform picked up the plate and adjusted his bow tie in front of the mirror.

Well, it really looks like a servant...what a ghost!

Along the way, he was involuntarily pushed and pushed by various people. In the end, when he didn't understand anything at all, he was already in the back kitchen.

The bustling kitchen was full of people coming and going.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the fruit plate at table 4 is gone..."

"Who knows where the champagne is? Champagne!"

"What should I do if the fruit is gone?"

"Why did you buy so many sausages? Damn it, you bastard of Purchasing read the form! You wrote the amount of fruit purchased into the sausages... Wait, who does this dog belong to? Eh? It's quite cute... …Come here and touch me.”

In the back kitchen, the cook who was waving a shopping list and yelling was immediately stunned when she saw Lao Fei. She went up to touch him curiously. Lao Fei only had sausages in his eyes. He rarely said anything back when someone touched him. , I was just drooling over the sausage.

"Eh? Do you like sausages?"

The cook looked at Old Fei's greedy look and smiled, picked up two sausages and carefully placed them in front of him. Lao Fei pounced on it and started eating with open stomach. The cook carefully reached out and touched Lao Fei's back, and suddenly screamed in a low voice:

"Ah, look, look, the fur is so soft, I can touch it!"

The eyes of a group of girls who were chopping vegetables in the back kitchen suddenly lit up, and they all came closer: "Ah, I want to touch it too."

"Yeah! So soft! Like a cushion..."

"so cute!"

Ye Qingxuan was speechless as he watched. He just wanted to say, are you all blind? When Lao Fei was dominating Lute on weekdays, he could just glare at that kid and not be scared to tears...

"Whose dog is this? Why haven't I seen it before?" The cook stood up and asked after touching it enough.

"Uh, that..." Ye Qingxuan raised his hand: "Mine."

The cook was stunned when she saw him: "Who are you?"

John: "Isn't he the newbie who got lost in your kitchen?"

"Asshole, the person you brought back is an Oriental, okay?" The cook pointed at Ye Qingxuan's white hair: "Where did you bring him back from?"

John was immediately dumbfounded.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm here to work too."

Ye Qingxuan quickly raised his hand to relieve the embarrassment. He sighed, guessing that he had no hope at the Royal Conservatory of Music, but at least he would do what he promised Lao Fei.

He glanced at Lao Fei, who was eating very happily, shook his head and sighed: "As long as you are happy."

The cook glanced at him and shook her head helplessly: "Forget it, that guy probably ran away because he thought the wages were too little. You can work here for one night. I will pay you the wages on time. If you are diligent, you can stay. ”


Ye Qingxuan laughed.

"What is the kitchen doing? So slow?!"

Outside the kitchen, someone asked loudly: "Aren't the truffles and fish roe ready yet?"

"Okay, okay." The cook hurriedly started working, waving Ye Qingxuan's hand to help.

Ye Qingxuan just rolled up his sleeves when he saw someone walking in. The supervisor walked in sweating profusely: "Is there anyone in the back kitchen? There are not enough people in the front."

"There's nothing I can do, supervisor. School hasn't started yet, and all the school staff are on vacation. The committee suddenly said it would hold a banquet, and it's already the limit to get so many people together."

"Forget it, there's a shortage of people in front, you, you, you...come with me."

The supervisor casually named a few people, and finally pointed at Ye Qingxuan: "And you."


Ye Qingxuan was stunned.



In the hall, the crystal head on the ceiling emits a soft light, which just illuminates the wide space, nh.  It’s not dazzling. Oil paintings of the master hang on the white walls, and even the masonry on the ground has faint patterns, making it look delicate and solemn.

The band was playing soft music, and in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, the older people gathered together, deliberately leaving space and time for the young people.

Young people often stand together in groups of three or five, holding wine glasses and chatting in low voices. On the three long tables, there were all kinds of exquisite dishes that no one paid attention to. Only cold dishes and platters were occasionally visited.

In this pleasant atmosphere, the white-haired boy stood in the corner without any trace of existence, holding a tray and staring at the cups in the hands of all the guests.

As long as someone's glass is empty, this guy will make a noise and appear out of nowhere, then hold the tray in his hand, politely, and ask in a soft tone that makes the back of the neck hairy:

"Sir, would you like champagne?"

Many people were shocked by his elusive speed, but Ye Qingxuan didn't care.

——The uncle poured you wine. What else do you have to complain about? It's fine if you don't spit in it.

While bored, he began to admire the oil paintings hanging in the hall.

The oil paintings seem to have been painted by famous artists, and the portraits in them are lifelike, each with a different look and temperament, just like a real person standing in front of him.

Anyone can understand at a glance that the objects depicted in these oil paintings are great masters who are at the top of countless musicians in the contemporary era.

——Twelve uncrowned kings!

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