Crown of Silence

Chapter 23 Performance

The twelve oil paintings of musicians are the twelve great masters of Western countries.

The portraits right at the front are the three kings who have inherited the glorious names of 'Bach', 'Mozart' and 'Beethoven', followed closely by the great masters such as Chopin, Haydn and Brahms who are second only to the three kings.

In addition to their own near-peer-to-peer abilities, these great musicians who inherited the names of sages from the Dark Ages are all in charge of quite terrifying power and technology.

The power of some of them is not known to everyone due to the secrecy of various countries and the reclusiveness of the master himself. But some of the stories are already well known.

For example, the forbidden music score - "Genesis" kept by Mr. 'Haydn' who is stationed in the Holy City all year round.

The last time Genesis was played was forty years ago.

A natural disaster called the 'Holy White Storm' broke into the human kingdom from the northern sea. It passed two countries lightly along the way and completely wiped out most of their land and population. The accompanying beast tide completely destroyed one of the countries. At that time, Mr. Haydn led the choir to the north face. The power of "Genesis" drained away all the ether within a thousand miles, and completely defeated its eye in one fell swoop.

Immediately afterwards... that kind of power that was so huge that it exceeded ordinary people's imagination broke into the Fertile Plain like a powerful force. Countless thunders of creation burned it into a piece of lava soil, and the Munn Mountains was cut into a huge gap by the remaining power. , so hundreds of millions of tons of seawater poured in, sinking most of the plain into the ocean forever.

So far, there is a vast land there.

The city that once gathered the wealth of the entire continent was in ruins, and the sea was full of corpses hugging each other.

It is an almost divine miracle that humans cannot control after summoning it. As a weapon, its power is so astonishing that no matter whether it wins or loses, it is an extremely tragic loss for both parties.

Because of this, on the border between Anglo and Burgundy, even though there were two heritage-level musicians, Chopin and Brahms, there was never any battle between them. .

——Unless both countries have the determination and price to suffer together.

It is said that in the East, the 'Nine Royal' musicians, who represent the strongest, are too powerful to even seal themselves. They cannot stay in one place for a long time, otherwise there will be a disaster called a 'catastrophe' that will follow.

As the undisputed number one musician in the West, Mr. Bach, the Blue King, has been going deep into the dark world all year round, opening up the land for mankind. After inheriting the holy name, he has never returned to the hinterland of the civilized world.

The current pope, after inheriting the name of "Red King Beethoven", simply lived in seclusion in the Holy City, left all academic affairs to the College of Cardinals, and devoted all his attention to the mission of "Guarding the Abyss" inside.

As for the Yellow King Mozart...he has been missing for many years, and no one knows where this talented young man is.

The twelve portraits are the twelve contemporary masters, and more than four of them are blank, which means that no one is qualified to inherit the mission represented by that name.

Looking at the blank space, Ye Qingxuan just felt a little sad.

If there hadn't been that big change, that man would have been one of them, right?



“Your Highness Mary, I didn’t expect you to come, it really surprises me.


Just in the corner, a white-haired old man slightly saluted the blond girl in front of him. The girl with a slender neck nodded in return, her expression dignified and filled with soft beauty.

She was wearing a long blue dress, and her blond hair was simply tied behind her ears. She didn't look like she was attending a party, but more like a girl walking in the park.

"This is not a formal meeting, please don't be restrained, Dean."

The girl's voice was soft, and she looked around with appreciative eyes: "Although I came here because of other things, after seeing this admissions banquet, I also feel that many students will be the pillars of the future."

She was obviously about the same age as these students, or even younger, but she spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, looking down from the top.

"It's just a bunch of kids. Who knows the future?"

The old man shook his head and sighed: "But every time I see them, I always feel that I am old."

He sighed: "To be honest, I have been scared three times today by a kid pouring wine. I plan to ask the supervisor later if they have recruited Persian assassins as school janitors?" "

"You are serious."

Mary couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing softly: "However, I would really like to meet someone who can scare the dean three times."

At this moment, the soft band music finally slowly stopped. Silence quickly returned to the somewhat noisy hall, and everyone looked at this corner in confusion.

As usual, this is the time for the dean to speak. But the dean still had no intention of taking the stage. He stood there, motionless, just sipping champagne.

"Dean, it's your turn to speak." Sidney reminded in a low voice.

"Sorry, I don't feel very well today, so I won't have to talk." He looked at the stunned Sidney: "Why don't you go up and say a few words?"

Sidney was stunned: "Dean, didn't you say you wanted to..."

"Oh, don't be too rigid. How can you still take the idea that you came up with yesterday and take it seriously today? Besides, I'm most annoyed by things like discipline. What if I say something I shouldn't say?"

Maxwell waved his hand casually: "Skip, skip, and move on to the next part. Didn't you say today that a young man praised by Master Schumann came here? Let's have some music, music! I like the sound of the piano."

Sidney was speechless. He felt that he and the committee were fooled by this guy again, just like seeing a strong enemy's raised palm and then gently put it down. Although there was no expected slap, it was infuriating.

But what can he do?

All those who regard this old man as a thorn in their eyes can't do anything to him.

Because he is Maxwell, the guardian of Anglo Blood, the tyrant of the Royal Academy of Music, since he showed his talent in his youth, he has never given anyone face, nor has he seen anyone's face.

Unscrupulous, maverick, do whatever he wants, not afraid of messing up... do whatever he wants, but he doesn't care at all.

For decades, he has firmly occupied his seat in the House of Lords and the supreme hegemony in the school. Even if the Queen ordered him to do something, he could still perfunctorily do it. He is obviously a descendant of the nobility, but he has offended almost all the families, and even missed the round table meeting for three consecutive years...

Sidney sighed: "Next link."

This is the best, at least there is no need to worry about Maxwell making trouble when speaking. Moreover, this time it is a one-man show arranged by the committee for Banner.

It is better to say that it is better without his interference!

In order to cultivate the younger generation, the Adrian family provided a large amount of sponsorship to the noble committee this time. Just thinking of this, Sidney's heart was warmed and clenched his fists:

Banner, this time it depends on you!

In his expectant and enthusiastic eyes, in the venue, the blond boy walked onto the stage silently and stood in front of the piano.

In the spotlight, he bowed slightly, swept his eyes coldly across the audience, sat down silently, put his hands on the keys, and pressed them silently.

It was as if the sound of crystal breaking sounded, echoing crisply from under the piano keys, ringing in everyone's ears.

Outside the crowd, Maxwell's squinting eyes lifted up.

He whispered softly: "Interesting."


In a silent atmosphere,

The notes seemed to echo in the air, and the fragmented sounds turned into ripples and spread in all directions. They collided with each other in the air, leaving an intoxicating echo.

The soft sound spread in all directions, filling every inch of the auditorium. It was like a soft breeze blowing into every corner. The music gradually rose, spreading like a thread, entangled in everyone's breath.

It swirled subtly, lingering in everyone's ears. Then as the melody slowly climbed, it turned into a heavy echo.

Then, the notes burst.

The heavy piano sound pressed on everyone's heart, like a flowing spring, freezing, and then breaking!

This is one of the many "Marches" circulated on the mainland, but it adopts the progressive format favored by the School of Variations. It changes from the format of fugue, but it is different from the simple fugue. It can be gentle at the beginning, but the notes must be continuous. Like a soft gauze, overlapping layer by layer, in countless echoes, it turns into a frenzied tide, bursting the dam.

However, few people can play such a song so densely. The notes jump back and forth between each part, repeating, and the fleeting overlap is like a storm, leaving people no chance to breathe!

The once gentle music now brings a strong shock to the senses, leaving people with no place to stand in this frenzy. Thoughts and emotions are swept away by the waves and rushed to the distance.

Until the last crisp repetition, everything came to an abrupt end, and the notes that once filled the heart slowly dissipated.

In the silent venue, only the examinees looked at each other in horror and gasped in repression.

Banner stood up silently, bowed slightly, and walked off the stage.

After a long time, applause sounded like a rainstorm.


"Well done!"

Sidney cheered in a low voice, almost dancing with joy. He casually pulled the young waiter next to him, snatched the champagne from his hand and slowly poured himself a glass. After almost drinking it all, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, felt something was wrong, and looked at the waiter next to him in confusion: "Have I seen you?"

Ye Qingxuan shrugged slightly, his white hair hidden in his hat.

Sidney stopped looking and stuffed the champagne into his hand: "Don't be lazy, work hard!"

Ye Qingxuan chuckled and quietly slipped away with the plate... God knows if this bastard will let him beat him up if he finds out that he has sneaked in. For a sausage meal for Lao Fei, this is too much of a loss!


The kitchen is still full of the sound of ping-pong bowls and dishes. After Ye Qingxuan came back, he was pulled to the sink to wash dishes. www.anh. comSoon, he heard John and several odd jobs describing the performance in the hall in vivid detail.

"It was an outstanding performance, you know?" said the waiter who was changing shifts, "I almost dropped the plate."

"It was so unexpected!"

"I almost couldn't breathe, and I was sweating all over. I didn't expect a student to play so well."

"What a pity, I'm busy."

The cook wiped her hands on her apron, looking depressed: "The fat vice-president just came to inspect. I don't know what he was thinking. He even wanted to control the placement of the fruit plate. Otherwise, I would have gone too."

Ye Qingxuan watched them discuss and asked in confusion: "It's just the piano, right? It's nothing special."

The cook and John looked at him, shook their heads and sighed.

"Kid, you'll understand when you grow up."

The cook reached out and rubbed his hair with her greasy hands, sighing helplessly: "We civilians can only listen to the songs of the wandering theater troupe and the three-stringed harp in the tavern. If we don't work here, I'm afraid there will be no hope in this life to listen to piano performances."

"It's a pity that I didn't catch up, you guys!"

The kitchen helper muttered regretfully: "It was agreed that it was my turn today."

"Actually, I have learned a little piano. If you want to listen..."

In front of the sink, Ye Qingxuan knocked the plate in his hand with his knuckles:

"-I can play it for you."


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