Crown of Silence

Chapter 24 The fun part (Part 1)

In the auditorium, a song ended.

Amid the thunderous applause and noise, the girl who had been listening quietly looked at the old man beside her.

"What do you think, Dean?"

"Not bad."

Maxwell seemed quite appreciative.

"In your opinion, just not bad?" The girl blinked at him.

"Your Highness, you are really embarrassing me."

Maxwell shook his head and laughed: "The quality of music depends only on the hearts of the performers and the audience. In my opinion, his performance is really very skillful. This is a child who has worked hard, and his current achievements are not just due to his family background."

"Then why do you only say it is not bad?"

"Perhaps in my opinion... this child's performance lacks a little fun?"


"That's right, Your Highness, fun is the essence of music. Life without fun is painful, let alone music."

"Isn't music a serious thing?"

Maxwell laughed, "Excuse me, have you ever been to a pub?"

Mary thought for a moment and shook her head regretfully: "No."

"That's a pity. You should go there."

Maxwell sighed: "I know a good pub. The decoration there is not good, there are not many tables and chairs, and the boss has a bad temper, but the wine is good.

After getting drunk, the boss will pick up the three-stringed harp and jump onto the stage to play. When he plays to the point of interest, he will be very happy, even if he plays messily. But no one listens to his performance because the guests are drunk. But if you fall asleep drunk, you will feel happy to hear such a song."

"Is this the fun?" Mary seemed to understand.

"That's probably the reason." Maxwell suddenly laughed halfway through his speech: "Sorry, I started preaching unconsciously again. This is my occupational disease."

"No, if you can give lectures in person, I don't mind enrolling." The girl smiled cunningly.

"Forgive me, I don't have the energy to accept any more disciples."

Maxwell smiled bitterly: "After all, Your Highness, why did you suddenly come here today? Are you just teasing an old man like me?"

"This is a long story..."

When it comes to this, the girl's graceful and calm expression also became a little helpless: "Yesterday, my uncle sent a letter from the north wall to you, the principal.

"Your uncle?"

Maxwell became serious: "Is he back?"

"He just wrote you a letter, it was expedited. He actually came here and threw it directly to you using the 'wind tunnel'. There was a loud bang last night, and the letter was thrown out and thrown on the table, making all the guards think there was an assassin. "

"To be honest, I'm curious about what's worth that psychopath writing to me."

He took the letter from the girl, opened it casually, and then fell into a long silence.

After a long time, he looked up and smiled bitterly:

"Your Highness, your letter is... I'm afraid it's too late."

"Too late?"

Mary was stunned and a little uneasy: "Is it an urgent message?"

"No, no,

It just says some ordinary words. But for some people... This is probably more urgent than anything else, right?" Maxwell sighed and unfolded the letter.

"--This is a letter of recommendation, Your Highness. ”-

The girl took the opened letter and her face became a little strange, probably because she couldn't accept her uncle's fantastic logic and wording. There were very few words in the letter, only three short lines, one for looking up, one for content, and one for ending. She didn't even bother to write the date.

To Maxwell:

A white-haired oriental boy will go to your place for an exam soon. Please accept him.

--John Sebastian.

"I don't know how much benefit that bastard received from others to be willing to write to me with his old face, but he has no sense of time. Your Highness, you are late, and the child may have been locked out of the door!"

The girl was silent for a moment, pursed her lips and lowered her head: "This is my dereliction of duty."

"This is the fault of that old bastard." The dean rubbed her hair offensively: "Don't be sad. "

As he said this, he turned around and looked at the fat man passing by.

Mr. Sidney was so excited that he was floating when he walked, like a fat penguin intoxicated by flying. Seeing the serious face of the dean, he was awakened and ready for battle. He bowed his head respectfully to the girl, but his eyes were locked on the principal, wondering what conspiracy this old man wanted to play.

"Principal, what can I do for you?"

"It's like this, Mr. Sidney, I want to consult you about someone."

Maxwell put down his glass and gestured the height of a teenager: "Have you ever seen a teenager when you were welcoming guests? He shouldn't have an invitation letter."

"Huh?" Sidney was stunned, with a bad feeling in his heart.

"Well, it's an Oriental, should be white hair? Have you seen it?"

"... Is he with a dog?"

"I don't know about this, it seems you should have seen him. "

Maxwell nodded, and seeing Sidney's expression, he immediately had a bad guess: "Hey, Mr. Sidney, you...didn't you drive him away?"

Sidney hesitated, nodded, and then saw the pitying eyes of Maxwell and the girl.

"Ahahaha, I didn't expect it to be true. "

Maxwell laughed, then put his hands on Sidney's shoulders and said seriously: "It seems that I have misunderstood you before, and I have always thought that you are a waste who lacks responsibility.

But today, your performance has completely changed my opinion of you... But now that you admit it, are you willing to take all the responsibility? "

Before Sidney could get angry, he was stunned by the second half. What kind of medicine is this old ghost selling in his heart? He suddenly regretted that he was not cautious enough. .

"It's my duty, sir!"

Sidney had a sullen face, put on an air of dignity, and slapped the principal's hand away: "He has no invitation letter and is not on the list. He is dressed like a little beggar. Did I do something wrong?

Please forgive me for being offended, but the little gangster you mentioned doesn't understand etiquette at all, and he kept pestering me, which almost disrupted the arrangements for the banquet. I could only drive him away. If you are dissatisfied with my work, you can report it to the committee. I believe the committee will make a fair decision!

But at the Royal Conservatory of Music, anyone can come in! "

After he finished speaking, he clicked his lips, feeling that the last sentence was a stroke of genius. His counter-examination completely overwhelmed the principal's momentum. It was rare to see the principal's gray face, and his eyes became proud.


Maxwell smiled: "You are really good at joking. How can you go to the committee for such a thing?"

After suffering a big loss in the last fight, he really did not dare to face the committee directly. Sidney sneered: "Then please be careful with your words."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood me." Maxwell sighed pitifully: "I mean...the committee can't protect you."


Before he finished speaking, a recommendation letter was placed in front of him: "I hope you are still literate, Mr. Sidney. After reading this, I hope you can still maintain such confidence."

Sidney glanced at the letter, vaguely feeling that the name looked familiar, but he was not sure, but his heart suddenly twitched: "John Sebastian?"

Maxwell nodded: "That's right."

"Which Sebastian?"

Sidney asked a silly question, but the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The dean sighed deeply: "I have already said that it always feels unreliable to let a waste who is not even a musician come to the college as a professor."

Then, he pointed to the oil painting on the wall:

"Do you think that Sebastian who can be called uncle by His Highness, who else could he be? Is he the Sebastian who sells vegetables? Is he the Sebastian who looks after us? Or is it the Sebastian we hang on the wall now? "

Sidney suddenly felt a heavy uneasiness, followed his gaze, and suddenly felt that his forehead had been hit by a sledgehammer.


Too bad.

He stared blankly at the thin man on the painting, and his expression couldn't help but twitch. He felt like who was joking with him.

"Yes, it's him."

The principal blocked his shoulder, clinked glasses with him happily, and raised his glass to pay tribute to the oil painting: "The King of Blue, the Uncrowned Emperor, the Strongest Musician, the Guardian of Humanity, the greatest opener and musician of our time, and my old friend, The creditor...the musician named 'Bach' - Johann Sebastian!

Haha, so to speak, this guy is pretty great, right? How about it, are you happy or not? "

He winked at Sidney: "You gave me a surprise today. Do you know who was the last person to get Sebastian's letter of recommendation, right?"

who is it? Who else could it be? !

He was the genius boy whose fame spread throughout the world overnight, who won the crown of the Yellow King and then mysteriously disappeared!

After a long, long time, Sidney finally came back to his senses and looked blankly at the principal holding arms beside him:


Silence, long silence.

Sidney swallowed his saliva and saw the girl's face becoming increasingly ugly, like a fat penguin falling into a fire pit.

"Dean, Your Highness, you... listen to my explanation."

He was about to cry, sweating like rain: "Listen to my explanation, I am not, no, I am his wife, that is not right, I mean... please give me a chance to make amends."

Maxwell shrugged grimly and whistled to show that he was helpless.

"You can't do this!"

Sidney's expression collapsed. He held the principal's collar completely out of control and yelled: "I have made contributions to the college, and I have bled for Angel! You can't do this! I just love the college! I love the college. Is it wrong?"

"That's such a pity. But unfortunately, any man who is involved in love will know this sentence..." Maxwell whispered in Sidney's ear:

"You love the academy, but the academy doesn't love you."

Sidney seemed to have lost all his strength and stumbled back, speaking incoherently and not knowing what to say: "I will find him immediately! I will find someone immediately..."

His expression twitched, and he dragged the supervisor not far away:

"Lao Mai, immediately mobilize all the school staff and find everyone... Find that white-haired oriental boy for me!" Sidney grabbed his shoulder tightly: "Go quickly, k.c just run. Yes, do you understand?”

His eyes were red and he was muttering something under his breath.

I hope he hasn't gone far! I hope he hasn't gone far! I hope he hasn't gone far!

Sidney prayed desperately in his heart, but saw the supervisor's increasingly strange expression.

"Why are you still standing there?"

Sidney was furious, "Go find him!"

"White hair, Oriental."

The supervisor whispered, "Is he carrying a dog?"

Before he finished speaking, Sidney hugged him, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and couldn't wait to lick him: "Have you seen him?! Have you seen him? Have you seen that person?"


The supervisor nodded with difficulty and affirmatively: "I saw this person."

God is above, saints bless you, Alibaba, Hallelujah! !

Sidney was ecstatic and cried excitedly.

"Where is it?! Where is it! Take me there immediately!"


The supervisor looked at the principal and the girl next to him and hesitated.

"Why are you standing there? Tell me! Where is it?!" Sidney was so anxious that he almost cried.

After a long pause, the supervisor replied helplessly:

“…In our kitchen.”

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