Crown of Silence

Chapter 242: Night in the Deserted Mountains

Chapter 243 Night on the Barren Mountain-

"Hey, kid, wake up!"

In his deep sleep, Ye Qingxuan felt someone patting his cheek. In his drowsiness, he opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the vague face of Hermes.

"What is this?" He raised his finger.


Hermes seemed to nod, and asked again: "What is forty-four times six plus fifty-two divided by two?"

"..."Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"It seems that logical thinking has not recovered yet, so what about time perception?" Hermes asked again, "What time is it now?"

Ye Qingxuan looked over his shoulder and stared at the sky in a daze: "If we look at the sun, it should be afternoon, right?"

"Hey! This is Jianlan Underground Palace, where is the sun?"

Hermes rubbed his hands and lit a stick of incense, sweeping it across the tip of the boy's nose: "Although the ritual was successful, the spirit has not recovered yet, let's sleep for a while."

No, I clearly saw...

A strong sense of sleepiness suddenly hit Ye Qingxuan again, and his eyes went dark, and he fell asleep again.

In his dream, he saw the sun above the sky, the sun's light was thousands of feet. There was also the moon, which was hidden below the horizon, with pale and azure light.

The moonlight seemed to whisper to him, but it was too far away, and Ye Qingxuan could not hear it clearly.

He saw the sun falling towards the horizon bit by bit, and the moonlight rising inch by inch, until finally, at the two ends of the sky, the sun and the moon briefly shone.

Their light shone on the boy, like the pupils of God.

Ye Qingxuan finally heard clearly the sentences they kept repeating in his ears. They were whispers from the ancient times, the truth engraved on the stone tablet.

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan woke up from his sleep.

At some point, he had been lifted out of the sleeping cave and lay in the lounge of the library. The room was empty and silent.

He recalled carefully, but felt that there were only a few absurd fragments left in his mind, like a joke. He only remembered that there seemed to be a Xiao Ming who was particularly unlucky in everything he did.

Apart from that, he remembered nothing.

Just as he was painstakingly recalling, he touched the heavy stone tablet in his hand. The stone tablet was cold and had a metallic texture. The touch of the cuneiform made him recall the whispers of the scorching sun and moonlight in his ears in his sleep. They said:

"--As above, as below, so all things begin."

The young man stroked the cuneiform characters on it and finally understood what the cuneiform characters on it were.

It is not a simple word, but a music theory that has been simplified to the extreme. It takes the School of Change as the starting point and the "Creator" as the proposition, and conducts exploration and evolution, and obtains the result.

It compares music theory to the process in alchemy, reclassifies the materials of all things, and proposes an incomplete but reliable tree diagram, which can be traced back to the beginning of all things, the source of everything... Well, if this tree diagram is complete.

If the alchemist can understand what is in it, he will certainly be ecstatic and willing to exchange all his treasures, but for Ye Qingxuan, it is a bit of a chicken talking to a duck.

However, even if Ye Qingxuan has no knowledge of the School of Change, after mastering this kind of understanding, he has a feeling that the music theory in his mind is completely new, and the world in his eyes has changed.

When you look closely, it seems that you can feel the origin of things. Although you are sitting indoors, you seem to be able to feel the glow of the setting sun.

Is it an illusion?

"Don't be in a daze."

An old voice suddenly came: "--Dullness is the enemy of musicians."

In an instant, a fishy wind rushed from behind his head, and Ye Qingxuan rolled on the ground without thinking. Then he heard a roar, and a big hole appeared on the ground.

Just where he was originally, a deformed creature with slender hands and feet and a steely luster appeared, as if a person was forcibly stretched, and the skin on the whole body was peeled off, replaced by a layer of rusty copper skin.

On its face, there was also a bone mask that seemed to grow out of flesh and blood. There were three eyes on the mask, two on the left and one on the right. There were only a few small dots in the turbid yellow pupils, like the compound eyes of insects.


Ye Qingxuan felt a chill in the back of his head: How could the lower-level demon created by the evil god appear here?

But there was no time for him to think carefully. The lost man screamed and rushed towards him with his hands and feet. The slender arms with a steely luster split the air, making a scream that was breathtaking.

Ye Qingxuan retreated one after another, feeling its sharp nails sweeping past his eyes. The eye membrane that had no perception at all felt something extremely cold brushing past at that moment.

Without time to hesitate or think carefully, Ye Qingxuan's five fingers suddenly tightened, as if he had crushed something, and the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant on his index finger burst into a faint light.

In the sound of the proliferation of ice crystals, the strings of the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant grew out of the void, and the advancement was beyond Ye Qingxuan's expectations. It suddenly changed and formed an illusory instrument in the air.

After swallowing many spiritualities, the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant's own spirituality finally revived a part, and it could actually change its own shape to adapt to the requirements of the music.

Good, very good!

A flash of excitement flashed in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, and a fierce melody played on his fingertips.

At that moment, it was like a sharp sound bursting out. It was a tight whirlwind, and in just a few moments, the whirlwind melody climbed to a peak.

As he advanced, the Nine Heavens Ring suddenly shook, and a magnificent horn roared.

The reverberating melody called out to the ether, forming invisible ropes, binding layer upon layer, entangled with the Lost One, making it difficult for him to move.

And at the moment when the horn roared, the Lost One's body shook violently, and his arms suddenly grew twice as long, grabbing Ye Qingxuan's face.

Ye Qingxuan stared at the sharp palm that was rushing towards him, motionless.

Because there were already silver chains extending from the void, wrapped around its limbs, and suddenly tightened!

With a sound of cracking, it was the sound of bones breaking.

The Lost One screamed, but could not move in the bondage of the chains.

And the roaring horn sounded again, and the melody was like the scorching sun, to illuminate all the darkness and announce the arrival of dawn.

In that melody, there was a cold sound of steel rubbing.

Countless iron sand emerged from the void, colliding violently with each other, rubbing and burning until they turned red, merging into one, and turning into several sharp spikes.

The pitch-black spikes were still blazing scarlet, and with the guidance of the horn, they pierced down with a bang.

In an instant, they had been nailed into its body, tearing its shell apart, piercing it through with unstoppable force, and nailing it to the wall. The spikes were carrying burning runes and prayers to exorcise demons, emitting a dazzling light.

The light was like a flame, burning the body of the lost from the inside out, causing raging fire to burst out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of its strange mask.

In just a few seconds, it was reduced to ashes in the raging fire that broke out inside.

Like an illusion, the demon disappeared in an instant.

Only pale ashes were left falling from the sky.

"Night on the Barren Mountain, long time no see."

The old voice sighed and lamented: "When the Inquisition had not been abolished, whenever its melody sounded, you could see the forest of stakes being lit, and the flames burned the dark night sky into a red spectacle."

Dominic appeared behind the boy at some point, and when he saw the boy staring at him in astonishment, he seemed to understand something and laughed strangely:

"You can see this too? Not bad, you have made great progress. It seems that what you get from the induction between heaven and man is the growth of 'insight'?

Not bad, you are not far from the official musician level..."

As he said, he turned around, supported by a cane, and left silently.

But Ye Qingxuan still stayed where he was.

What was that?

At that moment, when he looked back, he saw the old and hunchbacked Dominic, and the mountain of bones behind him that seemed like a phantom.

It seemed that countless dead bones of demons had accumulated to form a huge cave that was extremely terrifying and magnificent. The cave was filled with dark mist, as if it was a call from the underworld.

As Dominic left, the fleeting illusion disappeared without a trace.

Only a line of black air was left, like footprints rising like flames, extending into the darkness and disappearing with Dominic.

It was a terrifying scene that Ye Qingxuan had never seen before. A glimpse of it made him unable to move.

"Did you do that?"

He lowered his head and stroked the stone tablet with cuneiform characters on his fingertips. He was confused and laughed at himself after a long time:

"Forget it, why worry about this now?"

Isn't there something waiting for me to do? ——

"Oh! Cheers! Cheers!"

In the beer hall, Charles cheered, picked up a string of grilled sausages and ate them happily, rejoicing.

Only when he ate the buffet did he show his true fighting power, eating like crazy. In just half an hour, he had already eaten up several days' worth of food for a strong man.

According to him, it was rare to have meat to eat, and it was a rare opportunity, so he would eat enough for a month first.

Bai Xi, who came with him, had already sat next to him, with a calm face, pretending not to know him. Only Ye Qingxuan was thick-skinned, but sitting next to Charles and feeling the resentful look of the foreman, he felt Alexander.

This time, in order to celebrate Ye Qingxuan's sublimation ceremony, even the teachers rarely went out to eat together. Anyway, this restaurant was just opposite the school gate, not too far away.

Perhaps because the meeting went smoothly, he was in a good mood. After eating a little, he held a glass of beer and smiled as he watched the group of students eat like crazy.

Just as he finished eating and waited for the waiter to bring the next round of barbecue, Charles finally had time to stop eating, wiped his hands, and asked the question he cared about most.

"Ye Zi, stop being so mysterious. I've been waiting for a long time. What did you gain from the sublimation ceremony?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, looked around, and swept the poker cards left by the last round of drinkers from the empty table next to him. He put them together, shuffled them twice, and looked up at Charles:

"Which one do you want?"

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