Crown of Silence

Chapter 243: Don’t Lose

Chapter 244 Don’t Lose

"Which one do you want?"

"So powerful? Give me a try with Zhang Xiaogui?"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan didn't even look at it. He directly popped a card out of the deck and fell into Ciel's arms. In the air, the card turned over and it was the kid.

Ciel put the cards in front of his eyes and looked at them for a long time, then raised his head and said, "Let's play Zhang Dagui again."

Another picture popped up from the queue in the boy's hand and opened on the table. It was undoubtedly the big ghost that Ciel wanted. Two ghost cards put together are extremely weird.

Bai Xi raised his hand: "I want the king."

"Okay, I'll give you all four."

Four cards popped up quickly in Ye Qingxuan's hand. Four 'K' cards of different suits flew in the air, reversed, and finally landed on the table, arranged in a row in front of Bai Xi.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qingxuan's fingers kept popping up a few more cards, which dazzled everyone: "I'll give you another flush."

In his hand, the pile of cards seemed to be alive, flying out continuously and stacked up on the table according to their different suits, forming four neat piles.

Until the end, there was only a Queen of Spades left in the boy's hand. As his fingertips turned, the shadow hidden in the mist in the card pattern was revealed.

The ferocious and dignified shadow is holding a cane and standing politely in the darkness, as if looking at you through the cards.

——The revengeful evil spirit Sherlock Holmes.

"Well, I like this one." Ye Qingxuan looked at the card, couldn't help laughing, and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Yi Zi, let's discuss it!"

Charles was so happy that he couldn't help himself: "Brother will take you to a good place tomorrow..."

"Haha, let's not talk about the casino."

Ye Qingxuan curled his lips: "Senior brother, don't expect to make a fortune from this. This is just a small trick brought by the enlightenment of the sublimation ceremony. It's okay to scare people, but when you really meet the masters of the casino, you should be embarrassed or embarrassed. No matter how much money you bring, you will lose."

"All right."

Charlotte suddenly became depressed: "At least tell me how you did it?"

"It's very simple, just shuffling the cards. It's like this..."

As he spoke, the boy warmed the poker on the table, then put it back in his hand. He held the deck of cards between his fingers and shuffled them quickly. After a few movements, the deck of cards was placed on the table and opened again.

In just two seconds, the originally chaotic cards had been sorted into categories, rearranged according to suit, color and size, full of order.

It's like playing cards that have just been opened.

So simple, casual, and effortless. If Xia Er and Bai Xi hadn't known that Ye Qingxuan had never played cards before, they would have suspected that Ye Qingxuan was possessed by an old gambler, a thousand kings or dealers who died violently.

"Everything returns to its source, and everything has its source."

Facing their stunned gazes, Ye Qingxuan spread his hands and smiled: "No matter how chaotic the cards are, they were full of order at the beginning, just like they are now.

What I did was just reorganize the order and restore them to their original appearance. "


Abraham, who had been watching, suddenly laughed softly, "What an interesting idea, Ye Zi."

With that said, he picked up the poker on the table and shook it towards the young man: "Want to play a game?"

This time, not only Ye Qingxuan, but also Xiaer was a little confused. Because Abraham had never played cards before and didn't even know the rules, he needed Ciel to explain it on the spot.

Although this guy Ye Qingxuan rarely fights, he just relied on his super memory and calculation power to paste white notes on Bai Xi, the previous Pier Thousand King.

There is a huge disparity between victory and defeat!

"It's rare that you are interested, teacher. Of course I will accompany you. But if you can't beat me, teacher, wouldn't you feel embarrassed?"

"It's just fun, don't feel pressured."

Abraham recognized the cards under the guidance of Shirdi and said seriously:

"——I'll try my best not to lose."


Ten minutes later, it was a draw.

Ye Qingxuan stared blankly at the cards scattered on the table, feeling a little confused in his mind. Opposite him, Abraham still had that dull face, showing no emotion or anger, which made Ye Qingxuan feel outrageous.

He didn't even know the rules and needed Charles to guide him, but Ye Qingxuan didn't understand why it was a draw inexplicably?

He was holding a good hand of cards that he had not yet had time to play out, and he just felt that something was not right.

"Come again?" he asked.

Abraham nodded.

This time, he persisted for fifteen minutes and it was still a draw.

This time, Bai Xi, who was next to him, had already noticed that Ye Qingxuan's performance was so bad that he was at a loss. This hand was extremely painful to play, like a novice who didn't understand the rules at all, and was forced to a draw by Abraham's ordinary hand.

"Come again?"

Ye Qingxuan asked, Abraham nodded.

Twenty minutes later, draw, again, draw, again, draw...

Until an hour later, Ye Qingxuan was already sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and was already a little dizzy... For the first time, he felt that his brain power was not enough. Even when he went to play the ghost card game in the Apocalypse Academy, he was not so painful. .

He just felt that his hands were tied, and in the end he had completely lost confidence in the enemy. He had a good hand and didn't even have a chance to deal it out.

This time, it was still a draw.

Ye Qingxuan didn't win, and Abraham didn't lose either.

But the frustration of not being able to touch the opponent is more painful than a bloody defeat.

"do not fight."

Ye Qingxuan gave up with a bitter expression, "Teacher, how did you do it?"

"The rules are set, aren't they?"

Abraham's steel prosthetic limb clumsily put away the scattered poker cards, and said: "Don't be depressed. Compared to you, my poker skills are not very good, and my calculations are not rigorous. But if victory requires the right time and place, Then it’s easy to not lose, just follow the rules.”


Ye Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "What rules? Poker rules?"

"All things go from birth to death, the sun and the moon rise in the east and set in the west, the ocean brings tides, the year is divided into four seasons, fruits and melons will mature after sowing, and the mature fruits will fall to the ground... These are all rules, Ye Ye. Or, Let’s use another word that will make you understand it better, it’s called ‘music theory’.”

Ye Qingxuan was stunned by Abraham's words, as if a big ax had been struck on his forehead, and for a moment there was a feeling of enlightenment amidst the pain.

The teacher's voice came and rang in his ears: "The core of the Forbidden Faction is to know the rules and music theory, and act in accordance with their power... What we are concerned about is not the tangible external objects, but the music theory followed by the ether . Therefore, we can be invincible.”

He paused, clinked the beer and leaves in his hands, and smiled happily.

"Do you understand now? This is the first step into the forbidden realm, and it is also the deeper core of the interpretation method."

He said softly: "Congratulations, Ye Zi, you have learned through your own insights, even if I haven't taught you anything.

You are a genius, this step is faster than I thought. "

After a moment of enlightenment, Ye Qingxuan finally grasped the inexplicable insights brought about by the sublimation ceremony. However, when he finally fully digested this insight, he couldn't help but feel helpless:

"Teacher, aren't the things of the Forbidden School something that can't be taught to me?"

"I came up with it all by myself, didn't I?"

Just like an illusion, Abraham's smile was vaguely 'chicken-thief' at that moment: "After all, from beginning to end, I have never taught you anything related.

What you realize yourself has nothing to do with me. "

In the long silence, Ye Qingxuan suddenly laughed. It was a rare and hearty laugh. He was lying on the table and almost rowing.

Who told him that the teacher was an honest person? Teacher Abraham has been honest for so many years, but once in a while, he even bypassed the military oath and the musician oath.

For so many years, he has been regarded as stupid or slow, but compared to the heights he has reached in music theory, those guys in the academy who are doing nothing and fighting for power and profit are out-and-out idiots.

"I told you so."

Charles held his shoulder and clinked glasses with him: "Teacher is the best teacher in the world, bar none."

"Yes, none of them."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and clinked glasses with him and drank the beer in one gulp.


"By the way, there is another good news. Ye Zi, you came late today, so you probably don't know about it yet."

After drinking another large glass of malt beer, Charles pulled Ye Qingxuan with him in a drunken state and vividly recounted the events of today's meeting.

At today's school review meeting, Abraham submitted his interpretation process and related documents, and he had vaguely grasped Ingmar's Achilles' heel - the guy's final interpretation was done in his own way, and the result was in the wrong direction. Completely wrong, there is an obvious breakpoint in the logic.

Ingmar seemed to realize this, and his arrogance was far less rampant than it was at the beginning.

At this point, Charles whistled, "Tomorrow we will announce the correct interpretation method and process at the school review meeting. If Ingmar does not withdraw his manuscript before the news is announced to the world, then we will wait. Your reputation will be ruined."

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect the progress to be so rapid, and couldn't help but feel joy: "Cheers!"

Everyone picked up their cups and looked at the somewhat embarrassed teacher:

"——To Mr. Abraham, who is about to become a famous master of ancient studies!"


Fierce breaking sounds came from the office.

"Goddam! Goddam! Goddam!"

Ingmar furiously swept all the things on the desk to the floor and trampled them into pieces with all his strength: "They are all a bunch of fucking bastards who want to see my joke!"

He cursed angrily, raised his bloodshot eyes and looked at Bart:

"Did you see clearly?"

"That's right, teacher."

Bart stood in the corner and responded cautiously: "Not only the Royal School, but also the School of Change and the School of Summoning are on their side.

I saw with my own eyes that this morning, Karen and the others quietly handed the information to that guy Ye Qingxuan. If they cross-reference that information with your manuscript, I'm afraid the interpretation of the last paragraph in your manuscript is inconsistent..."

"No wonder."

Ingmar laughed angrily: "No wonder they were so arrogant in today's meeting. Do they think that with those things, they have caught my weakness?"

He suddenly punched the table, and the solid surface was slightly dented, and even his hand was cut.

Blood dripped from his fingertips and flowed into the crack of the table, like a grinning face.

Ingmar squeezed out a frantic voice from between his teeth:

"--They are dreaming!"

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