Crown of Silence

Chapter 250 The boss is not at home today

Chapter 251 The boss is not at home today

The Music History Department will not have any visitors for the next few days.

Because of the place where they live, and the need to prepare for the review in ten days, the principal specially approved a house near the library as their temporary residence.

They rejected all guests who wanted to meet, closed the door, and separated the inside and outside with the power of the Requiem barrier. Not to mention the image, even the sound could not be heard.

Only the white-haired boy went between the library and the residence every day.

And the school began to heat up rapidly under the news that the Musicians Association was conducting academic reviews, and everyone began to pay attention to the whole story.

For a time, there was a lot of noise, and the cause and effect were endlessly argued. The repeated quarrels and private fights made the school rules enforcement department extremely headache.

On the other hand, the heat was not only on the school.

It can be said that the entire ancient academic community was shaken by the announcement issued by the association.

Most scholars had never heard of the successful deciphering of the Voynich Manuscript, and were immediately surprised when they saw this announcement. Then they discovered that such a major breakthrough had such a connection behind it.

Many scholars who were obsessed with deciphering had already begun to go to Anglu. These people came from all directions, and the farthest one was a monk who traveled across the sea from India.

Although it was still several days away, many people had already arrived and lived in a hotel near the Musicians Association. They chatted in their spare time every day and even exchanged a lot of academic ideas.

If everyone had not come for the Council, it would have been a grand gathering in the academic world.

The manuscript deciphered by Abraham was obtained by a well-informed person in the association, and it began to circulate quietly in secret.

For a time, whether it was a heresy or a different way, the two sides argued noisily, and the discussion had not yet begun, but there was a hint of debate.

On the ninth day, Bartolemy, Sergei and Heisenberg arrived together. After a brief meeting with local scholar Ms. Laura Kraft, they refused other welcome ceremonies and went to rest in the guest room arranged by the association.

On the tenth day, the Music History Department, which had been closed for a long time, finally opened its doors.

And the president came to the palace to meet His Majesty because of a summons.

After watching the excitement for so long, it was his turn to be unlucky.


In the silent hall, Maxwell stood silently at the bottom of the steps, bowing his head respectfully. A graceful female voice came from the throne through the curtain, steady and majestic.

"Is it my illusion, Maxwell? Why do strange things always happen in your academy?"

Maxwell couldn't help but smile bitterly, and lowered his head to report:

"Maybe... it's because I'm unlucky?"

The queen was not angry, but just said lightly: "After all, the academy is royal, and if there is any trouble, it will always damage the dignity of the royal family. Now is a stormy season, you must always leave some room for the royal family. What else I will say next, you also understand?"

"I understand."

Maxwell's face was even more bitter: "To be honest, I have tried my best not to cause trouble for the royal family. But after all, it involves the important matter of ringing the bell of the sage, so we have to be more cautious.

This time, your majesty asked me to come because of the headache of the council of the Musicians Association, right? "

Behind the curtain, the vague silhouette nodded: "The Musicians Association believes that this incident happened in Anglu after all, and hopes that the royal family will send representatives to serve as members of the council."

Maxwell thought for a while:

"Your majesty, are you going to send me?"

"You are working hard on state affairs and doing your best. Such a small matter will naturally not trouble you." There was a hint of anger in the queen's voice, and it was obviously not praising him for his hard work and busy work for Anglu.

Maxwell was stunned: "Then..."

"Let the eldest prince go."

The queen's words made Maxwell stunned.

"The eldest prince?"

Your majesty, are you kidding?!

Although it was a royal scandal, everyone in Anglo knew that the eldest prince, the current crown prince of Anglo and the first heir to the throne, was mentally retarded. His brain had not developed since he was four years old, and he still thought he was a sheep...

He went on behalf of the royal family. What if he said something weird during his speech? Would the royal family still have face?

Fortunately, the queen's next words made him feel relieved: "He has not been in good health recently. I will have someone accompany him."


Maxwell asked, and then suddenly felt the sound of the tide coming from the throne.

That was the tide.

That was the tiny sound of countless flames flowing, burning everything into ashes. Those tiny sounds formed the tide, and the sound of the tide seemed to be roaring.

That was the terrible power contained in the royal bloodline-the blood of the red dragon!

That terrible power and inexplicable curse were passed down from generation to generation in the royal bloodline. After hundreds of years, it did not decline, but became more violent.

At that moment, Maxwell almost thought that the queen had stood up from the throne, but soon, he realized: That was not the queen, because it was controllable.

Controllable power is not the blood of the red dragon, the blood of the red dragon is uncontrollable.

If the queen really stood up, I am afraid that the entire palace would be burned to ashes in an instant. Now the person who can control this kind of power... Could it be that someone in the royal family has awakened the bloodline?

"Is it Her Highness Mary?"

He understood something in an instant. Since Mary awakened her blood three years ago, she has awakened to this extent in just three years...

After Queen Elizabeth, is there going to be another queen in this generation of the royal family?

Behind the curtain, next to the throne, the girl in a white dress stood quietly, silent. But that almost inhuman look made people feel uneasy.

After her eighteenth birthday a few days ago, King Arthur's blood awakened further, causing her to transform from her original coldness and indifference to the inhuman direction, and she already had the shadow of Hermes' arrogance and alienation.

Back then, King Arthur purified his blood with the art of ascension to the gods, turning himself into a unique demigod in the world. Demigods are not gods, but they are not humans either.

In the eyes of the inheritor of that bloodline, the human world may really be as boring as a desert, right?

It seems that the queen is really determined to train Mary and let her take over the throne after her. I am afraid that I will be given various missions, cultivate popularity, and increase political experience in the future... I am afraid that ten years later, the queen on the throne will be like today.

After thinking it through, Maxwell lowered his head and responded respectfully:

"I understand."

On the throne, the queen seemed to nod slightly: "This matter involves too many things. During this period, I don't want you to play any dishonorable role in it, understand?"

"I will obey your will, Your Majesty."

Maxwell half-knelt on the ground and lowered his eyes: "Everything will be as you wish."

Behind the curtain and the throne, there is a slender window.

On that window, the scorching sun at noon climbed to the top, shining brightly. The light fell, stretching his shadow like a long sword.

Under the sky, the distant bell sounded, spreading in all directions.


When the noon bell sounded, the noisy city seemed to become quiet at a certain moment, comfortable and peaceful.

Under the afternoon sun, in the square of the central city, the white-haired boy lazily leaned on a recliner.

He looked like he was basking in the sun.

After squatting in the small dark room for eight or nine days, he finally finished the last job. Whether it was Xia Er, Bai Xi, or himself, they were almost sick from holding it in.

So, fortunately, he just took a day off on the last day. It was the last relaxing time to adjust his state. There was still a tough battle to fight tomorrow.

For a while, Ye Qingxuan actually found that he seemed to have no other place to go.

Where is the shaman? If it is not necessary, he does not want to contact the shaman.

Lola? Lola is one of the judges now, and it is not easy for him to contact her privately.

Watch shop? Forget it. The boss's eyes are getting more and more wrong when he looks at him recently, just like a cat playing with a mouse. I don't know what he is up to.

The library? He was almost driven crazy in the interpretation work that lasted for eight or nine days without sleep, so he let himself go for the time being.

So, on the last day... Ye Qingxuan found himself with nowhere to go.

So, he could only stroll around the streets, buy some vegetables and meat to replenish his storage, and cook something delicious at night to reward his stomach.

By the way, he also bought a lot of snacks for Bai Xi, and brought wine and a new special issue of Holy City Mechanical Technology to Xia Er.

After doing this, Ye Qingxuan realized that he had nothing to do again.

He couldn't accept the fact that he had so much free time that he couldn't find at ordinary times.

He had to bask in the sun.

It's good to bask in the sun, and supplement vitamins... Although Ye Qingxuan didn't know what the "vitamins" that Xia Er said in his dream were, it was a good thing anyway.

In the soft sunlight at noon, he closed his eyes comfortably and felt drowsy.

After an unknown period of time, he felt that the sunlight became weaker and a shadow enveloped him.


Someone seemed to say something, but it was not a common language, but it seemed to come from some other country. Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes in surprise and saw a figure standing against the light, with a strange outline and a crown on his head.

"Young man, can you tell me the way?"

The man repeated it, and Ye Qingxuan heard clearly that he was talking about Yu Yan from the East.

The young man stood up from the bench and turned to look at him.

The middle-aged black-haired man stood beside him, wearing a green oriental robe and bowing with both hands, very elegant. He was actually an oriental man?

Ye Qingxuan asked, "Are you from the East?"

"That's right."

The man nodded, with a look of emotion on his face: "My surname is Hu, and I'm just a traveler. I'm in a foreign country, and I don't speak the common language well. I was caught off guard, but I didn't expect to meet a fellow countryman. It's great."

As he said, he handed over a crumpled note:

"Could this brother tell me how to get here?"

He spoke in a very strange way, like some kind of oriental dialect, and spoke very quickly. Ye Qingxuan hadn't heard oriental languages ​​for many years, and it was a bit difficult for him to listen.

He took the note, but was stunned when he saw the address. Soon, he reacted and pointed the way:

"It's very simple here. Turn right in front and walk to the end and then walk to the most lively place. The place you are looking for is in the middle on the right. If you can't tell the name, the most deserted one should be it."

The man surnamed Hu was relieved when he heard him say this, and grabbed his hand and thanked him.

"You're welcome."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, looked at the sky, and felt that it was getting late, so he picked up his things, said goodbye and left.

On the spot, the middle-aged scholar stared at him in confusion, and after a long time he whispered softly: "Blood of dragon veins? Why are you wandering around in this Xiyi territory?"

Forget it, just consider it luck. Anyway, it’s not surprising what these guys with the nine surnames of Longmai do. "


Soon, he followed the young man's guidance and finally found the place.

In the end, he stood in front of the silent watch shop, staring at the deserted appearance of the shop, and then looked at the crowded stores around him, his expression became very exciting.

"It's really the most deserted family... Does this boss know how to do business? He doesn't even give a shout."

He sighed in a low voice, took a step forward, raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, but his movement suddenly stopped.

On the raised palm, the hairs on the back of the hand stood up eerily as if they were electrified. Sweat seeped out from the fingertips, and the palms were wet, but they dried instantly, as if they were being baked on a fire.

After a long time, he put down his palm and sighed. I want to leave, but I am unwilling to do so.

For a whole hour he stood in front of the shop.

Three times he raised his hand and three times he lowered his hand.

Everything returned to silence, and the silence was buried in the noise.

"The boss is away."

After a long time, a very unfriendly voice came from behind him. The burly man looked at him askance: "What are you doing standing here blindly? Are you blocking the road?"

The scholar was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly at himself.

"Then, come back another day."

He bowed his hands and turned to leave.

"There's something wrong."

Seton held a bucket of beer in his hand, looked sideways at him as he left casually, and looked away. But when he entered, he felt something was wrong under his feet.

I lowered my head and realized that the mat under my feet had been shattered into cotton wool and plush at some point. The scattered cotton wool and plush were forcibly stepped into the cement floor, as if they were growing there, and looked extremely strange. .

Seton knelt down and grabbed a handful.

So, the cotton wool pulled two broken cement blocks and was caught.

"When did you, bastard, provoke Orientals again?"

Seton pushed open the door and kicked behind the counter. Hermes was lying on a pile of wine bottles, drunk and drowsy.

But his expression suddenly froze.

"What's wrong?"

Hermes rolled his eyes and looked at him: "You look like you've seen a ghost, Seton. Boss, I'm still alive after all. Can you be more festive?"

Seton's expression was still haunted. After hesitating for a long time, he asked in a low voice:

"You...have grown taller?"

He and Hermes have known each other for more than ten years since Hermes introduced him to his first black job after he was discharged from the army. For more than ten years, Hermes has always been like this. Young man shows off.

And he believed that before meeting Hermes, this guy must have maintained the appearance of a feminine young man for who knows how long. And he will continue to live like a monster.

However, now he suddenly discovered: This guy seems to have grown taller recently.

It's like the stagnant time has finally begun to flow. The long-lasting boyhood has finally ended, and so the youth has arrived.

After looking at it, Seton discovered that his height had increased by about three centimeters, his frame had also become slightly larger, and the clothes that were originally the size were now slightly inappropriate.

"I've really grown taller."

Seton asked in shock: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm happy..."

Hermes glared at him. Unexpectedly, he didn't have any venom. He just smiled and drank, talking to himself, and his tone was not smiling:

"After a long time, my childhood is finally over. It's so gratifying, so gratifying..."


The next few chapters are about the review meeting, but to be honest I haven't thought about the specific content yet. To be honest, I've been stuck on it for several days, but it's still not clear.

So, please take a day off and let me think about it.

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