Crown of Silence

Chapter 251 Let’s Beat Him

Chapter 252 Let's Beat Him

The next day, the palace.

At nine o'clock in the morning, amidst a heavy roar, the gate of the palace slowly opened. A low-key yet elegant carriage drove out from behind the gate.

In front of the main gate of the palace, all the waiting guards knelt on one knee to greet him.

Just in front of all the guards, there was a silent giant.

It was a metal knight made of black steel, more than two meters tall, with sharp and ferocious edges. His figure was not burly, but rather a little thin, and looked unusually agile.

This was the sacred armor inherited by the Knights of the Round Table, but unlike other heavy armors, this set of armor was not equipped with huge weapons such as lances and tower shields, only a long sword.

The cross-shaped long sword was worn on the knight's waist, and the hilt was inlaid with gems and broken diamonds. It looked gorgeous, not like a killing weapon used on the battlefield, but delicate like a work of art.

When the carriage drove to his side, it stopped.

The Iron Knight knelt on one knee, the sound of the iron plates rubbing against each other was like a faint thunder, and he bowed his head respectfully.

"Galahad is here to see the two Your Highnesses."

A voice came from under the armor, and it sounded like a young woman, but it was not gentle and charming, but rather carried an indescribable awe and seriousness.

In the carriage, after a long silence, Mary's greetings came:

"Long time no see, Christine."

"Long time no see, Your Highness."

The knight called Christine responded stereotypedly: "Just call me Galahad here. For a knight, the name Christine is too weak."

"Since you put on that set of armor, you have become..."

In the carriage, Mary's voice paused for a moment, and her tone became complicated and melancholy: "Forget it, who is not?"

"In my opinion, Your Highness is still Your Highness."

Christine responded solemnly: "Even if I inherit Galahad, I am still the captain of the guard of Your Highness."

After a long silence, Mary in the car seemed to laugh:

"It seems that I am the one who thinks too much. It's getting late, my captain of the guard, escort me and my brother to the Musicians' Association."

"I obey your orders."

Galahad took a step back, jumped on the horse, and rode forward.

The guards behind them carried the ceremonial halberds, held the reins, followed the Iron Knights, surrounded the carriage in the middle, and drove forward.

Ever since Her Majesty the Queen went out of the palace, the royal family has fallen into a long silence. Now, the royal motorcade has once again appeared in the city so formally, and the meaning it represents is probably not so simple.

Wherever the carriage passed, there was a solemn silence.

The civilians bowed their heads and waited for the carriage to leave before they talked in low voices. The far-sighted people saw the emblem of the second princess on the body of the carriage, and they vaguely understood: it seems that Her Majesty has made up his mind to establish a crown prince...

Until finally, the carriage stopped on Queen's Road, in front of the Musicians' Association.

Mary, who was wearing a formal dress, got off the carriage with the help of her maid, and then reached back: "James, don't hide, come here."

Soon, a thin figure covered in a white robe from head to toe held her hand, got off the carriage reluctantly, lifted the mask, and whispered a few words in her ear.

"Bear with it, it will be over soon."

Mary held his hand and said gently: "I will accompany you back in a while, okay?"

The white-robed figure grabbed her hand and wanted to say something, but when he saw her eyes that had become the same as her mother's, he lowered his head obediently.

"Welcome to the two princes."

Bayer came forward, took off his hat and saluted, respectful but not losing his sense of proportion.

Mary nodded slightly, "Thank you for the welcome from the Musicians' Association. I have a cold and cannot speak. Please forgive me."

Feeling the chilly air like a thorn in his back, Bayer smiled bitterly, but still responded in a formal way: "No, the association has prepared a lounge. Please follow me."

"The association is thoughtful."

Mary took the eldest prince and followed Bayer, but after two steps, she did not hear the clanging footsteps behind her.

Behind her, the Iron Knight Galahad stood in place and did not follow. He just stared at the crowd in the distance, as if in a daze.

"What's wrong? Christine."

Soon, the Iron Knight turned around and hesitated for a few seconds before reporting: "Nothing, Your Highness. There is nothing wrong."

Amid the clanging footsteps of the armored men, she followed and guarded the royal family with her long sword. But before stepping into the gate, she seemed to turn around unintentionally and glanced at the crowd.

There, the white-haired boy disappeared like an illusion.


In the hall of the Musicians Association, scholars who came to listen to the lecture gathered. Among the musicians, those who were obsessed with theory were originally a minority, and those who were famous for their research were even fewer.

At this moment, almost all those who came to Anglu were from the various schools of the Revelation Faction. More than 70 people were in the hall, greeting each other, and almost all of them were familiar faces.

Among them, most were white-haired, and the youngest were in their thirties, and there were few young people.

"Oh, if someone put a bomb in the association now, it would be a disaster! I think the ancient academic world would have to go back to at least four hundred years ago! I still have some expectations when I think about it!"

The one who said this was Charles. Although it was so serious, he couldn't help but want to talk nonsense.

Beside him, Ye Qingxuan had a blank expression on his face, and then kicked him without leaving a trace.

Bai Xi hated serious occasions the most, so she did not enter the association. She took Lao Fei for a walk outside and waited for them to finish. Ye Qingxuan, Xia Er and the teacher sat in the corner of the association, not conspicuous.

Because no one knew them, when those scholars whispered to each other and commented on their opinions, they did not even think that the real master was sitting next to them.

Ye Qingxuan had never thought that the dispute outside the court could be so exciting.

"Mr. Lennon, you are too naive. Academics are serious theories, but it is not necessarily that an unknown person can easily make a breakthrough.

Mr. Ingmar inherited the orthodox theory and is also a famous figure in the academic world. It is reasonable for him to get such results. It is not that anyone can claim the results as their own by saying plagiarism."

"The orthodox theory has been around for hundreds of years, and it is helpless against the Voynich manuscript. Many masters before had no way, and even Ms. Lola, a master of interpretation, said she was powerless to do anything about it. Could it be that Ingmar just Is it okay?"

"It's more reliable than believing the words of a quick-trained musician!"

"I heard that he only received formal music education for three months! I'm afraid he didn't even have time to learn runes!"

"That's right, these folk musicians who are half-baked like to attract attention the most, such as the alchemical powder that turns water into fuel oil, and the perpetual motion machine that was noisy a few days ago. Aren't they all jokes made by this group of "folk musicians" themselves? "

A group of people in the crowd laughed softly. It was obvious that the abbreviation "folk music" was incisive and appropriate, and it summarized the true appearance of those half-baked musicians in the folk.

Ye Qingxuan's ears were good. He could still hear those sounds clearly even from dozens of meters away. He remained calm, but Charles looked a little sad.

"It seems that the teacher's situation is not good." He sighed softly.

Ye Qingxuan nodded: This is Abraham's biggest weakness. He has no reputation in the academic world, and he is not even a revelation musician. The academic world is originally a relatively closed place, and there are only so many people coming and going.

Compared to Ingmar, who knows everything and has a great reputation, Abraham is even more difficult to trust.

Although the situation is bad, Abraham is not in a hurry. He looks silent and calm, as always expressionless - this is also his usual characteristic. At least "slowness" can be regarded as an advantage in this case.

"Actually, there is no need to be so anxious."

He looked at the clock, "The council meeting will start in an hour, and it's useless for us to come too early."

"Better to be prepared!"

Charles pointed at the figure in the crowd with his chin: "Look, teacher, look at Ingmar... dressed like a little butterfly. Oh, I feel pity for her!"

Here he also used an oriental idiom very proudly, which made Ye Qingxuan's expression a little complicated: "I feel pity for her" followed by the half sentence "not to mention the old slave", senior brother! Don't use idioms randomly...

However, Charles's description here is indeed exquisite and appropriate.

In the crowd, Ingmar was wearing a musician's dress, a pure white coat, with medals on his chest and gold edges on his cuffs.

His long black hair with gray hair was tied behind his head, his eyes were as deep and mysterious as the starry sky, and he had a polite smile on his face.

He was simply a perfect example of a musician.

On the other hand, Abraham wore a coat that he hadn't changed for decades, and Charles was dressed casually, not like he was coming to participate in the review (because he didn't have other clothes). Only Ye Qingxuan was dressed a little more formally, but not too formally.

"I feel defeated in terms of momentum." Xia was a little frustrated.

In the crowd, Ingmar skillfully greeted the scholars from all over the world, chatting and laughing, and occasionally said a few humorous words, which attracted a knowing smile. Although he was about to review, he was still graceful.

As if by accident, he saw Abraham in the corner, and a barely detectable sneer appeared on his lips, and he walked forward.

"Hi! Ye Zi, he's coming up."

Xia Er immediately became excited, and Ye Qingxuan took a look and nodded: "Yeah."

"I'm a little nervous, what should I do?" Xia Er asked in a low voice: "What does he want to do when he comes here? He won't talk trash again, will he? What should I do?"

'Anyway, he can't beat you in trash talk, so what are you afraid of? ' Ye Qingxuan silently complained in his heart, but Abraham next to him thought about it, suddenly patted his knees, and concluded:

"If you don't know what to do... then why not beat him up."

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