Crown of Silence

Chapter 252 A lot to say

Chapter 253 A lot of things to say

"If you don't know what to do... then why not just beat him up."


Ye Qingxuan was stunned. He had always thought that his senior brother's ability to get out of line was extraordinary, but he never expected that his senior brother's ability to get out of line was inherited from the teacher!

And your accomplishments are really smooth and there is no trace of fireworks. Why did you suddenly come to such a weird conclusion...

"Don't, teacher!" He was so scared that he almost jumped up, "If we fight here, I'm afraid we will lose more than half of the evaluation!"

"Uh... I'm afraid I don't understand it again. Isn't this the rule?"

Abraham was a little embarrassed. "In the army, since it has reached the point of arbitration by the military court, it is normal to be beaten back if you meet and provoke?"

No, no, no, it's not normal at all! And what army did you come from, teacher? Why are you so wild...

"Then I will take care of him now!"

Charles jumped out to make trouble, revealing a lonely sigh of a master: "Don't worry, he can't beat me in trash talk no matter what!"

So you know it!

A thousand goats, bisons, alpacas and other weird things ran through Ye Qingxuan's mind. He was about to collapse before he even started.

Just when Charles was eager to try, Ingmar smiled strangely, and the two sides were only five steps apart.

Suddenly, the door opened with a bang.

Outside the association, a magnificent bell sounded.

The bell sounded soul-stirring, as if it suddenly struck the heart, clearing all the noises in the brain, and only the lingering sound echoed in the skull.

"Westminster Abbey..."

Someone whispered, "It's 9:40 in the morning, isn't it time? Why is the bell ringing?"

The whole room was silent, and no one responded.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, a line of priests in black robes walked in from the main door of the association, holding censers and holy emblems in their hands. They filed out of the main door of Westminster Abbey across the long street, walking in silence, with only the lingering scent of spices lingering in the wind.

The warm fragrance drove away all the dampness and evil spirits in the wind, making people feel warm. But their expressions were solemn, with the indifference of God, and they did not come in, but just stood outside the lobby.

And among them, the old man wearing the inherited holy crown stood out from the crowd, walked into the lobby of the church with his secretary.

He was wearing a black robe with a dark golden holy emblem on it, and a layer of silver thorns on his cuffs, which was a bit outdated and a little rustic.

But this outdated "rustic" at this moment had incomparable solemnity and majesty.

Ingmar's fancy outfit was completely worthless in front of it, like dust. This was a church robe that had been passed down for a hundred years, representing the majesty of the church. When someone wearing it came to the front of others, it was equivalent to the presence of the cardinals.

"Oh my! I invited him symbolically, but I didn't expect him to really come..."

In the association, Bayer had already wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, hurriedly put on his uniform coat, and walked down the stairs to greet the old man in black.

"Bow your head."

In the silent crowd, Charles looked up with curiosity, but suddenly felt that he was kicked by Ye Qingxuan.

Until now, Charles, who didn't know why, realized that except for Bayer, who represented the Musicians' Association, everyone around him had bowed their heads solemnly in the direction of the old man with a respectful expression.

He also hurriedly bowed his head in a pretentious manner, whispering:

"What's wrong? That old man is so majestic, who is he..."

"Brother, are you blind? Just look at the clothes and you will know?" Ye Qingxuan lowered his eyes, "Who else is qualified to wear this set of robes besides the Archbishop?"

Who? Who else?

The moment he heard that voice, Ye Qingxuan knew who was coming, otherwise his order of ceremony would be in vain!

In Anglu, there is only one person who is qualified to wear dark gold vestments, go out and ring the bell, representing the glorious power of the order.

——That is the Archbishop Mephisto, the highest person in charge of the entire order in Anglu and the head of Westminster Abbey!

After he got older, except for hosting the prayer meetings at the New Year and the end of the year, he has always been a simple person. Although he doesn't know why he is here, there is no doubt that wherever he goes, he represents the majesty of the gods and the order. Wherever he goes, all mortals should bow their heads.

The holy doctrine says: ‘You should bow your heads, not look directly at the grace of God, and offer piety and reverence.’

“Oh, this is such a grand occasion.”

Charles kept sighing in secret language, making a fuss, and when he secretly looked at the old man in the distance, his eyes were filled with gossip, and he muttered in his mouth: “I can’t tell, he is actually Mephistopheles? I heard that he was said to have the opportunity to join the College of Cardinals! It is said that he was sent here because of the conflict with the Knights Templar. Well, it has been more than 30 years...”

“Brother, be careful.”

Ye Qingxuan couldn’t help but want to kill him: “Don’t think that the secret language is infallible. Archbishop Mephistopheles is also said to be a very accomplished musician, one of the most famous masters of the chant faction!”

“Huh? I can’t tell. There is no ether fluctuation at all!”

Charles comforted softly: “Don’t be nervous, Ye Zi, maybe he is a purely theoretical musician.”


Ye Qingxuan wanted to say something, but for the sake of safety, he wisely kept his mouth shut.

After whispering to Bayer for a few words, Archbishop Mephisto nodded slightly, and without saying much, he walked straight through the hall and headed for the venue.

I don't know if it was an illusion.

Ye Qingxuan felt that the black robe seemed to pause for a moment when passing by him, and a pair of turbid and old eyes swept over him.

The invisible and intangible eyes were like static electricity, which made people feel the skin tingling and hair crackling wherever they passed.

Soon, Archbishop Mephisto entered the venue.

It was not until a long time later that Ye Qingxuan slowly raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

For some reason, he felt a little bit bad.

"I hope it's not what I think..."

The young man whispered to himself.


Ten minutes later, in the private reception room upstairs, a priest hurriedly avoided everyone's eyes and ears and walked into it.

In the reception room, Ingmar, who was fidgeting, came forward, showing a warm and pious expression, and shook his palm:

"Thank you for coming, Father Kyle!"

Kyle smiled slightly, "As members of the House, it is only right to help each other."

In front of him was Kyle, one of the main people in Westminster Abbey, the auxiliary bishop and the personal secretary of Archbishop Mephisto.

Obviously, the secret meeting before the deliberation was very sensitive. If it was seen by someone with ulterior motives, it would definitely be a trouble.

In other words, the purpose of this meeting was definitely not simple.

Ingmar has not yet reacted to the shock of Archbishop Mephisto's arrival. He did not expect that the power of the House was so great that even Archbishop Mephisto could be influenced!

The meaning of this made him shudder.

He bowed his head in awe: "It's just a trivial matter, but it can make Lord Mephisto come. I am really terrified."

Kyle smiled mysteriously, "This matter is beyond my expectation. Lord Mephisto is a man who sticks to justice. I just mentioned your matter to him briefly. I didn't expect that the Archbishop would come in person.

Although the Lord is nominally a member of the review, in fact, as a representative of the church, he will not easily express his position. So the specific speech and judgment will still be handed over to me, you don't have to feel pressured."

Hearing him say this, Ingmar breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you ready for the details of the review?"

Kyle asked with a smile, "You should have received the questions prepared by the review members in advance."

"I'm ready."

Ingmar nodded, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes: "Absolutely foolproof."

Although the process of the review is very simple, after both parties submit information and make statements, it is the process of 'questioning' and 'asking questions'.

But the more empty the process is, the more work can be done.

Kyle whispered, "After all the reviewers arrive, they will read all the content you submitted again and then listen to your statements.

The key point is in the questioning session. The main focus of the first half is your resume and personal achievements. You will be ahead of Abraham."

It seems to be a simple order, but the effect will be completely different. Ingmar's resume and personal achievements are absolutely impeccable elite models. No matter who questions them, this aspect is impeccable.

On the contrary, with Ingmar's wonderful demonstration in the front, Abraham's paleness and insignificance will be reflected. This is his biggest shortcoming: he has no resume and no personal achievements.

"And in the second half, it is a question about the interpretation results..."

Kyle smiled mysteriously: "-Abraham will be ahead of you."

Ingmar was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized.

That's right, when the reviewers really start to touch the unorthodox field of "interpretation", they will definitely be angered by this biased theory that almost bypasses all orthodox theories and is almost obsessed.

At this time, Ingmar, who represents academic orthodoxy, appears again... He can almost see the moment when Abraham is ruined!

Ingmar paced back and forth excitedly, and finally grabbed Kyle's hand with excitement:

"Thank you for your great help, Father Kyle."

"Some things, before they start, the results are already determined."

Kyle smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "You will have my vote, Mr. Ingmar, at least.

You know, among the members of the review, I am not the only one who received the letter from the House..."


Sorry, I have a bad cold, Calvin, I will update more tomorrow...

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