Crown of Silence

Chapter 254 Waiting for the right opportunity

Chapter 255 Waiting for the opportunity

There was silence.

At this moment, everyone looked at Abraham, and when they looked at this expressionless old man in ordinary clothes, their eyes became extremely respectful, like the dazzling sun.

This was actually given!

How come this has been given to me?

Since the birth of academia, there has never been an example of someone who had the audacity to refuse to answer all questions and still got a pass!

What is the origin of this guy...?

Ingmar's face was ashen, and he stared at Abraham's face, as if he had seen a ghost, and cursed in a low voice.

Great loss of grace.

"Hey! That's my teacher! My teacher!"

Charles was as happy as anything, grabbing a tabloid reporter and not letting go: "Write two more sentences! Write two more sentences! This is the most powerful teacher at the Royal Academy of Music, Ingmar, etc., compare with Yi, mention The shoes don’t even match him! Look, that guy’s face was turned green because he was hit in the weak spot?”

"Ahem, senior brother, for your personal safety, it's better not to continue irritating him."

Charles whistled and made a mean face in Ingmar's direction, making Ingmar's expression even more ugly.


After a short discussion at the committee table, several people decided to proceed to the next stage. Sergeir was about to start asking, but a hand reached out from beside him and took away his manuscript.

"Let me do it."

Master Heisenberg, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, with a faint chill in his sinister face covered with scars: "Segal, you are too procrastinating."

Sergel snorted, "In my opinion, when it comes to a scholar's reputation, it's best to be on the safe side."

"Do you still believe that the "Voynich Manuscript" was interpreted by a crash musician? This kind of thing can be known just by looking at it. No matter how safe it is, it is indecisive."

Heisenberg looked coldly at the speaking seat in the audience, his voice burned by the medicine was like a broken bellows, "Mr. Abraham, next I will question you about your interpretation of the Voynich Manuscript.

If you have nothing to say about this kind of thing, we don't need to waste any more time. "

Abraham just nodded:

"Please begin."

Heisenberg snorted coldly and asked in a loud voice: "When did you start interpreting the Voynich manuscript?"

"a year ago."

Abraham answered calmly: "My student Charles came to ask me because he couldn't understand what was in the textbook. Later I found that the interpretation in the textbook was wrong, so I wanted to make a more formal one."

a year ago?

In other words: It only took one year to interpret the Voynich manuscript from scratch?

There was a faint sound of discussion in the venue, and the scholars all had expressions of bewilderment. And Ingmar's expression became ugly again:

Nonsense, can it not be ugly? The textbooks of Revelation College were compiled by him and several other teachers. Abraham said that the theory in the textbook was wrong, which was a slap in the face in front of everyone!

Heisenberg was silent for a moment after hearing his answer, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he was amused by this outrageous timing.

He knocked the hammer to signal everyone to be silent.

"I noticed that in addition to the different endings, the interpretations provided by you and Mr. Ingmar are also significantly different in style. Even though some of the ideas are very...absurd, they all seem to be self-explanatory. But , I always have a question.”

Heisenberg looked at him solemnly: "——You are not even a revelation musician, nor have you received similar advancement. Am I right?"

Abraham nodded and just said: "Although it is not, the interpretation method is inspired by the revelation faction."

"Is it?"

Heisenberg frowned, "This is strange. In some places, the interpretation method you insist on contradicts the laws insisted on by the revelation faction! Do you have any explanation for this?"

"Actually...that's what I think."

Abraham answered slowly, carefully considering the words, but what he said was like a big bomb:

"——Since the law is contrary to the facts, maybe the law is wrong, right?"

There was silence.

Both the scholars on the sidelines and the reviewers on the bench felt that there was something wrong with their ears - for hundreds of years, music theory has been revised hundreds of times by saints of all ages, verified by countless musicians, and refined thousands of times.

If there were mistakes in the music theory on which one is based, then countless resonance-level musicians would have their hearts collapsed and die!


Some of the scholars listening in the audience angrily shouted: "It's too absurd!"

"It's the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

Many scholars with ugly faces could no longer listen and protested loudly with angry expressions.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Heisenberg banged the gavel vigorously and looked at the audience, his eyes like will-o'-the-wisps: "Abraham! Are you rejecting the existing music theory system of the Revelation School?"

"I just feel that the existing music theory system is still imperfect and does not apply to every situation."

In the audience, the teacher's expression remained dull: "Besides, the Voynich Manuscript records ancient musicians' exploration of music theory.

If we use current music theory to understand it, it is natural for fallacies to appear, right? If you cling to the law and don't let go, you will only end up in a dead end.

So, we must readjust the direction and find a method that can interpret it in a targeted manner in accordance with the changes in the music theory.

At least, that's what I think. "

"Is your interpretation method also born from this?"

Abraham nodded.

"No wonder."

Heisenberg snorted: "That kind of spirituality is completely gone, only rigid and mechanical theories remain, without any aesthetic feeling...Excuse me, I don't recognize its validity and rationality. Its existence is a stain on the spiritual theory of the revelation school.

Every year, at least dozens of people, like you, are enthusiastically publishing some sensational and shocking theories, which are often unverifiable, full of errors and omissions, and are not even worth making people laugh.

Humph, if there were no folk music like you, the academic world would not be as chaotic as it is now!"

Abraham was silent and speechless.

Off the court, Charles was furious and wanted to get up, but was held down by Ye Qingxuan.

"Calm down, senior brother. "

The young man looked at Ingmar, who was mocking him in the distance, with cold eyes: "We are not qualified to speak here, so don't do anything that would be disadvantageous to the teacher."

On the stage, Heisenberg took a last look at Abraham and dropped the manuscript in his hand:

"My questions are over."

The gavel fell, and the echo was low.

Abraham lowered his head, turned around and walked to his seat, passing by Ingmar who was coming forward.

At that moment, Ingmar adjusted his collar, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I told you a long time ago, Abraham."

He whispered softly in the old man's ear: "I will ruin your reputation and make you roll back into the garbage dump.

-When the time comes, remember to bring your two bad students with you. "

The committee members didn't hear it, the audience didn't hear it, Abraham didn't seem to hear it, but Ye Qingxuan heard it.

Ye Qingxuan didn't move.


In the following time, Ingmar answered questions at the podium, showing the demeanor of a famous scholar. The questioning session passed so simply, and it was time for the summary statement.

And off the stage, Ye Qingxuan didn't listen at all, just in a daze.

"Since my teacher passed away, I took over the unfinished project of my teacher. For six years, I have invested a lot of effort in the Voynich manuscript and tried countless wrong directions. So everyone saw that my efforts finally paid off and successfully completed the deciphering.

But I never thought..."

Ye Qingxuan was in a daze.

"This kind of thing is a shame for the Royal Academy of Music! Gentlemen, an unprecedented shame! It is also a huge wave that has never happened in the academic world! This matter was caused by my research results. I am very sad about this! "

Ingmar looked sad and angry: "I don't want to imagine people's hearts to be so bad, and imagine other people's intentions to be so vicious!

I have always been thinking: Maybe Mr. Abraham's achievements are partly the same as mine, or maybe he has unspeakable difficulties, so he made mistakes and did such sad things.

But I was wrong!"

Ye Qingxuan was still in a daze.

"Since the incident happened, I have been giving in step by step and have remained silent, hoping that Mr. Abraham can understand my intentions. In order to calm this unprovoked disaster, I am even willing to let Mr. Abraham and I be ranked together in the achievements! But as you can see, I was very wrong!"

Ingmar slammed his fist on the table, his voice full of sadness: "My tolerance and concessions were regarded as cowardice and incompetence. Abraham was pressing step by step because of my concessions, and it was not enough to involve the entire college in this storm. Not only will it bring disgrace to the entire academy, but it will also cause such a shameful storm.

At this point, it is no longer just my honor and disgrace, but involves the glory of the Revelation Branch that has been passed down for three hundred years and the reputation of the masters of all generations. They cannot be destroyed in my hands, and they must not be tarnished by the slander of such a sinister and vicious villain! I hope that all the committee members will make a fair judgment..."

Ye Qingxuan was still in a daze.

Take a look and turn a deaf ear.

Da Da Da, Da Da Da, Da Da Da...

His fingers tapped the table, the sound was subtle and soft, but spread silently, like cold rain falling from the sky, with a chill that chilled people to the heart.

Da Da Da, Da Da Da, Da Da Da...

The rain was falling, never ending.

Until among the reporters behind him, a man wearing a gray fedora shook his body and slowly opened his squinting eyes. As if he had dozed off, he stretched and murmured unintentionally:

"--Sir, the shaman's gift is ready."

So, the echo of the rain dissipated, and Ye Qingxuan raised his drooping pupils:



"Is it convenient for you to pick up a courier for me? "

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head, sorted out the manuscripts on the table, and said softly: "The time for our counterattack is coming."

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