Crown of Silence

Chapter 255 Evidence

Chapter 256 Evidence

"Here today, I am not the only one who has suffered such humiliation, but also the path upheld by the Purple Branch School and the atmosphere of the entire academic world. If this shameless and obscene atmosphere cannot be curbed, from now on, it will definitely There will be countless others who will suffer the same shame as me!”

At the speaking table, Ingmar was still making impassioned speeches, angry and sad, completely unaware of the astonished people around him looking behind him, and he continued to talk:

"Therefore, I suggest that the review committee seriously consider..."

Just when he was finally getting to the point, he felt someone poke him from behind, then poke him again, and then poke him again.

It doesn't hurt when the pen cap pokes in the back, but when the pen pokes back and forth, it upsets the person.

Poke, poke, poke! Take a stab at it! Are you annoyed? !

Ingmar's voice stopped suddenly, he turned back and glared at the visitor:


In the confused eyes of everyone, the young man who was scolded for his arrogance looked at Ingmar calmly and waved the pocket watch in his hand in front of him:

"Mr. Ingmar, there are only three minutes for your summary statement, and you are already one and a half minutes overtime. Do you plan to hold your special talk show here?"

Ingmar's expression suddenly changed, full of gloom and anger, and finally he snorted coldly and walked away. Just when I passed by, I squeezed out a voice from between my teeth:

"Bitch, you won't be proud for long."


Ye Qingxuan smiled: "Don't think too much, it's not good for your health."

The two passed each other.

The young man stood at the speaking seat, smiling and bowing respectfully to the judges: "Gentlemen, if you don't mind, I will begin to summarize my statement."

Among the committee members, Sergei finally reacted, frowned and asked: "Wait a minute, why not Abraham? Who are you?"

"It's just a cheap name, it's not worth mentioning."

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly: "I am a disciple of Teacher Abraham and one of the witnesses for this complaint. The teacher is not good at words, so I should make a summary statement on his behalf. You should think there is nothing wrong with it, right?"

"There is no precedent." Heisenberg snorted.

"But it's not a bad idea, is it?"

Laura glanced at him with a smile, and without waiting for them to come to a conclusion, she said directly: "Mr. Disciple, you can start."

Heisenberg was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Laura coldly. Laura's eyes moved, as if she were smiling. Anger was like a sword piercing the water waves, and there was no response except for the faint ripples.

The gloomy gaze was quickly retracted, and Heisenberg said no more. Butler opened his mouth secretly, but said nothing. Mr. Hu from the East looked at the young man's white hair with great interest, his eyes brightening as if he was anticipating the start of some good show.

No one objected.

So, at the speaking table, the young man smiled.


"To be honest, I was very moved by Mr. Ingmar's concluding statement."

At the speaking table, the young man spoke the first sentence with a solemn and sad expression, but the content of his words confused the audience again: Wait, where is this song coming from?

Could it be that he wanted to seek refuge with Ingmar and draw a clear line with Abraham? But something seems wrong...

On the podium, the young man's regretful voice continued: "Mr. Ingmar's experience is tragic and pitiful. If I were all of you here, I would definitely feel that he has suffered a huge injustice. It is simply better than If you don’t support June Feixue, there will be no justice and truth, and even the Holy City will cry for him.”

He paused for a moment, and the pain and compassion on his face disappeared, replaced by a mocking smile, full of malice: "It's a pity... there is no explanation at all in what he said!

With all due respect, Mr. Ingmar's talents are more than enough to be a tabloid reporter, and he might even be able to open a popular column such as "Music Life" and "Anglo Voice".

However, in the field of scholars whose discourse is theory and research, he is still far from it. This is not a place for children to play and roll around, and it is impossible to win by telling stories and selling painful pasts and sad stories! "

There was a loud bang.

It was the sound of teeth about to be broken.

Ingmar's expression in the audience twitched, his fists clenched, and he was so angry that he couldn't express himself.

Heisenberg banged his gavel.

"Warning, students of Abraham, this is not the place for you to attack others!" He said coldly, "If you have no arguments to summarize, you can leave."

The young man shrugged helplessly, looked around, looked at those eyes, and asked solemnly:

"Doesn't anyone find it strange? Why is the content of the Voynich manuscript he interpreted contradictory? Why is there such an obvious logical gap? Is it really a secret?

Since he has no evil intentions, why is he so nervous about our appeals, and why does he repeatedly prevent us from obtaining the rights we deserve through legitimate channels?

Besides, is he really as great as he says? Why didn't he say anything about the teacher who was aggressive and repeatedly threatened and persecuted me? Why hasn't there been any talk about the fact that he burned down the music and history system that we rely on for survival! Does he think that others can't see this kind of thing that is obvious to all? "

"Ye Qingxuan!"

Ingmar stood up angrily and growled: "This is the Council! This is not a place for you to act wild. Your speech must be supported by evidence! Do you really think that your inferior methods can decipher the Voynich Manuscript?" What?”

Ye Qingxuan sneered, and when he was about to retort, he heard the sound of a gavel banging.

"Ahem, be quiet!"

At the commentator's seat, Master Bartholomew interrupted the two men, glanced over them, and said in a neutral tone:

"Please exercise restraint on both sides. This is the council. The only thing we are discussing is the ownership of the Voynich manuscript. Other matters are beyond the scope of our review.

And, this young man. From our point of view, both Ingmar and you have provided interpretation methods that seem to be effective.

However, everyone sitting here must know that when interpreting ancient documents, if the result is already known, it is not difficult to come up with a special method to interpret it through reverse reasoning..."

He didn't finish what he said, but Ye Qingxuan understood it completely.

If he cannot produce more weighty evidence, they can only view this dispute from a more traditional and conservative perspective: then there is no doubt that it is Ingmar's victory.

This is Abraham's greatest weakness: the method of interpretation is not approved by everyone.

Compared with the numerous and complex interpretation systems of revelation factions that have been revised and completed by countless people over hundreds of years, Abraham's theory lacks credibility.

But when he heard what he said, Ye Qingxuan smiled instead.

He has been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

Ye Qingxuan raised the manuscript in his hand:

"——In order to prove the rationality of the interpretation method, we provided new evidence for it in the past few days before the review was held: a new result!"

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

New evidence?

New results and interpretation manuscripts?

In just a few days?

Off the field, low noises and arguments could be heard. Even Bartholomew was stunned. Soon, he lowered his head and looked at the young man on the field:

"New results? In just a few days? Young man, maybe you don't know, but the interpretation of ancient documents takes ten years! In just a few days, just collecting data and comparing the texts of the same period It’s not enough…”

"Perhaps everyone here has doubts about what I said, but I can guarantee that every word I said is true."

Ye Qingxuan said calmly: "In order to verify it, I performed a sublimation ceremony and used the opportunity of heavenly and human induction - for this, the school can prove it for me. The association can extract the ether records in the 'Sleeping Point' for verification .

For it, I gambled on the chance to become an official musician.

I believe it proves the validity of the interpretation method. "

As soon as the words were spoken, the whole place fell into silence.

Sublimation ceremony... Induction from heaven and man...

Indeed, if one can transform into the waves of the etheric sea, resonate with music theory, and use the power of the great source to promote the interpretation method, then one can achieve the correct direction and results even if the state of near omniscience lasts only for a moment.

But, who would go back and do such stupid things?

For the sake of interpreting a few sentences, risking the opportunity to become an official musician, and wasting the connection between heaven and man that a person can never touch in his lifetime? !

crazy! It's crazy!

At this moment, everyone looked at Ye Qingxuan with eyes full of regret:

It's a pity, if it weren't like this...

And, how old is he? It is said that I have only been in school for a few months, right? Four months or five months, are you almost ready to become an official musician? !

This speed is simply terrifying.

It is not inferior to the legendary monster-level student of Angel who broke through the apprenticeship level in just one month. Compared with the geniuses cultivated by various schools in the core secret realm since childhood, they are still ahead of the competition.

What a pity, what a pity...


Amidst the many sympathetic or pitiful eyes, Ye Qingxuan stepped forward expressionlessly and sent the manuscript in his hand to several review members one by one.

It was an extremely thin piece of paper, with only a few numbers written on it, but it caused them to fall into a long period of thinking and silence. When it was Master Heisenberg's turn, Heisenberg just took it and immediately put it on the table without looking at it.

Ye Qingxuan kept walking, and finally delivered his manuscript to Master Bartholomew.

Barthelmy hesitated and took the manuscript.

Seeing the young man nodding gratefully, he felt a little guilty in his heart.

Can you really make a fair judgment yourself?

He held the manuscript, but his eyes wandered between Ingmar and Abraham, and he was confused for a moment. At the end, he bowed his head and sighed in frustration.

Then, the eyes could no longer be taken away.

He stared at the characters on the manuscript, his palms trembling, and he could hardly restrain himself: "This is... this is..."

It was like a bolt of lightning struck his head in an instant, and suddenly there was a wave of ether around him, with faint signs of losing control.

Immediately, the power was restrained by him. But he could no longer maintain his composure, and suddenly raised his head and looked at the young man:

“As it is below it, as it is above it, then all things begin to exist…

——This is "Jade Record"? ! "

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