Crown of Silence

Chapter 259 I have something to say

Chapter 260 I have something to say

"Go further inside." A voice like a child urged.

Ye Qingxuan stepped into it, half-kneeling and saluting, "Greetings to His Highness the Prince."

"You...raise your head and let me take a look."

The child's voice commanded, so Ye Qingxuan raised his head and began to doubt his eyes. He saw the little boy wrapped in white clothes on the seat in front of him.

Is this the mentally retarded prince in the legend?

He should be twenty-four years old now, right? But why does it seem like he is only seven or eight years old?

The little boy was sitting on the chair, with an immature face and curious eyes. Beside him, the silent and cold girl frowned and her eyes became displeased when she saw that he dared to raise his head.

"Come closer," said the eldest prince.

Ye Qingxuan took a step forward again and felt the little boy's gaze. He looked at him with a puzzled and focused expression. He actually reached out and touched his face. Finally, he touched his eyes carefully.

"She's so beautiful, just like my aunt. But unfortunately... she has white hair."

His tone was a little disappointed, and he suddenly asked: "Everyone with white hair is a bad person, are you the same?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to start a thousand words. He could only smile bitterly: "I have a heart for good, but I'm born like this."

The little boy's eyes became curious again, but beside him, the girl frowned slightly and said softly:


The boy suddenly became frustrated and waved his hand: "I understand, I... you go down, I shouldn't talk to people I don't know."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, turned and left.

Behind him, the boy looked at his back through the curtain.

"Mary, I like his eyes."

James said softly, "His eyes are like those of my aunt. When I saw him, I remembered that my aunt hugged me when I was a child."

Mary was silent for a moment, reached out and touched his hair, and said in a soft voice: "James, have you forgotten again? Auntie has left Avalon."

"She... won't come back again?"

James looked at the Iron Knight outside the curtain hesitantly: "Christine, aunt, won't she come back to see me? Can I let her come back? Others say that I will be the emperor in the future, and I can do whatever crime she has committed. Forgive her."

"Sorry, Your Highness."

Under the armor of 'Galahad', the girl's response was hesitant and complicated: "She, she walked very far, and went to a very far place. We can't catch up with her."

James looked at her confusedly, "She is Uncle Lancelot's sister, and Uncle Lancelot can't catch up with her?"

"Your Highness, even my father... Sir Lancelot, there are things that he can't do anything about."

Christine lowered her head and responded softly: "Please don't be sad, Your Highness. If she knows that Your Highness still remembers her, she will be very happy, right?"

James' expression darkened and he stopped talking.


Ten minutes later, the final break ended.

The Council will resume.

In silence, the door opened.

The committee members returned to their seats with expressionless faces, and the gavel fell, causing a deep echo, as if it hit everyone's heart.

This was the final voting session, but no one wanted to speak first. They looked at each other, and finally, at the royal seat behind them, as if they were waiting for something.

After a long time, a cold female voice came from inside.

"The verification of the theory will be explored by scholars, and the disputes in the academic world will also be managed by the academic community. Here, the Anglo royal family has no authority and has no intention to interfere with the academic community."

Mary's voice seemed to come from a very far away place, with a cold air: "The results of this review will be decided by a few masters."

This is the response of the royal family, and as many people expected - it will not express its position easily. The royal family has a detached status here and has not participated in the review from beginning to end.

They are here simply as witnesses to ensure that the results of the review are valid.

Just seeing that the royal family really didn't want to get involved in this muddy situation, several of the masters who reviewed it felt a little headache, as if they saw a huge ball being kicked back.

So, who will pick it up?

It's not good for whoever is the first to speak or take a stance on this kind of thing. This is not only a simple review, but also a heavy responsibility entrusted by the academic community, involving the lifelong reputation and research lives of two scholars. A slight oversight can easily involve oneself.

Even Sergeyel, who had a hot temper and hated hypocrisy and coercion the most, fell into silence. But in silence, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and stared at Laura who was pretending there:

We promised strong support...what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for a midnight snack?

As if aware of his irritation, Laura raised her eyes at the young man without any trace, her eyes were filled with endless resentment, which was heart-stirring and made Ye Qingxuan's heart tremble:

The look in his eyes clearly shows that he is ready to eat after being hungry for many days!

He subconsciously touched the base of his neck, feeling a little distressed.

Laura, you are a prodigal woman. You have finally made up for it in the past two days. If you take one bite, all the meat will be wasted!

He gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and quietly made a gesture: OK! Suck as much as you want!

So, Laura laughed, satisfied.


"I am the youngest here, both in terms of age and seniority. Should I come first?"

In the silent stalemate, no one expected that Laura was the first to break the silence.

After a moment of hesitation, a few people nodded: "There is no distinction between big and small before the truth, but ladies come first without losing the elegance of a scholar."

"In my opinion, Mr. Abraham's achievements in ancient scholars and happy interpretation cannot be denied. The emergence of interpretation method also means the birth of a new path for the academic world.

In contrast, Mr. Ingmar's interpretation results are full of doubts and difficult to justify. therefore……"

She paused and said softly: "I agree with the statement that Mr. Ingmar's interpretation turned out to be plagiarism."

"I object."

Before anyone could make a sound, someone followed closely and announced their vote. Everyone was stunned and looked at the center of the review seat.


In the face of everyone's uproar, Heisenberg said coldly: "Although it is confirmed that the interpretation method is established, there is no direct evidence whether Mr. Ingmar plagiarized or not, and it cannot be judged arbitrarily.

In contrast, Mr. Abraham’s evidence is not convincing to me, and testimony that has not been reviewed by the association cannot be regarded as ‘evidence’.

Therefore, I object to this allegation. "

In an instant, the venue was filled with muffled discussions. But amid the noise, Ingmar, who looked haggard, couldn't help but beam with joy:

After all, the House of Representatives did not abandon itself, and its sacrifices were all worth it...

"Quiet! Quiet!"

The gavel knocked down again and again, breaking the noise and returning to silence.

Everyone looked at Sergei Er, who looked solemn.

But his eyes turned between Abraham and Ingmar, and after a long time, the murderous and angry eyes became powerless.

"At first I thought Abraham plagiarized, but then I thought Ingmar was disgusting... Maybe he was being slandered, or maybe Abraham was right.

Sorry, there is no way I can remain fair. "

Sergeir has always been famous for his harsh personality and rigid behavior. Everyone knows that he does not rub sand in his eyes. But the more he understands the heavy price of right and wrong, the more cautious he becomes. Until now, he no longer knows who is the real plagiarist.

He sighed softly and said:

"I abstain."

Seeing that Shegel abstained, Ingmar's expression became more and more excited, and he could hardly help but dance: Abraham, Ye Qingxuan, even if they tried their best and tried their best, what could they do? What can I do to myself? In the end, there was still nothing I could do!

He gritted his teeth, excitement reignited in his eyes

Next up is Bartholomew.

Barthelmi was silent, still silent, his expression changing. After a long time, his expression became bitter and complicated, as if he was laughing at himself.

Before the vote, he had been holding on to the possibility that he might not have to express his position. Only now did he realize that he could not escape this test after all.

In this review meeting, who is the reviewer?

Is it Ingmar and Abraham off the stage, Laura, Heisenberg, Sergel on stage, or himself?

He turned his head and glanced at Heisenberg, whose face was as sinking as water. He voted no and followed his heart. When this review is over and the details are spread, I'm afraid his reputation will be questioned throughout his life.

Bartholomew knew that he had done evil things, but he did so without hesitation or regret.

Only now did Barthelmi realize how hypocritical he really was.

He whispered bitterly, "I'm sorry, Anta, I can't make the same mistake again and again, but I don't have the courage to resist and refuse the funds provided by the House... Only now do I realize that I am such a ridiculous person..."

He raised his head and said loudly:

"——I abstain!"

For a moment, there was silence.

Ingmar's smile also stiffened.

No one expected that the voting process would be so unexpected. First, Master Lola, who had always remained neutral, voted in favor, and then Master Heisenberg opposed. Then Sergey, who was never willing to compromise, and Master Bartholomew, who had the highest reputation in the academic world, abstained one after another.

Of the five review members, one was in favor, one was against, and two abstained...

Then, everyone looked at the last person.

Next to him, the Oriental man who had been watching the show was stunned... Watching a show is fun, but when it comes to seeing yourself in a show, it becomes no longer fun.

He raised his hand and scratched his face subconsciously:

"Does it look like you're going to look at me now?"

There was silence.

He sighed, "To be honest, I am only good at Eastern runes and have no research on Western music theory. I may not be qualified for this review."

For a moment, everyone looked shocked: Is it difficult for them to do the job? ! Then what are you doing here! If not, you have to give up!

Then this review meeting will really turn into a joke!

But Mr. Hu did not disappoint everyone after all.

"Since the two sides are at loggerheads and the current situation is so chaotic that it is difficult to distinguish. Then I have a proposal. Please listen carefully."

Mr. Hu's words instantly held everyone's breath in anticipation, but this bastard actually started to show off!

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