Crown of Silence

Chapter 260 You can see me

Chapter 261 You Can See Me

"Since the two sides are arguing, the current situation is so chaotic and difficult to distinguish. Then I have a suggestion, please listen carefully."

Mr. Hu's words instantly made everyone hold their breath, but this bastard actually started to keep everyone in suspense!

He picked up the teacup, drank a sip of water slowly, coughed for a long time, and said seriously: "Why not let the "Voynich Manuscript" be signed by both of them, published publicly, giving up any copyright and income, and opening up all usage rights.

In this way, all fame and fortune will be shared by both of them, and there will be no disputes in the future.

It's good for everyone, how about it?"

After saying that, he blinked and looked at the scholars in the audience. And the scholars also fell into a long silence, as if they were thrown into a vacuum in an instant, and they couldn't breathe and almost fainted!

They were sad for the expectations they had just spent. For a moment, they really thought that this wise man from the East, Mr. Hu, could come up with some effective suggestions, but...are you fucking trying to smooth things over!

What the hell is this proposal!

It's just destroying the reputation of the Council.

Seeing everyone's gloomy face, Mr. Hu on the stage laughed awkwardly: "Ahaha, I was just joking. Sorry, I just practiced this joke for a long time in private, but now it seems that it doesn't work. I'm really sorry.

But it seems that one person was amused by me..."

He paused, and his eyes swept to the audience, looking at the man whose smile had not yet dissipated: "Mr. Ingmar, a scholar has spent more than ten years to make research results. How can he be so happy when he hears that he will share it with others?"

Ingmar was stunned, stiff in place, dumbfounded.

"I, I..." He stammered, staring at Mr. Hu dully: "I'm not... I clearly said it wasn't..."


A teacup fell on the table in front of him, and hot water splashed on his face, but it was like frost, with a bone-chilling chill.

On the stage, Mr. Hu had stood up. His smile faded away. He no longer looked like an idle bystander. His pupils had turned into pure gold at some point, with a frightening flame.

Until now, some people remembered: In the Holy City, the cardinal called this scholar from the East the "Sun", taking its fierce majesty.

Now, he looked down at the man in the audience with cold eyes and asked solemnly: "Agreed? Do you mean that your lobbyist who came uninvited in the middle of the night and discussed with me?

As long as you support you, a hundred taels of blue gold, a gift dress, a hundred-year-old phoenix perched on a sycamore tree... Hey, it's a good plan, but it's a pity that I have been a doctor of the Imperial Academy for thirty years, and I dare not accept this heavy gift!"

He spoke in oriental languages, but most of the scholars here are proficient in several languages, and they can understand some of it.

Because of this, there was a cry of surprise, and the behind-the-scenes deal that Ingmar was involved in was another huge scandal!

"A dog-like person like you, who forgets righteousness when he sees profit, has a perverse temperament, does not distinguish right from wrong, is mean and ungrateful, steals other people's fame for himself, bullies good people to fill his pockets, speaks nonsense to confuse the public, and plays to please the public for entertainment... How can you be called a 'musician'?

At this point, are you still unwilling to give up?! If I were in the East, I would have submitted a document to the Imperial Censorate, stripped you of your fame, and put you in prison!"

The voice was not loud, but it was like thunder exploding in the ears, making people dizzy, their brains blank, and they were completely speechless. It was the 'thunder sound' advocated by Eastern musicians.

Ingmar's whole body trembled, a layer of blood red appeared in his pupils, his will was disordered, and the ether in his body had begun to lose control.

"The Voynich Manuscript submitted by Ingmar was self-plagiarized, and now it has been confirmed!"

Mr. Hu solemnly declared: "There are many relationships behind this matter, and it involves a wide range of people. I hope that the Holy City and the Kingdom of Anglu will investigate this matter strictly to set an example!"


The gavel in his hand fell, and a soul-stirring thunder burst out. In the dead silence, the curtain fell for this review.

Ingmar's plagiarism was confirmed to be correct, and all ownership of the results of the interpretation of the Voynich manuscript belonged to Abraham. All expenses during the appeal and review period shall be borne by Ingmar... These are all details.

The most important thing is-Ingmar is finished.


Kapa! Kapa! Kapa! Kapa! Kapa...

The noise of the crowd could not suppress the tragic and fragmented sound. Soon, everyone reacted and understood what happened, and looked at Ingmar in the field at the same time.

A series of tiny sounds came from Ingmar's body. Every time it sounded, it was like a hammer hitting his bones, causing his body to twitch.

Every time it sounded, the blood on Ingmar's face became more and more miserable, until finally, only the intermittent whimpering in his throat remained, and his eyes were no longer full of life.

"The heart sound is broken... This is a complete heart sound break!"

In the astonished sight of everyone, Ingmar's body, which had collapsed on the chair, struggled to get up.

He stumbled forward, and blood continued to seep out of his mouth, nose, and facial features like a spring. In the end, he almost crawled to stand in front of everyone again, his body slid to the ground, but his hands were tightly holding the podium next to him, refusing to fall down.

"Abraham, Segal, Bartholomew, Laura...and, and, these liars...I won't let you go..."

He looked around at everyone, looked into their eyes, and roared. Those eyes were full of blood, and it was hard to tell whether they were more crazy or more desperate.

He pointed at everyone's faces and roared: "You are all liars!"


He screamed out the last word, and his bloodless face suddenly swelled, and almost boiling hot blood spurted out from his pores.


The ether around him was rioting, and the wooden platform beside him quickly decayed, cracked, and turned into ashes in the ether riot.

Ingmar fell into the ashes and closed his eyes.

Someone came over nervously, stretched out his hand and pressed his neck, and immediately shouted: "Not dead yet... not dead yet! Take him to the church quickly..."


Amid the chaos, Abraham sat in his seat and looked around blankly, as if he still didn't understand the situation.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Charles stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him worriedly: "Teacher, what are you talking about?"

Abraham's body shook, as if he finally came to his senses. He looked at his students and asked with some uncertainty: "Did we win, Ciel?"

"Of course, teacher! We won!" Charles nodded seriously: "You are the real master! Even the Holy City will ring the Sage's Bell for you!"

Abraham was stunned for a moment. After a long time, a smile appeared and he murmured softly: "That's great, Charles. I seem to have forgotten my backpack in the lounge. Can you go with Ye Zi to help me look for it?"

Charles was stunned for a moment, nodded slowly, and pulled Ye Qingxuan away.

Abraham watched his two disciples gradually go away and couldn't help but smile.

However, I don't know why, but my eyes can't help but turn red. He lowered his head, his shoulders trembling, and covered his face with that steel palm.

I knew clearly that this was a moment worth laughing, but I didn't know why I burst into tears, and I couldn't help but want to cry.

That's great.

It turns out that my life, apart from killing people, is not useless.


After the review ended, all the masters who served as review committee members left one after another, ignoring the students and reporters gathered outside the court.

Before leaving, Laura gave her a flirtatious look, which made Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but shiver, and felt a chill in his heart.

After a flurry of formalities was completed, it was already afternoon.

The teacher is still cooperating with the association to register, Xiaer has gone somewhere, and Bai Xi is probably still playing outside. After wandering around for a while, Ye Qingxuan lost interest and planned to wait in the hall. Unexpectedly, a priest in black came over and handed him a brief invitation.

"Archbishop Mephistopheles?" Ye Qingxuan was stunned.


The priest nodded, "Your Excellency asked me to wait here, and asked you to go to the church to meet me after you are finished with the association's affairs. Is it convenient now?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and nodded: "My teachers are still in the association. I will leave a note for them and will go there in a moment."

"Then, I will wait for you at the door of Westminster Abbey." The priest nodded and left.

Westminster Abbey is not far away.

Queen's Road is wide and wide. On the left side of the road is the Musicians' Association, and on the right side is the church. It's right across the street. If you want to go there, just cross the road and you won't waste much time.

However, Ye Qingxuan did not expect that he would be intercepted as soon as he left the association's door.

"Ye Qingxuan?"

Someone stopped him. The person who came was wearing low-key clothing that was not showy. His accent was low and elegant, and his accent was flowery and clear. This was an obvious Avalon accent and aristocratic atmosphere. Foreign bumpkins pride themselves on acquiring a standard Avalonian accent.

But obviously, this does not include Ye Qingxuan.

Such an abrupt and arrogant tone made Ye Qingxuan's originally excellent mood a little unhappy. He glanced at it and just nodded.

"it's me."

"That's right." The visitor looked at him twice, turned sideways, and guided the way: "There is a gentleman who wants to talk to you."


Seeing the other party's grand display, Ye Qingxuan frowned and followed his posture. Far behind him, under the oak trees on the roadside, there was a black carriage parked vaguely. On the carriage was a familiar family crest. , extremely familiar.

He looked away and his expression became cold:

"Sorry, I don't have time."

The visitor frowned and stopped the young man who was about to leave again, his voice a little impatient: "That gentleman's time is precious, so he took time out of his busy schedule to meet you. I hope you won't waste this precious opportunity by delaying for no reason. "

He didn't say the word 'ignorant', but it was obvious that in his opinion Ye Qingxuan was.

Throughout Angru, no matter how outstanding a talented musician or a rising star is, after seeing that family crest, they will be full of respect and politeness, or they will be flattered, or they will pretend to be calm.

But no one had ever dared to speak to him like that.

But after hearing his words, Ye Qingxuan laughed instead, looking at him with eyes full of mockery:

"I'm sorry, please tell that gentleman that I'm just a humble little man without a father or mother. I don't dare to climb up to the noble Lancelot family. Please ask him to go back."


The man's face changed, and he wanted to force him to go over. But Ye Qingxuan just looked at him coldly and said:

"You must be new here, right? I advise you not to do this, otherwise even if I go over, you will definitely lose this job.

This is for your own good."

The man's movements froze in the air, and he was in a dilemma.

"Sure enough, what kind of person raises what kind of dog."

Ye Qingxuan sneered and turned away.

The man watched Ye Qingxuan walk away, his expression changed several times, and finally returned to the carriage and reported in a low voice. The people in the carriage nodded slightly, indicating that he could go.

After a long time, the iron knight wearing the "Galahad Armor" arrived and stood beside the carriage. She took off her helmet, revealing the beautiful face of a girl and her long golden hair.

It was Christine.

"Father, have you seen him..." she asked softly.

Count Lancelot in the car was silent for a long time and lowered his head: "Christine, that child hates me."


In the silent chapel of Westminster Abbey.

The dim afternoon sunlight shone in through the slender colored windows and fell on the shoulders of the boy, and the white hair was not very conspicuous against the background.

This was not a formal meeting, and Mephisto was dressed casually. He did not wear the majestic robes and crown, but just a simple robe.

"I heard what you said during the day." He seemed to look at the boy in front of him and nodded slightly: "It seems that Bane taught you very well."

"These are all the teachings of the priest, I just parroted them." The boy responded modestly.

"Is he okay?"

"He was fine when I left. Although he looked a little old, he was still strong."

"After getting older, I often miss the good of being young. It's like I'm living in memories. But in a blink of an eye, Bane is still the same, but I'm old."

Mephisto sighed, "I really regret it. I should have switched them at the beginning - he became a musician and I became a Templar."

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a moment, and said softly: "The priest often told me that God has his own arrangements. Please don't regret it. This is probably God's arrangement."

Mephisto was stunned for a moment, and laughed softly: "It's really rare. I often use God's will to comfort others, but I didn't expect that one day I would be comforted by him.

Bane wrote to me and said that it's a pity that you don't want to become a clergyman. Maybe you are more talented than I thought. Are you really not going to think about it again? "

"Thanks to you and the priest for your kindness. "

Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "It's a pity that I am not interested in this."

Mephisto was silent for a moment and nodded: "In this case, forget it, God has his own arrangements, right?"

This is what Ye Qingxuan said just now, but he didn't expect the priest to use it to comfort himself.

"Come closer, let me see you."

Mephisto waved to the boy. Ye Qingxuan was stunned, took a step closer, and finally saw Mephisto's eyes.

The old man's pupils were hidden in the shadow of his brow bone, full of turbidity and emptiness, without any spirit-until now, he realized: Mephisto was a blind man.

The wrinkled palm brushed past the boy's face. The palm seemed to carry static electricity. When it brushed through the air, a slight crackling sound sounded, and invisible power flowed across the boy's cheek.

So, Mephisto saw it.

He looked carefully, as if he was looking at an old friend. After a long time, he smiled with relief.

"He's a good kid... Bane has always had much better luck than me."

He stood up and patted the boy on the shoulder: "Go ahead, come here and chat with me when you have time. If you don't want to listen to the doctrine, I won't talk much, but things like chant theory may interest you."

"Thank you very much."

The boy nodded, said goodbye and left.

The old bishop stood in the dark church, his lifeless eyes quietly watching the boy leave. It seemed that he saw the sunset, and a layer of light golden light was plated on the boy's shoulders.

"You should move forward and go to the unknown."

Mephisto stroked the scriptures beside him and chanted softly: "Go to the end of all sources, to the end of dreams, to the farthest place in this world.

-There, you can see me."

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