Crown of Silence

Chapter 331: Calm

Chapter 332 Calm

Three days later.

In the blue, between the sea and the sky, the wind is calm.

The cruise ship cut through the calm sea, leaving ripples that spread in all directions. The moist sea breeze blew, with a slight fishy smell, which made people relax.

In the afternoon sun, Ye Qingxuan leaned on the mast, squinting his eyes and looking at the end of the sky and the ocean, lost in thought and focused.

"Mr. Ye... It's dangerous there!"

The second mate stood on the deck, looking up at him, wiping his cold sweat, and asked with a smile: "Can you go down a little?"

At the top of the mainsail, Ye Qingxuan leaned against the mast and looked down at him.

"Don't worry about me."

He said, "Just leave me alone."

"Okay, okay."

The second mate's expression stiffened for a moment, and he sighed: The official musicians are indeed weirder than each other. He likes to stay there, so he can stay there, as long as nothing happens.

I just don't know how I'm going to deal with the captain, as long as I don't get scolded like last time.

He was about to go back to the cabin with a bitter face, but he heard a voice from above.


The young man stared at the sea breeze in the distance and said lightly: "The boiler in the kitchen is about to explode. Let the repairman go in five minutes, there is still hope."


The second mate was stunned, and then reacted, rushing into the cabin in a hurry, shouting.

Soon there was a commotion among the sailors, and after the last trivial sound, several dusty repairmen came out of the captain's room. It was obvious that they had just been scolded by the hot-tempered captain.

However, when they looked up at the top of the mast, their eyes were in awe.

In the sky, there was a magnificent and solemn melody echoing at the fingertips of the young man who was squinting his eyes and pretending to sleep. The magnificent gyrating rhythm rippled in the sea breeze, resounding in all directions, and reaching the higher sky.

It was hard to hear.

Only countless threads of water vapor spread out from Ye Qingxuan's hands, extending to the surroundings. The misty water vapor intertwined to create a beautiful light, reading and sensing all changes within a radius of several miles.

At this moment, all changes within a radius of several miles were under Ye Qingxuan's control.

"Bolero" - Section 10!

The water vapor threads moved with his breathing, they were entangled in the huge ship and spread into the sea. As the ship moved, it left fine ripples on the sea surface.

The ripples intertwined like a heartbeat.

The rhythm was regular and rigorous, sixty times per second, no more and no less, accurate to the smallest detail.

Although the ripples were fine, they spread incredibly fast, extending to a very far distance, and soon, they returned to Ye Qingxuan's hands with feedback ripples.

One go and one come, forming a cycle, concise and fast.

On the mast, Ye Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes, and his hoarse voice echoed in the bridge along with his eyes: "Helmsman, get ready, be careful of the mad dog wave at nine o'clock, contact in two minutes."

The bridge was busy, and the first mate at the helm was in a panic, adjusting the direction. Soon, just as Ye Qingxuan said, at nine o'clock, a wave suddenly emerged on the calm sea and rolled towards the ship.

If it were in the past, the helmsman could only try to speed up with full sails, avoid the center of the impact, or passively avoid it. But this time, with the reminder, the ship had already adjusted its direction and rushed head-on to the mad dog wave, crushing the waves and avoiding the best impact.

Until now, there was a sound of exclamation in the cabin.

"Thank you, sir!"

Soon, the second mate climbed up the mast with a smile on his face, thanked him specially, and sent a bottle of wine up, which was obviously taken out from the captain's cold storage, and it was still cold.

"This is the captain's thank you gift."

"No need for wine."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I also want to thank the captain for opening the large observation ether sphere on the ship to me. There are not many such opportunities, and it would be great if I could help."

The middle-aged second mate is a rhythm-level musician who graduated from the Revelation faction. He is responsible for observation and lives on the ship.

After hearing that Ye Qingxuan was a disciple of Master Abraham who had just been awarded by His Majesty, he was very attentive along the way, serving tea and water, rubbing shoulders and legs, and was simply meticulous.

After Ye Qingxuan proposed the idea of ​​looking at the ether sphere on the ship, he hesitated for a long time and went to the captain to argue. Although the second mate was scolded by the captain, under the second mate's argument and guarantee, an external permission was finally opened to Ye Qingxuan.

Ignoring the second mate's guarantee, the request of a formal musician alone was enough for him to consider carefully.

At first, he was nervous and afraid that Ye Qingxuan would mess up, but soon, he felt fortunate for his wise choice.

Obviously, with Ye Qingxuan's observation ability that is far better than the second mate's, and his interpretation reaction speed, the ship's speed has increased by 60% in the past two days, and there has been no wind or waves.

The long 24-hour voyage that was originally tense and nervous has now become a relaxing vacation trip... The captain almost woke up with a smile in his dreams.

If it weren't for Ye Qingxuan's identity as a musician, he would probably let Ye Qingxuan sleep on the floor of the bridge and work 24 hours a day...

"Tell the captain to drink less."

Ye Qingxuan adjusted his monocle and stared at the sea level in the distance: "In a few hours, after leaving the yellow zone and entering the red zone, my sensing range will shrink."

Unlike on land, the etheric area at sea is constantly changing like the tide.

Most of them are slightly chaotic yellow zones, sometimes they become silent red zones, and some places are turbulent and inaccessible black zones.

If you accidentally break into there, the cruise ship can only shut down completely and pray that there is a chance that it can drift away with the waves...

Otherwise, you can only sink in it forever and become one of the ghost ships.

Therefore, ships sailing on the sea must dock regularly, or at sea, through lighthouses, get the latest star-seeing charts from the holy city, avoid the complex etheric turbulence at sea, and find the most stable path from the tides and ether.

Hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, the second mate took out his small ether ball, connected it to the center of the bridge, glanced at it and breathed a sigh of relief: "According to our speed, it only takes half a day to pass through that area, Mr. Ye, don't worry."

Ye Qingxuan nodded: "Well, you go down."

The second mate hesitated and whispered: "As for lunch..."

Ye Qingxuan stared at the sea level in the distance intently, as if he didn't hear it.

In the monocle, that look seemed to reflect some truth, reflecting a faint and long-lasting glow.

The second mate was stunned for a moment, retracted his gaze in awe, and didn't dare to say anything more. He climbed down on tiptoe, just ordered the kitchen to work overtime, prepare food at any time, and don't neglect the adults.


In fact, Ye Qingxuan just didn't hear it.

He was thinking.

From Avalon to Auschwitz, it takes five days by boat, from west to north, around Burgundy, then from north to south, take a tram for a week, and finally walk for half a month.

Almost halfway around the human world, it is an unprecedentedly long gate.

The farther away from Avalon, the more active the power of ether becomes. In the first few hours, Ye Qingxuan could feel an illusion: his body was constantly releasing tiny sounds.

It was like the shackles were constantly opening, and the power was constantly increasing...

With the increase of ether density and the suppression of leaving the barrier, the originally suppressed power was recovering rapidly. After increasing by about one-third, there was actually more room for improvement.

Although the feeling of the power surging and rapidly increasing was good, in order to stabilize it, Ye Qingxuan forcibly suppressed it to a level that exceeded one-third of the original, and then gradually released it bit by bit.

Beyond this threshold, his precise control of ether will decrease.

Perhaps some musicians will be ecstatic because of the increase in power, but this is by no means a good thing for Ye Qingxuan, who emphasizes precise control, and he can only control it with all his strength.

Fortunately, the small source in the heart provides excellent assistance.

Although he was a little weak after leaving Avalon, he soon recovered to normal under the repair of a large amount of ether, and helped Ye Qingxuan suppress the surging power.

Without the suppression and shackles of the barrier, while his strength increased rapidly, his sensitivity to ether became unprecedentedly sensitive.

This was a great opportunity. Before he stabilized again, he had ample opportunity to reconstruct the music theory and explore the propositions in the seven questions of the musician.

He had been thinking for two or three days.

The seven questions of the musician were actually the summary of the music theory by the musician.

Only by truly mastering the changes in music theory and the essence of the school, and deeply understanding and exploring, can we answer the problem.

Compared with the previous aimless search, when he pointed out a problem, he found many places that he had not noticed, and there were also vague areas in the original cognition.

This is the loophole left in the foundation.

The music theory of the seven factions is like a big net, starting from different directions, extending to the same destination, entangled with each other. In this process, the seven questions of the musicians represent the key nodes of each school.

‘The unknown’, ‘between existence and non-existence’, ‘the source of dreams’, ‘abandoning oneself’...

In the repeated interpretation of the music, he found that the distance between several propositions seemed to be shortened, gradually merging in the same direction, and being vaguely connected by some kind of power.

That power showed Ye Qingxuan that these propositions were all on the same crucial axis!

And that power came from blood.

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and looked at his palm.

Through the silent eyes, he could see the blood with silver ether properties running silently, stirring each other, and then emitting faint flashes.

“Blood of the celestial being…”

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