Crown of Silence

Chapter 332 Sea Fog

Chapter 333 Sea Fog

"Blood of the Heavenly Man..."

Ye Qingxuan could sense that as he advanced to a formal musician, the power that had been sealed in his blood for a long time was within reach after the Heavenly Man induction. Although they could not detect each other under Ye Lanzhou's hint and seal, they still had some influence.

Often when Ye Qingxuan was half asleep and half awake, he could feel the instinctive impulse. It was urging him to advance to resonance as soon as possible and regain his talent.

And, most importantly.

"Dream Weaver?"

Ye Qingxuan murmured the title that appeared in the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant. It was an increasingly clear guidance after his Heavenly Man induction, an advancement he had never heard of.

From ancient times to the present, with the refinement of the path of musicians, even in the same faction, there are musicians who focus on different aspects. Then there was a classification like alchemists who specialized in a certain field. Compared with ordinary musicians, they naturally have advantages, but they all need different advancements.

For example, the Royal Musician, known as the Anglu School, integrated the music theory of the summoning and change factions when he advanced to the formal musician, and mastered the secrets and techniques of the transformation between elements and beasts.

Compared with other advancements, the advancement requirements of the Dream Weaver are particularly high.

In short, don't even think about it unless you reach the resonance level.

And when advancing to the resonance level, you must anchor your own "origin" in a special place according to the theory. However, Ye Qingxuan felt that it was not ordinary difficult to meet its requirements.

Because its origin position - will move!

The origin between the virtual and the real, floating in the nine-layer ether sea, suddenly rising, suddenly diving, jumping in different levels...

When he saw it for the first time, Ye Qingxuan almost wanted to vomit blood. The more he thought about it, the more weird it was. How could there be such a weird origin in the world? It was simply against the rules.

The more he thought about it, the more confused he was. In the end, he simply threw this problem aside.

He decided to relax for a while and read the materials prepared by the teacher for him first.

That's all about Romulus.

Before you get there, you should at least know the general idea.


The civilization of the Romulans originated in the riverside area and developed to the upper desert and oasis - Thebes - which is one of the most primitive birthplaces of human civilization. The ancient Theban School was born there.

With the destruction of the three golden cities in mythology, civilization spread to all directions, and the survivors established many city-states.

In the end, the hero Aeneas, guided by the great source, left his homeland, built the Wolf City on the new fertile land, unified all the city-states, and created a huge empire.

This is Romulus.

For a hundred years, the Kingdom of Romulus was glorious and gave birth to many legends, but it was destroyed in the invasion of natural disasters - the 'Silver Tide' flattened it.

From then on, the surviving Romulans were infected by the breath of natural disasters, wandering in all directions, regarded as inferior people, sons of demons... displaced.

Until the wanderers finally found a desolate land and settled there. Some people called it "Auschwitz", which means "paradise" in the ancient Romulan language, which is a perfect irony.

The ancient historical materials and music are very laborious to read, and time passed unknowingly.

And soon, Ye Qingxuan stopped reading.

He closed the book and looked down, and the crew below began to get busy.

The whistle stopped, the alarm bell fell to the ground, the bell tongue was taken off, and the two bodies were carefully wrapped with cotton cloth. All passengers were invited into the cabin, the engine room was turned off, the tied up huge sails were lowered, and the whole ship began to sail with the wind.

The whole process was orderly and busy, and the speed was very fast.

Soon, there was no sound on the entire deck.

Ye Qingxuan pulled the rope down and looked at the people beside him.

"Do I need to go in too?"


The middle-aged captain had a typical Asgardian face, with hard edges and high eyebrows, looking gloomy and cold, and unkind:

"There is still an hour to enter the red zone. The passengers have paid, and we have to worry about their safety.

But musicians like Mr. Ye are naturally not something we need to worry about. It is better to say that if there is any accident, this ship will depend on Mr. Ye to take care of it."

As he said, he took out his silver cigarette case and showed it to Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan shook his head and took out his unused pipe.

"Good stuff, well-supported."

The captain's eyes became envious: "Can you give me some of the tobacco?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and gave him the tobacco: "The atmosphere is so serious, I am also a little stressed, aren't you nervous, Mr. Captain?"

"Relax, we are using the civilian safety route, just crossing the red zone, as long as we are quiet, nothing will happen, you will get used to it." He skillfully rolled up the tobacco and lit it, took a deep breath comfortably, exhaled the smoke, and nodded approvingly.

"Captain, do you know the black zone well?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"Well, I accidentally brushed against it once."

The captain nodded, "That scene was really terrible, I still can't forget it. It just collided with the reef, and the whole ship seemed to come alive, singing in the black zone, everyone..."

A sailor approached, and he shut up and stopped talking.

He didn't want his words to be heard by irrelevant people. Rather than keeping it secret, it was for the good of these sailors. After all, not everyone can stand those absurd stories and terrifying rumors.

The approaching sailor glanced at Ye Qingxuan and lowered his voice: "Captain, come to the back and take a look, there is something..."

Ye Qingxuan frowned.

When he approached the red zone, he narrowed the sensing range and accuracy to avoid being disturbed by the chaos. Before the sailor came over, he just noticed that something was floating along the current, and he regarded it as common debris on the sea.

Hearing him say this, he squinted his eyes and sensed it, and then nodded:

"Captain, you really should go over and take a look."

Hearing Ye Qingxuan say this, the captain's eyes suddenly became serious. After walking two steps with his men, he looked back at him: "Together?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded and followed. When he arrived, the sailors who were watching the excitement had been driven away by the first mate, leaving only two people behind.

The captain leaned on the railing and looked down to the side. In the rolling deep blue current, something floated over, gently hitting the side of the ship under the surging waves.

It seemed like a polite guest knocking on the door.

It was a fragment, a fragment of a lifeboat, with only the overturned bow left, bullied on the sea like a dead whale. On the bottom of the boat exposed above the water, there was a body swollen by water.

He was nailed to the bottom of the boat.

A nail originally on the lifeboat was pulled out by someone, and then passed through the back of the dead man's hand, nailing him to the broken bottom of the boat, half of his body was soaked in water, allowing him to float with the waves, but not sinking into the water after exhaustion.

"I nailed it myself..." a sailor whispered.

When he was in distress, the man was almost out of strength to hold on to the boat, so he nailed himself to the boat and prayed for a way out. Unfortunately, the way out did not favor him.

The seagulls pecked away his eyeballs, leaving only a pair of empty eye sockets looking into the distance, looking eagerly.

Ye Qingxuan retracted his gaze.

He had not yet entered the red zone, but he saw such a miserable scene, which was beyond his expectation.

The first mate asked in a low voice, "Captain, what should we do about this...?"

At the stern, the captain smoked a cigarette, was silent for a long time, and said in a muffled voice: "Why are you still standing there? People are dead, do we have to fish them out to worship them?

Go on."

He turned and left.

So the ship continued to sail.


Half an hour later, the ship, which was sailing with the wind, finally slowly approached the range of the red zone.

Ye Qingxuan could feel that the ether in the ocean and the wind was almost saturated.

In the musician's perception, it seemed as if he had entered the world of stars, passed through pieces of brilliant clouds, and every breath faintly set off a flash.

"It's foggy."

Ye Qingxuan stood on the deck, staring at the mist on the sea in the distance.

Soon, the fog, so thick that you couldn't see your fingers, engulfed the ship with a damp and cold breath.

In the dim and pale white, the sailors on the deck all put on respirators, and even Ye Qingxuan put on the mask that looked like a pig's nose.

After putting it on, although breathing was difficult, there was no suffocation.

After the fog came, there was nothing to see on the sea.

The sea surface in the sense was empty and silent, with a distant sound of the tide in the distance. Everything was normal. Ye Qingxuan turned back to the cabin and prepared to continue reading, but after taking two steps, he was stunned.

He took out the book and pressed it on the back of the book.

It was wet.


He whispered softly, and his little finger trembled slightly: "Someone cast an illusion here?"

After the last "fire", although the teacher didn't say anything on the surface, all the materials have been treated with moisture-proof and fire-proof since then. It can't burn with fire, even if it is thrown into the water for several hours, it will still be dry as new when it is fished out.

——He directly cut off the premise of burning and immersion from the forbidden school, and refused the change of nature.

So, if that's the case.

Does this inexplicable fog really exist in this world?

He thought silently for a long time, and with a flick of his finger, the silent Bolero Net was awakened.

After a long period of intentional addition of many "Revelation School" music theories, Bolero, which originally had no school characteristics, gradually transformed into the style of the Revelation School.

Abandoning other aspects of gain, it became pure exploration and reading.

Accompanied by a light melody, the water vapor line was awakened again, and the faint moonlight lit up from it. In Ye Qingxuan's eyes, the fog suddenly became dreamy, beautiful and ethereal.

Although this scene was magnificent, Ye Qingxuan did not dare to look at it randomly. The more he looked, the deeper he was eroded by the illusion. He only saw the existence of the illusion now, but he could not break it.

Once a musician reaches the level of a formal musician, the structure of all the pieces of music will transform, and have a complete structure, and the stability of the effect is far greater than before.

Especially the magic tricks are strange, if you don't understand their core and source, you will only get deeper and deeper into it, and in the end you can't tell the difference between reality and illusion, and you will be at the mercy of others.

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