Crown of Silence

Chapter 333 Fulcrum

Chapter 334 Fulcrum

For a long time, musicians have always had two approaches to deciphering illusions.

Use force to break the situation. No matter what illusion you have, my school of change uses music theory to form a formula, and directly smashes it with a big fireball. The entire terrain is gone, and the illusion that relies on reality will naturally break itself.

But to Ye Qingxuan, this was nonsense.

He is completely incapable of changing the movement of factions, and has never been good at interfering with and influencing matter. And there were so many innocent people on board that he simply couldn't do anything.

If you can't do it hard, you can only use technology.

The core of the Transformation School is the formula, the core of the Summoning School is animality, the core of the Chant School is the 'balance of the four fluids'... the core of the Psychological School is 'intention'.

The core of the illusion school is the ‘fulcrum’.

Any illusion requires a fulcrum, otherwise it cannot be constructed.

As long as the fulcrum is found, the illusion will be self-defeating.

Under the mask, the Eyes of Silence on Ye Qingxuan's eyes glowed slightly, connected to the water vapor thought thread, and spontaneously analyzed and unified the data in it.

This rare piece of auxiliary equipment is the treasure of the Enlightenment School. With it, it is equivalent to carrying an official Enlightenment musician with you. He is naturally familiar with the interpretation and exploration of illusions.

However, in the realm of illusion, a faint singing voice sounded, like the singing of a siren.

Compared with the song that disturbed the white mist and turned reality into reality, the hags who hung out in the sewers back then were simply rubbish worth mentioning! In just an instant, the entire ship fell into chaos.

There were faint screams from the passengers in the cabin.

"Be careful in the sea!" the first mate exclaimed, "there is something in the sea."

The sea water rolled up like boiling water.

The sailors also lost control, waving their weapons frantically, slashing at the faint mist in front of them, and ferocious figures appeared in the mist one by one. Those were pale green murlocs. Those burly murlocs, which were more than two meters tall, walked out of the illusion, climbed onto the side of the ship, and began to attack with a roar.

In their hands, they held rusty iron bars and swords, their scales like armor. The sword could only leave a white mark when it struck... Several bloated murlocs with barbs growing from their backs stepped on the overwhelmed deck and rushed towards Ye Qingxuan's location.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and quickly retreated.

Although he knew it was an illusion, allowing the illusion to attack at this time was letting himself indulge in the illusion deeper and deeper... The more interactions he had with the illusion, the slimmer his hope of breaking free.

Not far away, there was a pop.

When the second officer was retreating, he stumbled and fell to the ground. Immediately, several fishmen rushed up excitedly, pushed him down on the spot, and gnawed on his body.

He screamed in pain and reached out to the boy: "Help me! Mr. Ye! I... hurt..."

Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth and remained unmoved.

He didn't dare to make any rash move at all, and he wasn't even sure whether the second officer's illusion was changed by magic to shake his will. He could only speed up and cooperate with the interpretation of the 'Eye of Silence' with all his strength.

Before the second officer's brain dies, if he removes this illusion, he still has a chance to survive. Otherwise, let alone him, even he himself will not be able to protect himself!

While interpreting, he kept walking, evading the siege of several fishmen, and retreated into the defensive circle of the sailors. But then, a sword stabbed from behind...

The sailors looked at themselves with blood-red eyes, but the appearance of a ferocious monster was reflected in their eyes.

They no longer recognize themselves.

Ye Qingxuan smashed his hand down, forcibly snatched the sword from the sailor's hand, and slashed it to the side. The rope of the sail was cut off, and the wheel rotated rapidly. Ye Qingxuan took advantage of the situation to grab the rapidly rising cable beside him, and went up. The top of the mast.

Soon, thick shadows appeared in the fog in the sky.

The cry of hawks was heard. Several vague figures emerged in the thick fog...harpies!

I really can’t let myself take a breath!

Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth and looked gloomily: This illusion is definitely controlled by a musician! Although I don’t know why this ship was attacked, I’m afraid that guy’s wishful thinking will definitely not work here!

Without even looking up, he spread out the Bolero's net with all his might.

In just a few snaps of his fingers, the harpy rushed towards him, but a cold light lit up in his eyes: the fulcrum of the illusion was finally found!

"I see……"

He suddenly took off the moisture-proof mask on his face and held it tightly.

Lightning burst out from his fingertips, burning it into ashes. In an instant, there was a soft, broken sound in the void, and the harpy and ferocious murloc disappeared silently.

——This is the fulcrum of illusion!

The thick, substance-like putrid mist squirmed and suddenly dissipated with a hissing sound.

But it was only now that he discovered that the ship, enveloped in thick fog, had gradually deviated from the channel and entered a strange bay.

On the rocks in the distance, there were faint shadows singing softly. Around the boat, there was a splash of water, and something was swimming excitedly around the boat, making childish laughter, which was extremely strange.

Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly, locked his eyes of silence, and saw the true appearance of those black shadows... They were siren banshees that had been completely demonized.

But Ye Qingxuan's eyes immediately retracted and fell on the chaotic ship below.

The point is here.

Being able to hide the fulcrum in his moisture-proof mask, it is obvious that the illusionist is a passenger on the ship, or even lurking in it.

It seems that someone took great pains to use this opportunity to trigger the illusion, first making everyone out of control, and then guiding this ship to the nest of these sea monsters.

Moreover, judging from the fragment of the lifeboat before entering the red zone, it may have happened more than once...

"——It turned out to be you!"

Following the guidance of the fulcrum, the light in his eyes flashed, and instantly fell on a person, and the Nine Heavens Ring in his hand popped out, lightning burst, and fell from the sky!

Amid the roar, the captain, who had been prepared for a long time, twisted his body strangely, rolled on the ground, and actually avoided Ye Qingxuan's attack.

"Actually... discovered?"

Staring at Ye Qingxuan who fell from the sky, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face. Ye Qingxuan frowned: "You are still human?"

"That's right." The captain nodded and answered seriously: "Of course I am, otherwise how can I be their captain?"

"It seems that I misjudged you. I didn't expect that you are a musician of the illusion school."

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward expressionlessly, "You took great pains to lead everyone to the monster's lair... for what?"

"There is no other way. Raising a child is not easy."

The captain sighed, turned around, and looked at the side of the ship. Those things that laughed like children looked helpless: "Especially there are more children, hungry, really hungry...

The children are Tian said to you, Dad, I'm hungry, Dad, I'm so hungry, I want to eat meat... I can only spend some time to find meat for the child. "

He paused for a moment and laughed softly: "Oh, by the way, do you remember what I told you about the black zone? The process is hard to describe, but some things just happen like this, don't they?

You have to learn to accept it, like me.

To be honest, the plan was originally foolproof, but unfortunately, before setting sail, you suddenly appeared. I'm afraid this is a mistake, and I can't even refuse... This is your misfortune, Mr. Ye. "

Just as he was talking, a strange shadow emerged behind him. It was like some strange shellfish was wriggling in the air, releasing faint fluctuations, causing the fog to ripple out of thin air.

That was the strange demon bred by many dead creatures in the ocean in the etheric world - 'Mirage'. It often appeared in the material world through its contractors, unfolding its power with fog and illusions, attracting ignorant people to immerse themselves in the environment, allowing themselves to absorb it, until finally, it turned into a dried corpse.

"Sorry, Mr. Ye."

The captain laughed: "My illusion has been unfolded, I hope you don't do anything unnecessary. After the children are full, I will let you go..."


Before the voice fell, lightning burst out from Ye Qingxuan's cane, and the lightning turned sharply in the air, suddenly drilled under the side of the ship, and pounced on those childish laughter.

The laughter stopped abruptly, and then turned into a dying scream.

The captain's figure was erratic, his face was dull:

"My... my fulcrum..."

"Although you have said so many words to attract my attention, it's a pity..."

The boy's cane suddenly stopped on the deck, and the steel collided, emitting a sharp sound:

"——Nonsense, too much!"

With a bang, the sound of broken glass sounded. With the destruction of the fulcrum, the shaky illusion completely fell apart.

Double illusion.

On the basis of one layer of illusion, another layer of illusion was covered, using something that did not exist in the illusion as the fulcrum of the next layer of illusion. Only musicians who specialize in illusion can create such a sophisticated trap, full of murderous intent.

After the enemy breaks through a layer of illusion, who would have expected that he would still be bound in the illusion?

The ingenuity and meticulousness of it are simply amazing. At least with Ye Qingxuan's ability, he would never be able to break away from the original scope of the illusion movement and construct such a large-scale illusion.

Unfortunately, the opponent's biggest mistake was that the illusion he created was a demon...

An illusionist who resonates with the mirage, the blood of the heavenly man actually has no reaction at all, are you kidding!

With the crackling sound, the strange bay and sirens around, the strange-looking captain, and the demon phantom mirage behind it all disappeared.

Time seemed to be rapidly retreating in an instant, and everything that had just happened was just a trance.

There was no fog on the sea, the sky was cloudless, and the sun was shining.

The ship was still outside the red zone, half an hour before entering the red zone. Ye Qingxuan and the captain stood at the stern, the sailors beside them whispered, and the captain was still frowning and thinking deeply.

Just five seconds had passed.

The atmosphere was peaceful, and there was no problem.

"Except you."

Ye Qingxuan casually picked up a catapult-type harpoon from the crew beside him and aimed it at the fragments of the lifeboat under the side of the ship. On the fragments of the lifeboat, a swollen corpse was still looking at him.

The empty eye sockets were dark.

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