Crown of Silence

Chapter 336 Naika Crystal Nest

Chapter 337 Naika Crystal Nest

[Your name is Ye Qingxuan. 】

[You forget part of your memory every few days. 】

[Ah San is someone you can trust. He will take you to seek medical treatment. 】

"Ye Qingxuan?"

The young man murmured blankly: "This name is so familiar, Ye Qingxuan? Am I Ye Qingxuan? Am I an Oriental?"

He lowered his head and looked at the sea, only to see his reflection and the iconic silver-white hair on his head. In an instant, the broken memories seemed to be connected again.

He suddenly realized: "Is it... like this?"

"Yes, Master."

Tears of relief appeared in the eyes of the old Tianzhu man: "You finally want to... think... to remember."

His expression changed drastically, he lowered his head and coughed up the fragments of internal organs and dirty blood.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned. He hugged Ah San and didn't know what to do. He only felt a burst of pain and tension from his heart.

"Master, I was seriously injured and I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you."

In his arms, Asan was dying and said: "Next, you must be careful of other people's attacks..."

"Ah San, cheer up!"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but panic: "I, what should I do?"

"To Auschwitz."

Ah San grabbed his hand tightly and shouted with his last strength: "Go to Auschwitz to find your father!"

"Father?" Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"Yes, your father, his name is..." Ah San said with difficulty: "His name is... Lao Fei... Wang Lao Fei!"

Ye Qingxuan nodded with tears in his eyes, but soon, he felt something was wrong, and asked with tears in his eyes:

"Ah San, why is my father's surname Wang?"


Ah San's lips opened and closed with difficulty, his expression suddenly stagnated, and his breath died. The palm slipped from Ye Qingxuan's hand, and there was no pulse or heartbeat anymore.

he died.

"Ah San? Ah San!"

Ye Qingxuan shook his shoulders vigorously, but no one responded. He shouted with tears in his eyes, but Ah San had left forever.

After a long time, the floating lifeboat finally docked. The tearful young man stumbled onto the shore and took one last look at Ah San on the boat: "I, I will definitely avenge you..."

He shed his weak tears and turned away.

After a long time, Ah San, who was already dead, started to get scared from the boat. He rubbed his neck that was about to become stiff and sighed in a low voice: "Hey, crying is so miserable. If I had known better, I would have said that I am actually your biological father... …Well, wouldn’t this be too miserable?”

With that said, Ah San jumped off the boat, watched 'Ye Qingxuan' at the end of the road gradually disappear, and waved goodbye.

"Have a nice trip, 'Ye Qingxuan'!"

Seeing how serious and determined he is, he is heading west to Auschwitz. It must be a wonderful journey!


According to the original plan, Ye Qingxuan needed to get to that place within a month.

After the ship docked, he had to take a rail carriage for five days and then walk for half a month, going around hills and valleys until he finally found the final gathering area close to the desert.

In short, keep going until there is no more way to go, and you will reach the place.

This is how it should go according to the plan.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't.

Now that you already know that you have been targeted by many people, don't go down the road to death yourself. Let that classmate Simon go ahead with his name on his name.

Auschwitz is there anyway, and I won’t walk away.

He was going to go around in a circle and take his time.


Six days later.

"Go around here and walk forward for another two hours."

The hunter on horseback pointed to a place deep in the distant mountains. The boy still dressed as a Tianzhu man nodded, took out two banknotes from his arms and handed them over. The hunter thought for a while, waved his hand to refuse, and pointed to the ring in his hand:

"I want this."

"Sorry, I can't give this to you." Ye Qingxuan smiled, pinned the banknotes to the saddle, turned and left. Two steps later, the hunter urged his horse to stop in front, looked down at him, and repeated:

"I want that."

This time, he pointed with a knife.

In the remote mountains, sometimes the identities of hunters and robbers are always blurred.

But in front of the blade, the boy who was supposed to have a pale face was stunned for a moment and smiled: "This is good, I like it too, I want this."

A minute later, the boy was riding a horse, holding a knife, humming a tune from Avalon, and set out on the road again.

Two hours later, Ye Qingxuan's biggest feeling was: it's really hard to ride a horse...

Even though he used telekinesis to control the horse to cooperate with him, his lower body was still almost numb. If Governor Ren's armor hadn't been holding up his body, he would have slipped off the bumpy horse's back.

Fortunately, the generous hunter provided a good horse, otherwise the many thorns and obstacles along the way would have cost him half his life.

The lesson this incident taught Ye Qingxuan is: don’t overestimate your physical strength, especially when you are still a weakling who can’t even finish a marathon.

But fortunately, we finally arrived.

The brown horse neighed and stopped in front, unwilling to go any further.

Ahead, the dense forest had disappeared. The vegetation is sparse, and there is a faint tendency to crystallize in the dark soil, and the further you go, the more obvious the trend becomes.

The entire area where soil and dust crystallizes is hundreds of kilometers long.

Between the layers of hills, on this plain, fine crystal particles can be seen scattered almost everywhere.

And right in the center is a huge cave.

The dark cave is bottomless, and only huge criss-crossing crystals can be seen. It's like a moist tree hole where mushrooms are grown, except that what grows inside are transparent and beautiful crystals.

A wind lantern was thrown down and rolled in the darkness. The dim light reflected on the facets of those huge columnar crystals, and then reflected a magnificent light.

The flash of colorful lights turned the entire cave into an illusory fairyland.

But soon, the light went out and everything fell into darkness.

"It's been hundreds of years, and the surrounding environment still hasn't recovered? The ether density is still so high, it's chaotic like a red zone..."

Ye Qingxuan stood in front of the big cave, looking around at the desolate scene, and sighed softly. When he looked down at the huge geode in front of him, his eyes became solemn:

“When we first met, I really admired his name for a long time.

——Naka Crystal Nest. "

This is the place where the natural disaster, the Diamond Snake, was killed by the Silent Agency hundreds of years ago.

At that time, this was not the hinterland of the human world. In the chaotic ether red zone, beast tides and natural disasters are raging, and the natural disasters known as the 'Diamond Snakes' have built their own lair here.

Then here, he was killed by the masters from the Holy City.

Since then, this place has become like this. For a hundred years, not a single blade of grass has grown, and within a radius of dozens of miles, there is not even an earthworm.

Here are the remains of the battlefield left in legends and classics. It is located among layers of barren mountains and forests, and is inaccessible to people. A place that no one cares about except the exploring musicians studying ancient history and geographical doctrines.

Except for the fact that the Silent Agency regularly monitors this place through the Holy City Hall, it has almost been forgotten by people.

If Ye Qingxuan hadn't rummaged through Abraham's book collection and the college library, he wouldn't have known that there was such a place near his route.

If you're on your way, you might as well take a look.

Anyway, someone is taking the blame for me in the front, so it’s okay for me to do a little ‘touring’ and take the archeology test here, right?

With this in mind, Ye Qingxuan took out the pendant for measuring the depth from his pocket and threw it into the dark cave.

It wasn't until he was about to finish that he felt a light touch on his hand - it was over.

"Three hundred and seventy meters?"

Ye Qingxuan glanced at the ruler and started to recycle it, but only after retrieving it did he find that his pendant had reached the bottom and was cut off by those sharp prisms halfway.

The depth of the entire cave is far beyond this figure.

"How deep is it?"

Ye Qingxuan sighed, nailed the rope, pulled it, and added two more layers of insurance. Set the ether ball to lighting mode and hang it on your back. He climbed down into the darkness.

The fluorescent light illuminates the iridescent prisms, looking like mirrors leading to the inhuman realm.

He stopped and rested several times along the way. Even with the support of Rendu Armor, several times, he felt like giving up and going back directly.

But in the end, I still gritted my teeth and persevered.

Unfortunately, before he could reach the bottom, the rope had already been released.

He stepped on the wall of the Crystal Nest and looked down at the darkness below him expressionlessly. Under the reflection of the ether ball, layers of magnificent silence grew intertwined like a forest.

For hundreds of years, they have stood here silently, absorbing the chaotic ether and growing slowly.

It may take decades to grow an inch.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment, let go of the rope, stepped on the huge crystal pillar that was several meters wide under his feet, and walked towards the center of the cave. Here, there is bottomless darkness below, and only a faint ray of light can be seen when looking upward.

There was silence, not the slightest sound.

It's like being far away from the human world, and the depths of the cave may lead to the legendary underworld.

Loneliness and fear are magnified countless times here. Perhaps before landing here, the explorer has been overwhelmed by the fear in his heart and left this place that is not suitable for humans.

not to mention……

Ye Qingxuan looked at the ether ball in his hand. In the dazzling light, he could vaguely see countless tiny waves colliding with each other, struggling wildly, as if trying to break the cage.

This is its reflection of the external etheric environment.

If for ordinary people, this place is just too quiet and gloomy, then for musicians, then this is where raging waves and frenzy gather.

The chaotic music theory that remains in the crystal here is causing waves all the time, distorting the environment into another world. When the Diamond Snake died, the turmoil caused created a special situation here.

Just like the sword fence underground palace, the material world and the etheric world are highly overlapped here, forming a weird realm. But this place is far from as stable as the Jianlan Underground Palace, and is full of chaos.

If you are not a formal musician and have a weak understanding of music theory, you may be suffocated here.

"After all these years, is there still such a large-scale lingering sound?"


I recommend a Western Fantasy: Blue Oath written by a friend who just got into the game. I like this style very much. If you are interested, remember to take a look.

And, I’m very sorry, I’ve been having some serious writer’s block lately… I’ll take a day off tomorrow…

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